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Our House Part Two


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Hi all,

Good to hear from you Marlene- Hope they figure out what's going on with DH and the hiatal hernia. It sure sounds like Maya had an awesome birthday party and that all of you had fun fishing!


Judy- Can't wait to see the new "do" next Saturday!!! I keep saying it's time for me to find someone new- I've been going to my same hairdresser for eons!!! She's about my age- maybe a few years younger- but I think we are both in a rut. But I do like the color she puts on my hair so I'm in a quandry!! That was a NASTY hit last night, but I see the NHL did the right thing and suspended the player for 4 games. Unfortunately, Horton is more valuable to the Bruins than the guy from the Canucks is to his team.


Linda- I'm glad that you had another good day--and wait till Rosie finds out that the material is for her!!! You're sneaky!!!


Kiyo- Busy life you have right now between the dance and the softball!! Sorry about the ex- but like others have said- when it's meant to be it is! I'm so happy that you have such a great attitude about everything!!!!


Cindy---I had a long day too- and it's hot/humid here with temps expected to hit 100 tomorrow!! I'm happy beyond happy that our Central Air was replaced!!!!


Trish- Hope you had fun with DD and GS today- it's tough being stuck inside- but glad that the shoulder is doing well


Toni- I don't blame you for not wanting to give up the modem you have until the new one is more stable! WTG on the diaper bag!!


Marisa- Hope you had a good day and no more crazy calls from the bro and his wife's family----there IS always one in a family that will drive you nuts. Did you release some stress with your exercise this morning?


Tammy- WTG to Patrick pitching so well even though they lost- and to David too!! Hope you had a great day!


We had some landscaping and work around the outside done today- and I came home and everything looks so nice. We had some overgrown bushes removed and some new ones put in their place- and a few fence pieces replaced. What a difference!!! They have one more thing left to do and then it will be done! Hopefully the new bushes will survive the upcoming heat wave!!!


Off to watch the Yankees and Red Sox- and grab something to eat. I'll be glad when this week is over. I really don't like working till 5:30!!

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GOOD MORNING!!!!!The sun is finally shining:sun here and it is supposed to be in the 80's for the rest of the week!:cheer I'll finally get to enjoy my backyard and not be stuck in the house all day! Obviously not much new going on here, my dd turned 21 Sunday and she laughed because she couldn't even celebrate! Her due date is Sept. 18 and she is having a girl. I'll see her and my gs later today:clap Breaks up the monotony of my exciting days:lol Other than my pt appointments twice a week, I don't get away from the house much, but that's ok as long as my shoulder heals and I no longer have any pain.


Well, need to go take a shower and get ready for my visit! Hope you all have a fabulous day!:hug:manyheart


Glad your improving :hug :hug :hug We're supposed to be just shy of 100 degrees for the rest of the week :eek


Good luck to hubby on the doctor front. Hope they can get things figured out and fixed for him soon. :hug :hug :hug


Hi, Tammy. Congratulations to both boys on their games. Even though Patrick's team didn't win, it sounds like he did a super job of pitching.


I got the last side panel on the Challenge Quilt don this morning. I need to take a break and get some lunch and go by Walmart and pick up meds, then I'll tackle the last two corner squares. I need to go to the library and print out the paperwork to go with it, too.


:yay WTG :cheer


Afternoon everyone!


Was able to log off at a reasonable hour today :woo Have dr. appt. this afternoon to see how my blood and protein levels are. Finished sewing the button on the little halter top, will get photo later and put one on a towel topper I'm giving as a gift in a swap.


Marisa, there is always one in every family that causes the rest to go crazy. Hang in there.


To everyone :hug :hug and prayers where needed and TTYL


Can't wait to see your pics. Thanks, my bro's been driving us crazy forever, he's the one that really put my parents through the ringer :eek Went above and beyond :yes


*.~.* to all my friends....... I miss you tremendously!!!


I hope everyone is doing well, I haven't had a chance to read back on anything- Aree is keeping me hopping w/ dance and softball. Dance is supposed to be getting over and it just keeps going and going and going lol. School is out and she's going to Boys & girls club all day while I'm at work and today she INSISTED i leave her Alllllll DAY that is 0800-1800--- wth??? lol Even though I normally pick her up at 1700, she's not staying a FULL day and she has to! lol I have no clue why but ok!


The boyfriend from TN and I are no longer....that's kind of a wild adventure but I can't do it anymore and I'm sure not going to be made to feel like I'm at someones beck and call and I have to beg for anything! He's changed and I notice that but he's in denial and I'm MUCH to straight lined---I'm not usually moody or rude, etc.....Who knows he might have something else going on in his life--I guess that's the risk I took when he left! It's ok- I have other avenues to pursue!!!!! not going to let it get me down!


I'm just trying to keep afloat! Been working on a bunch of projects---including Sue's tote/bag/turtle carrier!!! lol


Well Kiyo, I'm glad you're having a good outlook :hug :hug :hug Can I say that I'm kind of happy because I didn't get a good vibe on him (without even knowing him) and I feel like you can do much better and deserve it too :hug :hug That's great that Aree enjoys her day school so much. I'm also fond of a razor cut on my hair :yes


Mines on the 26th.....




Hi all,


Marisa- Hope you had a good day and no more crazy calls from the bro and his wife's family----there IS always one in a family that will drive you nuts. Did you release some stress with your exercise this morning?


We had some landscaping and work around the outside done today- and I came home and everything looks so nice. We had some overgrown bushes removed and some new ones put in their place- and a few fence pieces replaced. What a difference!!! They have one more thing left to do and then it will be done! Hopefully the new bushes will survive the upcoming heat wave!!!


Off to watch the Yankees and Red Sox- and grab something to eat. I'll be glad when this week is over. I really don't like working till 5:30!!


Thanks, it's still a month and half until they come and my mom's already saying that she's done inviting them places and doing things :sigh

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Judy - I'm getting my haircut this weekend :clap:yay I'm using a new hairdresser over the past almost 2 years now after a falling out between my old one and my mom....long story there :lol Anyhoo, I wore my hair short for a while and he had given me a cute short razor cut that I really liked. I'm a little nervous, but I told the new girl I want short and sassy, so we'll see what happens :lol My hair is also thick and can be funny because it just does what it wants, so hopefully she has a style in mind for me that works with my hair. It's time to go good bye again :eek

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*.~.* to all my friends....... I miss you tremendously!!!


I hope everyone is doing well, I haven't had a chance to read back on anything- Aree is keeping me hopping w/ dance and softball. Dance is supposed to be getting over and it just keeps going and going and going lol. School is out and she's going to Boys & girls club all day while I'm at work and today she INSISTED i leave her Alllllll DAY that is 0800-1800--- wth??? lol Even though I normally pick her up at 1700, she's not staying a FULL day and she has to! lol I have no clue why but ok!


The boyfriend from TN and I are no longer....that's kind of a wild adventure but I can't do it anymore and I'm sure not going to be made to feel like I'm at someones beck and call and I have to beg for anything! He's changed and I notice that but he's in denial and I'm MUCH to straight lined---I'm not usually moody or rude, etc.....Who knows he might have something else going on in his life--I guess that's the risk I took when he left! It's ok- I have other avenues to pursue!!!!! not going to let it get me down!


I'm just trying to keep afloat! Been working on a bunch of projects---including Sue's tote/bag/turtle carrier!!! lol

Lovely to hear from you, Kiyo, but sorry about BF. Sometime you just got to do what you got to do. :hug :hug :hug I'm building up a stash of things to head your way eventually. Several scarves are done except for weaving in the tails.


Ran errands this afternoon and going to go to Rosie's for supper in a few. She told me I couldn't go to the local quilt store without buying anything. I was dropping off some books for the owner. I didn't pick up anything for myself but I picked up a couple yards of clearance material for her just so she could gloat. Then I'll reveal that it's for her and I'll gloat. :devil

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Back from Rosie's. She walked right into my prank! :lol :lol :lol She said, "I see a brown bag. What did you get? Let me see it. :think What are you going to do with this? These aren't your colors!" My response, "You're right. They're for you! You buy me material when you go on vacation, so I bought you material on my staycation." We laughed and laughed. She thought it was wonderful and agreed that she walked right into it. :lol :lol :lol

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Back from Rosie's. She walked right into my prank! :lol :lol :lol She said, "I see a brown bag. What did you get? Let me see it. :think What are you going to do with this? These aren't your colors!" My response, "You're right. They're for you! You buy me material when you go on vacation, so I bought you material on my staycation." We laughed and laughed. She thought it was wonderful and agreed that she walked right into it. :lol :lol :lol


:lol :lol Too cute :h5 Good job on your sneakiness :devil

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Morning House mates!


Time for another day in Paradise- and it's going to be a scorcher out there today!!! Summer time at its finest- NOT!!!


Stay cool - and thankfully I can between AC in car, work and house!!!!


Finished the Baby RR border last night! (and watched the Yanks lose to the Red Sox)


Off to get ready- I'll try and take a pic before I leave for work- if not- it's the same colors as the RR I made for my grandson- my co-worker told me the colors of her grandson's room are the same- so I had enough yarn to make another)


See you later!

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Back from Rosie's. She walked right into my prank! :lol :lol :lol She said, "I see a brown bag. What did you get? Let me see it. :think What are you going to do with this? These aren't your colors!" My response, "You're right. They're for you! You buy me material when you go on vacation, so I bought you material on my staycation." We laughed and laughed. She thought it was wonderful and agreed that she walked right into it. :lol :lol :lol

Oh, I love it!!! (and I'm sure she was thrilled)


Hope you have another great day on your 'staycation'!!!:hug

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Good morning housemates :coffee


Welcome to hump day and it's going to be just plain ol icky out today :( But since I have to work, I'll be inside mostly all day :)


Joanne - I'm so glad you got your AC fixed and you won't have to sweat this one out :hug and WTG on finishing the rr :clap:yay Sorry your Yankees lost, although I prefer to see the red sox prevail :devil Acutally the next time I go to Pitt is when bosox is in town and we'll be going to 2 games :clap


I worked on my sbt last night and have just one little round left to complete. I also still need to finish my market tote too, the bag itself is done, I just need to make and attach the pocket.


We're going out to dinner after work tonight so I probably won't be back until the morning :D

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'morning, peeps!

Going to be hotter than hades here today:(

Judy- Can't wait to see the new "do" next Saturday!!! I keep saying it's time for me to find someone new- I've been going to my same hairdresser for eons!!! She's about my age- maybe a few years younger- but I think we are both in a rut. But I do like the color she puts on my hair so I'm in a quandry!! My hair is off my shoulders - not drastic, but the layering gives it a different look. Casual - more "me"... The color I have had me wondering, too - but this girl said she would make me more blonde - sold!:D July 5th I'll be getting it touched up.

That was a NASTY hit last night, but I see the NHL did the right thing and suspended the player for 4 games. Unfortunately, Horton is more valuable to the Bruins than the guy from the Canucks is to his team.

Isn't that always the way!!:angry

We had some landscaping and work around the outside done today- and I came home and everything looks so nice. We had some overgrown bushes removed and some new ones put in their place- and a few fence pieces replaced. What a difference!!! They have one more thing left to do and then it will be done! Hopefully the new bushes will survive the upcoming heat wave!!!

Just make sure and soak the roots every day while it's this hot in particular.

Judy - I'm getting my haircut this weekend :clap:yay I'm using a new hairdresser over the past almost 2 years now after a falling out between my old one and my mom....long story there :lol Anyhoo, I wore my hair short for a while and he had given me a cute short razor cut that I really liked. I'm a little nervous, but I told the new girl I want short and sassy, so we'll see what happens :lol My hair is also thick and can be funny because it just does what it wants, so hopefully she has a style in mind for me that works with my hair. It's time to go good bye again :eek

I can't imagine you SHORT! WOw, we'll be having lots of show and tell on the 18th!

Back from Rosie's. She walked right into my prank! :lol :lol :lol She said, "I see a brown bag. What did you get? Let me see it. :think What are you going to do with this? These aren't your colors!" My response, "You're right. They're for you! You buy me material when you go on vacation, so I bought you material on my staycation." We laughed and laughed. She thought it was wonderful and agreed that she walked right into it. :lol :lol :lol

You guys sound like you're sisters...not just friends...:manyheart


Off I go - BBL!

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Not enough time to read back all the way.


Kiyo sorry about the ex. :hug


My hair hasn't been cut in over 10 years. I want it short I yank it into a knot on top of my head.


Going to be way hot here too. No A?C in the house but there is at work. Which makes coming home feel that much hotter!:P

Everyone stay cool.


My friend/neighbor Steve is dying. He's only 57. He has liver problems and I think congestive heart failure. A real good person. I can only hope for comfort for him in his final days. And strength for his family. :(

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Good morning friends. We are up! Just getting the day started so not moving too fast as yet. My joints ached something awful yesterday, but seem to be better today. I hope that lasts as I need to finish and mail off the quilt today. I got a box for it yesterday.


Rosie and I have so much fun together. Never had a sister, but she's sure a wonderful friend.


Take it easy in the heat.


Looking forward to pictures of everyone's new hairstyles from this coming weekend.

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Good Morning, everyone. :)


Tabby! Congratulations! You must be hoping for a girl after 4 boys. ;) I hope your DH is doing okay...and September will be here before you know it!:cheer


Linda ~ I loved reading about Rosie's fabric. :lol Yay for getting your Challenge quilt in the mail!


Kiyo ~ So sorry about your break-up. :hug Your attitude is great and you know we're here if you need to talk!


Wrennie ~ Will keep your friend and his family in my thoughts and prayers. :hug


Hi to the rest of the House, too! :manyheart


DD and SIL are bringing Little Guy in a few minutes on their way to the airport. I think I'm ready. :lol I just wish it wasn't so hot - we'll have outdoor time in the mornings and evenings. We have a wading pool, his wagon and lots of things to do. :)

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Good morning. I have the day off. I had to force myself to get up at 9 AM. (stayed up until around 1 AM.) If I didn't I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight and I have to work tomorrow. Coffee is brewing.....


Linda, you and Rosie sound like sisters. It's already June 8th, so I imagine you are working hard on that challenge quilt, since it has to be done by the 15th, right? How much longer are John and Kim planning to be gone?


All this talk about hair brings to mind how badly I need a haircut. Although I like Wrennie's attitude, "just pile it on top of your head".

And Wrenni, sorry about your friend.:hug


Mary, how long are you having Luke for? Have fun with him.


DD and I are going to do something together today, but she isn't up yet. She worked 12 hours Monday night, went to a 3 hour class from 9 to noon on Tuesday, slept for three hours and then got up and went to the beach yesterday evening, so I'm sure she is really tired.


Well. I'm going to get some coffee and water my plants before they wilt in this heat.

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~~* GOOD MORNING *~~ I am including some pics of my life these days........the LOVE of my life!


I sit and crochet and get a tan-----I'm thinkin' I'm going to be QUITE dark by the end of the summer! I already have a good tan going, took Aree and a friend swimming on Sunday and tried to soak up the sun that we haven't seen for months and months and months all in one day! lol- uhhhhhh not such a bright idea! It just quit hurting today! lol but.....it's nice and dark!




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~~* GOOD MORNING *~~ I am including some pics of my life these days........the LOVE of my life!


I sit and crochet and get a tan-----I'm thinkin' I'm going to be QUITE dark by the end of the summer! I already have a good tan going, took Aree and a friend swimming on Sunday and tried to soak up the sun that we haven't seen for months and months and months all in one day! lol- uhhhhhh not such a bright idea! It just quit hurting today! lol but.....it's nice and dark!

Aree's got a solid swing there, Kiyo. Looking good.


The quilting and trimming are done on the Challenge quilt. I've got the pieces cut out for the binding and hanger, too. Just a little more sewing to go now.

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We had a power outage for almost 3 hours this afternoon. I think it was planned, though. Probably with all the ACs churning today things were overloaded.


The reason i say planned is because when we all called to report it we were told it would be back on by 5:30.

On the button, everything came back on.

Do the utility companies think we're stupid or something?

The quilting and trimming are done on the Challenge quilt. I've got the pieces cut out for the binding and hanger, too. Just a little more sewing to go now.

:cheerGo, Linda, Go:cheer

~~* GOOD MORNING *~~ I am including some pics of my life these days........the LOVE of my life!


I sit and crochet and get a tan-----I'm thinkin' I'm going to be QUITE dark by the end of the summer! I already have a good tan going, took Aree and a friend swimming on Sunday and tried to soak up the sun that we haven't seen for months and months and months all in one day! lol- uhhhhhh not such a bright idea! It just quit hurting today! lol but.....it's nice and dark!

What form she has!!!:clap

Well. I'm going to get some coffee and water my plants before they wilt in this heat.

We're getting it bad here, too...oppressive!:P

My hair hasn't been cut in over 10 years. I want it short I yank it into a knot on top of my head.

I get a certain look from my DH when I pull my hair back - which is why I went and got a better haircut and had it trimmed a bit...or I would join you in keeping it up - all the time! If the style is good enough for Kate Hepburn, it's good enough for me:lol


My friend/neighbor Steve is dying. He's only 57. He has liver problems and I think congestive heart failure. A real good person. I can only hope for comfort for him in his final days. And strength for his family. :(

Oh....he's way too young:(. I hope his final days are as comfortable as possible...and that he's surrounded by his loved ones.:hug


'nite, ladies....

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Going to be way hot here too. No A?C in the house but there is at work. Which makes coming home feel that much hotter!:P

Everyone stay cool.

I am staying cool now that I have my central air back. You stay cool - and drink lots of water- It's a scorcher- and I can't imagine you are much cooler than we are!

My friend/neighbor Steve is dying. He's only 57. He has liver problems and I think congestive heart failure. A real good person. I can only hope for comfort for him in his final days. And strength for his family. :(

That's really sad and I hope and pray that he will have a peaceful end! Prayers for him, his family, and friends!




DD and SIL are bringing Little Guy in a few minutes on their way to the airport. I think I'm ready. :lol I just wish it wasn't so hot - we'll have outdoor time in the mornings and evenings. We have a wading pool, his wagon and lots of things to do. :)

Have fun with Luke and stay cool!!!!


Good morning. I have the day off. I had to force myself to get up at 9 AM. (stayed up until around 1 AM.) If I didn't I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight and I have to work tomorrow. Coffee is brewing.....

Gotta start the day with coffee!!!:yes

Linda, you and Rosie sound like sisters. It's already June 8th, so I imagine you are working hard on that challenge quilt, since it has to be done by the 15th, right? How much longer are John and Kim planning to be gone?


DD and I are going to do something together today, but she isn't up yet. She worked 12 hours Monday night, went to a 3 hour class from 9 to noon on Tuesday, slept for three hours and then got up and went to the beach yesterday evening, so I'm sure she is really tired.


Well. I'm going to get some coffee and water my plants before they wilt in this heat.

What did you and DD end up doing today? Hope you had a good time


~~* GOOD MORNING *~~ I am including some pics of my life these days........the LOVE of my life!


I sit and crochet and get a tan-----I'm thinkin' I'm going to be QUITE dark by the end of the summer! I already have a good tan going, took Aree and a friend swimming on Sunday and tried to soak up the sun that we haven't seen for months and months and months all in one day! lol- uhhhhhh not such a bright idea! It just quit hurting today! lol but.....it's nice and dark!

Wear sunscreen- please!!! The pics of Aree are great and it brings back great memories of when my youngest played softball!!!! Enjoy your time with her!!!! The years just fly on by!!!


The quilting and trimming are done on the Challenge quilt. I've got the pieces cut out for the binding and hanger, too. Just a little more sewing to go now.

:clap:clap:clap:clap I knew you would get it done!!!! Good luck- and I can't wait to see pics of the finished quilt!!!



We had a power outage for almost 3 hours this afternoon. I think it was planned, though. Probably with all the ACs churning today things were overloaded.


The reason i say planned is because when we all called to report it we were told it would be back on by 5:30.

On the button, everything came back on.

Do the utility companies think we're stupid or something?



'nite, ladies....

Wow- 3 hours!!! We didn't lose power today- DH was home today and for sure he would have told me especially since it's so hot and we now have the new central air! Hope it wasn't too unbearable- tomorrow is going to be worse!!! But they are saying it will cool down again Saturday- oh, I hope so- that's the shower!!!


Yankees are losing already again 3-0!!! Not liking this game at all.


I brought the RR in to work today- and she loved it. She brought a bag full of cute little outfits for Ryan- and an adorable bathrobe with a "doggie" hood and matching bath towel.


Hoping to finish the SBT I was working on and then need to start my swap partner's tote/purse/bag/whatever I decide to make!!!


Hope you all have a great evening!

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Hi house, I just got home about an hour ago from my daughter's home for I had to spend 3 days over there while she was in the hospital. I'm just home for the night for I needed to spend a night in my own bed. On sunday my daughter stepped on a nail that look to be 3 inches long. The nail was rusty and blood was pouring out of her foot so instead of enjoying her son's first birthday party, which was a huge affair she was rushed to the emergency room for a tetnus shot, but it didn't end there, her toes and foot started to swell and she couldn't walk on it, so she was admitted into the hospital for IV antibiotics for some type of infection enter her body thru the rusty nail. This was a scary situation for all of us. Just wanted to let you know I thought of all of you. I'm to tired from being with the babies full time for 3 days and taking care of everything in my daughter's house that I haven't read any posts sorry. Sending HUGS. :hug

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Wrennie ~ sending prayers and hugs for you neighbor and his family. :hug :hug :hug


Hi house, I just got home about an hour ago from my daughter's home for I had to spend 3 days over there while she was in the hospital. I'm just home for the night for I needed to spend a night in my own bed. On sunday my daughter stepped on a nail that look to be 3 inches long. The nail was rusty and blood was pouring out of her foot so instead of enjoying her son's first birthday party, which was a huge affair she was rushed to the emergency room for a tetnus shot, but it didn't end there, her toes and foot started to swell and she couldn't walk on it, so she was admitted into the hospital for IV antibiotics for some type of infection enter her body thru the rusty nail. This was a scary situation for all of us. Just wanted to let you know I thought of all of you. I'm to tired from being with the babies full time for 3 days and taking care of everything in my daughter's house that I haven't read any posts sorry. Sending HUGS. :hug

Oh, my goodness. Hope she's getting better. :hug :hug :hug


I pulled up the Challenge information to make sure I didn't have to modify anything. I had the date wrong in my head! :eek It doesn't have to be there until the 15th of July (not June). That means I don't have to rush quite so much on finishing it. I'd still like to get it finished this week, but it could go three weeks and still have plenty of time.

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Wrennie ~ sending prayers and hugs for you neighbor and his family. :hug :hug :hug



Oh, my goodness. Hope she's getting better. :hug :hug :hug


I pulled up the Challenge information to make sure I didn't have to modify anything. I had the date wrong in my head! :eek It doesn't have to be there until the 15th of July (not June). That means I don't have to rush quite so much on finishing it. I'd still like to get it finished this week, but it could go three weeks and still have plenty of time.

OH my what a surprise!!! But this way you have the bulk of it already finished and no stress...Better that you had June in your head and not August!!!:)


Cheeria- Oh my word- Hope DD is on the mend and that you get some much needed and deserved rest!:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Not enough time to read back all the way.


Kiyo sorry about the ex. :hug


My hair hasn't been cut in over 10 years. I want it short I yank it into a knot on top of my head.


Going to be way hot here too. No A?C in the house but there is at work. Which makes coming home feel that much hotter!:P

Everyone stay cool.


My friend/neighbor Steve is dying. He's only 57. He has liver problems and I think congestive heart failure. A real good person. I can only hope for comfort for him in his final days. And strength for his family. :(


So sorry to hear about Steve, and so young :hug :hug :hug Praying for a peaceful end without suffering for him.


Good Morning, everyone. :)


Hi to the rest of the House, too! :manyheart


DD and SIL are bringing Little Guy in a few minutes on their way to the airport. I think I'm ready. :lol I just wish it wasn't so hot - we'll have outdoor time in the mornings and evenings. We have a wading pool, his wagon and lots of things to do. :)


Oh, you're going to have such a great time with him :yay How long will he be with you?


~~* GOOD MORNING *~~ I am including some pics of my life these days........the LOVE of my life!


I sit and crochet and get a tan-----I'm thinkin' I'm going to be QUITE dark by the end of the summer! I already have a good tan going, took Aree and a friend swimming on Sunday and tried to soak up the sun that we haven't seen for months and months and months all in one day! lol- uhhhhhh not such a bright idea! It just quit hurting today! lol but.....it's nice and dark!


Aree has a great swing :yay:clap Be careful in the sun there Kiyo :soap


I brought the RR in to work today- and she loved it. She brought a bag full of cute little outfits for Ryan- and an adorable bathrobe with a "doggie" hood and matching bath towel.


Hoping to finish the SBT I was working on and then need to start my swap partner's tote/purse/bag/whatever I decide to make!!!


Hope you all have a great evening!


Glad your coworker loved the rr and it sounds like some cute things she sent for Ryan :yes Have fun getting back to your sbt after that rr :lol:devil


Hi house, I just got home about an hour ago from my daughter's home for I had to spend 3 days over there while she was in the hospital. I'm just home for the night for I needed to spend a night in my own bed. On sunday my daughter stepped on a nail that look to be 3 inches long. The nail was rusty and blood was pouring out of her foot so instead of enjoying her son's first birthday party, which was a huge affair she was rushed to the emergency room for a tetnus shot, but it didn't end there, her toes and foot started to swell and she couldn't walk on it, so she was admitted into the hospital for IV antibiotics for some type of infection enter her body thru the rusty nail. This was a scary situation for all of us. Just wanted to let you know I thought of all of you. I'm to tired from being with the babies full time for 3 days and taking care of everything in my daughter's house that I haven't read any posts sorry. Sending HUGS. :hug


Oh honey :hug :hug :hug I sure hope your dd is recovering and fighting everything off :xfin You sure must be worn out :hug


I pulled up the Challenge information to make sure I didn't have to modify anything. I had the date wrong in my head! :eek It doesn't have to be there until the 15th of July (not June). That means I don't have to rush quite so much on finishing it. I'd still like to get it finished this week, but it could go three weeks and still have plenty of time.


That's a weight off your shoulders, makes it easier for you to finish :yes you can do it!!!! :cheer

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Love the boy tote Marisa!!! Great job! I worked on one that I had started in cotton- I'm up to the handles- but I was fading fast last night!


Judy- I switched from the Yankees to the Bruins game which was way more exciting and the Bruins tied the series up 2-2~~~


Linda- Is today your last day of 'staycation' or do you have a few more days?


Hope everyone stays cool today- it's going to be a scorcher here in the Northeast!


Watered by bushes- gave the roots a good soaking- now it's off to get ready for Paradise and drink another cup of coffee!!!


Hugs to all!!!!

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Good morning ladies,


Just woke up, waiting for my coffee to finish brewing. Since I woke up ahead of my alarm today, it wasn't waiting for me. Nothing new to report since last night :shrug I'll be around a bit until it's time to leave for work : yes

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