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Our House Part Two


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Just saw your post Mary--have fun crocheting tonight!!!! The tulip festival sounds like it would be awesome. I love tulips!!!


Thanks! I love DH and cooking, but it's nice not to be in the kitchen.;) Good luck with the letters!

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I don't know how I missed the post about Marisa meeting an online guy tonight!!!!

Julie- I think you covered ALL the bases on giving the advice of all us Mom's!!!


I finished the NY Giants scarf-Go Big Blue


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Good morning all,


I had to take DN to work this morning. Checking in and then going back to bed!


Mary - Thanks, it's good to be back. The Honeydew color is beautiful. I didn't get finished as I thought but I'm over half way. Enjoy your hooking time while Husband is away.


Marisa - I hope you had a safe and successful date.


Cindy - How's Dad?


Joanne - I'm from Alabaster, AL which is about 20-25 miles south of Birmingham and 60+ miles north of Montgomery. I'm glad you finished with your lettering in time for the Superbowl.


Julie - Great dating DO's and DON'Ts


Linda - I hope your day went well yesterday.


Good morning to everyone else. BBL!

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Well, passed the typing test and the interview. Now have to wait on the polygraph and then is the background check and a final review of all information. I'll know for certain sometime in April.


Getting several blocks done and using up yarn right and left. not yesterday though. Slept after the interview and test. Had to work last night. Was actually able to get a little bit of writing done yesterday. This is a good thing.


Hope everyone has a fantastically awesome day. Almost time to go to bed.

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Well, passed the typing test and the interview. Now have to wait on the polygraph and then is the background check and a final review of all information. I'll know for certain sometime in April.


Getting several blocks done and using up yarn right and left. not yesterday though. Slept after the interview and test. Had to work last night. Was actually able to get a little bit of writing done yesterday. This is a good thing.


Hope everyone has a fantastically awesome day. Almost time to go to bed.

Way to go!!

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Shannon - I'm glad you passed the test and got passed your writer's block.


Amy - Hello. Have a great day.


Joanne - Happy Hump Day!


I've chosen my colors and yarn from my stash for the Bernat Mystery CAL. I'm using ILTY and the colors are: Red, Yellow, Dark Country Blue, Toasted Almond and Ivory(MC). I'll post pictures later!

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Good morning everyone. Springlike weather here, although it is quite gloomy.


Joanne, congrats on finishing the scarf. it turned out great. IS it for yourself?


Val, your mystery CAL colors sound great. My dad is holding his own, but not much improvement. I'll be making a 63 squares afghan square today.


Shannon, WTG on passing the test, keeping my fingers crossed that you get the job.


Morning Amy, and Julie. Faile, good to see you again.


Waiting to hear how Marisa's meeting went.......

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'morning, peeps...You KNOW it's warm when DH says it's okay to leave the heat turned off:eek ...and on Feb 1st!:eek


Judy- Thanks for the idea of the chain stitch embroidery. I googled how to embroider letters on crochet- and a you tube video was found!!!

I'm so glad you found a tutorial! If I had to explain it you'd be sunk:lol

I finished the NY Giants scarf-Go Big Blue

You did a fantastic job!

Well, passed the typing test and the interview. Now have to wait on the polygraph and then is the background check and a final review of all information. I'll know for certain sometime in April.

The fact that you were in the service may be a huge plus for you in the selection process, too! Good luck!

Getting several blocks done and using up yarn right and left. not yesterday though. Slept after the interview and test. Had to work last night. Was actually able to get a little bit of writing done yesterday. This is a good thing.

A little bit of writing every day is better than none...I've been so negligent in that area...


I've chosen my colors and yarn from my stash for the Bernat Mystery CAL. I'm using ILTY and the colors are: Red, Yellow, Dark Country Blue, Toasted Almond and Ivory(MC). I'll post pictures later!

They sound so nice together!


BBL...have a plumber coming ove rto give an estimate to replace our shower...:P

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I was so surprised to hear the town you are from. How many people live there ?

I met (online) the nicest lady many years ago, probably 12 years ago as a guess. who was in a book club I led on aol. Her name was Tess. I think her real name was Theresa but she called herself Tess. I've often wondered how she was since then You know how you meet some people in groups on here,then just lose track of them ?

Your new yarn colors sound pretty .


Hi Joane

Hope your workday goes quickly. We are all waiting to hear from Marisa .





Great news so far on the job. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that the rest goes well and you get it .


Hi Amy

How are you today ?




Your weather almost always seems to match ours. It's very similar most days . It's fairly warm here today but grey and misty looking out . It's ok, I'll take the warm weather .Winter has been pretty good so far .

Sorry your dad is still struggling with his health .

Sounds like you and Val have a 63 ghan to complete. How many squares do you have done ?

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Good morning ladies :hi


I'm here, I'm here and I think I can officially say that you all were much more excited about this than I was I think :think:lol Well, we met a nice restaurant (I'd say business casual to fancy, anywhere in that range) We sat at the bar so we could see the hockey game and just chatted and had some wine and dessert. He was very nice, polite, and not bad looking. But, not for me! I had an enjoyable evening and could be friends with him, but there was no spark.


Thank you all for your care and concern (no offense taken Cindy :hug ) and I think Julie had it all covered. I let all the info with my sister about where we were going and his # as well so she could hound him if need be :lol When she was going down her own version of Julie's list with me while she was at work and we were on the phone, all her coworkers were laughing at her :lol But, you DO have to be careful :yes So the search continues.


I feel like that's very uneventful for the anticipation that you've all had waiting for me to 'get here' today :think:lol


I just had my bfast while catching up on the posts and think I may run out to Mad Mex to get a burrito for lunch later since I have a free birthday coupon that expires on friday :think


Julie - You had me laughing, mostly because I agreed with your list :yes:wink


Cindy - Definitely not offended at all, I'd tell everyone else here the same thing :hug


Judy - I hope all goes well with the plumber and that, as Julie said, you don't get SOAKED! (maybe that'll be the phrase of the day? :lol )


Mary - Did you get your chores done yesterday so that you were able to crochet last night?


Joanne - WTG on your scarf, it looks awesome! :manyheart The shower is in March, so my sunflower ghan will definitely be done by then, see I just needed somewhere for it to go to keep working on it :think


Faile - Thank you :hug


Shannon - WTG on your typing test and interview and unless there's something about you we don't know, I'm sure there won't be any problems with the polygraph test or background check :wink WTG on your blocks and your writing :clap


Amy - Thank you :hug


Val - Can't wait to see a pic of your mystery ghan colors :bounce

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Good Morning, House. :)


Joanne ~ Great job on the scarf! I hope it brings good luck for the Giants. :clap


Valerie ~ Ooh, the ILTY colors sound wonderful. :yarn I sure like working with it and the color selection has grown so much!


Shannon ~ Yay! Way to go on the hiring process so far. :cheer That's great to be getting some crocheting in, too.:hook


Amy ~ Good Morning! I hope your back is better today. :manyheart


Hi Faile! :waving


Julie ~ It sounds like most of the country is "winter-free" so far! We've been in the 70s for two days. I'm afraid things will bud out way too early and then we'll get really cold!


Judy ~ Hi! Good luck with the estimates...we need to do some updating and keep putting it off. :blush

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Cindy - I want to finish the Peek-a-Boo ghan first. Maybe, I'll do a 63 square on tomorrow. What colors are you using for the 63 square?


Julie - I honestly don't know the population. I've been gone for 10 years. It has grown so much that I hardly recognize it. I'll have to find out the population...this is the number 1 answer to FF question, "What does most people not know about their hometown?" This is the area where those that are migrating from Birmingham land.


Mary - ILTY is the only yarn I've bought in the last couple years. The price greww as well as the color selection. I have skeins that I paid $1.99 for when it was first introduced (price was imbedded in the wrapper). The last I bought was $2.49...now it's $3.99 per skein. However, it does feel good.


Marisa - I'm glad that you had a pleasant evening even though you didn't make a love connection.


Leaving to take nephew to work. BBL.


Here are the colors for the Bernat Mystery CAL!


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Val, my afghan is RHSS in Aran. I bought the yarn years ago, and I did not buy enough. (unless I have some in the bottom of the yarn pile) Hopefully the yarn is still the same. Otherwise I will just make it smaller than 63 squares.


Your mystery ghan colors look great together. I've never boiught ILTY but I was gifted some and used it to make a hat. I found it to be nice and soft, but it seemed kind of thick to me, compared with Bernat Super Value, which is the WW yarn I use most, mainly because Meijers here sells it and I get there almost every week. It's nice and soft and wears well.


Julie, I have finished only 26 squares of my 63 square afghan and that is after years of working on it! I have 21 squares sewn together already though.


Mary, I haven't joined the mystery CAL either. I did it last year and I enjoyed the process, but did not like my finished project at all.


Marisa, sorry he wasn't Mr. Right, but he's out there somewhere. He'll show up eventually.

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Good morning everyone. By the time I got home last night I was exhausted. Kim's mom and I had pizza for supper, I spent a little time with Rosie, and then was in bed by 9:00 pm. Yesterday Kim walked from the bed to the next door in the hall and back again. She sat up in the chair for 4 hours! She'd been up a while when I saw BM dripping onto the floor from the chair. NOT what I wanted to see at all! Anyway we decided that the best way to clean her up was to get her in the shower. This is where the Three Stooges act started. It's a tiny shower. Kim and I got her in there, but we hadn't gotten the shower chair in first. MISTAKE! We finally got finagled around so we could get it in and get Kim onto it. There were 4 of us plus Kim trying to get this far. The pysical therapist left. There was a leak where hand-held attached so both the aide and the nurse got sprayed. I stripped down to help her and of course that's when one of the doctors wanted to come in and checked on her. The nurse said, "Not NOW!" We managed to get the job done, but if someone had filmed it it would have won America's Funniest Home Videos no contest. They are aiming at going home on Thursday still. Today she walked to the nurses' station and back, which is what she'll have to walk to get back to the bedroom then. She did great!


Hi ladies

Late check in ,but at least I made it . We are having the great sunshine here too. Looks so good for January . Bright blue skies,and no coat !


Not much new to report here . Payday so the usual errands, etc,but they are all done,so nothing more that needs done now .


I had my labwork yesterday for my kidney guy next Monday. You oughta see my arm ! Good grief, it has never looked this bad,and the lady got it so fast ,didnt hurt at all. Just very odd that it looks like this. It's a HUGE welt,and black and blue about the size of a 50 cent piece .


I am scheduled in 2 weeks to go to another rheumatologist. Pretty scarey,but you eventually don't even care if it's scarey, you just wanna feel better .


Not much else new here ,except I found the coolest cross stitch page,tons of freebie patterns. I think it may be another language--some of the wording looks like it and some in english ,but the patterns are SO pretty , I may end up picking my cross stitch back up. These pattterns look much easier than the ones I was doing with the gazillion color changes every couple of stitches . These can be done all in one color of you want,and are also good for filet doilies from what the page says.

I'll put a link here in case anyone is interested .


(all links on left )


You all have a good day .

Good luck with the new doctor and thanks for the link to the patterns. They're great! I could do most of them as fillet crochet squares, which would make a beautiful afghan.


I'm sure you know all this stuff,so forgive me for sounding like a grumpy little old lady .

Rules for meeting an online person :

1- Meet in a busy restaurant with LOTS of people .:yes

2- Bring a friend who will spy from another table to keep an eye on you,even if you get brave enough to get up and walk out the door with the guy to get in your OWN car, have them get up and follow you . :sher

3-Have a weapon . Gun, knife or metal ballbat .:tryme

4-Don't be afraid to SWING the ball bat if need be.

5-Wear a whistle for a necklace. If he lays one paw on you,blow the whistle until the little ball-doohickey pops out of it . :yell

6-If you have ever learned karate or TaiKwon Do, practice your moves before you leave.:box

7-Wear pants so you can do some CROTCH KICKS if you need to. That'd be hard in a skirt .

8-Look him in the eyes. If he has shifty eyes, he's either a pirate,an outlaw or a gang member . Tell him you're going to the bathroom,then climb out the window to your car . :scared

9-Have your cell phone on 911 so all you have to do is press the button to call for help . :phone

10-If he wants to take you to his place to look at his artwork ? NOPE ,tell him you are too smart to fall for THAT stunt . :gallery

11-If you are friends with a cop, ask him to be on standby out in the parking lot .

12-Don't tell him your address ,work address ,or any other info that he might follow you or show up unexpected. :2nono

13-If all the above things fail,and he kidnaps you, rip a button off your shirt and jam it in where his car keys go,so he can't get the car to start.

(If you have a cop out in the lot, ask him to SIPHON all the guy's gas out while you are meeting him)

14-If he gets you in his car,blow your whistle and scream til you pop a blood vessel so someone will hear you .

15-Ask him if he is related to Jeffrey Dahmer. You THINK he is buying you supper. YOU might BE the supper if he is Jeff's cousin or brother .:fork

16-If he happens to be SAFE, try not to look surprised if he tells you online that he is an NFL player and works out 3 hours a day, then he shows up looking like the midget in the circus . :juggle

17-If he sounds too good to be true, he is .

18- Talk about G-rated stuff like old people like me would talk about.

For example : What's your favorite Disney movie ?

19-If he is OGLING other body parts when your are across the table, do the bathroom escape described on line 8.

20 -Good luck . I hope you like him and it works out perfectly . If he has a brain the size of a chickpea, he will see that he has struck GOLD when he meets you ,and we'll all be talking wedding dress colors after an appropriate time limit has gone by . :D


** I'm just kidding with all this,no offense intended. Just be REALLY careful .

:rofl:rofl:rofl Great list! You forgot stamping on his foot with the heel of your shoe. It's a good way to incapacitate someone, especially if you're wearing spike high heels.


Well, passed the typing test and the interview. Now have to wait on the polygraph and then is the background check and a final review of all information. I'll know for certain sometime in April.

I'm sure you'll do well there. I'm pulling for you.

Getting several blocks done and using up yarn right and left. not yesterday though. Slept after the interview and test. Had to work last night. Was actually able to get a little bit of writing done yesterday. This is a good thing.


Hope everyone has a fantastically awesome day. Almost time to go to bed.

Yay for all the work on the squares and getting back to writing. :clap :clap :clap

I don't know how I missed the post about Marisa meeting an online guy tonight!!!!

Julie- I think you covered ALL the bases on giving the advice of all us Mom's!!!


I finished the NY Giants scarf-Go Big Blue

Beautiful scarf, Joanne! :cheer :cheer :cheer

Shannon - I'm glad you passed the test and got passed your writer's block.


Amy - Hello. Have a great day.


Joanne - Happy Hump Day!


I've chosen my colors and yarn from my stash for the Bernat Mystery CAL. I'm using ILTY and the colors are: Red, Yellow, Dark Country Blue, Toasted Almond and Ivory(MC). I'll post pictures later!

Oooooo, those sound lovely.


Marisa, I'm glad you had a nice date. Sorry there was no spark, but I'm sure there's a special someone out there for you. Have fun during the search. I know lots of folks who've found love via the internet.

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Hello everyone!! I am just hanging out.. my back is still hurting.. I am used to it hurting.. it hurts everyday.. but lately it hurts more and more.. I am not sure why. The dr says that if by march it isnt any better we will see about doing further testing. I am a stay at home disabled mom.. so its a good thing I can rest when I need too.

I dont sit very often.. I am often up and down.. thats why I love to crochet.. it MAKES me sit!!

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