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Our House Part Two


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:hi house!


Been such a busy week for me at work. Finished testing a tote this morning and am on the last piece of the diaper bag before assembly. Wish me luck, haven't put in a zipper in a long while and never on yarn.


Joanne, glad you got your AC. These 100 degree temps are nasty and the humidity makes it worse. I do NOT do summer and with the temps above normal and record breaking, going to be a LONG HOT one! :sigh


Linda, I would make the quilt and enter it. I love Irish chain quilts, double, triple, single, just love them. Now that I can see again, will hopefully be able to finish my youngest quilt. She's been waiting a long time.


Cindy, sorry you're having back issues, but the "doctor" has spoken and I'm sure you listened :lol


Marisa, sorry about the strawberry festival being a bust. When I lived in FL, there was one every year and it was terrific. It was in Plant City, famous for their strawberries. You could get anything you wanted made with strawberries when you were there. Later in spring they would have the corn festival in another area. Both were wonderful with music, rides and wonderful food!!!


Judy, if I didn't have the three dogs I have, I would get another doberman puppy. I miss my dobergirls. But my dd's young pit is a very ACTIVE young lady. I tell her she's ADHD :lol


Wrennie, I hurt just seeing what you were saying :hug


Hummingbirds, if their feeders get empty, they have been known to hover at my front door looking in waiting not so patiently for it to be filled. They are funny little creatures.


Everyone, have a great night and I'll try to get back tomorrow


:hug :hug :hug to all!

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Marisa- What kind of a strawberry festival has NO strawberries? But glad that the day wasn't a total bust----although---weren't you supposed to be going through some things today????:lol


Toni- I had no idea that living in the mtns would be so hot!! I couldn't live in the south- too darn hot---I don't like when it gets hot/humid here like it did the other day! I actually like spring/fall weather the best- (that is when we have a spring and we have a fall---seems that summer is longer and longer (weather wise)


We went out for a while since DH was very antsy and now we're watching the Hockey game- and I'm finally going to get to crochet!:hook

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Love the pic of the coffee cup on the chair!!! What a great pic to wake up to this morning- which is kind of cloudy- that brought a ray of sunshine in!!!


It's nice and peacefully quiet- DH is sleeping, there is no TV on, and the birds are outside chirping away- thinking I'm going to take my next cup of coffee out on the deck and just read for a bit and enjoy the early morning!


Have a great day everyone!

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'morning, peeps!


Joanne, I chuckled when I read you were going to take your coffee out on the deck...I tried that this morning... needless to say with my ADHD puppy (and Toni, I feel for you) it was a total bust:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol


ANd the Yankees won last night!:D



Good Evening House..............

hope everyone had a great day!!!








LOVE that picture....:c9


Marisa, it sounds like you know how to enjoy life! Enjoy your bachelorette days:yes


Well, today is Avgolemeno soup day I think. The weather is still so nice but with Summer around the corner soup making stops till at least October after today's batch.

I also have some overripe bananas that are telling me to make banana bread....so...it's domestic goddess day for me.


Haave a good day, my friends.....:hug

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Good morning ladies :hi


I slept in a bit today until 8:30 :D and now I feel great :yes Just had a cup of yogurt and after I finish here, I'm going to head upstairs to workout. Then laundry needs to be done and some more packing :xfin and crocheting :xfin and sweater sewing together :xfin:lol I was thinking of going to the movies this morning, but decided that I'm not going :no I'm just going to stay here :yes I did get to work a few rounds of the market tote last night, but that's the extent of yesterdays crafting.

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·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸How is everyone this morning?¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸


Thank you all for your love ... prayers and crossed fingers. It worked... After a VERY stressfull week... I finally woke this morning to a quiet house. No crying baby.... no screaming toddlers.... no yelling daughter and no loud toys.

I'm so worn out... I dont even have the energy to be excited. In a couple of days maybe! Right now.. I'm just enjoying my favorite chair in the *living room* with my coffee and yarn at hand! No more closet!


So what is everyone else up to. I havent been real good these last few weeks about keeping up with whats been going on... :( sorry!


okay..... more coffee and crocheting for me! :hook

its gonna be a busy day of baseball for us... so until we leave ... I'm gonna enjoy being about to play on here .... crochet and drink my coffee in peace!

love you guys :hug



time to get ready for radio church... we wont make regular church today due to games.




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What wonderful news!!! Tammy doesn't have to be a closet crocheter anymore!!!:clap:yay:clap I'm thrilled for you Tammy and yes, you'll be excited after a few more mornings of quiet in the house and being able to enjoy your living room again!!!! Enjoy the games today!!!


Judy- Sorry that Heidi didn't let you enjoy some quiet time on the deck! It was lovely- and I opted to take the baby RR I'm working on for my co-worker and got a few more rounds done. Boy they take longer and longer each round:hook Your domestic goddess day sounds great! I'm making Meatloaf tonight --reading about Toni's really put me in the mood for it!!


Marisa- I think that's a good choice about not going to the movie today and doing what you need to get done- and enjoy the day. Maybe next weekend at your parents you can all go to the movies? (are there any regular movie theatres that play current flicks where they live?)


Off to put the laundry in the dryer and hubster is finally up- so it's breakfast time!!!

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Good morning, my friends. It's so quiet in the house with just the pets and me. It finally dawned on me last night that I kept waiting for the phone to ring and John to say that I was needed there. :think I'm so used to being on call all the time even when I'm not actually taking care of Kim that it hadn't sunk in that I have time off where I'm truly not answerable to anyone else. :no


I had a loaded baked potato for supper and spent part of the evening with Rosie chatting and watching TV. Trouble did better at settling down on my bed last night which was a relief.


I think that today is going to be a quilting day. I'll do more of the quilting on the Challenge Quilt and start cutting out the material for the double Irish Chain quilt, too.

This is the material that will be the main color (traditionally white):


This will be the outer of the chains (I think):


Then one of these two will be the center of the chains:


This is a coordinating fabric which may get added in, but not sure just how or where.


And this will go in where some of the main color traditionally goes amid the chains.


Just had to get in some of my fancy material. :lol :lol :lol


Hello all!!! I'm happy to say that I now have a brand new furnace and central air!!! They guys did a great job- were very neat- cleaned up everything and even though it's not very hot today- it works great!!!! Enjoyed my mani/pedi=- and decided to do my toes in blue (since the baby shower is next Saturday). Had lunch with a friend and then went to the grocery store and ACMoore to get some yarn/goodies for the tote/purse swap! DH was home supervising the workers so it worked out well.

Blue toenails! :lol :lol :lol

Joanne, it's funny you mentioned the work involved with having a puppy. That was a big part of the reason Phil was reluctant to get another pup. Heidi is our 8th dog - 7th shepherd and we knew what to expect. The best part is that babyhood is short, passing by in the blink of an eye, as compared to raising a child.

We're so happy with her - tired, but happy. Watching the fun Sparkie has with her is a big part of our joy. Before long she'll be all grown up and serious....


Have a good night, everyone...:hug:manyheart

Puppihood does fly by, although it doesn't always feel that way when you are in the midst of it.

The strawberry festival was a bust :eek There were NO strawberries and my heart was set on a chunk of strawberry shortcake ever since I saw the sign for the festival :sigh They were grilling some dogs and burgs for sale and had some flea market type tables set up. We walked through and Mary bought a necklace, but that's it. So, we went to a close diner and had lunch. Then went to do some shopping. Her mom needed new shorts so we went over to Fashion Bug and found some, I also got a pair of shoes and a halter top. Ashley Stewart was next door and there was a really cute dress I liked, but they didn't have my size :( Next was walmart where we did really well finding some more capri's for Mary's mom. I got quite a bit too :yes I need some more swiffer dusters, but I found clipboards on clearance for 50 cents, so picked up about 10 of them for the office :yes A couple movies from the $5 bin, bday cards to cover the whole month (we have alot in June), and some eggs. Now I really don't have to hit the grocery store this weekend either :clap:yay


So, I decided that since I really was already set on having some dessert for lunch and missed out, I'm going to head over to cold stone for a tasty treat this evening :think Now, I'm debating on heading to the movies in the morning to see the hangover 2. Hmmmm....decisions, decisions :lol

A strawberry festival without strawberries! :eek Bummer! Sounds like you had a good day in spite of it.



·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸How is everyone this morning?¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸


Thank you all for your love ... prayers and crossed fingers. It worked... After a VERY stressfull week... I finally woke this morning to a quiet house. No crying baby.... no screaming toddlers.... no yelling daughter and no loud toys.

I'm so worn out... I dont even have the energy to be excited. In a couple of days maybe! Right now.. I'm just enjoying my favorite chair in the *living room* with my coffee and yarn at hand! No more closet!


So what is everyone else up to. I havent been real good these last few weeks about keeping up with whats been going on... :( sorry!


okay..... more coffee and crocheting for me! :hook

its gonna be a busy day of baseball for us... so until we leave ... I'm gonna enjoy being about to play on here .... crochet and drink my coffee in peace!

love you guys :hug



time to get ready for radio church... we wont make regular church today due to games.



Oh, Tammy! Hooray for quiet time in your own livingroom! :yay Good luck to the boys at their ball games.


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Good morning (afternoon, I mean!)


We went to church this morning and then stopped over at the inlaws for a while. MIL is still not feeling well, and needs to have a pacemaker placed. That is scheduled for Wednesday. Dh is a little worried about that, because he will be gone next week.


Dh is out grilling pork chops at the moment. I try to have a big Sunday lunch when ds is here, because I think he eats out all week when he is in Detroit. I am making oven roasted potatoes and I seasoned them with some fresh thyme from my new herb garden. Thats about all it takes to make me feel domestic! DD invited us for dinner, so after lunch, my kitchen work is done.


Linda, I really like the colors and fabrics you chose for your Irish chain quilt. Looking forward to seeing that in progress.


Judy, too bad that Heidi kept you from relaxing on the deck. At least puppy hood is a very short period of time.


Tammy, how wonderful that you have your space back!! Enjoy it!


My plan for this afternoon is to read and knit. I also need to get a picture of the granny stripe afghan still.

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Well, after finishing here earlier, I checked my credit report before heading up for my workout. Now am showered and have the 2nd load of laundry in :clap Going to take some things out to the dumpster and maybe work on going through some more stuff. I just feel like there's soooo much here and that I just don't know where to go next :lol It'll get done though :yes I do have to run to the market to get stuff for salads this week and I think I might get some lunchmeats since I've finished all last weeks leftovers and haven't cooked anything all weekend, nor do I feel like it today :eek




·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸How is everyone this morning?¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸


Thank you all for your love ... prayers and crossed fingers. It worked... After a VERY stressfull week... I finally woke this morning to a quiet house. No crying baby.... no screaming toddlers.... no yelling daughter and no loud toys.

I'm so worn out... I dont even have the energy to be excited. In a couple of days maybe! Right now.. I'm just enjoying my favorite chair in the *living room* with my coffee and yarn at hand! No more closet!


So what is everyone else up to. I havent been real good these last few weeks about keeping up with whats been going on... :( sorry!


okay..... more coffee and crocheting for me! :hook

its gonna be a busy day of baseball for us... so until we leave ... I'm gonna enjoy being about to play on here .... crochet and drink my coffee in peace!

love you guys :hug



time to get ready for radio church... we wont make regular church today due to games.




It's OK Tam :hug :hug :hug Glad you're getting to keep your favorite chair company :yes Good luck to the boys at their games :xfin:h5


What wonderful news!!! Tammy doesn't have to be a closet crocheter anymore!!!:clap:yay:clap I'm thrilled for you Tammy and yes, you'll be excited after a few more mornings of quiet in the house and being able to enjoy your living room again!!!! Enjoy the games today!!!


Judy- Sorry that Heidi didn't let you enjoy some quiet time on the deck! It was lovely- and I opted to take the baby RR I'm working on for my co-worker and got a few more rounds done. Boy they take longer and longer each round:hook Your domestic goddess day sounds great! I'm making Meatloaf tonight --reading about Toni's really put me in the mood for it!!


Marisa- I think that's a good choice about not going to the movie today and doing what you need to get done- and enjoy the day. Maybe next weekend at your parents you can all go to the movies? (are there any regular movie theatres that play current flicks where they live?)


Off to put the laundry in the dryer and hubster is finally up- so it's breakfast time!!!


Yes they do Joanne, but we just don't go to that one :no:lol


Good morning, my friends. It's so quiet in the house with just the pets and me. It finally dawned on me last night that I kept waiting for the phone to ring and John to say that I was needed there. :think I'm so used to being on call all the time even when I'm not actually taking care of Kim that it hadn't sunk in that I have time off where I'm truly not answerable to anyone else. :no


I had a loaded baked potato for supper and spent part of the evening with Rosie chatting and watching TV. Trouble did better at settling down on my bed last night which was a relief.


I think that today is going to be a quilting day. I'll do more of the quilting on the Challenge Quilt and start cutting out the material for the double Irish Chain quilt, too.

This is the material that will be the main color (traditionally white):


This will be the outer of the chains (I think):


Then one of these two will be the center of the chains:


This is a coordinating fabric which may get added in, but not sure just how or where.


And this will go in where some of the main color traditionally goes amid the chains.


Just had to get in some of my fancy material. :lol :lol :lol



Blue toenails! :lol :lol :lol


Puppihood does fly by, although it doesn't always feel that way when you are in the midst of it.


A strawberry festival without strawberries! :eek Bummer! Sounds like you had a good day in spite of it.


Oh, Tammy! Hooray for quiet time in your own livingroom! :yay Good luck to the boys at their ball games.


Gorgeous fabrics :manyheart Can't wait to see what you do with them....I have trouble envisioning things in my head :think:lol


Good morning (afternoon, I mean!)


We went to church this morning and then stopped over at the inlaws for a while. MIL is still not feeling well, and needs to have a pacemaker placed. That is scheduled for Wednesday. Dh is a little worried about that, because he will be gone next week.


Dh is out grilling pork chops at the moment. I try to have a big Sunday lunch when ds is here, because I think he eats out all week when he is in Detroit. I am making oven roasted potatoes and I seasoned them with some fresh thyme from my new herb garden. Thats about all it takes to make me feel domestic! DD invited us for dinner, so after lunch, my kitchen work is done.


Linda, I really like the colors and fabrics you chose for your Irish chain quilt. Looking forward to seeing that in progress.


Judy, too bad that Heidi kept you from relaxing on the deck. At least puppy hood is a very short period of time.


Tammy, how wonderful that you have your space back!! Enjoy it!


My plan for this afternoon is to read and knit. I also need to get a picture of the granny stripe afghan still.


Prayers for you MIL :hug :hug Wish I was there for lunch :drool Sounds wonderful. I'm about to go cut some fresh mint to make myself a mojito :D

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It's nice and peacefully quiet- DH is sleeping, there is no TV on, and the birds are outside chirping away- thinking I'm going to take my next cup of coffee out on the deck and just read for a bit and enjoy the early morning!


Have a great day everyone!

Don't you just love the quiet time???? I finally get some time to myself and it's paradise!


'morning, peeps!



Well, today is Avgolemeno soup day I think. The weather is still so nice but with Summer around the corner soup making stops till at least October after today's batch.

I also have some overripe bananas that are telling me to make banana bread....so...it's domestic goddess day for me.


Haave a good day, my friends.....:hug

I'm thinking of making banana bread as well, although it will take me twice as long to do it since I can only use I hand!:lol


Good morning ladies :hi


I slept in a bit today until 8:30 :D and now I feel great :yes Just had a cup of yogurt and after I finish here, I'm going to head upstairs to workout. Then laundry needs to be done and some more packing :xfin and crocheting :xfin and sweater sewing together :xfin:lol I was thinking of going to the movies this morning, but decided that I'm not going :no I'm just going to stay here :yes I did get to work a few rounds of the market tote last night, but that's the extent of yesterdays crafting.

Sounds like a great day! Enjoy yourself




·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸How is everyone this morning?¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸


Thank you all for your love ... prayers and crossed fingers. It worked... After a VERY stressfull week... I finally woke this morning to a quiet house. No crying baby.... no screaming toddlers.... no yelling daughter and no loud toys.

I'm so worn out... I dont even have the energy to be excited. In a couple of days maybe! Right now.. I'm just enjoying my favorite chair in the *living room* with my coffee and yarn at hand! No more closet!


So what is everyone else up to. I havent been real good these last few weeks about keeping up with whats been going on... :( sorry!


okay..... more coffee and crocheting for me! :hook

its gonna be a busy day of baseball for us... so until we leave ... I'm gonna enjoy being about to play on here .... crochet and drink my coffee in peace!

love you guys :hug



time to get ready for radio church... we wont make regular church today due to games.



:cheerIt'll be so much better and less stressful for you now! Have a fabulous day of baseball!!!!:hug


Good morning, my friends. It's so quiet in the house with just the pets and me. It finally dawned on me last night that I kept waiting for the phone to ring and John to say that I was needed there. :think I'm so used to being on call all the time even when I'm not actually taking care of Kim that it hadn't sunk in that I have time off where I'm truly not answerable to anyone else. :no


I had a loaded baked potato for supper and spent part of the evening with Rosie chatting and watching TV. Trouble did better at settling down on my bed last night which was a relief.


I think that today is going to be a quilting day. I'll do more of the quilting on the Challenge Quilt and start cutting out the material for the double Irish Chain quilt, too.

This is the material that will be the main color (traditionally white):


This will be the outer of the chains (I think):


Then one of these two will be the center of the chains:


This is a coordinating fabric which may get added in, but not sure just how or where.


And this will go in where some of the main color traditionally goes amid the chains.


Just had to get in some of my fancy material. :lol :lol :lol



Beautiful material! I think that I may try quilting again as soon as my arm allows me to! I tried it years ago, but the kids were all small and my patience was really thin!:lol Enjoy your time off-it sounds like you are!:hug


Good morning (afternoon, I mean!)


We went to church this morning and then stopped over at the inlaws for a while. MIL is still not feeling well, and needs to have a pacemaker placed. That is scheduled for Wednesday. Dh is a little worried about that, because he will be gone next week.


Dh is out grilling pork chops at the moment. I try to have a big Sunday lunch when ds is here, because I think he eats out all week when he is in Detroit. I am making oven roasted potatoes and I seasoned them with some fresh thyme from my new herb garden. Thats about all it takes to make me feel domestic! DD invited us for dinner, so after lunch, my kitchen work is done.



My plan for this afternoon is to read and knit. I also need to get a picture of the granny stripe afghan still.

My thoughts go out to your MIL.:hug Enjoy your day!


Well, so much for enjoying the weather while I am recovering! It is cold and rainy here!:( Sunny California? Where? We never get this much rain this time of year and I have the heater on! Oh, well, think I'm going to try and do some baking this morning and whatever else I can find to do without making my shoulder scream:lol


Hope you all have a fabulous day:hug:manyheart

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Beautiful material! I think that I may try quilting again as soon as my arm allows me to! I tried it years ago, but the kids were all small and my patience was really thin!:lol Enjoy your time off-it sounds like you are!:hug


Well, so much for enjoying the weather while I am recovering! It is cold and rainy here!:( Sunny California? Where? We never get this much rain this time of year and I have the heater on! Oh, well, think I'm going to try and do some baking this morning and whatever else I can find to do without making my shoulder scream:lol


Hope you all have a fabulous day:hug:manyheart

Take care of your shoulder, Trish. Hope it get to feeling better very soon.


So far all I've done today is read. Feels good though.

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Linda- those fabrics are so beautiful!!!! I'm glad that you are finally realizing that you ARE on vacation!! Enjoy your day.


Cindy- Porkchops on the grill sounds delicious with the roasted potatoes! My DD came over today with her sewing machine- and my well laid plans for meatloaf are now changed. She is a vegetarian so I'm going to make spaghetti and meatballs instead- that way she can eat dinner too. She'll probably mix the zucchini in with her pasta (as will I , but I'll add a couple of meatballs too!

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Hello all!!! I'm happy to say that I now have a brand new furnace and central air!!! They guys did a great job- were very neat- cleaned up everything and even though it's not very hot today- it works great!!!!


Ooooh, nice!!


Wrennie- Did you get out to plant your veggies? I love zucchini!!! I picked some up today and am making it tomorrow. DH doesn't like it, but I always make alot- and then I have leftovers!!!


I got in the zucchini, leeks, hungarian wax(hot) peppers and 6 tomatoes in. My veg garden is on a hill and my legs were starting to hurt so I left it for today and will do more peppers; peter peppers (also hot) and some more tomatoes tomorrow or tuesday.


Marton found an icky loking chrysalis thingy. I have no idea what it is. I'm going to have to get a picture and go on whatbug.com

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Well, after finishing here earlier, I checked my credit report before heading up for my workout. Now am showered and have the 2nd load of laundry in :clap Going to take some things out to the dumpster and maybe work on going through some more stuff. I just feel like there's soooo much here and that I just don't know where to go next :lol It'll get done though :yes I do have to run to the market to get stuff for salads this week and I think I might get some lunchmeats since I've finished all last weeks leftovers and haven't cooked anything all weekend, nor do I feel like it today :eek

Yes they do Joanne, but we just don't go to that one :no:lol


. I'm about to go cut some fresh mint to make myself a mojito :D

Now doesn't that sound very summery (and delicious!!!) Isn't it amazing how much 'stuff' we all accumulate? I made another trip to Goodwill today- finally went up to the attic and brought down some more clothes that don't fit anymore- and immediately packed them in a bag and dropped them off!


DD is here with her sewing machine and is going to help me with the linings for the totes---this is in exchange for her doing her laundry at my house! Her BF is out playing ball and will be back later for dinner!

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Don't you just love the quiet time???? I finally get some time to myself and it's paradise!



I'm thinking of making banana bread as well, although it will take me twice as long to do it since I can only use I hand!:lol



Sounds like a great day! Enjoy yourself



:cheerIt'll be so much better and less stressful for you now! Have a fabulous day of baseball!!!!:hug




Beautiful material! I think that I may try quilting again as soon as my arm allows me to! I tried it years ago, but the kids were all small and my patience was really thin!:lol Enjoy your time off-it sounds like you are!:hug



My thoughts go out to your MIL.:hug Enjoy your day!


Well, so much for enjoying the weather while I am recovering! It is cold and rainy here!:( Sunny California? Where? We never get this much rain this time of year and I have the heater on! Oh, well, think I'm going to try and do some baking this morning and whatever else I can find to do without making my shoulder scream:lol


Hope you all have a fabulous day:hug:manyheart

Glad to hear you are up and about- and that's funny about Sunny Cali being cold and rainy!! Take it easy with your shoulder!!!


Take care of your shoulder, Trish. Hope it get to feeling better very soon.


So far all I've done today is read. Feels good though.

Nothing wrong with a quiet day spent reading!!!


Here is my granny stripe afghan.

Love your granny stripe Cindy!!!

I got in the zucchini, leeks, hungarian wax(hot) peppers and 6 tomatoes in. My veg garden is on a hill and my legs were starting to hurt so I left it for today and will do more peppers; peter peppers (also hot) and some more tomatoes tomorrow or tuesday.


Marton found an icky loking chrysalis thingy. I have no idea what it is. I'm going to have to get a picture and go on whatbug.com

YUCK (about the icky looking thingy). WTG on getting so much planted- that must be rough having to plant on a hill!!!
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Here is my granny stripe afghan.


Linda- those fabrics are so beautiful!!!! I'm glad that you are finally realizing that you ARE on vacation!! Enjoy your day.

Thank you.

Cindy- Porkchops on the grill sounds delicious with the roasted potatoes! My DD came over today with her sewing machine- and my well laid plans for meatloaf are now changed. She is a vegetarian so I'm going to make spaghetti and meatballs instead- that way she can eat dinner too. She'll probably mix the zucchini in with her pasta (as will I , but I'll add a couple of meatballs too!

Ooooo! That sounds like a yummy supper.

I got in the zucchini, leeks, hungarian wax(hot) peppers and 6 tomatoes in. My veg garden is on a hill and my legs were starting to hurt so I left it for today and will do more peppers; peter peppers (also hot) and some more tomatoes tomorrow or tuesday.


Marton found an icky looking chrysalis thingy. I have no idea what it is. I'm going to have to get a picture and go on whatbug.com

I really miss being able to grow lots of fresh veggies and flowers. So much of that stuff just doesn't thrive in this red clay soil, especially if it's hot and dry to boot.

I'll be interested in what the chrysalis is of.

Thunder is rumbling away and it's clouded over. Maybe that's why I've been achy today. Not sure what I'll be doing for supper tonight.

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I had a post ready to go...and hit the wrong button my netbook:P


Anywho, here I go again:


Tam, that's wonderful news about your daugter and the kids having their own place!


Linda, I love the fabrics with the greens and purples....

and spending the day reading sounds like heaven!


Marisa, a neighbor was cutting back her mint and asked if anyone wanted any plants...so now I have a small pot of fresh mint for the next time I make Greek meetballs!

What exactly is that drink you mentioned where you use the mint?


And yes...puppyhood flies by!


She's a doll...and not a sweet, demure Heidi, as we first thought when we met her and brought her home...so today we decided to change her name to one that more accurately reflects her "balls of fire" personality and alert attitude.


Heidi is now LUCY, like my favorite red head on B/W tv:D


There won't be any confusion for her since I was the only one who ever used her name much...otherwise we usually reverted to knicknames: baby, goofy, etc:lol

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HI all,


Dinner is done! And I must say the meatloaf that became meatballs with pasta was very good!! Now it's time to go back to lining totes and finish watching the Yankee game!


Judy- I'll try to remember that Heidi is now Lucy!!! That's so funny- at least she won't be confused!! How was the soup? And banana bread? Bananas go quickly in my house- I have one every day- with my greek yogurt for breakfast so I never have ones that need to be baked into something! But i do love banana bread!


DD is calling- so I'd better get back to the linings!

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She's a doll...and not a sweet, demure Heidi, as we first thought when we met her and brought her home...so today we decided to change her name to one that more accurately reflects her "balls of fire" personality and alert attitude.


Heidi is now LUCY, like my favorite red head on B/W tv:D


There won't be any confusion for her since I was the only one who ever used her name much...otherwise we usually reverted to knicknames: baby, goofy, etc:lol

Love it!

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HI all,


Dinner is done! And I must say the meatloaf that became meatballs with pasta was very good!! Now it's time to go back to lining totes and finish watching the Yankee game!

IYummy dinner! The game was good, too....

Judy- I'll try to remember that Heidi is now Lucy!!! That's so funny- at least she won't be confused!! How was the soup? And banana bread? Bananas go quickly in my house- I have one every day- with my greek yogurt for breakfast so I never have ones that need to be baked into something! But i do love banana bread!


DD is calling- so I'd better get back to the linings!

Soup and bread both came out terrific! Leftovers for tomorrow's dinner, which is good, since we have carpet cleaners coming in the afternoon to do the small room off the kitchen and I can't be making a big dinner while they're here. Good thing they're coming...eau de dog is not a good scent to be walking into....

We've been looking for flooring so we can get rid of the carpet, but no luck...we'll look again in the Fall.

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A small baby blankie...saltines were given to me by my friend Phyllis and I just attached and bordered them. Also, a couple of scarves I crocheted. Night all:hug:manyheart



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