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Our House Part Two


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Trish ~ So sorry to hear about your surgery - we'll be thinking of you and hoping you can get back to crocheting soon. :hug:manyheart

Wrennie ~ Your doilyghan is gorgeous! I wish we lived in a smaller town sometimes...there are more activities to bring people together. Thanks for sharing the pictures. :yes


Marisa ~ Your trip sounds like a productive one. :) I know you'll find the right place soon! Your market bag is very cute - great work. :clap


Cindy ~ Good job on the tote! I really like the colors together. :) Have things settled down at work? How are your Mom and MIL?


Judy ~ Okay, you show pics of the "children" and I'll show pics of Luke. :rofl Sparkie and Heidi are so very cute together. (I can't even remember the last time I showed anything crochet related. :lol)


I've tried to catch up with you all, but please forgive me if I've missed anyone. The concrete sander and power washer noises are a little annoying. Maybe earplugs would help. ;) I may go in our bedroom and crochet for a while. :idea

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Hi guys

Will be replying in bits and pieces here --- one page at a time ..



Great to hear you enjoyed the sewing machine lessons. Before you know it, you will be asking Linda for some quilt tips !

I never had the patience to sew,but never had anyone to show me,so it might be easier if I would have .



Glad you enjoyed work,and I can remember working on weekends, there seemed to be a little different atmosphere on those days . Not sure why,but I enjoyed working a lot. One of my regrets in life that can't be fixed now .


Yep, I am making your market bag pattern to use as a beach bag -- trying to get it made for my cousin who LOVES to swim .


Will keep you updated on it .

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Your market bag is cute-- is it the pattern that Turtle designed ?



I like the bag with the blocks too -- very cute -- did you make them in strips, or sew the squares together ? I know you dont like doing that .

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You are lucky you guys know how to do the home repairs yourself ! It'd sure save money if you didnt have to pay for the repair-guy's cost too .

Are your girls excited that school is almost out ?



Those pictures are so funny, the big dog and small .Will the pup's black hair look more like spread-out looking, or will it stay the real dark in that spot ?



Luke sure is a sweetheart -- looks like he isn't one of those babies afraid of the water -he looks like he is enjoying himself a lot-- love the swimsuit-- it reminds me of the ones the people wore back in the 20's--the one piece jobs !

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Your market bag is cute-- is it the pattern that Turtle designed ?



I like the bag with the blocks too -- very cute -- did you make them in strips, or sew the squares together ? I know you dont like doing that .

I made strips and then single crocheted them together. I will go to any lengths to keep from sewing!

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:hi everyone! :heart, :hug :hug, :angel :angel and prayers to all that need them. It was awful to wake up and see another deadly tornado has struck. This has been an unusually brutal spring.

My new found freedom was short lived :lol My dd's car broke down along side the road, so she's driving mine until her's gets repaired :sigh

Judy, absolutely LOVE the photos of Sparkie and the little one. They are so cute together, Mutt and Jeff :rofl


Mary, the photo of luke is adorable, what a cutie!

I'm continuing to heal from surgery. Not much of the gas bubble left in my eye. Probaby be gone tomorrow and then the medical alert bracelett will be coming off.

:hug:hug:hug:hug to everyone!

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Happy Monday, everyone. :) Where have the last 3 days gone? :lol Luke was here til yesterday morning - we spent the afternoon with MIL - workmen showed up at 7:30 this morning to tile the patio and porch - severe storms and no power for 3 hours and now the sun is out and they're working again. :whew;)


Now to catch up on posts! Here is Luke at the kiddie pool yesterday - his first time in a "big" pool. :) Will be back soon. :yes

wow...he's gotten so big!:c9



Those pictures are so funny, the big dog and small .Will the pup's black hair look more like spread-out looking, or will it stay the real dark in that spot ?

the black will probably stay on her back but most of the black will likely be her undercoat - we think, based on what her mom looks like.

Judy, Sparkie looks like he loves Heidi. what a difference in size, Heidi ahs a ways to go to catch up with him.

she may be about 24 pounds now - weighed myself holding her, then without...

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Hey ladies :hi


Nothing to report this morning. But here's a pic of the market bag :clap Not the best quality, since I had to take it with my phone :shrug

It's beautiful!! - and the quality is just fine!


Good morning everyone. Hot and gloomy here at the moment, and the bad storms missed us.(so far) However, dh says that the storm that leveled a third of Joplin, Missouri, and killed close to 90 people so far, is headed toward Michigan. Hopefully it becomes weaker as it moves.


Marisa, nice bag. I'm working on one of those, as I think it will be nice to store in the car.


Joanne, congrats on figuring out the lining. If you get a sewing machine you will figure out all sorts of ways to have fun with it. I have two sewing machines and a serger and use them a lot,.

I put a sewing machine on my wish list for Santa to bring- or maybe my anniversary in September- or maybe a "just because" gift:lol Hope the storms stay clear of you!


Judy, Linda, Joanne, Marisa, and Cindy ~ Thank you for the kind words about my projects from last week. :hugI really like to keep my fingers busy with hooks and yarn, and I am just so blessed to have found this supportive and encouraging "House." And your projects are all so beautiful- I love seeing them!:manyheart


Julie and Joanne ~ our projects do sound a little bit out-of-control, don't they? When I look at the list, it seems as though our house must be *this close* to being condemned, but, honestly, it's very livable "as is." It was built by the previous owners in 1979, so it is not all that old, it is just that dated. They were not much for improvements or prettiness, so that must be my job ;) We have lived here for 12 years(:eek Where does the time go?!?), and the house works for us, but new flooring, woodwork and cabinets will go a long ways to making it fit our tastes. We do all of the work ourselves, and, while we decided not to go with custom cabinets, this time around, we'll buy unfinished ones to stain to match the rest of the woodwork. We have done flooring in the bathrooms and entryway in the past, so that is not anything to worry about. DH is going to take a week of vacation-time from work, and we will try to get all of the improvements done at that time. The girls are not going to be with my folks as much this summer, but we will do the work when they are there, just so we can work longer hours and eat on-the-run, without trying to stick to much of a schedule. It will be great to have the house back in-order and not feel as though we are living in a construction zone. :construct :clawhamme It's great that you and DH can do those improvements yourself- it saves so much $ (and great idea to do while the girls are away)



You are becoming a tote-making pro, too :clap. I have lined a few of the purses I have crocheted, but I do not have a sewing machine. It sounds as though you and your DD are a great team, and I am so proud to hear how quickly you figured out the lining for your totes. It was great having her over and showing me how to do it. She's an artist- and also crafty. I tried to teach her crochet- and she said she'll stick to painting, jewelry making- clothes making- and leave the hooking to me:lol

I'm sure the week will fly by with all the last week of school activities!


No project pics...just my furples...:D

Sparkie holds sticks for her so she can chew the other end...sometimes he moves and she flips over:lol

great pics of your furples Judy!!!


Happy Monday, everyone. :) Where have the last 3 days gone? :lol Luke was here til yesterday morning - we spent the afternoon with MIL - workmen showed up at 7:30 this morning to tile the patio and porch - severe storms and no power for 3 hours and now the sun is out and they're working again. :whew;)


Now to catch up on posts! Here is Luke at the kiddie pool yesterday - his first time in a "big" pool. :) Will be back soon. :yes

He's so adorable!!!!


:hi everyone! :heart, :hug :hug, :angel :angel and prayers to all that need them. It was awful to wake up and see another deadly tornado has struck. This has been an unusually brutal spring.


My new found freedom was short lived :lol My dd's car broke down along side the road, so she's driving mine until her's gets repaired :sigh


Judy, absolutely LOVE the photos of Sparkie and the little one. They are so cute together, Mutt and Jeff :rofl


Mary, the photo of luke is adorable, what a cutie!


I'm continuing to heal from surgery. Not much of the gas bubble left in my eye. Probaby be gone tomorrow and then the medical alert bracelett will be coming off.


:hug:hug:hug:hug to everyone!

:yay for the gas bubble being almost gone!!!! Sorry about your short lived freedom with the car, but I'm sure your DD is so grateful to you to be able to use yours while hers gets fixed.



Julie- Have you decided if you are going to start those home improvements- I think you may have mentioned, but after using all my brain cells at work, they are kind of like mush right now.


Going to try and finish the SbT I started yesterday- and then maybe sew the lining into one of the totes tonight. We'll see what time it is once I get dinner out of the way- and I see it's almost 6:30 - so I'd better get something ready!

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Good evening ladies :hi


It was a long day today :( Nothing new to report. I sent an email to the insurance company I'm worried about to try to see if I could get any info ahead of time out of them :xfin I highly doubt it, but I figure at least there's some chance if I ask :yes


Judy - Thanks and Sparkie is just too cute holding the stick for Heidi :manyheart


Cindy - I sure hope the storms slow down for you. Keep us posted :hug :hug Such devastation and it seems to just keep coming lately :( I love your tote :yes


Dusti - My weekend was in Pitt, now back in Philly :lol It was quite productive I'd say and yep, that pattern was written by Sue :yes


Mary1 - Look at Luke!!!!! Just too adorable :manyheart


Julie - Yeppers, that tote was designed by turtlelvr (sue) :yay


Toni - :yay for the gas bubble almost being gone :cheer


Joanne - How are the linings coming along? Hope you get to work on your sbt :yes


Going to find something to work on while I watch dwts upstairs. My mom started soliciting for Hines all weekend (and being in Pitt for the weekend made her job easy) :lol

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No storms here yet, although its been pretty windy all day. DD and I went for an hour long walk with the dog on the nearby nature trail. The dog was dragging towards the end of our walk, but she managed to make it. Of course once we got home, she was ready to go again.


I finished two little girls hats and a knit scarf for Kiyo's homeless project today. I used up a bunch of very soft fuzzy yarn on them. I've had that yarn for years, and didn't know what to do with it.


Toni, I'm glad your eye is doing so well, but sorry that you are still stuck without a car. However, at least its only temporary.

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Oh Cindy! The bag is lovely, why not a giveaway for those of us that maybe don't do totes, instead of goodwill, it's much too nice!!


I've already given this one away, but I have a couple of other totes here that I made and never used, so I am thinking about giving those away.

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Good morning House!!


Cindy- Seems like we are our own worst critics- the tote that didn't turn out as envisioned in your mind is a hit! The walk sounds like it was nice! Hope the storms are staying clear of where you are!


Well, I finished another SBT last night- but did not get to sew in any of the linings I made- my eyes started getting tired so I figured the best thing was to get to some sleep- it is going to be a busy day in paradise!


Tammy- thinking about you- hope everyone has healed from the pink eye- keeping you all in my prayers- and hope that you are taking care of you!!:hug


To all- have a wonderful Tuesday!

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Mornibg folks

Nothing much new here today except everything outside is sopping wet. We had a gullywasher of a storm last night .No bad winds here in our area, but north of us they said a tornado was spotted and possibly touched down. I dont think any people were hurt, just some houses and cars by falling trees .


There have sure been lots of bad storms all over this spring . Feel sorry for those who got hit with all the big ones .


So for those who watch DWTS -- Who do you think will win tonite ?


AND tonite is the final of Biggest Loser . Can't wait to see it ..do any of you watch it ?

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Good morning housemates :hi


I really just don't want to be awake yet, but knew if I didn't get up I'd miss my workout this morning :sigh I decided to start a plastic bag holder last night since my mom asked me if I'd make her one and I'll be going up there this weekend :yes


Joanne - WTG on another SBT :clap Have a good day in paradise.


Julie - I sure hope Hines pulls it out.....that Disney chick rubs me the wrong way for some reason and I love Kirstie too, but not sure she'd be able to take the win :think Although, she does have a huge fan base :think

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Have you posted pictures and names for your cats,and do you try dressing them up like the dogs ? I bet they wouldnt like it quite as much. I had a pet cat when I was little. He was a man ,and probably the toughest cat on the block. I would put a pink baby doll dress and bonnet on him,then stick him in my baby carriage .He would jump and make a run for it,shaking the clothes off the whole way down the road. I think he was pretty embarassed ,being FONZIE on our street,but being dressed up like Shirley Temple .


I think I did post them here down in off topic somewhere. I'll look for a link. They don't get dressed up.



I am no pro about posting pics, but I will do my best to tell you how I get them into my posts. First, I attach all of the pictures that I want to use in the post with the 'paper clip' at the top of the Reply box. Then, I type a little bit of info. When I want a picture, I


  1. put my cursor in the Reply box, where I want the pic
  2. Click on the tiny arrow to the right of the paper clip
  3. Scroll down the list of the photos I previously uploaded to the Reply message and highlight the one I want to use
  4. I, usually, hit <Enter> a couple of times to leave some space after the picture, write a little more and Repeat Steps 1-4 until I have included all of the photos

Confused? :think I think it was Linda that explained the process to me, when I was confused, so I am sure she can straighten you out, if I have made your head spin in circles :huh


I think I get it.


Wrennie ~ Your doilyghan is gorgeous! I wish we lived in a smaller town sometimes...there are more activities to bring people together. Thanks for sharing the pictures. :yes



Here's the totebag I finished last week. It didn't turn out as I originally pictured it, mostly because I got too lazy to figure out how to make my idea work. I don't hate this, but I don't really like it either, so I will most likely throw it into the Goodwill donation box.
Oh Cindy! The bag is lovely, why not a giveaway for those of us that maybe don't do totes, instead of goodwill, it's much too nice!!
I've already given this one away, but I have a couple of other totes here that I made and never used, so I am thinking about giving those away.

I agree with Katy. Unless you had just 1 person in your other give-away of this bag why not do it again?


:cheer Only 1/2 day of work today! We have a community day each year where the employees go volunteer at designated organizations. Last year we went to the ASPCA and did lawn work. This year I'm not participating, but those from my branch that are are going to the YWCA to do gardening. Looks like rain, they may not be doing anything outside after all.

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Good morning, peeps!


Jules, about the weather....we've had so much rain and humidity that the mushrooms growing in our yard are the size of dinner plates!


Oh. And someone asked me if I made the black/blue hat out of homespun. No. It is blue chenille and the black is ww with fun fur.

That was me:D You did a beautiful job on that hat and scarf set. i still have suede and chenille in my stash but am thinking of using it in a tote sometime in the future...


Good morning. It is shaping up to be a very pretty day here. I've been working on a granny stripes afghan that I started last year. I really want to get some WIPs out of my pile.

Hmmm....I did print out the granny stripe pattern...

Are you using stash or will the colors be coordinated?

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Morning everyone! Another day of not working because the login system is down. Means over 2000 telecommuters can't work. :( Sure hope they get it back up soon.

On positive note, took the medical alert bracelet off this morning, :yay. Now, it's just a matter of the finally healing to be done on my eye, which can take up to 6 months to get back to where it was before. It's okay, I can see and I can drive and that's just exciting enough to me :D

Joanne, you sure are going full steam ahead on those SBT's! WOW!

Cindy, glad the storms are staying away from you. The walk sounds good but I would be like your furple, exhausted near the end :lol

I would like to get some WIPs done too, but working on testing a tote right now.

Julie, glad storms missed you. As for DWTS I want Hines to win, but am afraid with her fan base Kirstie will. :sigh

:hug:hug:hug:hug to all. TTYL

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Hi guys

Just a quick jump in to comment on the Dancing winner tonite --


I was hoping all along that the Karate Kid boy would win. He seemed to be such a nice person and tried so hard .Now that he is out of the running, I think the Hines guy will win.He is such a sweet guy too and Kym is always so nice ,so it'd be great if they win. I'm always so impressed by the big football guys on this show who seem to be so light on their feet .


I really like Kirstie too. I agree, her dancing skills arent up to the other 2 ,but I think people like her .She is funny and kinda goofy ,but is such an inspiration, to not be a little petite person and come on there and dance no matter what . If she wins, it'll be more because of that than her skills .


The other tiny little blonde girl seems like a nice kid,and is really good ,but I usually dont cheer for the ones like her who have probably been in dance lessons and acting lessons,etc since they were little kids. It impresses me more to see adults who have never danced,and come in there and work hard to learn the dances .


So,we shall see, but if I was a betting person, I would bet the football player will win .

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