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2011 Stashbusting CAL


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Year to Date for the Month

Of June 2011

Dragonpuck +225 Gold Medal!


Ellie 13 +83 Silver Medal! :cheer:cheer:cheer

MouseCLP +50 Bronze Medal! :cheer:cheer:cheer

Using Up Yarn::clap

fc1123 +10

CLLinda +7

New Yarn in Stash!:cheer

BigPinkPolka Dot -10

TurtleLvr -26


walker1021 -141

Kraftynkrazy -212

Braxxi -212

FrLopLady -218

greyhoundgrandma -506

And the winner this month for "Shoot the Moon" is yarn geek with a grand score of -768!:cheer:clap:cheer

I hope I didn't miss anyone.


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I finished two projects last night and then I remembered I joined Crochetville to join in on this thread (it looks much more fun participating than just lurking :clap).


Of course, now I'm really dreading when my order from Knit Picks arrives (I couldn't help it! Sooo pretty! AND on sale!)... :yarn:yarn:yarn :2eek

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Finished off a skein last night completing my grandson-to-be's bubble blanket. dh bought me a new camera yesterday since mine had broken and the one on my phone was destroyed when my phone fell in the dog's water dish. (:yay for new toys!) I will post pictures as soon as I can get them uploaded from my camera. :)


So, my wtd so far is +2

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I finished two projects last night and then I remembered I joined Crochetville to join in on this thread (it looks much more fun participating than just lurking :clap).


Of course, now I'm really dreading when my order from Knit Picks arrives (I couldn't help it! Sooo pretty! AND on sale!)... :yarn:yarn:yarn :2eek



Welcome to the group. I'll enter your name on the first page of this thread!



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After doing somewhat of a yarn inventory this weekend, me thinks me needs to donate some yarn to a good cause ~ aka Goodwill. But in the meantime, I am off to the LYS for what will hopefully be the last ball of yarn for my swap partner's tote/purse.

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I finished two projects last night and then I remembered I joined Crochetville to join in on this thread (it looks much more fun participating than just lurking :clap).


Of course, now I'm really dreading when my order from Knit Picks arrives (I couldn't help it! Sooo pretty! AND on sale!)... :yarn:yarn:yarn :2eek


:hi Welcome to the fun!!

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Sent 30 balls of yarn to a fellow Viller who's making butterflies for something...I don't really remember what though. :lol Anywho, that's a +30 for me! :)



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Sent 30 balls of yarn to a fellow Viller who's making butterflies for something...I don't really remember what though. :lol Anywho, that's a +30 for me! :)



You just did this so that you would out do me this week. :rofl :rofl :rofl

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You just did this so that you would out do me this week. :rofl :rofl :rofl


Of course. :lol No, I promised to send it before vacation, but just now finally got to it! :)



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I thought laundering money was illegal :lol. I'm lucky if I find a penny or 2.

I rolled down the skein of thread to day (+1) :clap. I need to get 4 more snowflakes out of whats left (maybe if I make small ones :lol). I need to get rust proof pins, so I'll be going to Michaels or A. C. Moore this week end. I'll try not to get :yarn.

WTD: + 1 YTD: + 84

Ellie 13


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Found $20 in the dryer! Should I spend it on yarn?:devil




My feeling is that if the Yarn Gods didn't want you to buy more yarn, they wouldn't have given you $20! :lol :lol :lol

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Finished a skein on the afghan last night. I may be too tired to crochet any tonight.

I'm off to take a shower after vacuuming water out of the basement the last couple of hours. The plumber replaced a section of sewage pipe this morning that was just barely dripping from a hole in it, but they managed to pull the other end of the pipe loose and nobody noticed it. I went to the basement later (after running the dishwasher and two loads of clothes) and found the flood.

Okay, I'm through b****ing now. Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow.

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Finished a skein on the afghan last night. I may be too tired to crochet any tonight.

I'm off to take a shower after vacuuming water out of the basement the last couple of hours. The plumber replaced a section of sewage pipe this morning that was just barely dripping from a hole in it, but they managed to pull the other end of the pipe loose and nobody noticed it. I went to the basement later (after running the dishwasher and two loads of clothes) and found the flood.

Okay, I'm through b****ing now. Hope everyone has a good day tomorrow.


Mona more than enough reason to be allowed to b**** a bit! Sorry about the flood

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As someone who once had a flooded basement because the neighbor's pipes broke, you have my sympathy. That one took a week to get sorted.


After the last time we put most stuff on plastic pallets, so that helped a lot. I can't imagine all that work when it was a neighbor's pipes! We really need to have a massive sorting and discarding, but I'll have to do it when DH isn't looking.

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I read this in a book on how to de-clutter your house/apt. Sort everything into piles: yours/theirs. You each go through the others pile and take out what you think they should toss. Then ask each other do you really need to keep it. If you're not sure, put it in a box, tape it up and date it (if it's useful stuff, write charity). After a month or more, if you can't remember what's in it, donate it. I live alone so I had a friend help me, and it works. She took some plates and a painting left by the previous tenant :lol. After we sorted my :yarn stash, I let her pick out the colors and I :crocheting her 2 scarves.

Ellie 13

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After the last time we put most stuff on plastic pallets, so that helped a lot. I can't imagine all that work when it was a neighbor's pipes!


The really annoying part is that the neighboring house was unoccupied at the time. We had to call the city and have them shut off the water from the outside because we had no idea how to contact the owners. We also only figured it out after we'd contracted someone to replace the soil pipe which we initially thought was the problem. We replaced the blasted pipe anyway. We'd gone to the trouble of moving all our crap (which was mostly on shelves in the first place), and besides the pipe in question was old enough and in bad enough condition that I figured we were gonna need to replace it soon anyway, so might as well do it right then.

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I was doing so well this week. Then I bought some yarn at the Midwest Fiber and Folk art fair on Sunday, and then bought one skein on Monday at Hobby Lobby. And then, from the Hook and Needle club, I received 4 more skeins. Yikes. I'm at a -17. I'll try really hard at knitting group to get this score down a little.






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My son's girlfriend's 9 year old daughter (did you follow that?? lol) is into finger crochet and wants me to teach her how to crochet with a hook!! How exciting is that?!?!? So far this week, I've pawned off 2 smaller skeins to her. This is a fun way to destash my yarn :)

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