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Our House Part Two


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Wow, Tam !

You have such talent,and to invent one on your own is a great idea . I'm a little slow, I thought they were brand new. Just saw them today at Walmart for the first time. I dont get out much to big craft stores,so am not updated very well .


Beautiful work on your projects, as always !


Did anyone ever ask you how long you have been crocheting,and who taught you ? Your work is always so pretty .

Well.. arent you just the sweetest!!! *blushing*

I think that new kit is awesome though. It gives you knooks and book! Great for beginners!

Thank you for the compliment!!! sure does boost ones ego :D

I've been crocheting and knitting since I was 7yrs old. My Aunt taught me and I havent stopped since! I love all kinds of crafting ... and my daddy being a very creative man and not afraid to attempt doing or making things himself... kinda rubbed off on me. I do have to say I believe crocheting and knitting are my addictions... well.... right behind COFFEE :D

Cant wait to see some new yarn work from you my dear!!! :hook:knit






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Cheeria, the salad and broil sound yummy. Sorry you had to go to dr. and get more meds and spend money you didn't count on. I too hate when that happens :(


Judy, sure hope your shingles ease up soon and you get to feeling better.


Tam, haven't shared the pants yet, need to do the hem first so she can put them on for me to get photo of :lol


Julie, there's a word I haven't heard in a while "gullywasher" and it totally describes the storms. Today was heavy rain but more on the horizon or just west of me.


Tam and Julie I don't NEED another technique :lol:no :no :no I will NOT go look! Darn, I looked :sigh interesting.


Well... .get to hemming missy! :D

:rofl............... I knew you'd look. Pretty neat huh?!

I think its fun. And really.. some ladies just want to know enough to create a knitted dishcloth... and this is a great way to get that! But it can be great for anything... I used knooking to finish sleeves on a sweater for one of my granddaughters... it was easier than 4dp knitting needles.



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Hi there house, yesterday I had to go to the dermatologist for I develope a rash, so combine with the co-pay and the cost of meds I ended up spending money that I didn't plan to spend, boy do I hate when that happen and I have to tap into my savings. :thinkI hope you're okay!

The grand darlings are doing fine today, the baby is napping and the 3 year old is outside with papa shooting his new water gun at the tress, this gives me time to come in here and see what's shaking and also time to throw together a macaroni salad to go with this evening london broil. :eek


Judy - Oh sorry to hear about the shingles, I had them a few years ago, matter of fact a few weeks before I was suppose to go on a cruise. The doctor work real fast to get me heal in time to go on my cruise, but I do remember how nervous shingles made me feel. Sending healing prayers and HUGS for a speedy recovery. :hug

Thanks hon....and your prayers for Lucy worked: hubby got an inspired idea to buy sturdy weed barrier to cover the rocks she always goes to outside....and he came across a German shepherd book that gave us the confirmation we needed about NOT letting her sleep on our bed. She's too dominant for that....

It's been so much better!

Ok ladies

I got sucked into buying one of these gadgets .Although I know better than to fiddle with yarn, I couldnt help myself when I saw this thingamabob .

It is called the Knook .

Nope, not an ereader ,a set of wooden crochet hooks that have a hook on one end , knitting needle on the other,and you can crochet,but it looks like it was knitted when done .


Anyhow, the link is below-- right on the main Leisure Arts page up at the top . It has a video to explain how to do it . I tried it already and it works so cool,and really not hard once you remember the steps .




Oh....I DO NOT need another technique...I really don't...but if I happen to see the kit at Michaels....:D

:D Oh Julie............... you're so cute!!!

its really neat.... I made my own extention for one of my favorite hooks and have made a few things via knookinig

Its about time they came out with a neat beginners kit like that though!

I sure hope you have some new found fun with your yarn and hooks now! :hook:knit

here are a couple simple squares I made.......








You are uber talented!!!!:cheer:clap

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'nite, ladies - I have a charity blanket to finish. Once that's done I'll work on finishing the tapestry bag....


Hugs and love....:hug:manyheart

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Well you sure did inherit the ability to do almost everything craft-related. I have never seen a project you made that looked in any way messed up or not done right. Your stuff always looks good enough to be the picture in a crochet magazine .

That is nice that your aunt taught you all these skills to use and possibly pass on to your kids or grandkids someday .


That's great that you caught onto this knook so that you can use it in place of regular knitting .



Get some rest and feel better tomorrow ! I'm glad you guys are finding solutions to training Lucy. She'll turn out to be a wonderful dog. Sometimes the things you have to work hardest at ,become the best things in your life .


*** Also, not to try to convince you to get a Knook, but if you like knitting,this is about 10 times easier --very nice short hooks/needles ,so no long ends on the straight ones and no big piece of tubing on the circulars !

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Good morning!


Val- What is the WIP that you are working on? Don't forget, we love pictures!!!;)


It's a baby blanket taken from one of Leisure Arts little books "Pink & Blue for Baby. I made the pink one only it's yellow. I'll try to get pictures.

Good morning ladies :coffee




Val - :welcome BACK!!! So sorry to hear about your dad :hug :hug :hug Wow, work not only worked you to the bone, but all those hours with harrassment too :eek Good luck sweetie :hug :hug how did the yarn organizing go? I have to do that as well :yes



Thanks. I still didn't get to the organizing today. I got to the last row of the baby afghan and ran out of thread. I wanted to complete. I'll let you know when I get everything together.


Welcome back Valerie!


Thank youl.


Val - welcome back, sorry you had to go through job harrassment, I pray that you win your fight. :manyheart


Thank you. Glad to be back!


·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸


Valerie……….. :hi HI





Judy - Hope you're feeling better.


Hello to everyone else. I've been running around and crocheting in between all day. Gotta go pick up my niece from work. I'll check back in later.

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Ok ladies

I got sucked into buying one of these gadgets .Although I know better than to fiddle with yarn, I couldnt help myself when I saw this thingamabob .

It is called the Knook .

Nope, not an ereader ,a set of wooden crochet hooks that have a hook on one end , knitting needle on the other,and you can crochet,but it looks like it was knitted when done .


Anyhow, the link is below-- right on the main Leisure Arts page up at the top . It has a video to explain how to do it . I tried it already and it works so cool,and really not hard once you remember the steps .





I learned how to do this a while ago, but I didn't know that they made hooks especially for this. In fact it was Tam, who sent me an extension for a regular crochet hook to try it out.


I found one of these at an Amish fabric store and it works for knooking. The hook at the end isn't quite as easy to use as a regular crochet hook, but it does work.

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Hello House!


Julie it was so great to see posts from you--loved hearing all about Cam and I'll bet you are very excited to be seeing your girl and grandkids!!!! You were missed!! Oh, and that knooking thing looks interesting!


Judy- Hope the dentist went well and that the shingles are not causing you too much discomfort!


Cheeria- sorry to hear you had to go to the derm for a rash- but hopefully the meds will help!


Val- The blanket sounds pretty!!!


Marisa- Fingers and toes are crossed that Mary does well and that she takes the 2nd part right away- much better when it's fresh in your mind to continue on!


Tammy- I hope to get the SBT done sometime next week and get it in the mail for the auction.


Toni- Can't wait to see the John Deere pants! Glad you got some rain- we had a thunderboomer come through when I was driving home from work (not fun), but that's about it.

I had my hair appt after work and now my hair is trimmed and colored and can't believe it's already after 9PM!!!! When I came home, the AC was making this loud noise when it goes on it is kind of annyoing and this is after spending mucho dinero to get a new one central AC unit!!!!


So I immediately called and they are coming between 3 and 5 tomorrow- so I will leave work early to be home by 3- (not that I mind leaving work mind you)


Off for the night! See you in the AM!!

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Good Evening, Ladies. :) Just a quick post 'cause I'm tired. :lol A couple more days of spending time on parent's "issues" and taking care of Luke this afternoon have me ready for bed. Of course, seeing Little Guy always makes everything better. :c9


Julie! It's so good to see your posts today! I think about you often. :manyheart


Valerie ~ So very sorry about your dad...and your job. :hug I hope you can take some time for yourself for a change. It's great to have you back! :yes


Judy ~ The dentist and shingles at the same time! :eek:hug I hope you're feeling better soon.:manyheart My sister has had a shingles vaccine and I need to ask our dr. about it.


Have a good night, everyone. I have a dr.'s appt. at 9:30 in the a.m. and hope to be home after that!

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HiYa Val

Sure hope things improve for you now. When you get down to a certain level. the only way is up,so hopefully that is the direction you will be heading in now .


So sorry about your dad .

Hi Julie. Thank you. I do know that I don't want anything to do with retail.

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Joanne - The blanket turned out nice. I have to finish a small portion of the last row and the border. Then I'll try to post pictures.


Mary - Thanks. I am looking for work but I hope I can stay home for a couple of months. We'll see. I'm glad to be back. Thanks again.

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I know it's summer and HOT out. We dont NEED furnaces right now . But with Joanne mentioning needing to get her air system worked on, it reminded me of our old furnace needing repairs.


I dont remember if I ever told you guys about the furnace at our last house .

It was OLD .BIG and OLD . The house was built in 1920,and I think the furnace was probably about as old as the house .

Anyhow, I dont quite know what the problem with it was ...we had the furnace guy come check it each year,and he said it was a better built furnace than any of the new ones ,so we shouldn't buy a new one ,but keep the old one maintained .

The problem with the old one was, once in awhile, it seemed to possibly CLOG UP ????? and excess gas would GATHER in it ,til it expanded and would gradually build up enough force to BLOW the front of the furnace off ( a big metal panel ) . Believe me, if you were in the NEIGHBORHOOD, you could tell when our furnace blew .

When it did that ,the pilot light blew out,so you'd have to re-light it .

One day ,it was super cold out, the furnace was on the blink and found out the pilot light was out. So I call Sam at work to ask him if I could re-light it,since it was early morning and he would be gone for hours at work .

He told me step by step how to relight it .

SO ..... I go down and take my equipment to light the pilot light . Do each step as directed .

He FORGOT to tell me ONE step :


Let's just say there was a H_U_G_E WHOOSH ...............the window glass rattled and I ran for the closest sink(thankfully a few steps away )


When I looked in the mirror ,no more BANGS or EYEBROWS .


I am not a makeup person, so could have hunted around to see if we had any BROWN MARKERS to draw on my FAKE eyebrows,but I am not good at drawing,so figured they'd be crooked or way too HIGH, making me look like I was CONSTANTLY surprised , or way too low ,making me look like a member of the Mafia .



Moral of the story :

NEVER EVER try to light your own pilot light . Call the furnace guy . He'd LOOK better as a Mafia member than YOU would .

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Hi Cindy

The locker hook thing you showed me actually looks easier in just one way -- the hole at the pointy end is bigger, at least from the looks of the picture,so it'd be easier to thread the cord through it.

This one is do-able ,and comes with the cords, but they are a little challenging to get into the holes in the beginning . The holes arent great big,probably because the hooks or wood or bamboo or something,and they'd probably crack if they tried drilling very big holes in them.

Once the cord is in,though,you wouldnt have to worry about it .

I wonder where they got the name Locker Hook ?



Hi Joanne

Great to see you too . Hope they get your AIR fixed today. The opposite always used to happen here -- the first bad cold weather we got, the furnace would break. It wasnt SUPER old,but didnt ever work well,so we ended up having to buy a new one a couple years ago .

What's the update on the new grandbaby ? I think it was due in the summertime, am I right ? Hope I didnt miss the announcement !


Hi Mary

Good to see you too,and I thought of you guys often too . I know what you mean about Luke .... pretty much any bad news is definitely put on the back burner when you spend time with a grandchild. They can make ANYTHING seem trivial in comparison .

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Good morning everyone. Rainy and hot here today. I never did make it to the grocery store yesterday, so that is on today's list.


Julie, I don't know why they are called locker hooks. I tried to look that up, but all I really figured out is that they can be used to make some sort of hooked rugs. The only problem with the hole at the end being larger, is that is is a little difficult to get the stitches onto the cord. I tried it out last night and my stitches are kind of loose. Of course maybe it will just take more practice to get tighter stitches.


You had asked about my mom yesterday. It turns out that she did not have a stroke, but rather has a brain tumor, and she doesn't want chemo or radiation. However, she is making good progress at rehab, and the hope is that she will be able to come home soon. Only time will tell how she will do.

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Morning Cindy

Yea, it does take a little getting used to,using these new knook adgets. I tried their sample swatch last night and the stitches arent all the same size,so I need more practice. Also, I think I am using a hook too big for the yarn,so need to downsize a bit.


I'm sorry to hear about your mom ,and will hope for the best that she can go on and live as much quality life as possible. It is sometimes quality that beats quantity .


I recently had an aunt who passed away --she was 93 ,and found a lump in her breast 13 years ago . She never told anyone ,just continued on with life .It apparently was a slow growing form of cancer ,and eventually started spreading to other areas. She refused all meds and treatment,but just went on living .She was very spry for her age,and had a huge family and a very full life. Was a member of all the groups she could find,loved to dance and listen to karaoke (though I dont think she ever tried singing ) .


Although she had a truckload of kids,grandkids, great.. etc... she never told a soul,until it finally caught up with her about a month ago . All at once, she just got to the point where it was winning the battle .She had about a month at home,with hospice coming in,and family with her daily .


She was an A PLUS person . Never said an unkind word to anyone and enjoyed each and every moment of her life,so in a way, it is puzzling to wonder how she was able to keep this a secret for so long,and why she chose not to proceed with meds etc .

I guess it is each person's choice when they reach that stage ,and until you are in that position, it's probably hard to judge how you would handle it .

She had been a widow for over 30 years,and also saw 2 of her kids die before her,so maybe she was ready to go whenever the time came.


Anyhow, I will hope for the best for your mom too,that it is slow growing and that she makes the most of each day .

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'morning, peeps!


I'm starting another charity ghan, but need to wait for squares to come in first so might have a little time to work on my tapestry bag....


I'm doing ok dealing with the shingles, as long as I know there's supposed to be an end to it.

The filling fixed yesterday wasn't huge, and near the front. The July 6th filling is a wisdom tooth WAY in the back...that's going to be a beaut. TG for nitrous oxide!:P


Little Lucy gets a bit crazy when she plays too long and is allowed to run around as she did this morning. I had to put her in her crate for a few minutes this AM till she calmed down enought to play quietly in the kitchen while I enjoyed my breakfast in peace!

Just like having a baby in the house:lol


I'm glad you guys are finding solutions to training Lucy. She'll turn out to be a wonderful dog. Sometimes the things you have to work hardest at ,become the best things in your life .

That's what I told Hubby....this one is sharp as a tack, so is more of a challenge, but she's going to be worth it.

*** Also, not to try to convince you to get a Knook, but if you like knitting,this is about 10 times easier --very nice short hooks/needles ,so no long ends on the straight ones and no big piece of tubing on the circulars !

That's what attracted me...and I was imaginging making dishcloths without it taking forever!


I learned how to do this a while ago, but I didn't know that they made hooks especially for this. In fact it was Tam, who sent me an extension for a regular crochet hook to try it out.


I found one of these at an Amish fabric store and it works for knooking. The hook at the end isn't quite as easy to use as a regular crochet hook, but it does work.

Love Amish stores:c9



I had my hair appt after work and now my hair is trimmed and colored and can't believe it's already after 9PM!!!! When I came home, the AC was making this loud noise when it goes on it is kind of annyoing and this is after spending mucho dinero to get a new one central AC unit!!!!


So I immediately called and they are coming between 3 and 5 tomorrow- so I will leave work early to be home by 3- (not that I mind leaving work mind you)

Oh that stinks! But at least you get out of work early:D

Of course, seeing Little Guy always makes everything better. :c9

Isn't that the truth!

Judy ~ The dentist and shingles at the same time! :eek:hug I hope you're feeling better soon.:manyheart My sister has had a shingles vaccine and I need to ask our dr. about it.

I would do it if I were you...:yes

Have a good night, everyone. I have a dr.'s appt. at 9:30 in the a.m. and hope to be home after that!

Good luck!


Off I go. Need to get myHUMONGOUS Jackson ghan (aka Amish blanket...:lol) to the laundromat to wash it so I can store it for the Summer. It's been waiting....


Have a good day my friends:hug:manyheart

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Good morning housefriends. It is a wet morning here. Kim's dentist appointment went well yesterday. A storm was coming in as we left, so we skeedaddled for home as quick as could be. I actually didn't do much but a gentle soaking rain, but the forerunner to it was very windy and lots of lightening and thunder. It rained for about 2 hours, took a break, and then started in again at 4:00 this morning. I think it's quit for now, but not sure.


I finished another Uglee Doll yesterday and have a third just barely started. Then I think I'll send them off.



Julie, the quilt isn't due until the 15th of July. I only have the border and an information panel to do and it will be ready to send.


Hello House!

I had my hair appt after work and now my hair is trimmed and colored and can't believe it's already after 9PM!!!! When I came home, the AC was making this loud noise when it goes on it is kind of annyoing and this is after spending mucho dinero to get a new one central AC unit!!!!


So I immediately called and they are coming between 3 and 5 tomorrow- so I will leave work early to be home by 3- (not that I mind leaving work mind you)


Off for the night! See you in the AM!!

Glad they are going to check it out and fix it. It should certainly be under warranty, so shouldn't cost you anything.

Hi Julie. Thank you. I do know that I don't want anything to do with retail.

Gee. I wonder why? :think Duh! :lol :lol

I know it's summer and HOT out. We dont NEED furnaces right now . But with Joanne mentioning needing to get her air system worked on, it reminded me of our old furnace needing repairs.


I dont remember if I ever told you guys about the furnace at our last house .

It was OLD .BIG and OLD . The house was built in 1920,and I think the furnace was probably about as old as the house .

Anyhow, I dont quite know what the problem with it was ...we had the furnace guy come check it each year,and he said it was a better built furnace than any of the new ones ,so we shouldn't buy a new one ,but keep the old one maintained .

The problem with the old one was, once in awhile, it seemed to possibly CLOG UP ????? and excess gas would GATHER in it ,til it expanded and would gradually build up enough force to BLOW the front of the furnace off ( a big metal panel ) . Believe me, if you were in the NEIGHBORHOOD, you could tell when our furnace blew .

When it did that ,the pilot light blew out,so you'd have to re-light it .

One day ,it was super cold out, the furnace was on the blink and found out the pilot light was out. So I call Sam at work to ask him if I could re-light it,since it was early morning and he would be gone for hours at work .

He told me step by step how to relight it .

SO ..... I go down and take my equipment to light the pilot light . Do each step as directed .

He FORGOT to tell me ONE step :


Let's just say there was a H_U_G_E WHOOSH ...............the window glass rattled and I ran for the closest sink(thankfully a few steps away )


When I looked in the mirror ,no more BANGS or EYEBROWS .


I am not a makeup person, so could have hunted around to see if we had any BROWN MARKERS to draw on my FAKE eyebrows,but I am not good at drawing,so figured they'd be crooked or way too HIGH, making me look like I was CONSTANTLY surprised , or way too low ,making me look like a member of the Mafia .



Moral of the story :

NEVER EVER try to light your own pilot light . Call the furnace guy . He'd LOOK better as a Mafia member than YOU would .

:rofl :rofl :rofl

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I started reading and taking notes, then my sis called and I was on the phone with both her and my mom and ended up looking up info on the computer. After that went to shower and now will be running late if I stop to reply with all the notes I've taken :sigh


BUT.......HEY THERE JULIE!!!!! I was soooo excited to see a post from you when I got on that I actually screamed in delight :yes (good thing I live alone :think )


Hi to everyone and bye to everyone and I WILL be back later :yes

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**~ Hi girls~** My name is Kiyo, 34, addicted to crochet, running around like a mad woman.......drinking my coffee thinking about all of you and how I need to post in here so you didn't think I ran away !!!! Work has been SOOOOO busy-- the days have just seemed to fly by. Not a lot of drama filled days, thank heavens because sometimes they are the days that make a person feel like theyve ran a marathon! Lord knows I REALLY need to run one! I've been busy working on Sue's surprises and I'm sure she thinks I'm pretty much MIA! I had to tell her I really wasn't! lol

I've also finished up a couple of bags I've made for 2 friends having babies- hopefully they will use them! I'm also working on a granny square blanket for a lady at church, and..........another bag/purse for my Grandma! AND......a 2 month old little girl halter top that is special for a friends little grandbaby!


I've tried to read a few posts- very slow at catching up!

Judy----shingles---YUUUUUCK! I'm so sorry!

Marissa---good thing you can do that math stuff----I despised of it lol and I think Aree is going to love it so I might have to brush up on what little skill I have!

Julie----sounds like you've been a busy girl! Glad your health seems to be better!

Tam---hope you are all on the mend and getting back to normal after daughter and kids have left

Wrennie----are you crazy gardening?

Toni- hope all is well with you and your eyes are doing great!

Cheeria----hope the rash is gone! all is well with you!

Mary & Mary----how are you girls doing ?

To everyone else.................HELLO AND HUGS!!!

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**~ Hi girls~** My name is Kiyo, 34, addicted to crochet, running around like a mad woman.......drinking my coffee thinking about all of you and how I need to post in here so you didn't think I ran away !!!! Work has been SOOOOO busy-- the days have just seemed to fly by. Not a lot of drama filled days, thank heavens because sometimes they are the days that make a person feel like theyve ran a marathon! Lord knows I REALLY need to run one! I've been busy working on Sue's surprises and I'm sure she thinks I'm pretty much MIA! I had to tell her I really wasn't! lol

I've also finished up a couple of bags I've made for 2 friends having babies- hopefully they will use them! I'm also working on a granny square blanket for a lady at church, and..........another bag/purse for my Grandma! AND......a 2 month old little girl halter top that is special for a friends little grandbaby!

WOW!!! Sounds like you have been super busy. Glad to hear from you.

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Good Morning! It's been a crazy busy week and I think I can finally settle down a bit and hopefully catch up on all I've missed.:blush

Sunday we went to the ocean for Father's Day, it was a beautiful day and very relaxing. Like some of you, it is a difficult day for me, as I lost my dad a couple of years ago and I miss him horribly:( Eneded up taking dd16 to the E.R. later that night. She ended up just having a virus but was in a lot of pain.


BF left for his yearly golf trip Monday morning-usually they go to Arizona but decided to switch it up this time and went to Palm Springs instead. Here I am complaining that it's been in the 90's and they are golfing in 110+ weather:eek! He'll be back Saturday, so I have a couple more days of quiet!:lol


Tuesday was my birthday and had a fabulous time with my kids and grandbabies. They all came over during the afternoon and spent most of the day swimming and just hanging out. It is rare that I can get them all together at the same time. A few of us went to the Town Green and watched a movie-during the summer, on Tuesday nights they have a family movie night and Thursday they have a farmer's market and concert. It's a really nice place to live!


Yesterday I woke with extreme nausea and spent most of the day sleeping-oh well at least I didn't get sick.


Have to pick up dd laptop today-the hard drive was bad and had to be sent out to be replaced, she's only had it since February, so it was still under warranty at least.


Ok-now that I've yapped your ears off, I'll go back and catch up on some posts!


Hope everyone has a great day!:hug:manyheart

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