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Our House Part Two


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:hi house. Been reading through all the posts. Hate working these long, long days and then having to nap and getting behind :lol


Joanne, no way I could live without the AC. We are having record breaking heat of 97 and 98 degrees. Not nice, I want FALL and 70 degree temps. Anything above 75, y'all can have!


Mary, the computer is my life line for personal and work, can't imagine being without it.


:welcome to all our new housemates!!! Glad to have you here. I haven't been here long but been on the Ville a long while. I'll be 66 this month and live in the mountains of NE AL with 3 :dog and 1 :cat and occasionally my youngest dd :lol I love to :crocheting and to :sew and learned both at a very young age. Know how to knit, but prefer not to.

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Thanks everyone for the encouragement regarding my mom's situation. It really means a lot to me. I am really at peace with her decision. I'm hoping that she will continue to improve, so that she can go home in a few weeks. The doctor told my brother, that there is no way to predict what might happen since there isn't a cut and dried diagnosis. It's entirely possible that whatever it is will stay stable for quite a long time.


I have finally almost finished that granny stripes afghan that I started last fall. It needs 1 1/2 more border rows and then it will be finished. I could probably finish it tonight, but I'm pretty sick of it, so it will probably wait until the weekend.


Work day tomorrow for me.

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Night night ladies :c9 Just finished my tote, so will share a pic in the AM.


Thanks everyone for the encouragement regarding my mom's situation. It really means a lot to me. I am really at peace with her decision. I'm hoping that she will continue to improve, so that she can go home in a few weeks. The doctor told my brother, that there is no way to predict what might happen since there isn't a cut and dried diagnosis. It's entirely possible that whatever it is will stay stable for quite a long time.


I have finally almost finished that granny stripes afghan that I started last fall. It needs 1 1/2 more border rows and then it will be finished. I could probably finish it tonight, but I'm pretty sick of it, so it will probably wait until the weekend.


Work day tomorrow for me.


:yay WTG on your granny stripes :cheer You've been doing a great job lately on those WIP's :h5

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Good morning and it's a much less humid day here!!!:clap


Trish- good to hear from you and congrats on getting the stitches out- and being able to take a 'normal' shower!!!


Marisa- Can't wait to see pics of the SBT! I didn't do a stitch of :crocheting last night- just too darn hot to even think !!! I watched the hockey game from my bed with the ceiling fan on full speed!!!


Hope you ALL have a wonderful day and cya later gators!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I can't believe it's morning already :eek Enjoying my coffee, then will head up to workout :yes No much new to report since last night, so here is a pic of my sbt I finished :clap


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Good morning and it's a much less humid day here!!!:clap


Trish- good to hear from you and congrats on getting the stitches out- and being able to take a 'normal' shower!!!


Marisa- Can't wait to see pics of the SBT! I didn't do a stitch of :crocheting last night- just too darn hot to even think !!! I watched the hockey game from my bed with the ceiling fan on full speed!!!


Hope you ALL have a wonderful day and cya later gators!


Hopefully this week is a bit better for you. I think the temps should be more bearable :xfin Did you decided what your doing with the AC yet?

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'morning, peeps!


...Mary1, I'm sorry you missed your computer! There are time, though, I wish for the old days when you spoke to someone on the phone, wrote a letter or actually visited them, instead of texting or email.


Judy- Hope Heidi and Sparkie didn't want to play outside too much today- much too hot/humid!!

We were out for a few minutes, then I set up the baby gates to give them more room to play inside - before separating them again becaus ehtey got too crazy! I read Sparkie's old "baby" book and I saw where the same behavior went on between Sparkie and Susie...so they do calm down and stop the nipping...tg!

Good morning ladies :coffee


I can't believe it's morning already :eek Enjoying my coffee, then will head up to workout :yes No much new to report since last night, so here is a pic of my sbt I finished :clap

LOVE, LOVE the bright colors!!:clap:clap


Off I go....love to everyone, and I'll be back later. Errands this AM.

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Good morning, housemates. It's going to be another hot one today. Last day before vacation. Yay!! :yay I finally got busy on the Challenge Quilt yesterday and got half of the remaining squares quilted. I obviously didn't make my June first deadline, since it has until the 15th to get there I still have time to get it done. I was having qualms about it last night, but Rosie gave me a pep talke, so I'm back in the mood to finish it.


One of the first things I'm going to do tomorrow is get in to the eye glasses place and have the screw that holds the bow on replaced. It came out almost a week and a half ago and is still being held in place with a little safety pin. By the time John gets home from work they are closed for the day, so I've had to wait to get them fixed until I've had a day off. :lol


First of all ~ Thank you for the compliments on the scarves and tile. :manyheart We spent a good part of the weekend putting the beds around the patio back together...they had to pull lots of dirt/mulch out of the way.


Well...obviously I only commented on pictures. :lol I sure hope to stay caught up better - until next Wednesday, at least. Luke will be here from then until the following Sunday while DD and SIL go to Playa for a legal conference. I need to rest up!

It's amazing how much energy those busy, little grandkids have and how much it takes out of us to keep up with them. :lol :lol

Thanks everyone for the encouragement regarding my mom's situation. It really means a lot to me. I am really at peace with her decision. I'm hoping that she will continue to improve, so that she can go home in a few weeks. The doctor told my brother, that there is no way to predict what might happen since there isn't a cut and dried diagnosis. It's entirely possible that whatever it is will stay stable for quite a long time.


Work day tomorrow for me.

Cindy, I hope that whatever time she has left is good time with her family, be it days, months, or years. In many ways the quality of our life means so much more than the length of it. She sounds like a remarkable woman.

Good morning ladies :coffee


I can't believe it's morning already :eek Enjoying my coffee, then will head up to workout :yes No much new to report since last night, so here is a pic of my sbt I finished :clap

I love the colors in this tote! :cheer :cheer :cheer I think it's the prettiest one yet. Great work.

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¸. • *' ¯) (¯ `* •. ¸

~*~*Good Afternoon*~*~

(¯` * •. ¸¸. • * '¯)



Thanks so much everyone for all the sweet compliments on my projects!! :hug

All these storms have become so scary and the end destruction is so sad! Do stay safe ladies!! :hug My Aunt/ Uncle and cousin and her family survived the Joplin storm… Thank you God! Its just so crazy! They were out this last weekend and I gave my Aunt her Rainbow Stash Buster Tote…. She loved it btw…. And she gave me 3 bags of yarn. I love that woman! :hook


Hey Linda……… yep… boys have been out of school since the 19th. Ken is doing okay.. still waiting for all his “numbers” to recover back to normal from this last round of chemo.

Oh… more quilt work huh? Cant wait to see!


Did you get that SBT worked on Cheeria?


Cindy……….. :hug :hug :hug I will continue to pray for your mom…. And of course you my dear! I do very well understand what you are going through! Love ya sweetie!

Hows that scarf coming along?


Hey Mary! Good to see you! Good thing you were able to get your computer fixed!!

How are you doing with Luke? Having fun?


Hey Joanne….. My closet crocheting is coming along nicely… :hook it’s the quietest place in the house… and I lock my bedroom door so noone can bug me!

Are you still without AC? Goodness hon!!!


Marisa………that tote is BEAUTIFUL!!!!







Okay…. Need a refill on my coffee… and get a load of laundry going. You all have a great day! Catch back up in a while!

I need to work on my Swap buddies gifts! :hook







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Good morning ladies :coffee


I can't believe it's morning already :eek Enjoying my coffee, then will head up to workout :yes No much new to report since last night, so here is a pic of my sbt I finished :clap


Oh, that is nice. I really like how the stripes run on the diagonal!

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Hello everyone. I had a good day at work, but its also good to be home. Its a beautiful day here today, sunny and 75 degrees.


I'm not sure if I will be doing any crocheting tonight, but if I do, I;m hoping to finish that granny stripe ghan. I purchased a solitaire games app for my Nook and I'm addicted. (I actually won a "prize" for playing a full hour without a win!)

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Hello everyone. I had a good day at work, but its also good to be home. Its a beautiful day here today, sunny and 75 degrees.

We had a pretty day here, too! Nice change...

I'm not sure if I will be doing any crocheting tonight, but if I do, I;m hoping to finish that granny stripe ghan. I purchased a solitaire games app for my Nook and I'm addicted. (I actually won a "prize" for playing a full hour without a win!)

That's different...a prize for not winning:lol


Have a good night everyone....

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Busy day here today. Worked, went for weekly blood work and then to my mom's to sit with her so my sister could get away for a few hours. Finished a potholder and a towel topper while mama napped, so was productive. Then stopped at grocery store on way home to get some things and then home. Fed dogs, took garbage to curb and got mail. That's my life, boring but wonderful!


Joanne, it's way to hot here for so early. Record breaking heat and humidity to go with it. Give me FALL!!!!


Marisa, love the bright colors of the tote.


Cindy, you'll get that ghan done when it's time to get done.


Judy, I've got two running through the house playing growly play right now. Plus, tug rope. They are fun to watch. Every once in a while it gets carried away and I have to break it up, but for the most part, they just make me smile when they are playing :lol


Linda, Tam, Mary 1, Mary 2, Dusti, Kiyo, cheeria and anyone I missed, love and hugs to one and all

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Hopefully this week is a bit better for you. I think the temps should be more bearable :xfin Did you decided what your doing with the AC yet?

Yup, we are having a new furnace and AC installed- Saturday morning:clap:clap:clap

Good morning, housemates. It's going to be another hot one today. Last day before vacation. Yay!! :yay I finally got busy on the Challenge Quilt yesterday and got half of the remaining squares quilted. I obviously didn't make my June first deadline, since it has until the 15th to get there I still have time to get it done. I was having qualms about it last night, but Rosie gave me a pep talke, so I'm back in the mood to finish it.


:cheer:cheer Cheering you on:cheer:cheer:cheer It's going to be gorgeous and you can do it!!! did you get your eyeglasses fixed or is that tomorrow:think Enjoy your Vacation and your quilting!!!!!


¸. • *' ¯) (¯ `* •. ¸

~*~*Good Afternoon*~*~

(¯` * •. ¸¸. • * '¯)



Thanks so much everyone for all the sweet compliments on my projects!! :hug

All these storms have become so scary and the end destruction is so sad! Do stay safe ladies!! :hug My Aunt/ Uncle and cousin and her family survived the Joplin storm… Thank you God! Its just so crazy! They were out this last weekend and I gave my Aunt her Rainbow Stash Buster Tote…. She loved it btw…. And she gave me 3 bags of yarn. I love that woman! :hookHow nice of her!!!!:yes


Hey Joanne….. My closet crocheting is coming along nicely… :hook it’s the quietest place in the house… and I lock my bedroom door so noone can bug me!

Are you still without AC? Goodness hon!!!




I love it!! Closet crocheting!!!! It makes me :) --you deserve a place where this is some quiet!!!! Has DD made any progress on moving to her own place? About the AC---getting a new one Saturday!:clap The weather today is gorgeous though- wonderful breeze- oh, if only the entire summer could be like this!


Hello everyone. I had a good day at work, but its also good to be home. Its a beautiful day here today, sunny and 75 degrees.


I'm not sure if I will be doing any crocheting tonight, but if I do, I;m hoping to finish that granny stripe ghan. I purchased a solitaire games app for my Nook and I'm addicted. (I actually won a "prize" for playing a full hour without a win!)

:lol winning for losing!:lol:lol Beautiful day here too--it is just delightful!!! Enjoy your evening- whatever it is you decide to do!!!

Busy day here today. Worked, went for weekly blood work and then to my mom's to sit with her so my sister could get away for a few hours. Finished a potholder and a towel topper while mama napped, so was productive. Then stopped at grocery store on way home to get some things and then home. Fed dogs, took garbage to curb and got mail. That's my life, boring but wonderful! It's the simple things that I enjoy most in life too!!! I'll bet it felt good for you to be able to drive to get your blood work and then to your Mom's to give your sister a break!!!


Joanne, it's way to hot here for so early. Record breaking heat and humidity to go with it. Give me FALL!!!! I'll take weather like it was here today= PERFECT!!!!!



Judy- I hope you let Heidi and Sparkie play alot outside today to tire them out!!! It was so beautiful out there!!!!


Marisa- Love the tote!!! Beautiful!!!!


Cheeria, Kiyo, Mary1, Mary2, Wrennie, Trish, Julie, LeAnna and the rest of the house- :hug:hug:hug

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Thanks for all your compliments ladies :hug


It was another long day at work today :sigh For a short week, it sure is taking forever :think I also had to clean out the turtle filter, it was clogged somewhere....they just keep growing :eek


Not sure what I'm going to work on tonight, either the market tote or the sweater :think


Linda - How's the challenge quilt coming along?


Cindy - :yay for winning a prize for not winning :lol And for finished the granny stripes


Joanne - :clap for the new furnice/AC unit this saturday


Tam - Hope your day went well.....How's everyone doing over there?


Toni - Sounds like you got alot done today :cheer

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News flash: The granny stripes afghan is finished, even the ends are woven in.

Pictures will probably not get taken until the weekend.

Wow- How did I miss this? You must have been posting the same time I was before!!!:clap:clap:clap:clapcongrats on finishing a WIP- ends and all!!!!


Night all:hug

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Good morning!!!


Another nice day here- with low humidity (thank you, thank you, thank you mother nature)


Linda- Happy first day of vacation for you!!!


Tam- Will you be closet crocheting today? Just had to ask! :lol


Julie, Marlene, LeAnna- Thinking about you and sending hugs:hug:hug:hug


Judy- Loved the pic on FB of Heidi and Sparkie! Is Heidi climbing down all the stairs yet? She 's getting awfully heavy for you to have to carry her!! But i'm sure you love every minute you are spending with your new furbaby!


Toni- I'm so happy that things are settling down a bit for you- although life is never really "settled" is it?


Ran out of time to post more- but suffice it to say- wishing you all a wonderful day!

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Good morning ladies :coffee


I decided to work on my market tote last night. I'll try to get some time in with the sweater this weekend. But, I really do need to start doing something around here and going through stuff :yes


TGIF!!!!!! I can't wait until 6 pm!!!!!

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Not enough time to read back so Hi everyone!


Had to work at a different branch yesterday, then ran to a couple of stores quick while I was near Kingston. I didn't get home till 6:45, I usually get home before 4:30.

Monday I have to fill in at a branch even farther away. I hate this running around. Oh well, at least I have a job.

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Hi, ya peeps! A beautiful cool night - I was thinking of you, Joanne!:)


And this morning Heidi made it down all the stairs with minimal coaxing! SHe was almost too fast for me to stay ahead of her!:clap


News flash: The granny stripes afghan is finished, even the ends are woven in.

Pictures will probably not get taken until the weekend.

Awesome!!!! Can't wait to see the pic!!!!


Judy, I've got two running through the house playing growly play right now. Plus, tug rope. They are fun to watch. Every once in a while it gets carried away and I have to break it up, but for the most part, they just make me smile when they are playing :lol

I still find it scary...esp since Heidi's such a pup and seems to have no sense of self- preservation!


Gotta dash!

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Good mornin, everyone. John and Kim are getting close to leaving for Valdosta. I think John's finished packing the car. Kim just has to finish with her breathing treatments and then I think they'll be off. It was wonderful to sleep in this morning. I think that getting my glasses fixed and then getting a haircut are first on my list of things to do today once they have left.


News flash: The granny stripes afghan is finished, even the ends are woven in.

Pictures will probably not get taken until the weekend.

Hooray for finishing the afghan. Looking forward to seeing the pictures of it.


John needs the computer, so I'm off for now. Have a great day everyone.:manyheart

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