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Our House Part Two


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It is so good to hear from so many of you friends, since I last checked-in.


Toni ~ Glad to hear that your surgery went well, and that you are on the road to recovery. I do hope your vision continues to clear up, but it must be a wonderful feeling to be so positive about the outcome. Continue to rest and recuperate -- we'll be waiting for you, once you can spend more time at the computer.


Julie ~ Hi, there!! Great to hear that Cam had a fun birthday, and that he received the trampoline, which sounded right up his alley. Were you able to get to one of his baseball games this week, or did the weather keep you cooped-up indoors? One of these days...watching him play will lift your spirits for the day, I just know it.


Joanne ~ My, have you ever had the damp and gloomy weather for the week? I hope the sunshine peeks out for the entire weekend. Did work keep you hopping, today? Congratulations on your Weight Watchers reward and continued weight loss -- way to go :yay


Cindy ~ Hope you enjoyed your day off. You have a couple more coming this week, too, don't you? I *thought* I remembered reading that you are off until Saturday, but that could have been entirely my imagination. Your weekend at your parents' house sounded like you were able to be very helpful to them. It's nice they have relatives near-by, who can lend a hand, but having you with them was extra-special, I am sure. Did you or your DD find any deals at Kohl's? I bought a couple of outfits for Kyri there last weekend. Her favorite color, currently, is that shocking, lime green, and there were a number of cute shorts and tank sets that appealed to her. Good deals :tup Hope you had the same success.


Marisa ~ It sure sounds as though you are primed for an exciting, working weekend. I hope your visits with the realtor to different properties will be fruitful. Even if you do not find exactly the one on which you want to place an offer, you may be able to narrow down your scope, or come up with some more idea of what your ideal office space will entail. Here’s a :hug for lots of luck and a little fun along the way.


Judy ~ I think I can see Heidi growing in the pictures over the past couple of days. It is so fun to hear how well she is adapting, and it sounds as though your two pups are going to be the best of buds forever :manyheart


Linda ~ :clap You are doing great with your quilting!! I am sooo anxious to see it, and to hear how much your hard work is appreciated by the judging panel. I wish I were closer, so that I could help you out when your muscles get sore and you need a break :hug I am glad you were able to progress to the next row of your latest shawl, after those frustrating trips to the frog pond.


Wrennie ~ The birds in your neck of the woods sure know a kindred spirit when you are around :manyheart I am pretty sure I do not need to be that close to a woodpecker to be happy with this life :eek He was probably as startled as you were, but, wow, to have him land on your shoulder would have been a sight. Did you have time to make a special suet feeder for him after work? I am sure he appreciated it. How is the flood situation? Praying for your safety.


Mary ~ :2magicI wish you time to relax with your hook, today :2magic I hope your DH's eyesight remains constant for awhile :hug.


Marlene ~ What a full life you lead, both in MI and TX. I hope the weather allows you to get out to the garage sales, and that you have a good visit with your friends over coffee. Bless your DH for his patience, and it sounds as though he is going to be real happy to have you home for a bit. I hope you can stay for a few days, though I realize it will all depend on the grandchildren's schedules. Good luck.


Mary2 ~ Isn't that Melonberry colorway pretty? Your SBT using it was great. I cannot believe how speedy you are with your hook and yarn. Over 20 totes in such a short period of time -- :faintIt's great Sue came up with the pattern, and that it appeals to you so much. Every color combination I have seen from you is great. You really cannot go wrong with a great pattern, can you?!


Cheeria ~ I hope whatever bug you and the grandbabies had is long gone, and that you are feeling more "yourself" by now. Do you leave tomorrow (Friday) for your weekend retreat? Do travel safely and enjoy the company of your friends :manyheart


Kiyo ~ I am thrilled you have been able to enjoy your friends' visit so thoroughly. It will be hard to see them return to Australia, but you have forged some strong bonds on this trip, and you will find a way to meet again in the future, of that I have no doubt. Today and the next couple of days will be tough...we're here and we love you :hug:hugPlease give Aree a hug of congratulations for all of her successes last weekend. Softball, dancing, just being a cool kid...:manyheart


Good morning from me :hi


I started taking notes and writing responses to yesterday's posts last night, but then it got too late for me to finish, and another day passed without my touching base :( I hate when that happens, because I miss all of you, and I really love having Our House to come to every day :ghug This morning, I started writing, again, and then my mum called. She and I are all caught up, so I am going to type quickly and get this sent, one way or another, before I move from this chair.


I spent all day on Tuesday with one of the girl's classes or the other. Kyri's class planted trees as a community service project, Annika's class hosted a visit by local EMS technicians and checked out an ambulance, both classes rollerskated, so I stayed to help tie skates and adjust knee and wrist guards. The students are getting to be quite good skaters. There are very few who do not show improvement, and the coach works with them as much as he can. My girls glide around the "rink" and flash me smiles every time I catch their eyes -- they are really enjoying this activity!


I am almost done with another pillow for the week. This one is the rose pattern from Red Heart (I'll look up the link, when I post a pic), and I am using RHSS Watercolor (lavender, sage green, country blue and a pale yellow variegated). I like these fun, quick projects a lot :yes


The sun has been shining since Sunday, and it is glorious :sun We have eaten dinner outside every night. The girls are practicing for next week's Track and Field Day. Remember me trying to teach them how to long jump and throw a softball last spring? They are going to need those lessons again :lol Kyri "flits" as she runs -- light, airy, no real competitive bone in her body, yes, that's my girl. Trying to get her to race for 100 yards is not going well. She is just as happy to make jewely out of dandelions in the yard as to run in a straight line towards a goal. Ah well... Maybe she will get caught up in her classmates' excitement and run on Friday. We are outside and doing 'activities' all of the time, but we are not real big on racing or competing :blush It's fun to be out there with the girls and to spend time with them, at any rate.


Hope you are having a good Thursday!!

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::: (\_(\

*: (=’ :’) :*

•.. (,(”)(”)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`» Good Morning •¨¯`•


I'm so sorry for being so absent lately!

its been rough here!

Michael is still sick.... and now Ken is on antibiotics and eye drops for pink-eye... which he got from my daughter and all three of her kids... .YEP... her and the kids all have pink-eye.

Yesterday was the first day I even picked up my yarn and hook. I have just been so down.... :( its been really hard to pick myself back up. I really dont like the person I have become. I'm tired... I'm sad... Its hard to see the possitive... and the more I try... the harder it gets! Just when I see the little tiny light at the end of the tunnel... there is something new to block my view.

It felt good to play in my cotton yarn yesterday though.. .I made several face/dishcloths.


anyway............... sorry for being a 'debbie downer' I'm just tired.

I havent read through the thread.... so I'm sorry I havent responded to anyone's posts.

I do hope all is well with you all!

hugs and love to all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hug






Oh, Tammy! Hugs and prayers coming your way. :hug :hug :hug

I bought a couple of outfits for Kyri there last weekend. Her favorite color, currently, is that shocking, lime green, and there were a number of cute shorts and tank sets that appealed to her.

Isn't it amazing the colors that our kids like. I sometimes felt like I needed sunglasses with some of the colors my daughter liked to wear.

Linda ~ :clap You are doing great with your quilting!! I am sooo anxious to see it, and to hear how much your hard work is appreciated by the judging panel. I wish I were closer, so that I could help you out when your muscles get sore and you need a break :hug I am glad you were able to progress to the next row of your latest shawl, after those frustrating trips to the frog pond.

The shawl is coming along nicely and so is the quilting.

I started taking notes and writing responses to yesterday's posts last night, but then it got too late for me to finish, and another day passed without my touching base :( I hate when that happens, because I miss all of you, and I really love having Our House to come to every day :ghug This morning, I started writing, again, and then my mum called. She and I are all caught up, so I am going to type quickly and get this sent, one way or another, before I move from this chair.


I spent all day on Tuesday with one of the girl's classes or the other. Kyri's class planted trees as a community service project, Annika's class hosted a visit by local EMS technicians and checked out an ambulance, both classes rollerskated, so I stayed to help tie skates and adjust knee and wrist guards. The students are getting to be quite good skaters. There are very few who do not show improvement, and the coach works with them as much as he can. My girls glide around the "rink" and flash me smiles every time I catch their eyes -- they are really enjoying this activity!

What fun and busy days you've got.

I am almost done with another pillow for the week. This one is the rose pattern from Red Heart (I'll look up the link, when I post a pic), and I am using RHSS Watercolor (lavender, sage green, country blue and a pale yellow variegated). I like these fun, quick projects a lot :yes

The colors sound fabulous.

The sun has been shining since Sunday, and it is glorious :sun We have eaten dinner outside every night. The girls are practicing for next week's Track and Field Day. Remember me trying to teach them how to long jump and throw a softball last spring? They are going to need those lessons again :lol Kyri "flits" as she runs -- light, airy, no real competitive bone in her body, yes, that's my girl. Trying to get her to race for 100 yards is not going well. She is just as happy to make jewely out of dandelions in the yard as to run in a straight line towards a goal. Ah well... Maybe she will get caught up in her classmates' excitement and run on Friday. We are outside and doing 'activities' all of the time, but we are not real big on racing or competing :blush It's fun to be out there with the girls and to spend time with them, at any rate.

Who really cares if she's first or last as long as she has fun.

Hope you are having a good Thursday!!


Hope you have a wonderful birthday, LeAnna!


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Tammy----I will say lots of cuss words for you!! I'm so sorry you're down- nothing worse than feeling the blahhhhhhh's eh?!! Love you girlie! Try to keep your chin up honey!

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The sun has finally come out here, so I am going to spend sometime outside this afternoon. (I might just sit in a chair and read, though)

Dh's uncles funeral is over. My FIl is the only one of his siblings left. He's the youngest at 85.


:birthday LeAnna!!


Tam, so sorry that you are having such a rough time.:manyheart:hug:manyheart


Dusti, I ended up buying clothes for my youngest grandsons birthday at Kohls yesterday. DD found a few things for herself, but I didn't look for anything for me.


Linda, looking forward to seeing your quilt. Will you have it finished by the beginning of June? Hope Kim gets a good report from the doctor.


Marisa, I hope that one of the places you look at tomorrow will be the perfect one for you.:xfin


Mary, hopefully dh's eyesight will be stable for a while now.


Toni, hope your eyes continue to improve, and that you are healing well.


Dusti, I'm off until Saturday, and then next week I have only a day and a half scheduled to teach a class. I will probably end up going to my parents again though. It sounds like you and your girls have such a nice time together. Your pillow sounds pretty.


Joanne, hope work is going well today.


Marlene, is hubby enjoying having you around?


Kiyo, by this time, I think your Aussie friends will have left. Glad you had a good visit.


Judy, Julie, Cheeria, Mary2, Shannon, and everyone else, hope your days are all going well.

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hi, ladies!

I scanned the posts and see we have a birthday celebration (HB LeAnna!) and someone (Tam) who needs hugs...


Spent a bit of the day rolling Heidi's tennis ball out in the back yard...trying to work off that puppy energy, both for our sake as well as poor Sparkie! She's a pistol!:lol


Later, gators!

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Long day for me and I just wanted to stop in quick and say I read all the posts-




:birthday:bday LeAnna:cake


Faille- I always check the nutrition info- and you are right about the generics sometimes having more sodium or sugar. Glad you popped in!!!


Marisa- Safe travels tomorrow and I hope you find the perfect place to hang your shingle!!!


To everyone- hope you had a good Thursday!

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Okay, time for me to poke my head in and contribute a few rambling thoughts.


On the topic of the cost of eating healthier. The next time you're in the cereal aisle, pull a box of the bargain cereal and the name brand cereal of the same kind and compare the nutrition facts. You may be saving a few cents but you'll be getting an unexpected extra in the form of sugar. Compare some foods in the other aisles and you'll find higher levels of salt and other things. As a result of this discovery I'm switching back to name brand for several of the products that I had been saving a few cents on with generics.


Linda - I'm also looking forward to seeing how the quilting turns out on your challenge quilt. Good luck!


I tend to read alot of labels. By way of cereal, I mostly get kashi :manyheart Love their stuff and is good quality as opposed to filler.



:birthday LeAnna :hug



Skimmed the posts like I have never skimmed before :eek Gotta head up to bed, it'll be a super early morning. I probably won't check in before leaving, but will try to pop in while I'm away since I'll have my nook with me :yes Wish me luck and :hug :hug :hug :hug to all that need them (TAM)!!!!

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Good morning and although it is gray out there yet again, I have to say TGIF!!!!


Safe travels Marisa!!! And of course Good luck!!!!!


Tam- Hugs to you my friend- and here's hoping that DH's pink eye is on the mend and also that DD will soon be out on her own- it's time- it's not fair to you and the rest of the family- Only you and Ken know what is best for you and the family so I'm not going to get on a rant here- Just know that we are all here to support you!


Toni- Hoping all went well at the follow up appt yesterday! Can't wait to hear from you again.


Julie- Thinking of you and hoping that you will get to go see Cam play in one of his games. Nothing like watching a kid play baseball!!!


Judy- Another win by the Yankees- I can't believe it!!! Hope you have a great Friday with your "children" I sure hope you haven't encountered any more knots in your bamboo yarn(thread?).


Cheeria- I am hoping that you are better and will get to enjoy your retreat this weekend!!! Hopefully soon we can meet up again.


Cindy- Enjoy another day off!


Dusti- I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post yesterday- and I'm glad that spring has finally sprung in your neck of the woods!!!


Marlene, Mary1, Mary1, Linda,LeAnna, Wrennie, Kiyo and everyone- Enjoy the day-

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Good morning everyone. Another gray gloomy day here. I slept really poorly and have been up since 4 AM. I'm starting to drag now though, so maybe I will b able to nap for a couple of hours.


Marisa, safe travels, and good luck with the practice hunt.


Joanne, hope work speeds by. I'm off today, but have to work the weekend.


We went to dinner with dd and family last night to celebrate dsil's birthday. When they arrived at the restaurant our oldest grandsons were happy to see us.

Grandson number 1: Hey, look there's grandpa!!! (Dancing around and jumping up and down excitedly)

Grandson number 2: He brought Grandma with him! Yay!!!! (I don't know why he was so surprised to see me with dh, but he was.)

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'morning, peeps!:)


Okay, time for me to poke my head in and contribute a few rambling thoughts.


On the topic of the cost of eating healthier. The next time you're in the cereal aisle, pull a box of the bargain cereal and the name brand cereal of the same kind and compare the nutrition facts. You may be saving a few cents but you'll be getting an unexpected extra in the form of sugar. Compare some foods in the other aisles and you'll find higher levels of salt and other things. As a result of this discovery I'm switching back to name brand for several of the products that I had been saving a few cents on with generics.

I know what you mean...I've noticed the same thing with the store brand of some of the so-called "healthy" breads.:yes

probably won't check in before leaving, but will try to pop in while I'm away since I'll have my nook with me :yes Wish me luck and :hug :hug :hug :hug to all that need them (TAM)!!!!

Good luck, sweetie!:hug:hug:hug:manyheart:manyheart

Judy- Another win by the Yankees- I can't believe it!!! Hope you have a great Friday with your "children" I sure hope you haven't encountered any more knots in your bamboo yarn(thread?).

Yankees were amazing! And Posada!


And no more knots:yay:yay 40 rows or so left to go, then the blocking....

We went to dinner with dd and family last night to celebrate dsil's birthday. When they arrived at the restaurant our oldest grandsons were happy to see us.

Grandson number 1: Hey, look there's grandpa!!! (Dancing around and jumping up and down excitedly)

Grandson number 2: He brought Grandma with him! Yay!!!! (I don't know why he was so surprised to see me with dh, but he was.)

That's too funny how little ones think!

Have a good day my friends:hug:manyheart

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running late, again. Will try to catch up tomorrow before heading off to the penny social {chinese auction} in Woodstock.

We did NOT get flooded! yay! Down stream in one area they were at 19.9 feet. Flood is at 20 feet. Very close.

We had harsh thunderstorms last night. I Love thunderstorms. I was watching tv, listening when suddenly I realized..... no more thunder :( bummer.

Off to work.

:hug to everyone that need them. Will try to catch up tomorrow!!!


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Good morning, my friends. It's sunshiny, but still cool. Kim's appointment went well yesterday. We're going to give her a few extra breathing treatments until this cough clears up. They approved of the idea of having antibiotics and prednisone on hand at home for use if she starts to have problems when away from home or on the weekends or when we can't get her right in to see the doctor. That was reassuring.


Good morning everyone. Another gray gloomy day here. I slept really poorly and have been up since 4 AM. I'm starting to drag now though, so maybe I will b able to nap for a couple of hours.


We went to dinner with dd and family last night to celebrate dsil's birthday. When they arrived at the restaurant our oldest grandsons were happy to see us.

Grandson number 1: Hey, look there's grandpa!!! (Dancing around and jumping up and down excitedly)

Grandson number 2: He brought Grandma with him! Yay!!!! (I don't know why he was so surprised to see me with dh, but he was.)

How funny!

running late, again. Will try to catch up tomorrow before heading off to the penny social {chinese auction} in Woodstock.

We did NOT get flooded! yay! Down stream in one area they were at 19.9 feet. Flood is at 20 feet. Very close.

We had harsh thunderstorms last night. I Love thunderstorms. I was watching tv, listening when suddenly I realized..... no more thunder :( bummer.

Off to work.

:hug to everyone that need them. Will try to catch up tomorrow!!!


Glad you didn't get flooded.


Time to get the day started. Hugs to all in need of them. :hug :hug:hug


Good luck this weekend, Marisa. Safe journey to and from Pittsburgh.


Have fun with the furbabies, Judy.


Nice to hear from you, Faile.


Catch you all later. :manyheart

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·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸


how are all my dear sweet wonderful friends here in Our House?

I love you guys!!!!



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Good Morning, Ladies! :)


Tam ~ Hugs from me, too. :hug You have every right to be overwhelmed and upset...life sure can throw us too many things at once, can't it? Always know we're here for you. :ghug


Dusti ~ Oh, I remember the end of the year activities. :lol I always had lots of fun watching and laughing with the other parents. I'm so glad you're finally having some good weather! Looking forward to seeing your pillow. :)


Linda ~ I hope your sore joints are much better.:manyheart Kim's appointment sounds like good news and that's a great idea to have back-up meds for her! Will you be at home while they're at the beach? If so, maybe you can have some "me" time for a change!


Cindy ~ Loved reading about the grandsons. :lol And I totally agree about the cost of groceries...it seems things go up every week lately! We try and eat healthy, but do have a good old burger and fries once in a while. :yes


Joanne ~ Tote #8! :clap Are you working on any baby things? :c9


Marisa ~ I know you're on the road - have a safe trip. :)


Judy ~ How are the children doing this morning? ;) Can't wait to see your shawl!


Hi to all I may have missed. :manyheart


Thanks to all of you for the good wishes for DH. We go every 4 to 6 weeks and so far, so good. No change is a good thing.


DD is bringing Luke over after while. Today is their 5th anniversary and we will have him until tomorrow afternoon. :c9 It's really stormy out today, so I brought his wagon in the house. :lol

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*~*Tam----LOVE YOUR PIC this morning---I'm having a BIG cup of coffee and sun flower seeds.....yummmmy! I did eat a chicken breast this morning w/ some VERY TASTIFUL Red Onion Marmalade sauce that my MATE made me while she was here.......not very breakfasty but it worked!


Hello to all of you!!! I am standing next to the other monkey, waiting to get into the ark! I AM SICKKKKKK OF THE RAIIIIIN HERE!!!! SIIIIIICCCCKKKK OF IT!!!


All is well---I went out to get into my car yesterday and someone had pulled my windshield wipers up- so it looked like they were waving lol-----I couldn't figure out who would of done that! LOL Well.......last night I got a text from my Mates and they were in Los ANgeles, waiting for their 15 hr. flight to Melbourne Australia!! and it was her husband!!! He loves me! He had to get one last joke on me before they left! That was their goodbye because they knew if they came in I would cry again! lol My friend has a WONDERFUL husband and together they have taken care of their handicapped son who grew very fond of me as well! I would have him laughing up a storm everytime I would see him----and blow kisses (he wouldn't blow them for just anyone!) ----I have enough saved in my pockets until I see them again! He only has 20% of his brain and they have no idea how he functions the way he does. He has the neatest ways to communicate it was SO AWESOME to get to bond with him! I'm SO loud and when he would hear my voice he would smile and make noises! He is 6 and his little sister is 4 and I made her a little pink hat-----she loved it!!! She put it on and jumped up and down saying I LOVE IT I LOVE IT KIOYI (she would say w/ her accent) What a princess!

Anyhow.......life is back to the normal bump and grind! My honey is supposed to be here June 4 as for now. So---that will be exciting!

Hope you are allllll doing well and have a wonderful weekend!! Hopefully I will get a date with my hook at some point! Maybe after I unload produce tomorrow and then mow my lawn!

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Linda, that's good that the doctor will let you have Kim's meds on standby...:yes


·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸Good Morning House¸.·´¯`·.´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸



how are all my dear sweet wonderful friends here in Our House?

I love you guys!!!!








Another cute avatar!!:D I hope your day goes well....



Kiyo, your Aussie friends sound like truly wonderful people....:):c9


Sparkie went for a car ride with "daddy" earlier and when I was putting his leash on him Heidi went bonkers from her place behind the baby gate in the kitchen...I think she was more afraid I was going out with Sparkie - and without her. She can be quite shrill:P



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Cindy ~ Loved reading about the grandsons. :lol And I totally agree about the cost of groceries...it seems things go up every week lately! We try and eat healthy, but do have a good old burger and fries once in a while. :yes



well...ahem.....as a matter of fact....we are having burgers tonight...but with a salad and on whole grain buns.

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Sparkie went for a car ride with "daddy" earlier and when I was putting his leash on him Heidi went bonkers from her place behind the baby gate in the kitchen...I think she was more afraid I was going out with Sparkie - and without her. She can be quite shrill:P




she's just a typical little girl!! Doesn't want to miss anything.

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Linda ~ I hope your sore joints are much better.:manyheart Kim's appointment sounds like good news and that's a great idea to have back-up meds for her! Will you be at home while they're at the beach? If so, maybe you can have some "me" time for a change!

Thanks to all of you for the good wishes for DH. We go every 4 to 6 weeks and so far, so good. No change is a good thing.


DD is bringing Luke over after while. Today is their 5th anniversary and we will have him until tomorrow afternoon. :c9 It's really stormy out today, so I brought his wagon in the house. :lol

Hi, Mary! :hi Yup, I'm staying home with the puppies and fish, while John and Kim head to the beach. I'll have 10-11 days of the house to myself. I do plan on doing a lot of sorting while their gone, but Rosie and I are also planning on doing some things together during that time, too, so it won't be all work and no play. I'm hoping to do some with the Lake wallhanging then, too. Always seems to be lots to do and too little time to do it all in.


Glad to hear that hubby's eyes are still pretty much stable. That's really good news. And I'm sure that spending time with Luke is a real joy. Have fun with him today and tomorrow.

I'm having a BIG cup of coffee and sun flower seeds.....yummmmy! I did eat a chicken breast this morning w/ some VERY TASTIFUL Red Onion Marmalade sauce that my MATE made me while she was here.......not very breakfasty but it worked!

Sounds like a good breakfast to me. But then, of course, I'm one of those people who prefer to have casseroles for breakfast and breakfast for supper. :lol :lol :lol

Hello to all of you!!! I am standing next to the other monkey, waiting to get into the ark! I AM SICKKKKKK OF THE RAIIIIIN HERE!!!! SIIIIIICCCCKKKK OF IT!!!

Hope you don't float away in all the rain. :hug

All is well---I went out to get into my car yesterday and someone had pulled my windshield wipers up- so it looked like they were waving lol-----I couldn't figure out who would of done that! LOL Well.......last night I got a text from my Mates and they were in Los ANgeles, waiting for their 15 hr. flight to Melbourne Australia!! and it was her husband!!! He loves me! He had to get one last joke on me before they left! That was their goodbye because they knew if they came in I would cry again! lol My friend has a WONDERFUL husband and together they have taken care of their handicapped son who grew very fond of me as well! I would have him laughing up a storm everytime I would see him----and blow kisses (he wouldn't blow them for just anyone!) ----I have enough saved in my pockets until I see them again! He only has 20% of his brain and they have no idea how he functions the way he does. He has the neatest ways to communicate it was SO AWESOME to get to bond with him! I'm SO loud and when he would hear my voice he would smile and make noises! He is 6 and his little sister is 4 and I made her a little pink hat-----she loved it!!! She put it on and jumped up and down saying I LOVE IT I LOVE IT KIOYI (she would say w/ her accent) What a princess!

Anyhow.......life is back to the normal bump and grind! My honey is supposed to be here June 4 as for now. So---that will be exciting!

Hope you are allllll doing well and have a wonderful weekend!! Hopefully I will get a date with my hook at some point! Maybe after I unload produce tomorrow and then mow my lawn!

What great friends.

Linda, that's good that the doctor will let you have Kim's meds on standby...:yes

Yup. It really does help. It also helps that I was an RN and have been with them for so long and know Kim as well as I do. Better than a good many of her current doctors.

Sparkie went for a car ride with "daddy" earlier and when I was putting his leash on him Heidi went bonkers from her place behind the baby gate in the kitchen...I think she was more afraid I was going out with Sparkie - and without her. She can be quite shrill:P



What a sweetie. She obviously loves her "mommy."

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Thanks so much Mary!!! Have fun with Luke!!! :D


Kiyo.......you're such a sweetheart! :hug.... that chicken and sauce sound so yummy! I love left over dinner for breakfast!


hey there miss Judy :hug I love hearing about your puppies! they sound so darn human sometimes.


LOL... we're having burgers tonight too Cindy! Grilling them. YUM!



:hi and :hug to everyone!

Hope all is well!





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Tam, to us GSDs are nearly human, which is why when they do some not so good puppy behavior we're surprised by it:lol


Linda, the doctor trusting you with meds for Kim reminds me of how Susie's long time vet would prescribe stuff for her over the phone without a visit, trusting me to accurately describe the problem to her. Nothing like continual observing a person or animal for you to know what's up.:yes


Mary1, that's so good to hear your hubby's eyes haven't gotten worse.:hug


Hi, Mary! :hi Yup, I'm staying home with the puppies and fish, while John and Kim head to the beach. I'll have 10-11 days of the house to myself. I do plan on doing a lot of sorting while their gone, but Rosie and I are also planning on doing some things together during that time, too, so it won't be all work and no play. I'm hoping to do some with the Lake wallhanging then, too. Always seems to be lots to do and too little time to do it all in.

That'll be so nice...and the days will probably fly by for you!

What a sweetie. She obviously loves her "mommy."

I guess whoever feeds them gets the love (most of the time, anyway:lol).
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