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Our House Part Two


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Linda- Lunch sounds good and I'm so happy that you got everything washed and in the mail- and have time to spare!!! Woot!!!!! Enjoy the rest of the day.


Judy- Thanks for the compliments on my work- it really means alot coming from such a great crocheter as you!!! Enjoy the game- Yanks up (finally) 1-0!!!!


DH and I took a ride to the Crate &Barrel outlet and I picked up a few things- nothing much- but got a really nice white all purpose bowl on clearance for 2.95!



Yankees up 3-0!!!


Back to the game!!!

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Toni- Feel better- and enjoy your races. I have to agree, the simple life IS the best!!!


And of course there is YARN in those containers...next time I take the camera out, I'll get a pic for you!!:lol

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:cheer HIYA House, sorry I haven't been by lately for I had a sick one year old grandbaby on my hands for the baby had another ear infection. Today he's doing a little better. As for myself there's nothing new on the home front and nothing planned for this long holiday week-end. I did manage to clean out the linen closet for I need to buy some new towels, hand towels and wash cloths. Hope every one has a fun fourth of July for me and my DH we will be home as usual for it's kind of difficult to travel with someone in a motorized wheelchair, but I'm use to that now. :think Hugs :hug:hug
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Hello everyone. I've gone through and read all the posts since I last checked in, but I'm sure I'll miss a few things I wanted to comment on.


My mom has failed quite a bit since we last saw her. Physically she is weaker, but she has really declined mentally. The mass that showed up in her brain on the first MRI has almost resolved, but they did another MRI this week and there is now a new mass present. The working diagnosis is now multiple sclerosis. They have started some high dose steroids (a 5 day course), and after 24 hours there was marked improvement, but I don't know how long the effects that will last. I'd appreciate prayers on her behalf.


Joanne, nice projects. Sounds like you have been enjoying your time off. Nice projects and I like those containers. I keep my living room projects in old picnic baskets that I pick up at yard sales.


Judy, you've got a nice looking family. Your brother certainly got his share of the height genes!


Linda, glad you got that quilt on its way. Fingers crossed that your beautiful quilt catches the judges eyes.


Toni, hope you feel better soon.

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My mom has failed quite a bit since we last saw her. Physically she is weaker, but she has really declined mentally. The mass that showed up in her brain on the first MRI has almost resolved, but they did another MRI this week and there is now a new mass present. The working diagnosis is now multiple sclerosis. They have started some high dose steroids (a 5 day course), and after 24 hours there was marked improvement, but I don't know how long the effects that will last. I'd appreciate prayers on her behalf.

Oh, Cindy...I'm so sorry! My prayers are with all of you:hug:hug:manyheart

Judy, you've got a nice looking family. Your brother certainly got his share of the height genes!

Oh yes...he sure did! And on the stocky Polish body we both have he's sure easy to spot in a crowd:lol People clear the way when we're in a store....:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol


Thanks for all the compliments on my family pics, everyone.


This is one I'll leave you with tonight. It was aperfect moment...Lucy was enjoying the sun and just sitting there! I have another one or two I'll share another day,


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Oh, Cindy- definitely saying prayers for your Mom- MS is such an insidious disease. My brother has MS- but he's actually been pretty good. I have been enjoying my time away from Paradise!!


Judy- Nice pic of Lucy! We had "It's Greek to Me" tonight- they are in Holmdel- and I had a lamb gyro which was delicious!!! DH had is usual Mousaka (sp?)


Cheeria- That's too bad that your grandson has yet another ear infection!! Enjoy your quiet holiday- we have no plans either- other than maybe to cook a burger on the grill. But I kind of like it that way- especially since it's my last day off!!


Off for the night!

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Good morning!


The angels were bowling here and woke me up- and it looks like they will be bowling on and off all day here. Planning to go out to breakfast- (you know, being on vacation and all---and breakfast is really my favorite meal out)


We may go to an early movie today- I want to see Larry Crowne - it didn't get great reviews, but I like Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts. We'll see..


Off for another cuppa Joe and hope you all have a good Sunday!

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Good morning, peeps! A morning off from watering the sod! I'll see if it rains enough during the day to give me a complete day off.


Judy- Nice pic of Lucy! We had "It's Greek to Me" tonight- they are in Holmdel- and I had a lamb gyro which was delicious!!! DH had is usual Mousaka (sp?)

Thanks....my little devil dog....she's a sweetie and talks back but we love her.:c9

I like Moussaka, but hubby doesn't. The souvlaiki platter is our fav meal there...and their spanakopita is yummy! THAT, we always split since it's so huge.

Planning to go out to breakfast- (you know, being on vacation and all---and breakfast is really my favorite meal out)

My fav meal to eat out, too - but hardly ever do it...

We may go to an early movie today- I want to see Larry Crowne - it didn't get great reviews, but I like Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts. We'll see..


Off for another cuppa Joe and hope you all have a good Sunday!

I love Tom Hanks, too. We remember him from the TV sitcom Bosom Buddies. Even then we could see he was destined for something big:yes Let me know what you think of it.


We bought Season 4 of MadMen yesterday...got hooked on it when DS lent us the first 3 seasons.... Wierd and dark at times, but an interesting visit back in time to the 1960's


Later, gators:hug:manyheart

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My baby brother, his wife, me and my men...

Nice! He is a tall one!


Ask and you shall receive:lol

Pictures of what I've been up to- 3 SBT's- Yellow and a variegated cotton; Delft blue and soft white, Delft blue and French Country. Also made a granny stripe boutique bag and the stroller blanket (Baby bubbles pattern) for Ryan- the grey and green look good together and match the stroller, but it's hard to see the true color in the pics)

Very nice!


Kim sounds like someone who knows what is GOOD . Hit the GRAVY and the CAKE . Two of the best things you can eat . I like gravy so much, I'd almost put it ON the cake .

um..... ewwwwwwwww.


Oh yes...he sure did! And on the stocky Polish body we both have he's sure easy to spot in a crowd:lol People clear the way when we're in a store....:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol


Thanks for all the compliments on my family pics, everyone.


This is one I'll leave you with tonight. It was aperfect moment...Lucy was enjoying the sun and just sitting there! I have another one or two I'll share another day,

Aww she looks so sweet and innocent! :lol


The angels were bowling here and woke me up- and it looks like they will be bowling on and off all day here. Planning to go out to breakfast- (you know, being on vacation and all---and breakfast is really my favorite meal out)

here too. They woke me up but tend to put me to sleep so I fell back asleep till 8:00 when it stopped. The quiet woke me up!:lol


I like Moussaka, but hubby doesn't. The souvlaiki platter is our fav meal there...and their spanakopita is yummy! THAT, we always split since it's so huge.

Oh I :manyheart:manyheart:manyheart souvlaki!! Theres no real greek food here, or german for that matter :P I have to go to a diner in Kingston 1/2 hour + away to get any.

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Good Morning, House. :) I won't even try to comment on all the posts, but I think I'm caught up on your news now. :yes:manyheart As of yesterday, I'm feeling almost human again...hope it continues or I'll be changing my prescription again! For someone who never took any pills til age 60, this is beyond hard. :(


Linda ~ Your quilt is stunning! Your work is beautiful and you are the winner as far as I'm concerned. :clap


Cindy ~ Oh, I'm so sorry about your mom. MS is way too common in my family (maternal side), so I know it can be hard to diagnose. Your whole family are in my thoughts and prayers. :hug


Joanne ~ Your tote bags are all wonderful! And I love the babyghan, too. :c9


Judy ~ What a great looking family! And of course, Miss Lucy is very cute. :yes


Julie ~ You know I'm a gravy lover, too! :lol Not so sure about the gravy/cake combination, though. :D


We're having a quiet weekend. Way too hot to be outside for me, but DH went fishing this a.m. He has yet to bring any fish home, but promised we'd have catfish for dinner. :lol I took some chicken out of the freezer just in case. ;)

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Hi everyone. Just a quick in and out for me. Still not feeling well, seems the chemo is affecting me this go round. Think I liked the steroid high from the first rounds better :) Have eggs in boiling for potatoe salad and going to take shower here shortly.


Joanne, went to bed early and fell asleep before the races were over. Have no idea who won, was just not feeling well enough to sit up and watch so you know how bad I was feeling!


Those angels have sure done their share of bowling this year! Seems like they would get tired of it soon. I like to go out for breakfast around 10, don't like to eat early.


Wrennie, I sure understand the quiet waking you up. I had strange, strange, strange dreams last night :(


Mary, I sure hope you get the catfish for dinner, YUMMMMYYYY!!! But do understand taking the chickent out of the freezer :rofl Sure hope you stay feeling better for a long time!


Well, off to take my shower and see if it helps me feel better. May not, but at least I'll be clean :lol


Cheeria, hope the grand is better and that you enjoy your 4th.


Cindy, prayers for your mom and entire family. I'm right there with you where the mom's are concerned. Mine wasn't doing well when I sat with her yesterday.


Judy, Lucy is gorgeous!!!

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Hi all

Just a quick check in --will try to remember who said what in the last posts I read .



So sorry about your mom's condition . I dont know anyone with that illness, but know it's a difficult one .:hug



Cam had lots of ear infections, sore throats when he was small. Had tubes put in his ears about 3 times I think (they kept coming out ). Then had his tonsils out last year I think it was -- he has been pretty good since then .He was sick pretty often when he was smaller .

Hope your grandbaby feels better real soon .



Enjoy your last vacation day --sounds like you have had a nice time .



Another picture that needs framed -- you are a good photo taker .



Sure hope you start feeling better soon .Take care of yourself and dont overdo .


Hi Wrennie !



I know what you mean about meds -- geez, they sometimes make you feel worse ,or you have to trade one illness for another side effect . Hope you soon grow used to the new one, or they can change it for you .

I had to chuckle about your husband saying you'd have fish tonite, but you went ahead and got some chicken ready "just in case " ! :)

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Good morning, (afternoon, actually!).

Thanks for the kind thoughts regarding my mom.


I am back to working on my lace mobius shawl. I had gotten a little tired of all the repetition, so I dropped it for a bit and worked on my knit scarf. That is also repetitious, but when it comes to knitting that's a good thing for me. As it is, it takes me about an hour to do 10 rows, and if I had to consult a pattern all the time, it would take twice as long.


Joanne, its back to work tomorrow already?


Julie, I like reading crime stories, but not true crime ones. I guess it seems less awful to me if it's fiction.


Mary, I hope your dh catches something. (I'd have an alternate plan just in case too!!)


Judy, I love that picture of Lucy. Shes got a bit of growing to do to fit into those ears!

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Hi all,


Julie- :eek No, No, No, I don't go back to work tomorrow!!!:eek I still have one more day off!!! (thank goodness). I'm so not ready to go back to Paradise on Tuesday!!:(


Cindy-Can't wait to see the mobius scarf when it's done. Enjoy your day.


Mary- Sure hope that your DH has lots of luck with the fishing and that you get to have catfish for dinner....but you are a smart woman taking out the chicken!:yes


Toni- Hope that the shower helped you and that you feel a little better...here's a couple of :hug:hug:hug


We ended up NOT eating breakfast out, but DH cooked eggs, sausage and english muffins and that was just as yummy as going out. We went to see the movie Larry Crowne- it was light and fun- I did enjoy it, since it was just a simple movie- with no heavy thinking or anything involved!!!


Now watching the Yankees and they started late because of the rain- so that worked out for us too!!!

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Cindy, I'm not sure if Lucy will ever grow into her ears! I don't think Sparkie has...and her ears are bigger!!:lol:lol


It's been a really wet day! We've been hanging home today - nice not having to get dressed - and in addition to tuning in on the Yankee game, have been watching closing arguments for the Casey Anthony trial. What a circus!

I've also spent the time getting a start on another batch of squares that need to be bordered so they can be assembled.

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Took pictures of my finished mystery cal and the camera batteries are too weak to load the pic. Have to wait for a charge.

charged up yet???:D

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Wrennie- Can't wait to see the pics!!!


Judy- Yup a nice lazy day--of course it would have been better if the Yankees had won!!!


I finished another SBT made with TLC Essentials Light Thyme and Coraline. I bought this yarn this week on clearance!!! Another Christmas present done!!!


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Good afternoon, everyone. It's been a quiet day for me. In fact, I woke up around 9:00, took my meds and read a bit, and then went back to sleep and slept until 2:10. Got dressed quick and then went to a 4th of July concert at Rosie and John's church which was terrific. Had supper at Cici's Pizza and am not planning to veg out. I worked on the 4th Christmas stocking last night while Rosie and I watched the second in the Lord of the Rings series. I was hiding tails and sewing the squares together through most of it. :lol Rosie has a real thing for Legalos, the elf. She thinks he's gorgeous and incredibly graceful. :lol


Hello everyone. I've gone through and read all the posts since I last checked in, but I'm sure I'll miss a few things I wanted to comment on.


My mom has failed quite a bit since we last saw her. Physically she is weaker, but she has really declined mentally. The mass that showed up in her brain on the first MRI has almost resolved, but they did another MRI this week and there is now a new mass present. The working diagnosis is now multiple sclerosis. They have started some high dose steroids (a 5 day course), and after 24 hours there was marked improvement, but I don't know how long the effects that will last. I'd appreciate prayers on her behalf.

Prayers coming your way. :hug :hug :hug

This is one I'll leave you with tonight. It was aperfect moment...Lucy was enjoying the sun and just sitting there! I have another one or two I'll share another day,

Fabulous picture Judy.


Hope this finds you feeling better, Toni. :hug :hug :hug


Prayers for your grandson, too, Cheeria. :hug :hug :hug


Hope Ken is continuing to improve, Tammy. :hug :hug :hug

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Linda, sounds like you must have needed sleep. I don't think I've ever slept that late.


Joanne, glad you have one more day off before returning to "paradise". I have to work tomorrow. Its not my holiday to work, but it was short and I figured I might as well get time and a half, especially since we don't have any plans until evening.


Judy, I never really noticed that Sparkie's ears seemtoo big for him, so maybe when Lucy gets bigger, she will also seem to fit into those ears, even if she doesn't get as big as Sparkie.


Good night everyone.

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Good Morning and Happy Independence Day!!!


Cindy- Hope the day goes by quickly- and I don't blame you- time and 1/2 is worth going in for!!!


Up early and planning to enjoy my last day of vacation with lots of R&R!!!


Enjoy the day whether you have big plans to celebrate or not. Remember those that have served and continue to serve to keep our country free.


Off for another cup of my favorite beverage....BBL!

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'morning, peeps!:hug


Enjoy your last day of vacay, Joanne:)


Another day off from watering the sod - we got so much rain yesterday it's given me another break!:D


Cindy, any more news on your mom and if the steroids have done any good?



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:firecrack:2magic Happy and Safe Fourth of July House Family


Cindy - saying prayers and sending healing intentions for your Mom. :hug

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Hello everyone and happy 4th of July. My flag is out, potatoe salad and deviled eggs made the rest will be done when dd gets home from work. Neighbors are here mowing and weedeating my yard :yay


Still not feeling well, so will lay down for a while. Really knocked me off my feet this time.


Wrennie, my camera is not cooperating either. When I plug it in to get the photos, it tells me to please wait and nothi9ng happening :( I'll be like Scarlett and deal with it tomorrow!


Hugs to one and all and have a safe and enjoyable day!

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