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Spiral binding rocks!


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:yay At the suggestion of Suzann Thompson, author of "Crochet Bouquet," I took my copy of her books as well as my newest one, "Crochet Borders," to Office Depot, where -- for only a few dollars -- they removed the traditional binding and replaced it with plastic spiral binding. I love it! Not only do the pages lie flat, but I can fold the book back, so I can open it to only one page at a time. Moreover, with the pages, lying flat, there's not as much glare on the glossy paper used for the pages.


I probably wouldn't spend the additional bucks on other crochet books, since normally I just make a photocopy of an afghan pattern I'm using. But when I just want to try out a pattern for a flower, leaf, or border, it's nice not to have to make a copy every time.


Now, if only needlework book and cookbook publishers would start using spiral binding on all their books, I'd be a happy camper.


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WOW!!!! First I didn't know (think?) something like this could be done much less know that Office Depot could do it. Thanks for posting this. I have "Crochet Bouquet" and it would be much easier to use with the spiral binding. Plus I have a treasured cookbook whose spine is breaking apart and what a great idea to have it replaced with a spiral binding. There are probably some other of my crochet books that this would be handy to have done. Then there are others that like you I would just make a copy of the pattern I am working on. Its easier to carry a copy of the pattern with you rather than the whole book. Thanks again.

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Just to spread the joy around, Staples does binding, too.


I think I'm going to print out all my recipes, now in a pair of cumbersome three-ring binders, and have those spiral bound. Then, once or twice a year, I'll simply add any new tried 'n true recipes and have the book rebound to include them in the new edition of the Chez Kay cookbook. A small price for such a big convenience. Though I will have to revive my MS Word skills to create a table of contents and index.

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I think I paid $4 for Staples to do the spiral binding on my Happy Hooker book. Love it! I plan to have the spiral binding done to the new Twinkie Chan book once it arrives in November!

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What a cool idea! I didn't know that could be done. I just ordered "Oh, Baby, Crochet" and I think I will have that done to that book. It looks like quite a good book of baby projects.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I am iwth you on spiral bindings! Love them! If I am looking for a new pattern book and there is one with spiral binding, it gets top priority! I had not thought about taking in my regular bound books and having them done. Now that I knwo you can have it done for around $4, I am going to do it! Whether crocheting from the book, or just browsing, I think the spiral will work a LOT better! Come on publishers -- MORE SPIRAL BOUND CROCHET BOOKS PLS!

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