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Our House Part Two


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¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)

¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`• Good Morning House!!!! •¨¯`•

How is everyone today?

Thank you all for the comments and compliments!

I have a prayer request please...............

Ken spiked a fever last night of 101.5* ...... call into doc and they said for him to take one of the antibiotics he already has and check back this afternoon. He will be taking his 2nd dose here in a few ... but fever is still 101.

So if you think about it... say a little extra prayer for him!


love you guys!

off to get more :mug



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Good morning everyone. Its a gorgeous day here, so I'm hoping to do some outside work today.


My mom is not doing as well as she had been, although my dad still expects that she will be well enough to come home soon. Evidently she is quite confused, and he thinks that coming home will help that. I think that he is being overly optimistic, but I guess time will tell. Anyhow, if I disappear for a few days it is because I am going to go to their house for a few days when she comes home. Dad is hoping it will be this week, but my brother isn't so sure. And apparently my mom is not confused about her estimated discharge date which is tomorrow, as she keeps telling my dad to be sure to get to the hospital early on Thursday so she can go home first thing.


Well...better get back to my laundry......


Tam, praying for Ken and the family.

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Good morning my friends and fellow hookers. The sun is shining in a blue sky today. It's 75* presently but supposed to hit 90* this afternoon. The only things left to do on the Challenge Quilt are hand sewing the edge of the hanging sleeve down, making and attaching the information piece to the back, washing it, and sending off the entry and quilt. I've been reading and rereading the instructions to make sure that I don't forget to do anything that would get me disqualified. :lol:lol:lol


Another quiet day planned for Kim and I today.


Hi Ladies. Sorry I popped all that on ya and left, but i'll try to catch up on some questions I saw.


Linda~Time sure does fly by and I am more than happy to share a picture of Lily. The first is Lily making her cutest pucker smile and the second is her first birthday with her Daddy.


Joanne~Oh yeah, with four boys I sure do want to find out. I will be able to around August 26th. I'll keep ya'll posted.


I am in my last week of this block of classes. Next Monday I start my last block. YAY!! :cheer So close to graduation. I thought algebra would be easy for me, but it is horrible and my next block has algebra II so boy will I need a vacation come September. The good thing is I will have time after graduation to relax and crochet and chat with you all more. :manyheart

Lily is adorable, Tabby! Can't wait to find out what you'll be having. And good luck with the algebra.

Hey ladies :hi


Just a quick fly by to check in and say hello. It's late now and I have to get my coffee pot set up for the morning and then I'm going to read a bit until my eyelids just won't stay up anymore :lol My friend and I ordered pizza for dinner, chatted up a storm, and watched a couple shows. Then I learned she has a nook too and we're working on figuring out the nook friends lend me thingy so we can loan each other books :yes


Nite nite

I hate it when my day gets off to a wonky start. Hopefully the rest of it will go by swimmingly.

Yesterday I was in yarn heaven since we went to a LYS and it was such a friendly helpful shop with oodles and oodles of yarn and needlework and best of all, there was one of the shop owners who crochets!!! Usually I have found LYS to be kind of 'knit-centric". I splurged and bought 2 hanks of a beautiful alpaca -silk mix yarn- oh, it is so soft and beautiful- in a light aqua color- the thought of it makes me happy!!!


Off to pack up and head home today to continue on with the rest of vacation. It's a gorgeous sunny day out today and we may just stop off at the beach on the way home!

Oh, that yarn shop wounds wonderful! Have a safe trip home today. :hug

Good Morning, Ladies. So sorry I've been MIA again...I've not been feeling too chipper and it's got to be the change in my BP pills. My doctor wants me to give them another week. :( He said the nausea and fatigue should subside. That combined with our 100* days has been rough!

Hope the side effects of the meds calm down soon. :hug :hug :hug



¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)

¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`• Good Morning House!!!! •¨¯`•

How is everyone today?

Thank you all for the comments and compliments!

I have a prayer request please...............

Ken spiked a fever last night of 101.5* ...... call into doc and they said for him to take one of the antibiotics he already has and check back this afternoon. He will be taking his 2nd dose here in a few ... but fever is still 101.

So if you think about it... say a little extra prayer for him!




love you guys!

off to get more :mug





Prayers headed your way for Ken. :hug :hug :hug :hug

My mom is not doing as well as she had been, although my dad still expects that she will be well enough to come home soon. Evidently she is quite confused, and he thinks that coming home will help that. I think that he is being overly optimistic, but I guess time will tell. Anyhow, if I disappear for a few days it is because I am going to go to their house for a few days when she comes home. Dad is hoping it will be this week, but my brother isn't so sure. And apparently my mom is not confused about her estimated discharge date which is tomorrow, as she keeps telling my dad to be sure to get to the hospital early on Thursday so she can go home first thing.

Prayers heading your way, too, Cindy. :hug :hug :hug


Catch you all later. :manyheart


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Thank you so much for your prayers ladies!!!

Cindy..............praying praying praying for your mom and your family!!! :hug

Linda............ that quilt is outstanding! LOVE IT!!! :yes



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Hi Ladies,


I tried getting on here monday but my computer wasn't cooperating. It's been acting up lately. I think I have to much stuff on it and it needs to be cleaned out.

I sure have missed being here! But have lots of fun with Maya! She sure is changing and all in a good way. She talks a lot and sings and thinks she is going to be on America's Got Talent some day, not sure what she will do though. She will going home friday, while actually after there camping trip this weekend with one of her Moms friends and there family. Hubby asked and why does she have to go home. She has two doctor appts in July. I'm not sure if I need to go back up to sons or not.

On hubby's medical news they still don't know what is causing the chest pains but they have ruled out the esphogus and the heart which are good things. He did go see a muscle doctor last week and he was not impressed at all and said he is a quack. I wasn't able to go as DD was stuck in Chicago due to bad storms and I had to make the second trip to Detroit to get her. We did go to the VA yesterday and have no answers for him either than they are sending him back to are doctor. They said he dosen't need to come there unless something comes up. That will save us a 2 1/2 hour trip each way.

We played phone tag with doctors office so I finally called the doctor personally to get his message and one of hubbys medicines he's taking has to be reduced because of one of the other medicines he's on. But the doctor forgot to order the new medicine and he's on vacation this week. So I need to make an appt and get a few things done for him. Are doctor said if the esphogus turns out okay then he will order a cat scan as no one has ever done one. He needs a biopsy done on a spot on his leg that won't go away.

I have a doctors appt with a different neurologist near the end of July. My doctor said Iam on the far end of the people he sees with hand/arm/neck problems that it is best for me to go back there. I will have a different doctor as mine as finshed school and left.

I have lots of packing to do. Maya's and ares, we are going to hubby's sisters for the holiday weekend.

Maya and I are going to make cookies but I think that will be tomorrow as I need to get butter. Going to make peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies. I have to tell you I made pancakes and bacon for breakfast sunday. I baked the bacon in the oven (we did that in Texas but we were cooking for 80 people) and Maya must of told me at least 8 times how much she loved her bacon and told her Mommy she has to make it that way to.

The other day when we were at the VA there was a lady crocheting an afghan so I told Maya lets sit by her. She and I started talking and found out she has a place on a lake about 10 minutes away from me. We shared email addys.

Enough about me.


Tam, Prayers being said for Ken.


Cindy, Keeping your Mom in my prayers to. Hope things will work out for her to go home since that is where she wants to be.


Julie, It is so nice to see you back. How exciting your daughter and her family is coming home soon.


Valarie, Sorry about the loss of your Dad! I know what it's like. It's to bad your work treated you so badly. I hope you enjoy your time off.


Mary1, Hope your feeling better soon!


Joanne, Sounds like your enjoying your vacation.


Cheeria, Enjoy your relaxing weekend coming up.


Tab, Lily is so cute! :clap school is almost over for you! Good luck with algebra2.


Linda, :clap for you and Kim having a quiet week this week. Your quilt is gorgeous!


Marisa, Are you going home this weekend? Quite the story on the turtles.


Judy, Enjoy your visit with your brother and sil. Glad your feeling better! I've heard shingles are quite painful.


Dusti, Have a safe and great trip traveling. Happy Anniversary!


Toni, I have to go back further and see your heart tote that I missed, but I bet it is gorgeous.


Wrennie, The yellow colombine was very pretty. Have to check out your flower garden pics to.


Kiyo, What do you and Aree have planned for this weekend? Hope you get some time off so you can relax.


Mary2, What are you up to this weekend?


Hope I didn't miss anyone, if I did sorry. Off to get some things accomplished today. Hopefully I can get back here tonight. Have a great day everyone!

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Thank you Marlene for the prayers!!!

My goodness sweetie... you need some yourself!!! :hug

So sending hugs and prayers to you and hubby!



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Sorry you arent feeling up to par. Those doggone side effects can really knock you for a loop. I hope you adjust soon or they can change it to something else .



Hope the antibiotics kick in soon .I think it takes 2 or 3 doses before they seem to start helping. Hang in there -- you are one of the strongest people I've ever known !



Hope things go ok for your mom and she is allowed to come home when they feel she is ready. Your dad is probably having a very difficult time handling all this . I know it's been a L O N G time ago since I worked,but was always amazed that the patient seemed to handle their diagnosis better than the family . They seemed to be able to accept it, face it,and fight it . The family probably feels helpless, like they want to do something to make it better ,but don't know what .


Thinking of you & Tam both as you deal with the illnesses in your families .




Thanks for the latest update picture of your quilt ! Looking good,and it sounds like you are in the home stretch now and will soon be wrapping it up .When do you hear about the winners ?

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Hi Marlene

Good to hear from you . Wow, you guys seem to have such a busy life, always on the go. I just sit here on my fanny most of the time. I'm either lazy or we live in a boring place with not much to do. I think it's a little of both .

I actually like the peace and quiet though .

Sure hope they find out what is up with your husband so he gets to feeling better .

I know what you mean about Maya, you notice when they reach different age levels, they start doing new things and becoming more their own "person". When they are small, you really dont have a clue what they will be like when they get older,so it's interesting, watching them grow and change . Like a present that is slowly unwrapping --but you want it to go even slower ...time moves too fast with the grandkids and they are soon grown .

Your homemade cookies sound good. I used to bake a lot,but rarely ever do now. Cam loves Oreos, so I dont have to make them .


Well, I just got home from about 40 stops,so have to get my stuff unpacked and put away and get organized .

Will check in later .

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Thanks for all the compliments on the quilt ladies. It's been an adventure for sure. We hear back on the results in late August and those that aren't chosen for the touring come back in September. The ones that tour come back next year in October. Once it's sent it will be waiting to hear back for quite a while. Every entrant receives a fat quarter of Hoffman fabric, a spool of Sulky thread, and a pin that was specially designed for this challenge. So everyone is a winner.


Marlene ~ Keeping you and hubby in my prayers. :hug Sounds like a busy summer for you so far. Hope they can figure out hubby's problem soon. It's so frustrating when it's just test after test and no answers. Hang in there. Your cookies sound yummy.

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Hello!!! Just got back from my PT appt. Shoulder is healing really well but the therapist says I need to stop doing so much but that is really hard to do!:lol


Tab-Cute pictures of Lily, she is adorable! I have to agree with you about Algebra-it's a pain in the butt!


Marisa-Nothing worse than oversleeping and trying to play catch-up the rest of the dayQ


Joanne- Sounds like your visit to the LYS was a winner! We have a new one about 10 min away and it does pretty much cater to knitters, but the yarn is still lovely! Enjoy the rest of your vacation!


Julie-My shoulder is doing really well, thanks! Hope your feeling better:hug


Mary-Hope you start to feel better soon-I was down with a stomach virus last week and it was no good!


Tam-Thoughts coming your way for Ken! I have a tote ready to go out in the mail today!:hug


Cindy-Sorry that your mom isn't doing as well as you'd hoped. My thoughts go out to you and yours.


Linda-Your quilt is beautiful!


Marlene-Hope that both you and our hubby's medical issues get resolved soon. I know how frustrating it can be to feel like you're in limbo and noone has the answers.:hug


Hope you all have a great day. Think I'm going to settle down and crochet some and probably read a bit before the Giants game at 4.:hug:manyheart

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Sorry you arent feeling up to par. Those doggone side effects can really knock you for a loop. I hope you adjust soon or they can change it to something else .



Hope the antibiotics kick in soon .I think it takes 2 or 3 doses before they seem to start helping. Hang in there -- you are one of the strongest people I've ever known ! you're an angel! Thank you sweetie! :hug



Hope things go ok for your mom and she is allowed to come home when they feel she is ready. Your dad is probably having a very difficult time handling all this . I know it's been a L O N G time ago since I worked,but was always amazed that the patient seemed to handle their diagnosis better than the family . They seemed to be able to accept it, face it,and fight it . The family probably feels helpless, like they want to do something to make it better ,but don't know what .


Thinking of you & Tam both as you deal with the illnesses in your families .




Thanks for the latest update picture of your quilt ! Looking good,and it sounds like you are in the home stretch now and will soon be wrapping it up .When do you hear about the winners ?


Hello!!! Just got back from my PT appt. Shoulder is healing really well but the therapist says I need to stop doing so much but that is really hard to do!:lol


Tab-Cute pictures of Lily, she is adorable! I have to agree with you about Algebra-it's a pain in the butt!


Marisa-Nothing worse than oversleeping and trying to play catch-up the rest of the dayQ


Joanne- Sounds like your visit to the LYS was a winner! We have a new one about 10 min away and it does pretty much cater to knitters, but the yarn is still lovely! Enjoy the rest of your vacation!


Julie-My shoulder is doing really well, thanks! Hope your feeling better:hug


Mary-Hope you start to feel better soon-I was down with a stomach virus last week and it was no good!


Tam-Thoughts coming your way for Ken! I have a tote ready to go out in the mail today!:hugThank you so much! for your love and help with the bag! :hug


Cindy-Sorry that your mom isn't doing as well as you'd hoped. My thoughts go out to you and yours.


Linda-Your quilt is beautiful!


Marlene-Hope that both you and our hubby's medical issues get resolved soon. I know how frustrating it can be to feel like you're in limbo and noone has the answers.:hug


Hope you all have a great day. Think I'm going to settle down and crochet some and probably read a bit before the Giants game at 4.:hug:manyheart








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Or * KETCHUP* --- either one works in Hillbilly Village .


Love the play on words, Julie!!



Congrats on grandbaby Wiliam.Love the name . Bet you cant wait to pick him up .

Your pics of the totes and diaper cake were cute .



Unfortunately, William is in Alabama- he is my step grandbaby! Seeing lots of pics, but it'll be a while before we get a chance to pick him up:(. My DD is expecting August 3- this is her last week of work- I think tomorrow is her last day of work before she goes out on maternity leave! I can't wait!!! I'm addicted to the SBT's - I finished one for Tammy on the way to Maryland and finished another tote on the way home- this one for my oldest DD since she doesn't have one yet. (and to make up for me not going to Boston:yes)

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Good Morning, Ladies. So sorry I've been MIA again...I've not been feeling too chipper and it's got to be the change in my BP pills. My doctor wants me to give them another week. :( He said the nausea and fatigue should subside. That combined with our 100* days has been rough!


Julie ~ Can I steal your "catch-up" or "ketchup" idea? ;)

It is sometimes tough when they change your BP meds- thankfully, the first one they tried on me 2 1/2 years ago seems to work w/no side effects. The last few times I've had my bp checked it's been fine- so I'm lucky that the first med they tried did the trick!! Feel better!!!




¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)

¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`• Good Morning House!!!! •¨¯`•

How is everyone today?

Thank you all for the comments and compliments!

I have a prayer request please...............

Ken spiked a fever last night of 101.5* ...... call into doc and they said for him to take one of the antibiotics he already has and check back this afternoon. He will be taking his 2nd dose here in a few ... but fever is still 101.

So if you think about it... say a little extra prayer for him!




love you guys!

off to get more :mug





Oh, Tam- Prayers definitely being said!!!:hug


Good morning everyone. Its a gorgeous day here, so I'm hoping to do some outside work today.


My mom is not doing as well as she had been, although my dad still expects that she will be well enough to come home soon. Evidently she is quite confused, and he thinks that coming home will help that. I think that he is being overly optimistic, but I guess time will tell. Anyhow, if I disappear for a few days it is because I am going to go to their house for a few days when she comes home. Dad is hoping it will be this week, but my brother isn't so sure. And apparently my mom is not confused about her estimated discharge date which is tomorrow, as she keeps telling my dad to be sure to get to the hospital early on Thursday so she can go home first thing.



Tam, praying for Ken and the family.

Cindy- Positive thoughts and prayers for your Mom!!! It has to be really tough on your Dad!!




Catch you all later. :manyheart

That is one awesome, beautiful, amazingly outstanding quilt!!!! I LOVE It!!!!:manyheart



Hope you all have a great day. Think I'm going to settle down and crochet some and probably read a bit before the Giants game at 4.:hug:manyheart

Reading is probably good for your shoulder, Trish- as is watching the Giants game!!!! Good idea to take it easy as hard as that is to do!
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Marlene- It sure sounds like you have been a busy beaver!!! Hope they can figure out what is going on with DH- and that the neuro has some answers for you! That's so neat that you met someone who doesn't live too far who also crochets. Enjoy the rest of your time with Maya!

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Home from Maryland- we stopped in Delaware to get a cup of coffee and lo- and - behold, what was there in the shopping center- but a JoAnn's!! With 97 cents yarn!!!! I spent about 20.00 on yarn!!! I think I need to put an addition on the house for all the yarn I bought while on vacation!:lol:lol I just couldn't resist the prices- and DH even agreed:eek That took me by surprise.

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Home from Maryland- we stopped in Delaware to get a cup of coffee and lo- and - behold, what was there in the shopping center- but a JoAnn's!! With 97 cents yarn!!!! I spent about 20.00 on yarn!!! I think I need to put an addition on the house for all the yarn I bought while on vacation!:lol:lol I just couldn't resist the prices- and DH even agreed:eek That took me by surprise.

Hooray for hubby!


Thanks for all the praise of my quilt. I started the strips that make up the blocks for the Double Irish Chain today. Got seven sets of 3 and 5 put together before my back gave out. Just have to iron them before the cutting and assembly begins on that one.


I'll do crocheting or reading tonight.

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Hi Joanne

Sounds like you guys are thoroughly enjoying your time off,and what a way to spend part of your time (and a little money) to get such a big pile of yarn. What all type did you get for that price ,and what are you going to make with it, or do you know yet ?


I remembered the new baby was your husband's grandbaby and they lived far away ,but it'll still be your grandbaby too . A baby can never have too many grandmas and grandpas that want to pick him up and spend time with him .

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Hi Joanne

Sounds like you guys are thoroughly enjoying your time off,and what a way to spend part of your time (and a little money) to get such a big pile of yarn. What all type did you get for that price ,and what are you going to make with it, or do you know yet ?


I remembered the new baby was your husband's grandbaby and they lived far away ,but it'll still be your grandbaby too . A baby can never have too many grandmas and grandpas that want to pick him up and spend time with him .

Oh, I know- never can have enough baby's:manyheart Just wish we lived closer so we could spend some time with him!! I know you can relate with your DD's kids in Korea. Bet you can't wait to see them!

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Good evening ladies :hi


Work wasn't bad today and again we had periods of busy vs slow. My boss stopped by today, he was meeting with some other people. Anyhow, I'm off for the last week of July and then back to work 2 more weeks before I finish and he told me to head to the other office for those 2 weeks for these guys to get used to it without me, but yet I'd still be close enough if needed. And to just do some receptionist stuff over there and that since it's super slow there, I can feel free to make calls and do the things that need to be done for my office and my move :D His words....just hang out for a couple weeks!!!! :lol


Julie - Mary is taking online classes to get her bachelor's in business. She used to go to the community college and switched majors several times, but never more than part time because she needs to work so it's a slow going process for her. But I think she's finally on a track :yes


Mary - Praying that those pills even out for you :hug


Tam - Sending extra prayers for dh, how is he this evening?


Cindy - Sorry to hear your mom is having trouble :hug :hug


Linda - Gorgeous quilt!!! :manyheart


Marlene - Sounds like such fun with Maya. So sorry to hear that they haven't been able to figure anything out with dh :hug


Trish - I agree....don't overuse the shoulder, it's just as bad as doing nothing :yes But, I also agree that it's hard to find that balance and actually make it work :(


Joanne - :yay for making it home safely and finding such awesome yarn deals!!!!

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Morning everyone! Shasta decided since my dd was up, I should be too :lol gotta love her.


Julie, that was some catching up you did. Good job. Yes, Shasta has some great looks!


Mary, sure hope they get meds right and you get to feeling better :hug


Tam, you have my prayers for Ken. I know what a worry a temp can be. Hopefully the meds he has on hand will do the trick.


Cindy, hope you get some yard time and saying extra prayers for your mom and your dad and of course, you. :hug


Joanne, sounds like your yarn shopping was a BIG success and you're having a good time. Just what you needed.


Where in Alabama is William? Maybe it will be close enough, if/when you get here, we can meet!!!


Linda, love the quilt! Good job!


Marlene, sure hope they get hubby straightened out and feeling better. Sounds like you have really enjoyed having Maya with you.


Everyone, have a wonderful day!

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Good morning!!!


Nothing new here. I'm up early- having coffee, DH is sleeping and all is well in the world since I'm off again!!


Toni- They live in Phenix City- Hope you have a good day today! We will probably not be going down there until the spring next year. DH said that she may be coming up here in the fall to visit us. Time will tell....


Tammy- Thinking about you and praying that all is ok with Ken!


Off to enjoy the quiet house, some coffee and crochet!!!



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Good morning ladies :hi


Not much new to report this morning on my end. I almost finished my tote to send out to Tam and only have the last round to do :yay I had a great night sleep and will be heading up to workout soon :D

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Morning ladies



Yep, I can definitely relate about grandkids living far away . It's really hard to keep connected with them and get to know them well . Not the best scenario ,but I guess thats just how life works out sometimes.

I'm glad your girl lives close so you wont miss out on any of the fun parts and all the new things they learn to do ,etc .



It sounds like you are just about ready to wrap things up there in your job . I wish you all the success in the world with your new goal in life,that the perfect place becomes available and that you can get a nice practice built up . I think everything will be ok, it's just a big step ,but will be well worth it for you in the long run !



Sounds like you dont need an alarm clock there with your pup --he probably wakes you up so he can have some company and someone that will talk to him . :)


To everyone who is ill or has a family member who is ill, hope today brings some better news and today goes better than yesterday .

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Hey ladies

Been a long time since we had many questionnaires in here ,so thought I'd come up with one that has all NUMBERS for your answers .


1- How many times in your lifetime have you moved ?


2-How many siblings do you have ?


3-What year were you born ?


4- What year did you graduate ?


5-How many different school buildings did you attend throughout life ?


6-How many times have you been married ?


7-How many kids do you have ?


8-How many grandkids do you have ?


9-How many pets do you have,and how many have you had in your lifetime ?


10- How many states have you at least driven through,even if you may not have stayed long enough to spend a night ?


11 -Can you name a book or movie that has a number in the title ?


12 -How many rooms are in your current house ?


13 -How many times per week do you eat dessert ?


14 - How many aunts & uncles do you have ?


15- How many placeshave you been outside the US ?


16 -On average,how many crochet projects do you have going at any one time ?


17-What time do you normally wake up each day ? And what time do you go to bed each night ?


18- What age is the oldest relative you have ever had ( lived the most years ) ?


19- How many cars have you yourself owned in your lifetime so far ?


20- How many skeins of yarn would you estimate you currently have in your house ? ( just a guess, you dont have to count ) :D

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