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Our House Part Two


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Thank you all so much for the great wishes. I'm sure that there is only one thing that could prevent me from getting the job. That's being with someone who has a felony on their record. It's not on my record but BF's. If that's all that they can see then they are more shortsighted than the federal government.


Anyway, going to go for now. I will post more later.

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WHEW ~~~:whew



You are ok !


I went away a couple hours and turned this on first thing to check on you . I'm sorry things didn't "click" for you last night,but glad you made it home in one piece .

Sorry I hope I'm not offending you. I know you are very smart and wouldn't put yourself into a dangerous situation,but after some of the stories you hear on the news about these girls who meet a guy from online, it's just scarey .


I know one available now who is a carpenter,never been married ,very tall and muscley,and a pretty good sense of humor. He has one drawback though :


Not Good. (SHE would go on the dates with you and move in with you if it worked out to get to that point,so I'd steer clear of him .)



I have gotten the funniest 2 phone calls from men calling me for a date.

Weird part is , I never met either one of them. They were wrong numbers.


ME- Hello ?

CALLER- Hey Hon ,how's it going ?


CALLER- Now Baby,stop playin,you know who this is !

ME-NO, I dont know who it is. I'm not playing .

CALLER- This is Maurice .Remember ?

ME- NO, I dont KNOW anyone named Maurice .

CALLER- Now, Baby, we met last Friday night at the ____Lounge . Remember I bought you a drink ? You gave me your number ?

ME- Maurice, I'm real sorry,but I'm gonna have to give you some bad news.

-I've never been to that lounge.

I've never been to that TOWN.

I've never been to ANY bar in my life .

I'm real sorry but I need to tell you what ladies do sometimes if they meet someone that they really don't like,that asks for their phone number :

They give them the wrong number just to get rid of them .

I'm very sorry to be the one to tell you this,but that is what they do,and apparently, this lady gave you my number . I'm really sorry someone was so rude to you like that .

CALLER- OH .....well, thank you for telling me this and I'm sorry to bother you.

ME-You didnt bother me a bit. At least I had someone to talk to today,and it's actually exciting to get a phone call for a date. That hasn't happened to me since the '70's . :D



CALL 2 -( F U N N Y )

ME- Hello ?

CALLER- Hi baby ,ready to go out tonite ?

ME-No, i'm in my pj's . ****'s Kitchen is coming on .

CALLER- What ? Wouldnt you rather go out tonite ?

ME- You must have the wrong number.

CALLER - A buddy gave me your number ,so I thought I'd see if we could HOOK UP .

ME- Listen : I'm 52 years old , married since birth , body parts falling off every day. I've got a glass eye, wooden leg, false teeth , grey hair ,a bum knee and I'm shaped like a sack of potatoes .

CALLER - Oh............. How old did you say you are ? :think


Good grief, I guess this guy was desperate .He could overlook everything else ,and was still considering it .The only thing he had to think on a bit was my AGE .


I told him he sounded like a nice young man and I'm sure he could do better than an old wrinkled up biddy like me . Thank you for the offer,but I'll pass .


How about if I mail you my phone,so if either of them call again, you have 2 to choose from .


Seriously, you are GORGEOUS . Great sense of humor, great job ,very educated ,talented,caring ,kind and polite.

Do you believe that saying is true that men feel intimidated by someone like you who is very successful and confident ?


Would you ever apply for The Bachelor ? Better yet, be the Bachelorette,then you have all these men hanging off you like a bunch of flies on meat .


I am 100 % sure you will find someone .It will be very randomly,You won't be SEARCHING for one, he will literally stumble into your life ,with neither one of you LOOKING at the moment.

He will have dark hair, a little curl at the ends. He will be a friend of an aquaintance .It'll be at a big gathering ,like a cookout, summer party of some type with a group of people of all ages,but many in your age group.


You'll meet by chance, not like you or him will make a move. I think he will just walk by, trip or stumble right in front of you ,and you'll both chuckle.


The CATCH OF THE DAY right in front of you .


THAT is my prediction. This summer . Be ready . Watch and see . :yes

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Very pretty yarn colors . I had no clue how big the town was, I just remembered that name, it was so unusual .Alabaster .




well, you are 1/3 done,so that is a great start .You can do it , I know you can .



Wow, Linda

Now THAT was a shower that took a lot of work ! Good thing they weren't filming it, or you'd have ypur picture on tv in your SKIVVIES .




Sorry your back is giving you fits Hope it straightens up so you wont need more stuff done to it .




I hope they dont judge YOU by your boyfriend's record. That would be a ripoff . YOU are the one wanting the job,so it should be based on your record alone .

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Thanks Marisa

Glad you aren't mad. You know me, I have an odd sense of humor . The phone calls were totally true. what's weird is I rarely EVER get phone calls. My phone could probably get dust on it from lack of use . So when I get a call like those, I actually enjoyed them. Quite entertaining . I did feel bad having to tell Maurice that the lady sorta "dumped him" before he even got a chance . Dating has sure changed since my day . HOOKING UP would have meant we were going fishing .To catch a FISH .


I do think you will find someone when not looking ,and it may even be someone you met previously but only casually ,and maybe you didnt take much notice of him, it could have just been a quick thing ,totally forgotten.

I just get these ideas sometimes in my head,and they actually come true . I'm the Resident Psychic ( or Psycho) .

Don't miss out on any cookouts this summer --maybe even PLAN a cookout at your place, have your family and friends invite someone extra. A MIXER in my day.So they can bring along an extra unattached person ,along with whoever else they want to bring.

You are so pretty - I bet lots more men notice you than you even know about .

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Thanks everybody for the compliments on the yarn colors.


Julie - I looked it up and the 2010 census taken was 30,352. It has grown a lot since then. Love your phone calls...you are a hoot:lol!


Shannon - You should be okay. It's about you...not who you live with.


Amy - I hope the pain lets up in your back.


Linda - WOW!!


I only have 5 rows left on the Peek-a-Boo, the edging and I'm done.

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Wow Val

That is quite a big town. I guess I thought it'd be a small town .I'd never heard of it til the lady in the reading group all those years ago told me where she was from and I thought it was such a neat name for a town.

She was so very friendly ,as are most people from down there . Don't you think so ?

Is that area where you've always lived or did you grow up someplace else ?


I've been in this same spot my entire life. Trying to weigh the options of which is beter :

Living in the same place forever, or moving around to see other places ?


What do you think ?

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Oh, I loved reading posts since I was last here. :D


Julie ~ Love your "phone dating" stories. :lol I'll bet the one guy is still talking about your description of yourself. ;) Sam ought to be jealous!


Linda ~ Great news about Kim coming home so soon! :manyheart Will you have some help for a while - physical therapists, etc.?


Cindy ~ I have several skeins of RHSS Aran that is about 5 years old...I'd love to send it to you if you can use it. :yarn


Valerie ~ Great progress on the baby 'ghan! Can't wait for pictures. :yes


It's almost 80* :eek - too warm for winter! I took Gracie for a walk and was way to warm in sweats!

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Hello Ladies.


Sorry, I have been MIA for a bit.....I truly did not realize it had been so long since I posted. :think Guess i'm losing my mind. :P I saw many of you asked about the older kids & the baby.....uh, let's just say it hasn't changed their lives any. My oldest ignores his existance & the other ones like to poke and bother with him at the most inconvienent times. :lol Jaden wants to hold him constantly. :yes We're managing; tough, but getting better everyday. :D


Happy Belated Birthday Julie & Mary!! :manyheart:cake:bday

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Hi Mary

Wow, it must be great to live in a place that is 80 in Feb ... it's warm wenough here for probably a sweatshirt or light jacket,which is really nice for us !


Thanks for the comments on the dating phone calls . I have some really odd things that happen to me for someone who leads such a Beaver Cleaver life . It keeps me entertained when stuff like that happens .

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Julie ~ I don't know which is "better!" I still miss the Midwest - and absolutely hate the heat in Texas (after 48 years here :lol). Of course, I never would have met my DH if we were still in Iowa. :manyheart My dad was transferred to Dallas when I was in the 8th (9th?) grade and my sister was going into her senior year...we were not happy campers. ;) I still keep in touch with one friend and she married the guy I just knew was going to mine. He lived on our street and had big blue eyes and a new Schwinn bike every year. :lol

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Thanks Miss Tab

I would expect the older boys to not take much interest in a new baby .They usually have bigger fish to fry during those years .

Cam does pretty good with his toddler-aged sister,although he sometimes gets a little frustrated with her when she messes up all his stuff ,but I think that's pretty common .

There's a big age gap between them,so he doesnt really play with her much or anything, but he is a good big brother for the most part .

How are you feeling,any better today ?

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Doggone it Mary

You leave the state and your best friend runs off with the future husband . Is it awkward now if you see them on visits home, or dont you get to go home much ? Did he ever know you had that big of plans for him ?


My dad got offered a job transfer when I was 14 .We were going to move to Colorado .We had a family vote ,ending in a tie. Me and my dad voted yes, my mother and sister ,NO .

SO, needless to say ,they beat us out . not a very fair voting system when it's 2-2 .

I should have allowed my CAT to vote,then our side would have won .


I thought it would be exciting to move that far. Of course I have always LOVED moving ,even if it's to a house one street away .

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Cindy ~ I have several skeins of RHSS Aran that is about 5 years old...I'd love to send it to you if you can use it. :yarn




Thanks for the offer Mary, I have not yet looked to see if I have any more hidden away. I haven;t a clue as to how much more yarn I will need. I have a couple of un-used skeins still.

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Here are the colors for the Bernat Mystery CAL!

Love the colors!

Hello everyone!! I am just hanging out.. my back is still hurting.. I am used to it hurting.. it hurts everyday.. but lately it hurts more and more.. I am not sure why. The dr says that if by march it isnt any better we will see about doing further testing. I am a stay at home disabled mom.. so its a good thing I can rest when I need too.

I dont sit very often.. I am often up and down.. thats why I love to crochet.. it MAKES me sit!!

Gentle hugs:hug:manyheart



Linda, your description of the shower incident had me laughing! I'm glad that Kim is doing so well.


See you all in the morning!:hug:manyheart

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Julie - Yes it has really grown. I lived there all my life. However, I would spend the summers here in Georgia with my mother's sister. I moved here 10 years ago but I'm going back home. The saying is true..."there's no place like home." As a youngster, we had only 2 fast food restaurants...Jack's and Dairy Queen.


Tab - Good to hear from you.


I've finished the Peek-a-Boo blanket and will post pictures tomorrow.


I just got in from a basketball game of 2nd and 3rd graders...my great niece. I'm going to do a little more hooking and call it a night.


Have a good night House sisters.

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Good morning!

Wow- a lot of posts to read through this morning!!! It was nice!:) However, it doesn't leave much time for individual posts!!!:hug


Marisa- When you least expect it, someone will pop into your life! That's what happened with my DH. So, looks like it'll be this summer at a bar-b-que--according to Julie!!:)


Loved the telephone call stories, Julie!!! :lol:lol


Tab- Hang in there and I'm glad you stopped in to say hi!


Val - Can't wait to see the pic of the peek-a-boo-blanket you made


Linda- Great news on Kim- and oh, my what a scene that must have been with Kim and the shower! Glad no one got hurt--and you're right, I could see this on Funniest Home Videos!:lol


To the everyone else in the "house" ---have a wonderful day!!!


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