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Our House Part Two


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Hi all!


Linda, my mom, north of me had the golf ball sized hail. The weatherman said on 6 o'clock news, if you didn't get any rain earlier, you won't until next week. An hour later, weather radio went off and storms moved in. Just pea sized hail and wind and lots of glorious rain! You sure got the hail!! WOW!!!


So glad your hip is healing. That is good news.


Mary, oh, my on the water!!! My sister noticed water weeping in the street in front of her house last week. Called water company and they came out to fix. All the neighbors from down the road brought chairs to watch :rotfl Then she told them, I don't have water and they had to do some more repairing, thankfully no charge to her or the mama. It was the water company pipes that needed replacing. Sure hope you don't have high water bill! :eek


I'm doing good. Had my second chemo this round last week. Hoping after #6 that will be it for a while. Blood work is doing good, nothing in the critical low category any longer. Thanks for asking.


To the rest of the crew, hugs to those who need them and love to one and all!


Tam, glad to hear Mike is doing well. I'm going to Relay for Life tomorrow night and do the Survivor lap. We get food and free t-shirts.


Hi Cheeria, always good to see you post!


Marlene, hope the DH gets a diagnosis soon. The sooner he gets one, the sooner he can start treating the problem and get better. Sorry to hear about the gazebo. Hope it didn't damage it to much and you can put it back up.

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Hi all,

It was another busy, long day in Paradise. Thank goodness the weekend is almost here!! I ended up staying up late last evening- DD was texting back and forth after the Bruins win!!! She probably got even less sleep than me!


Linda- glad to hear that the hip is healing!! That hail is amazing! Great pics of it!


Judy- Your "Lucy" sounds very precocious for sure!!!


Marlene- it was great to hear from you- I sure hope that they figure out the problem with DH- It's so hard not knowing anything! How are YOU doing? Have you done any more PT? I'm glad that you are going to the hometown parade with Maya- I know how much you love spending time with her- and it sounds like a fun outing!


Marisa- How did your day go? I need another cup of coffee I think or I'll be sleeping in about a 1/2 hour- and that means I'd be wide awake around midnight!!


Toni- I'm very happy t o hear about the labs!!! Awesome!!!!


Everyone- hope you have a good evening!!!

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One more thread to check and I'm off for the night. Been busy crocheting and finishing up projects. :yay


Off tomorrow and have errands and bills to pay in the morning and then the Relay for Life tomorrow at 5:30. Everyone, have a great evening and I'll talk to you tomorrow! :hug :hug

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Hi, peeps!


I'm checking in...and flying, as many of us are. Life is always busy, it seems, whether or not we have paying jobs.


Yes, Lucy is precocious...but last evening before going out I tokk her out on the front porch for the first time! Sparkie and daddy were sitting out there as they do many nights and though Lucy won't go out when I try to do it alone, when she realized Sparkie was there she came out, claws curled in fear, though.

After a few minutes she calmed down to the point where she actully curled up next to me and looked at the street, watched cars and people walking dogs - all with no problem! Her nose was wiggling constantly and at every noise her gremlin ears homed in on it and she would turn to see what was going on.

The 2 dogs, laying nearly side by side...and not play fighting...WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!


I also went to our book club meeting last night and with my young neighbor's help (it was her iPad) I led an interview for our group with Dariend Gee, the author of Friendship Bread.

It was a blast!


Off I go. Have a good day....everyone!:hug:manyheart

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Running late. Have a great day everyone!

Heres my friends yellow columbine. Its at least 18 inches tall! :yay

Oh, that's beautiful!!!!:clap:c9

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Morning everyone. Just a quick hi to tell those that are working to have a good day. Going to go to store in a bit before the temps get to hot. Plus, it's trying hard to squeeze out some rain. Hope so.


Marisa, sorry storms kept you awake. Hate when that happens!


Wrennie, those yellow columbine are gorgeous!!!


Judy, Lucy is showing signs of growing up into a young lady! What a great picture you painted of you, your DH and the two furples on the front porch. I can just "see" it!


OK, off I go! TTYL

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Good morning, everyone. We had a bunch more rain last night. Ground is really wet this morning. Last night I went to a local church and finally met up with the group of ladies that crochet prayer shawls (among other charity items). It was my third try and this time we actually hooked up. 7 of us first timers joined 6 regulars. It was a great 2 hours of crocheting and knitting and chatting.


One more thread to check and I'm off for the night. Been busy crocheting and finishing up projects. :yay


Off tomorrow and have errands and bills to pay in the morning and then the Relay for Life tomorrow at 5:30. Everyone, have a great evening and I'll talk to you tomorrow! :hug :hug

Good luck with the Relay for Life tonight, Toni.

Running late. Have a great day everyone!

Heres my friends yellow columbine. Its at least 18 inches tall! :yay

Oh, wow! That is gorgeous! No wonder you want the seeds.

Hi, peeps!


Yes, Lucy is precocious...but last evening before going out I tokk her out on the front porch for the first time! Sparkie and daddy were sitting out there as they do many nights and though Lucy won't go out when I try to do it alone, when she realized Sparkie was there she came out, claws curled in fear, though.

After a few minutes she calmed down to the point where she actully curled up next to me and looked at the street, watched cars and people walking dogs - all with no problem! Her nose was wiggling constantly and at every noise her gremlin ears homed in on it and she would turn to see what was going on.

The 2 dogs, laying nearly side by side...and not play fighting...WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!


I also went to our book club meeting last night and with my young neighbor's help (it was her iPad) I led an interview for our group with Dariend Gee, the author of Friendship Bread.

It was a blast!:hug:manyheart

Congratulations to Lucy for conquering her fear.:cheer You paint a nice picture of the four of you. I can just see her. The book club sounds like fun, too.


I went to the Library Monday looking for two specific books and neither one of them were in. This morning I got a nitice that the one that was there but who knows where at the sister-library had been found and was ready to pick up. Yay! The other one was checked out so I have to wait for it to be returned.


Wishing you all a wonderful day. :manyheart

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Good Morning!


Toni ~ That is great news about your bloodwork.:clap Good for you for going to the Relay for Life this afternoon...I hope it's not too terribly hot. :manyheart


Marisa ~ It sounds like you'll have a long day after very little sleep. :hug I hope it goes quickly and then it's the weekend! Have you had any luck with finding office space yet? :think


Linda ~ I'm so glad your hip is much better. Your crochet group sounds like lots of fun.:hook Thanks for the suggestion about the water company - no such luck. :( They are a private water company and have "policies on their website." At least she was nice. :lol


Joanne ~ Yay for Fridays!


Wrennie ~ Beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing. :yes


Hi Judy ~ Another wonderful Lucy story! Have you thought about writing a book or short story about Lucy's antics? It would make a great children's book!


The plumber was here for 5 hours yesterday - but was able to run the new pipe under the sidewalk. At least we didn't have to have it dug up!


I'll be going to take care of Little Guy about 11. DD is driving to Austin to see a very close friend who needs a friend right now. Luke's daddy will be home from work early - by 3 or so.


Have a great Friday, everyone.:manyheart

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Linda ~ I'm so glad your hip is much better. Your crochet group sounds like lots of fun.:hook Thanks for the suggestion about the water company - no such luck. :( They are a private water company and have "policies on their website." At least she was nice. :lol

It was worth a try. Sorry it didn't work.

Hi Judy ~ Another wonderful Lucy story! Have you thought about writing a book or short story about Lucy's antics? It would make a great children's book!

I second the motion. And you've got beautiful pictures of her to illustrate it with.

The plumber was here for 5 hours yesterday - but was able to run the new pipe under the sidewalk. At least we didn't have to have it dug up!

Glad they didn't have to dig up the sidewalk at least.

I'll be going to take care of Little Guy about 11. DD is driving to Austin to see a very close friend who needs a friend right now. Luke's daddy will be home from work early - by 3 or so.


Have a great Friday, everyone.:manyheart

Have fun with Luke. :hug Hugs to DD's friend. :hug

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Yes, Luke and I had lots of fun. :lol We usually go outside, but it was 104* and very windy. His dad came home about 2:30 and was going to take him back to his office for a while to show him off, of course. :)


I worked on another scarf while Luke was napping. I really need to change patterns, but love the look of the hdc ribbing.


What's everyone doing this weekend? Isn't this the "meet-up Saturday"?

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What's everyone doing this weekend? Isn't this the "meet-up Saturday"?



I'm looking forward to seeing my fellow hookers at Starbucks tomorrow!


...and the Lucy stories...if I could figure out how to weave them into a story it would be cute!:yes


Have a good night my friends:hug:manyheart

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We are back from our little get-away. We ended up going to Traverse City, and had a really relaxing time.

We went to Sleeping bear Dunes National Lakeshore We drove this scenic drive, which was amazingly beautiful, and surprisingly we were nearly the only people there.


We also went to a couple of wineries, and did a bunch of wine tasting and ended up buying a bunch of wine.


We also visited a couple of light houses, this one, and this one.

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We are back from our little get-away. We ended up going to Traverse City, and had a really relaxing time.

We went to Sleeping bear Dunes National Lakeshore We drove this scenic drive, which was amazingly beautiful, and surprisingly we were nearly the only people there.


We also went to a couple of wineries, and did a bunch of wine tasting and ended up buying a bunch of wine.


We also visited a couple of light houses, this one, and this one.

Sounds like a fabulous time.


Kim had a dentist appointment this afternoon, not her favorite thing to do or her favorite doctor to see. It went well, but she has a cavity that needs filling so have to go back next week.


Then we went to the library for a book I had requested. Turns out it was at the other library so we went there and picked it up. It's BIG. 760 big pages with small print. :oops Oh, well, I've got 2 weeks to read it with 2 extensions of 2 weeks each if I need them. :lol

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Hey ladies :hi


Just a quick stop again. Got home not to long ago after running more errands after work. My 2 oldest nephews are coming up this week and next and my parents got them mp3 players, just cheaper ones not ipods since they're still young. But they do love music :yes So I ran and got them gift cards to use to download music. I told my sil not to use the free sites for danger of virus' and corrupt files, so this will get them started :yes


Tomorrow I meet up with the ladies :clap:yay My plan is to get an early start so I can stop for gas (after I cross the border of course :lol ) and make a quick run in the walmart right there and then I'll head up the line. After I leave the ladies, I will be going to my parents house and my cousin is actually flying in from Florida tomorrow for the week :clap So it will be a busy weekend, but I'm very excited for it :yes


Going to head up in a few since I'll be up early and on the move.....and didn't sleep well last night.


Cindy - the dunes look gorgeous :manyheart


Wrennie - Beautiful flowers :yes

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Hi all,

The storms woke me up last night too- so I didn't get a great night's sleep- and then of course was running a tad late this morning so no time to get on the computer. After work a group of us went out to eat and then went to see a play at a local community theatre. We saw Hairspray- and it was fantastic!!! Just got in a bit ago and checking in. Better get some sleep so I can be functional at our meet up tomorrow!!!


Love the flowers Wrennie- and loved the Lucy story of the four of you on the porch, Judy! Linda- Sounds like you'll be reading for a while with that book. Mary- Glad you had a nice visit with Luke and that the pipe didn't have to be dug up. Marisa- Busy, busy weekend ahead for you and I'm so glad you're coming tomorrow.


See you all in the AM!

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Quick stop in as I have my coffee--taking a quick break from the usual Saturday morning ritual (you know- the dreaded cleaning:lol)


Hope you all have a wonderful day!! ---and now....back to my regular scheduled programming er, I mean cleaning....:lol

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Good morning house! Just a quick drop by to say have a great day, especially with the meet-up. I am going to get ready shortly to go to the mama's to spell my sister and will catch up with all the chat later.


:hug :hug :hug everyone.

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Good morning ladies...


I got an early start as planned so am already at the bux ready to hang with the girls. I figured i may as well check in while i eat my yogurt :) i'll try to check in later or tomorrw. But no guarantees lol

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