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Ryu Cat


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I was wearing my rainbow hat in front of my just 4 year old son and he called me mommy cat. he told me he wanted a "Ryu cat" for himself in blue. i thought he was just joking till the next day he asked for his "Ryu cat" again. so i figured having my son ask me to make him something for the first time was awesome. So the next day he got his hat...and he loves it! he will not take it off actually. he went to bed with it lol


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He's a doll! The hat's nice too lol! Kids are really great. My sons are grown now but when I had to go away when I was in the navy, I crocheted each of them a sweater and a vest. My younger one would insist on wearing his sweater to school when it was in the 80s outside 'cause his mommy made it for him. :)

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First, I have to say that your son is adorable!!! I love the hat too. It's so wonderful to make something that someone specifically asks for. He sure looks happy to wear it.

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Aw, he is so cute! Kids say the cutest things. When our youngest (he's 7 now) was under two (we were still carrying him everywhere and he couldn't talk really well yet); whenver we were outside at night he would say "Rah", and bury his head in your shoulder. We finally figured out he was afraid of the moon. :think


Cute "ryu cat"! :hook:c9

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thank you everyone! Ryu saw his picture and says "Mommy it's a Ryu cat on the computer tv!" (our computer is hooked up to the big screen tv so he calls it that lol)

i'm working on one for my guy friend once i'm done with the other something thousand projects i have to do. lol

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