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Our House Part Two


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:clap:yay:clap The Giants are Super Bowl Champions!!!!:yay:clap:yay



I like it that they won in Eli's older brother's "house", too:D Such nice guys.....

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Good morning to all!!

The alarm went off sooner than I would have liked!!! But worth it since the game was a good one--right down to the end when the Giants pulled off the "W" and were named the Super Bowl Champions!!!


Hope you all have a good day!!

I'll bet you're still smiling ...I am!

I hope the day goes by fast for you!

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'morning, peeps!


It's my usual Monday....stripping the bed, a trip to the food store :blah:blah:blah


...making progress on the baby RR...will go on till I run out of the colors I'm using:lol

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Good morning! Congratulations to all you Giants fans! I have to admit that I bopped over to check the score occasionally but that was it. I watched the Puppy Bowl VIII on Animal World which was hilarious. It featured about 50 different puppies up for adoption in shelters in a room done up like a football field with an assortment of toys scattered around. Any time a puppy took a toy into the ends of the room with the goal posts they scored a touchdown. Kittens did the halftime show, Pot-bellied pigs were the cheerleaders, a cock-a-too was the announcer, and hamsters were in the skycam blimp. It was so much fun watching the puppies play together in that setting.


I packed part of a box and got my glasses fixed. Other than that it was a totally relaxing, chill-out day.


Kim's doing well.


Hope you all have a wonderful day. It's overcast, but already up to 50*. :hug:manyheart:hug

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Congratulations to all of the Giants' fans! :clap


Good Morning, Amy! :) I hope you are doing well. Did you figure out the pet booties?


Joanne ~ Great projects! The scarf is really pretty.:hook


Marlene ~ Yay for getting to watch the game! You were so clever to figure out what to do.:) I hope the weather has warmed up for you. :yes


Judy ~ Same here...Monday morning catch up. :lol Can't wait to see the bright RR!


Linda ~ Good for you for having a quiet Sunday - you sure deserve it! I'm glad that Kim is doing so well. :manyheart


Hi to those I may have missed. Planning a little crochet time later. :)

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Good morning all,


Marlene - I'm glad you got to watch the game. How was the chili?


Joanne - Great job on the scarf and lip balm holders. Congrats on the Giant's win. I hope you don't have a long day so you can get some rest.


Amy - Good morning. Hope you're feeling better today.


Mary - I'm glad youre gettting to crochet!


Linda - I'm glad Kim is doing well and you got a chance to relax.


Judy - I hope you got some crochet time in after your chores.


Julie - Yes, my sister is excited and so am I. It should be fun. I think we're going to have at least 1 crochet night together.


Cindy - I'm glad your booties work out. I hope you had a good walk.

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Good morning ladies :hi


(Joanne - the portion before my individual posts is cut & pasted :wink )


I feel like I haven't been in here in forever :think I worked on my taxes Friday, not finished yet and debating about having a professional do them to check against mine, but seeing as my practice isn't really very involved yet am thinking I'm fine for this year. I figured as I was getting everything together and adding up receipts that all those numbers just needed to be plugged in and I was already doing the hard part anyway :think We'll see how I feel when I go through it all again.


Saturday I met a girlfriend of mine and she helped to explain the one insurance website and navigating it (she did a much better job than the rep did :think ) Then headed back to the house. My sister and her bf were picking up a coffee table for me from his dad's house (he just sold the house and was just getting rid of the coffee table so I asked if I could have it since I love it....it's a half circle, but will swing out to make a full circle) and when they were getting to the office with it, my sister realized that she forgot her key. So they went to a bar just a few buildings down and I met them there for an afternoon snack and then we came here. Then back to the house for a relaxing afternoon and then they were going out (got free tix for the Duquesne basketball game) so I drove them into town. Then I relaxed for the evening and started the border of my ghan.


A friend of mine was coming in from Philly with 2 of his buddies on Saturday night and they didn't leave until 11pm so rolled in pushing 4am :eek The other 2 friends were supposed to be staying at the college with the basketball player they came out to see. But of course he wasn't answering his phone at that hour (yes it was Saturday, but he had an afternoon basketball game on Sunday!) So I got up to let them in. Then I went to the Pitt vs. Villanova game with them in the afternoon. They stayed to hang out a while and I headed back to the house to get ready for the superbowl. The boys made it back around 7 and stayed for the game, but left to head back to Philly around midnight :eek It was really like a whirlwind day :lol


That was definitely too much to type out twice, so cut and paste is the way to go sometimes :lol


Cindy - I'm glad you got the Chinese on Friday and WTG on your knit baby booties :clap How was your bbq pork (we grill all year too :yes ) It was nice of you to visit your in-laws :hug


Judy - I started with an hdc and think I'll do 2 rounds of that and then maybe something frilly to match sunflowers :think I have a book to go through :yes I think your purples for the bernat ghan will work out great and I just love that ds loves spending his time with you :manyheart


Linda - Great news on Kims progress and I'm glad you were able to get out of the house a bit and just bum with Rosie :yes Great finds on the fabric :yes


Mary - I'm trying to get my taxes together too :sigh


Joanne - Glad you got everything done on Saturday. :yay Giants...I'm mostly more ecstatic that the Pats lost :lol Your projects are great :manyheart


Julie - Glad to hear that Cam stayed a while with you :yes


Marlene - How cool to hook us up to the big screen :yes Chili sounds quite yummy (I love chili :drool )


Kitson - :welcome


Tab - Glad to hear that your swelling is down :hug Colic is tough to deal with :hug


Val and Amy - Have a great monday :hug

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I started the pet bootie but the pattern wouldnt fit my dog so I took it back out. I decided that it just wasnt working out. Right now I dont have the yarn to start the afghan for my sisters blanket.. I will hopefully be getting that this week. And the yarn to make a sock monkey hat. I have never made one before. I hope I can do it. Right now I have a scarf on my knifty knitter. I havent really worked on it though.

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Busy, busy day at work today, (but it was a good day). I'm exhausted and think that this evening will be a sit around and read or crochet evening.


I have some leftovers I can heat up for dinner. I'll just make a salad to go with the leftovers, so it will seem like I did something!

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I started the pet bootie but the pattern wouldnt fit my dog so I took it back out. I decided that it just wasnt working out. Right now I dont have the yarn to start the afghan for my sisters blanket.. I will hopefully be getting that this week. And the yarn to make a sock monkey hat. I have never made one before. I hope I can do it. Right now I have a scarf on my knifty knitter. I havent really worked on it though.
Just keep trying different things. If one pattern doesn't speak to you try something completley different. All of us have our fav hooks, patterns, etc - and it's because we had to learn what we liked to make best. And that only comes from trial and error.


How long have you been crocheting?


Busy, busy day at work today, (but it was a good day). I'm exhausted and think that this evening will be a sit around and read or crochet evening. Sounds like a good idea:yes


I have some leftovers I can heat up for dinner. I'll just make a salad to go with the leftovers, so it will seem like I did something!

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Hello housemates!


It seems that I've decided to collect yet another hobby. I ordered a Turkish Drop Spindle along with several ounces of Silk Roving from a seller on Etsy and I'm going to try spinning yarn. Hopefully it will arrive by the end of the week.


*happy excited dance*

Wow...That sounds hugely ambitious!! Good luck with it.

Do you need any dog hair to spin??:lol:lol

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Hello housemates!


It seems that I've decided to collect yet another hobby. I ordered a Turkish Drop Spindle along with several ounces of Silk Roving from a seller on Etsy and I'm going to try spinning yarn. Hopefully it will arrive by the end of the week.


*happy excited dance*


That sounds interesting.


Wow...That sounds hugely ambitious!! Good luck with it.

Do you need any dog hair to spin??:lol:lol


I can donate some dog hair to your cause too!:lol

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Marisa- what a whirlwind weekend you had!!! Can't believe they arrived at 4AM!! and then left last night at midnight to drive home!!! Ah, to be young again!!!!


Faille- Good luck with the spinning!


Linda- So glad to hear that Kim is doing well!


Cindy- Yes, I was and still am excited. Although now I'm in Patriots country for a work conference--about 25 min from where my DD lives. I won't get a chance to see her while I'm here- she'll be working a little late this week- she usually gets off at 6 but will be working some overtime to get some things in order before she leaves on a vacation next week. Plus I don't have my car with me and she doesn't have a car and it would be kind of tricky figuring out how to meet up. . She'll be coming down mid March though for her sister's 30th so I'll see her then!


Off to do a little crocheting/reading--

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Judy--I have been crocheting about 7 years now. I will try another pattern maybe. I am not even sure the dog will like to wear booties so I dont even know if its worth it. I do know his paws get so cold.


Good morning everyone!! I hope you have a great day!!

My dogs like to go au naturel. It's impossible to dress them up with anything to get a goofy picture:lol


Have to run! BB later today!

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Good morning. Looks like we're going to have at least partly sunny skies today. It's chilly, but will hopefully warm up some. Today Kim has her first doctor appointment since being in the hospital. It's with her internist. It will be our first outing too. As well as she's been doing, it shouldn't be a problem.


Hello housemates!


It seems that I've decided to collect yet another hobby. I ordered a Turkish Drop Spindle along with several ounces of Silk Roving from a seller on Etsy and I'm going to try spinning yarn. Hopefully it will arrive by the end of the week.


*happy excited dance*

:rofl:rofl:rofl We crafters do tend to keep adding to our crafts don't we? Have fun!

Wow...That sounds hugely ambitious!! Good luck with it.

Do you need any dog hair to spin??:lol:lol

My poodle's about to get clipped. Do you need black? How about cat fur? I read a book about a woman who made a purse from her cat's fur. It was supposed to be super soft. It helped solve her murder. :lol :lol :lol


Have a good trip and conference, Joanne.

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Good morning all!


Joanne - Have a good conference.


Judy and Amy - Have a great day.


Linda - I'm wishing you and Kim the best with your outing today and for a good report from the doctor.


Julie, Marlene, Mary, Marisa and everyone else...have a great day!


Busy, busy day at work today, (but it was a good day). I'm exhausted and think that this evening will be a sit around and read or crochet evening.


I have some leftovers I can heat up for dinner. I'll just make a salad to go with the leftovers, so it will seem like I did something!


Cindi - I hope you got a chance to relax last night. Have a great day!


Hello housemates!


It seems that I've decided to collect yet another hobby. I ordered a Turkish Drop Spindle along with several ounces of Silk Roving from a seller on Etsy and I'm going to try spinning yarn. Hopefully it will arrive by the end of the week.


*happy excited dance*


Good luck!

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Good Morning. :)


I have some leftovers I can heat up for dinner. I'll just make a salad to go with the leftovers, so it will seem like I did something!

:lol Had to laugh, because I do the same thing sometimes.:yes I can only get DH to eat leftover soup if I bribe him with cornbread. :)


Faile ~ Oh, let us know how your spinning goes! My mom has two antique spinning wheels and she took spinning lessons many years ago.


Marisa ~ Wow, you sure had a busy weekend. Sounds like fun, though! I'm glad you were able to figure out the insurance website. :clap


Linda ~ I hope Kim's appointment goes well. :manyheart


Hi Judy and Amy ~ Have a good day. :)


Hi to the rest of the House, too. DH has a doctor appointment at 1:30 - his "cold" doesn't sound like a cold and more like bronchitis to me, so I'm glad he's going. :yes

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Good morning housemates :hi


Not much going on here and I don't even have anything to update you on :think I didn't do any crocheting or reading last night :eek I watched one show and hit the hay :lol


Maryann is coming in on Friday afternoon and then we'll be running over to HL (she hasn't let it rest since she knew there was one here :lol ) and I haven't even been to it yet either, mainly because I don't have money to spend so it's better for me just not to go :think This weekend is the Knit and Crochet Festival just north of the city so we're going to the Fashion Show on Friday night and then the market event on Saturday :clap:yay She'll leave on Sunday then late morning.


Amy - Sorry you're having trouble with your doggie booties :hug How is your back doing?


Cindy - I love most leftovers, but there are just a couple things I don't like left over. But, I can typically eat the same thing all week :lol


Judy - Very nice to offer up your dog hair to Faile :wink:lol


Faile - That sounds awesome! I do hope you'll let us know how it goes and maybe share a picture :devil


Joanne - Well, that answered the question I just asked you in our other thread :lol Have a safe trip.


Linda - Sending out good thoughts for your outing today and Kim's dr appt.


Val - Have a great day.


Mary - I hope dh's appt goes well and they get to the bottom of it so he can finally get some treatment and kick this thing in the butt :yes

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Good Morning. :)


:lol Had to laugh, because I do the same thing sometimes.:yes I can only get DH to eat leftover soup if I bribe him with cornbread. :)


Hi to the rest of the House, too. DH has a doctor appointment at 1:30 - his "cold" doesn't sound like a cold and more like bronchitis to me, so I'm glad he's going. :yes

Oh, I'm glad he's going to the doctor. Hoping they can get him some help whichever it turns out to be.

Good morning housemates :hi


Not much going on here and I don't even have anything to update you on :think I didn't do any crocheting or reading last night :eek I watched one show and hit the hay :lol

I'm trying to get myself back on schedule so forced myself to stay up 'til 10:30. Was awake at 8:00 before John called down to me.

Maryann is coming in on Friday afternoon and then we'll be running over to HL (she hasn't let it rest since she knew there was one here :lol ) and I haven't even been to it yet either, mainly because I don't have money to spend so it's better for me just not to go :think This weekend is the Knit and Crochet Festival just north of the city so we're going to the Fashion Show on Friday night and then the market event on Saturday :clap:yay She'll leave on Sunday then late morning.:yes

Oh, that sounds like lots of fun! Enjoy!

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Marisa ~ The festival sounds like fun! Is Maryann the friend who worked with you?


Thank you all for the comments about DH. :manyheart He almost never feels bad, so he's not a happy camper. :lol


I ran errands and went by DD's to drop off some things...they were running late, so I missed seeing Luke. :( But Shelby and Lucky (their cats) were happy to see me. :D


I think this is so pretty! It would make a cute girlie washcloth, too.:)



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Hi Ladies,


Joanne, That's a pretty scarf and lip balm holders are cute. Hope you enjoy your conference. Sorry it won't work out for you and DD to meet up.


Judy, I love being a Grandma and I got a request from Maya last night. I'll post it at the end of the individual posts.


Val, The chili was good and enough for 2 days.


Cindy, Hope you have an easy day at work today.


Marisa, That's some early visitors 4am. My Dad use to like to leave at 10 or 11 at night for us to visits friends up north. We would arrive at 1 or 2am. He probably figured that was the best time with all of us kids and all of them but me would be sleeping.

Sounds like you have a fun weekend planned. Enjoy!


Mary, I heard you could connect the two together so I checked out the books. Hope DH gets some meds and is on the mend soon.


Linda, Hope yours and Kim's outing and doctor appt. goes well.


Faile, Sounds like an interesting new hobby your starting.


Last night talking to Maya I told her I finished her hearts and they were in the mail and she should get them thursday.

Maya: Grandma I want you to make me something that you can send to me for everyone in my class. Like green and white (Spartans colors).


Her Mom: Those aren't your school colors. And Grandma can't do that.


Maya: Yes she can. She can crochet it.


Me: I'm thinking what could I do. I said how about chapstick holders like I made Grandpa and he has on his key ring.


Maya: That's what I was thinking about. Her school school colors are black, white and royal blue. They are the huskies.


I think I've started something. But it is fun and maybe it will keep her interest in it and I can teach her to crochet.

Her Mom asked me to make one of her friends a baby blanket. She's due in June and having a girl.

Maya is sick. Her Mom took her to the doctor she has a virus and they gave her a prescription for her cough. DD took today off and has tomorrow off so she is hoping Maya is better and can go to school thursday.

Bbl. Have a good day everyone!

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