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Our House Part Two


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Marlene- Have a good trip back home- and good luck to Peyton at his soccer game!


Mary- It's nice when there is no drama going on!! And wishing you a few drama-less filled days!


Toni- Thinking of you!!! Hope all went well with the eye surgery!!!


Kiyo- How are you? Still hangin with your Aussie friends?


Cindy- Hope you had a good trip to your Mom's and Mil's- and that they are hanging in there!


Cheeria- Thought of you today and wondered how your SB tote is coming along?


Judy- It's almost Game time- Yankees- Red Sox!!! Hope that Heidi lets you see some of the game!!!


Marisa- TGIF!!!!! Yippee- I already started the laundry to get that out of the way- I can do that while crocheting and watching the Yankee game!! Did you hear that Hines' dancing partner Kym was taken to the hospital? Wonder how she is? Not much info on the net yet. That would be a shame because i really was rooting for him to win!! Doesn't seem like I'm having much luck with the people I'm rooting for on these shows!!!


Off to eat dinner before the game starts!


Have a good evening everyone!

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Tam ~ You are amazing! Your knitting is so very pretty - as is your crocheting. :yes


Judy ~ I love reading your posts about the babies...we've been through so many similar things with our pets and it brings back wonderful memories. :manyheart


Joanne ~ Thanks for the wishes for "drama-less days!" DH and I have had the only long-term stable relationship in either of our families - we went through Tough-Love classes years ago. Not because of us or our DD, but because of drug/other problems with siblings and other family members. We are truly thankful when a week goes by without a phone call! (And we quit bailing people out a long time ago. ;))


I worked on my scarf this evening and have had three huge knots in the RH Soft yarn...time to put it aside for awhile. :yes I still need to finish the border on my Granny Stripes (Attic 24) and finish a couple of other Wips.


Have a good evening, everyone! :ghug

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Good morning!


Up bright and early as is the norm and getting ready to tackle things that need to get done! But first things first---time for coffee!!!!


Mary- Here's to another drama-less day! How frustrating to have 3 huge knots in the yarn!!! Ive never used the RH Soft before- not sure I want to after reading that! Hopefully that particular skein was not the norm!! Can't wait to see your finished granny stripe!


Marisa- Did you get your turtles "home" cleaned out? Or was last night another run to Boscov's? Have a nice visit with your parents- and now that you'll have your ACs put in, maybe that means no hot, humid weather for a while? You know kind of like when your prepared for rain and have an umbrella it doesn't rain?


Judy- What is with the Yankees that they can't get runs when they need them? It was a shame too, because Colon pitched ok. Hope Heidi had another night of not falling out of the bed!!


Off to begin the ritual- BBL!

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Getting ready for some retail therapy at Kohl's with my coupon and replace some capris that no longer fit- which will be donated to Goodwill along with some clothes that I have up in the attic that no longer fit either (and that's a good thing)



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Good morning ladies :hi


We went to boscov's last night and then the diner to eat. Came home and cleaned the turtles and then just kept going and got all the 'once over' cleaning done :lol Was up super eary at 5:15 :shrug Just couldn't sleep :( So I watched a show on the dvr then came down and made a batch of Wrennies banana chocolate chip scones, which smell delicious :drool Made and ate bfast and here I sit. :think


Wrennie - Thanks for the recipe :hug I've been wanted to try it, but had trouble finding buckwheat and when I did it was fairly expensive so I just used regular flour and am hoping they are good :xfin


Linda - Glad to hear that Kim caught up on her sleep :yes Your quilt is gorgeous, I'm sure rooting for you :cheer Good idea to do a little each day :idea


Judy - Heidi and Sparkie sound just to cute together :manyheart I can always 'hear' the joy they bring you through your words


Marlene - I hope Payton's soccer game goes well. Have a safe ride and enjoy being home :wink


Dusti - Gorgeous projects :yay I really love the color you used for the hexagon bag. When I go to Pitt, I'll be living with my sister and her bf so I don't have to worrry about a place to live right away. She's expecting me to be there around a year, but I honestly hope it isn't that long :xfin However, I did come across some listings with office space and living space together :think which are for sale. I have to go through listings through the weekend to narrow down what I'd like to try to see next weekend :think


Mary1 - :hug :hug Sorry about all your drama and I hope things lighten up a bit for you and dh


Tam - Beautiful bag :manyheart Don't let anything happen to the thumb over there :hug


Joanne - I didn't know about Hines' partner until I read your postings :eek I looked it up and she's been cleared by the medical staff :clap And you're right, if I'm prepared for the heat/humidity maybe it won't come :think

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Good Morning Ladies,


Linda, Beautiful quilt top!


Judy, Glad the pillow worked out. It's nice the dogs can be so playful with each other.


Dusti, Did you skate? Beautiful baby blanket, hat and bags. On are travels home I noticed the farther north we came the less green I seen. Still a lot of trees around here with no green but many that are. They have 10 acres and most of it is wooded.


Mary1, Maya is coming later this month and staying for a month. I was really thinking about her last night they had storms and her Mom was at work and she don't like storms. I'm sure Heather comforted her, but it's not like being there with her. I didn't like storms either when I was a kid so I know how scary it can be. If I was awaken during the night by one I always hollered for my Dad and he would come turn the light on for me. Memories come from many different things.

Hope you many less drama days. I've lived through some and it wasn't any fun. I went to alanon for years and did some co-dependent no more group counseling. Both were very helpful.

I read somewhere about someone complaining about the RH yarn has a lot more knots than it use to. I don't recall if it was one particular type or not.


Tam, Beautiful bag! Hope everyone feels better soon.


Marisa, Hope you have a good visit with your parents. I know you will.


Toni, Hope everything went well with your eye surgery and we hear from you today.


Julie, Hope your feeling better to. :hug


Joanne, Were heading to cooler temps here this weekend and rain. 58 today and 52 tomorrow after the last few days in the 80's.:eek Hoping the rain hold off for Payton's game at 10. We've had 2 down pours since I've been up.


I got up early today. I've read all the I read in the morning and even made it here to. I packed the kids clothes last night just have to do mine this morning then get them up and fed and we will be ready to go.

Hope everyone has a nice day!

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Good morning, peeps!



We've been up a while...Heidi wants breakfast when she wants it! So, got fully dressed and we already had pancakes for our breakfast....

Plan to get out later - not sure where, but we need Heidi to be in her crate more, so she continues to be comfortable there.


Joanne, Heidi stayed on the bed again, so the pillows will stay for the forseeable future! The only thing was she had a very restless night - I think I let her nap too much at the end of the day. Like a baby I need to keep her up more, I think:lol

The Yankees!:eek:P Last night and AJ's great game...they're looking like amateurs, I hate to say.


I hope everyone has a good day! BBL....

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Wow- The House is very quiet today!!!


I had a good day of retail therapy- got some good deals at Kohl's and also got two pair of shoes at DSW with a grand opening coupon!!! DH did a lot of the cleaning today so I do wonder what HE wants! Maybe he just did it out of the kindness of his heart!!


Dinner is on- and DH just said it's almost ready- so I'd better skoot!

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Joanne, it sounds like you had a wonderful day - and DH is a keeper, for sure!!


Have a good night, everyone!:hug:manyheart

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busy busy busy time of year. Been making more SBT :lol But I AM going to finish the baby blanket this weekend..I am I am I am..I think :rofl


I picked up some pima cotton last weekend and making it into a spring grass beret. Going to work on the WIP's..making myself a deal that if I work on one I can work on a SBT afterwards.

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I'm trying to work on the quilt a bit each day so I don't do myself in with it. The official date that the quilts and other projects have to be there by is June 15th, but I really want to get mine mailed off by the 1st so that it has plenty of time to get there before that deadline. This is the last picture I took of it. Right now it's covered with pins, pins, and more pins holding the top, batting, and backing together. Of course, I'll post a picture of it when it's all done, but that will be a while yet. I probably won't here if I've won anything until the end of the month, when it will be sent back if it doesn't win anything. And I really don't expect to win, it's just the excitement of it being my first entry. Anyway, I'll be thrilled if it does win and and of course you will all be among the first to know if it does.




Linda the quilt is just beautiful. I like the black even more now than I did when you first showed it to us. I think it really displays the beauty of the fabric.

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Cindy, That's sweet of your GS waiting until you can help him. Safe travels this weekend. Hope your Mom and MIL are continuing to improve. Sorry you missed out on the bargins at Michaels. Where is the new Michaels going to at? I've been to the one on alpine a couple of times. DD use to live down the street at York Creek Apts. I wish she still did.



It's the one on Alpine that is moving. It's moving across the street near Target. Same strip of stores.


My mom is the same, but her mental status is much better. She is a lot more talkative and much more enthusiastic about rehab.

My mil is much better and went to rehab at the end of the week. They expect her to be there approximately two weeks.

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The Thermal Stitch Baby Blanket and teeny-tiny hat in TLC Lovey



Drawstring Purse in RHSS Melonberry and Lavender



The Hexagon Tote in Patons Kimono (before felting. Note, only 1 handle is done :lol)



The Ruffled Purse I felted a couple of weeks ago with Patons Classic Charcoal and Patons Decor (doesn't felt, and did not quite give the finished look I was going for :P, but I will find a use for it, eventually)



:hug To All for a good and safe weekend :hug


Very nice projects.

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We got back from my parents a couple of hours ago.


It was a very busy visit. I did a lot of work around my parents house. My dad is not in very good health either, (he has very severe emphysema), and although he likes to be independent, he is too short of breath to do a lot of the things that need to be done. Since their house is on the market, I did a bunch of cleaning for him, (I'm sure it was stuff he never noticed!), and packed up my moms good china, and lots of odds and ends and took them to their new condo. There is a lot left to do, but at least we got a start.

My nephews do a lot for him, but I thought I'd give them a bit of a break and get things in order over there.


I'm planning an early night.

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busy busy busy time of year. Been making more SBT :lol But I AM going to finish the baby blanket this weekend..I am I am I am..I think :rofl


I picked up some pima cotton last weekend and making it into a spring grass beret. Going to work on the WIP's..making myself a deal that if I work on one I can work on a SBT afterwards.

Yes, Mary WE are going to finish a baby blanket this weekend!!!:cheer:cheer:cheer I've been good tonight-:yes that's all I'm working on- finally getting back to Ryan's RR!!! My deal is that I will only work on the RR tonight and then tomorrow I can finish SBT#7.

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We got back from my parents a couple of hours ago.


It was a very busy visit. I did a lot of work around my parents house. My dad is not in very good health either, (he has very severe emphysema), and although he likes to be independent, he is too short of breath to do a lot of the things that need to be done. Since their house is on the market, I did a bunch of cleaning for him, (I'm sure it was stuff he never noticed!), and packed up my moms good china, and lots of odds and ends and took them to their new condo. There is a lot left to do, but at least we got a start.

My nephews do a lot for him, but I thought I'd give them a bit of a break and get things in order over there.


I'm planning an early night.

I can understand why you are planning an early night! Sure sounds like you got a lot accomplished though! Hope you will get to have a relaxing Sunday!!!:hug

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Yes, Mary WE are going to finish a baby blanket this weekend!!!:cheer:cheer:cheer I've been good tonight-:yes that's all I'm working on- finally getting back to Ryan's RR!!! My deal is that I will only work on the RR tonight and then tomorrow I can finish SBT#7.


Ok I can go with that...I can..yup..I will ... :think

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Good morning- it's a rainy Sunday here in NJ! Perfect day for cuddling up with some crocheting, maybe read a book for a bit.....but first off, need my coffee!!:)


I got quite a bit done on the RR I'm working on- and hope to finish that up this morning- and then go back to finishing the SBT! The rounds just take longer now. I'm thinking 36" round should be enough?:think


Judy- Another painful game to watch last night- and then the Posada drama.....my oh my.......:eek


Thinking about you Toni!


Hugs to all who need them and I'll BBL!:hug

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My mom is the same, but her mental status is much better. She is a lot more talkative and much more enthusiastic about rehab.

My mil is much better and went to rehab at the end of the week. They expect her to be there approximately two weeks.

Boy, you're getting it from both sides at once!:eek:hug:hug

We got back from my parents a couple of hours ago.


It was a very busy visit. I did a lot of work around my parents house. My dad is not in very good health either, (he has very severe emphysema), and although he likes to be independent, he is too short of breath to do a lot of the things that need to be done. Since their house is on the market, I did a bunch of cleaning for him, (I'm sure it was stuff he never noticed!), and packed up my moms good china, and lots of odds and ends and took them to their new condo. There is a lot left to do, but at least we got a start.

My nephews do a lot for him, but I thought I'd give them a bit of a break and get things in order over there.


I'm planning an early night.

Take care of yourself and don't overdo...:hug:manyheart

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Joanne, the Yankees semm to have no spark...I can't watch them anymore...

Maybe it's time to say 'bye to Posada?


Off I go - BBL

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Good morning ladies :hi


We had a good day yesterday and I can't believe I didn't even take a nap after being up so early :think:lol When my parents got here we right put the air conditioners in, it wasn't raining yet and I said we better get it done before it starts. Then we looked through alot of listing for places in Pitt. Went out for late lunch/early dinner to the Olive Garden and then over to Macy's. Mom was looking for fitflops and was having trouble finding them. Then we ran in target and back home where we just lounged, watched tv and I worked on the 2nd sleeve of my sweater which I did about half of, maybe just a little more. But then my wrist was getting aggravated so I put it down for the night. I slept great aside from a huge bought of thunder that shook my bed and scared the _____ out of me :lol I jumped out of bed like a sling shot, I didn't know what happened :lol But was able to fall right back to sleep :D


Cindy - keeping prayers out to your mom, dad, mil, and you and dh as well. Glad to hear that your nephews help your parents out a bit and that you were able to get some stuff done.


I hope everyone's having a great weekend and I'll be back later :yes

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Joanne, the Yankees semm to have no spark...I can't watch them anymore...

Maybe it's time to say 'bye to Posada?


Off I go - BBL

It's getting harder and harder--DH already won't watch- he watched a movie while I was suffering through the Yankees!:lol I think Posada should have probably just retired- it is very hard from going from the everyday catcher to a DH! Anyhow, switched out my NY Yankee avatar for a Stash buster tote!


Marisa- Glad you had a good productive day yesterday- hope your wrist feels ok today!

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Wrennie, That's an interesting story. I have heard that way back many years ago that people use to bury there money. The only treasure we ever found in a back yard was a couple of cans that had been buried. Someone told hubby there use to be a dump there many many years ago. I never checked it out so dont know for sure.

It was very common way back when for people here to bury their trash somewhere on their property. When I dig for my gardens I always get glass and pottery shards. Found some springs, maybe from a chair or mattress. Found an old small square bottle still intact. A coupl of old glass canning lids. Still hoping to hit Dutch's treasure out there.


Wrennie ~ Here's hoping the weather cooperates for you, and that you can put out a few things for a garage sale. I have been, s-l-o-w-l-y gathering and pricing things for our own sale. We have a big sale at my brother's house every summer, but I have not heard the exact date of this year's. Every little bit I can do ahead of time will reduce the stress later, I figures. Have a good weekend!


Before I do, I wanted to post my finished items for the week.


The Thermal Stitch Baby Blanket and teeny-tiny hat in TLC Lovey



Drawstring Purse in RHSS Melonberry and Lavender



The Hexagon Tote in Patons Kimono (before felting. Note, only 1 handle is done :lol)



The Ruffled Purse I felted a couple of weeks ago with Patons Classic Charcoal and Patons Decor (doesn't felt, and did not quite give the finished look I was going for :P, but I will find a use for it, eventually)



:hug To All for a good and safe weekend :hug

The weather did not cooperate. :( In town we had a pet parade planned. Very few showed I think mostly cause of the weather. But it was fun anyway.


Very nice bags!


But........ oh well.......... not giving it up. Stay away from my coffee and yarn... and no one gets hurt!!!

Well.. for photo Friday.......... here's my latest bag I designed.........










OOh pretty!


I loved the article too Wrennie!!! Hope your day at work went well and that the rain holds out for you to do a garage sale- weather forecast here is not promising- but late this afternoon, it got sunny and is absolutely spectacular outside- I'm actually sitting on my deck and checking in here!

Maybe next weekend. :sigh


I got a little gardening done yesterday in the very light drizzle in the morning. I have a few packs of flowers in my breezeway that aren't quite acclimated to overnights outside. It smells sooooo good in there. I now have about 2 dozen plants potted up for the library sale and at least another dozen ready to go.


Only good thing about rain in the gardening season is I got a few things done for my swap buddy. :yes


Friday evening Marton was weed wacking and scared a big ole' toad out of the tall grass. When he got too close to the road, ( the toad not Marton) he picked the little guy up and carried him across so he wouldn't get squished. The poor guy wasn't so lucky coming back across later. :cry

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