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New Bernat Crochetalong - did you see this?


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6 1/2 more hours

:eek I'm still trying to get caught up. Since I'm making two blankets. I almost am caught up on mine, but still behind on the second one, wonder how many we will have to make with this clue :eek I'll take my pictures after I get caught up, hopefully soon :D



Everybody's pictures have been great :cheer


Finally got all my ends woven in. It's great to see how the colors will look together:

Very nice :cheer

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:think that seems odd--thank you for the heads up!


just finished the first square--I'm a little tired from yarn shopping (I ride the rubber sole express, and I went to 5 stores today (3 of them for yarn) and the farthest one was almost 3 miles away...what can I say, some days I like to walk) and it's kinda funny because it gets narrower and narrower toward the top, and from right to left it gets taller and taller... :lol


I think I'll put down the hook for today until I've rested a bit :blush


I also may consider downsizing to an I hook so i don't have to hold everything as tightly with my hands...I'll sleep on it though




Wow- that's a lot of walking- good for you!! Glad you got the yarn and I'm sure you'll catch up in no time! I used an I hook for Clue 1, 2, and 3, but used a J for clue #4. And on each one I used a size bigger for the chain. And Nicole is right- it doesn't matter how you get there- as long as you get 8X8!:hook

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I know what you mean about the blog comments. I wish there were a way just to see the new comments. Sort of like how on this board, the page defaults to new comments when you click on the link to a thread. It's probably not possible on a blog though. I've read and responded to some, but it's next to impossible to keep up with them all!


I can't wait for the next clue. :yay

I have read some of them- but it is not a "user friendly" way to see comments and get ideas. I agree- it IS impossible to keep up with them:yes

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:yay Jenny for getting your yarn and starting up. I made my swatch with a K, but ended up using a J for all my squares soo far :think


Sockmad and Zany - Great pics, love all the colors :manyheart


Rene - At least you're caught up with one ghan :D How far behind on the second are you?


OK, just a few minutes over 3 1/2 hours :clap

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Rene - At least you're caught up with one ghan :D How far behind on the second are you?


3min till clue i have 2 more of clue 4, and the 8 of clue 3, i decided to work on clue 4 first since it takes longer with all the color changes. now to see how many of clue 5 we must make :D

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Of all weeks to have make 16 squares!!! :eek I'm behind before I start! Have to work the weekend in addition my usual 40+ hrs. And 4 colors again!!!:eek I had to read it twice to make sure I wasn't hallucinating!:lol


OH, well, looking at that clue really woke me up this morning, before I even finished my coffee!!!



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OMG!!!! Well ladies, let's look on the bright side.....the color changes aren't as frequent (ie. every row) and it's all sc so shouldn't have the awkwardness of that last square :think


I see that they mentioned this is the most of any week and that if we need to spread it out a bit over the next couple weeks that we'd be ok to do that :yes So I'm making the assumption (and yes, I know I shouldn't assume) that the next week or 2 won't have too many squares.


I looked it over and it looks like my green will be right in the middle with my blue on each side :think Not sure how I feel about that :( BUT, I'll do the first one how it reads to see how it looks and am already thinking that I may change up that middle stripe a bit on each, but 16 is alot to do that with :think:(


Good luck ladies and I'm hoping to start today :xfin If not at lunch (I might take a nap) then probably at the sixer game tonight :lol

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I have to admit that I was really disappointed to see so many color changes again. I am so sick of ends. and 16 squares!!!!! I haven't finished last weeks yet. I jsut couldn't face any more ends.:(

I'm starting to envision a hodgepodge of colors and patterns with no common theme, and I'm beginning to worry that the finished afghan will have that "run up at home by loving hands" look, but not in a good way. I sure hope I'm wrong.

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Oh and I forgot to mention that I was glad to see that their square looked a little 'wonky' and I think was actually worse than even my first :yes Kinda makes me feel a bit better about last weeks clue :devil:rofl


I though the same thing but didn't want to say it :rofl


Looked at the pattern last night, but didn't realize we were using 4 colors again :thair

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16 squares, wow! As you all know, I liked last week's square so these few color changes don't bother me much. There won't be nearly as many ends. :cheer


I feel so badly for those doing more than one afghan. It's going to be next to impossible to keep up after this week if they managed to stay on track after the last clue.

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Oh man MORE multi-stuff,so glad I invested in THIS:


yarn drum 001.JPG

yarn drum 002.JPG


I found it at AC Moore,I checked Michaels but they didn't have any,yes it also supports THE CURE! :pink


Now I STILL have not finished my ww squares,but as that is my bonus afghan I think I will do my mitered Chunkys first. Still have four and one half of clue three's to do and three more of the ww clue fours. Going to be a fun week right!? :eek



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we??! :lol


I just finished square one. Yep. Clue one, square one! haha!!


I did start yesterday though. Technically I started today since yesterday was just a crazy mess. I was too excited to not crochet, but I was so tired that my square was seriously wonked!


After much guaging and reguaging and measuring after each row,(which I have been warned about the guage...thank you nicole!) I have successfully created an 8x8 square! :woo


I was thinking I'd shoot for 2 squares every day to catch up--then I noticed that this week's clue calls for 16 squares? Is it so?? :faint Time to break out the :coffee methinks!


actually...now that I mention it.....mmmmm.... coffeeeeeeeeeeeee.....


Okay, I'll try to catch up then keep up! :hook



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Oh man MORE multi-stuff,so glad I invested in THIS:


yarn drum 001.JPG

yarn drum 002.JPG


I found it at AC Moore,I checked Michaels but they didn't have any,yes it also supports THE CURE! :pink


Now I STILL have not finished my ww squares,but as that is my bonus afghan I think I will do my mitered Chunkys first. Still have four and one half of clue three's to do and three more of the ww clue fours. Going to be a fun week right!? :eek


That is very, very cool!

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It's really cool that all of our clue 4 squares (from the pictures posted in this thread) looked better than the square posted on Bernat's site.


I'm looking forward to making the mitered square. It's going to look so cool. I've made mitered dishcloths before. They always turn out pretty nice.

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