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Does the weather affect how much you crochet?

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I'm not sure if this is the right place for this question but..


Does the weather affect how much you crochet?

I started working on an afghan a few months ago and was going along just fine doing at least 10 squares a day. But now it's just so darn hot I haven't had the energy to pick up my hook and yarn for a few weeks now.:ohdear


I guess I'll get more involved with it once it cools down a bit.

Anyone else have weather related crocheting woes?!;)

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I usually crochet everyday but on those hot days My fingers and hands swell and i get uncomfortable trying to hold the hook and then I sweat where im holding the yarn....I will try to do things like doilys when its very humid and hot because its too hot to hold all the wool on my lap for the bigger projects like afghans and sweaters. We do have air conditioning, but it still happens.....:blush

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Because of the meds both my DH and I have to take daily, we have to keep the house very cool -- the thermostat is never set higher than 70 degrees. Any warmer and we feel sick. I never go outside in the heat, either, except to go from A/C house to A/C car.


So, I don't have any of the usual heat-related problems that might limit my crocheting and for that I am grateful. I really feel for the ones here who have those problems with the heat. :hug

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I can't say the heat affects me in crocheting less. I have a schedule that I work at constantly, so I have to crochet. Buuuut, those really hot days make me wish I wasn't crocheting with mohair. Yuck. LOL. I've been trying to crochet a bunch of ponchos and shrugs this past month. I got lucky the first week I started on it, because we had rain. That helped to cool things off for me. Since then has been terrible. I've got one poncho that is made with an acrylic/mohair blend. It sheds like crazy and sticks all over me. I've had to frog that thing like 4 times, now. The more you frog it the more it sheds. I finally got it done right today, so no more mohair until it cools off.

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It sure does! I have a shawl in a slightly fuzzy yarn that I can't work on in the heat, sticks to me. And the 2 afghans in progress will wait until the temps go below 90, which won't be anytime soon. I found some #3 thread in my stash & have been playing with that.


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Most definately! Here in Germany we don't have a/c, so on hot days I either work with thread or some other type of cooler fiber (ribbon, cotton, anything that isn't hot and scratchy) or I sit outside where it is noticably cooler and work on small things, or I read. Luckily, we don't get a long summer, about three weeks total of hot days, and it's broken up by cool (or even cold) rainy days. I won't work on any 'ghans till next month though, by then it'll be cooler. Doesn't give me long to get christmas ghans done, so I better get myself busy and finish up the smaller stuff so I can spend that time on blankets! <heads off to find christmas list, pen and paper>

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Yes, definitely. I had a baby blanket I had a heck of a time finishing because, well, a blanket in your lap in 87 degrees just isn't comfortable!


More than affecting how much I crochet, though, the weather affects what I crochet. A poncho, in Hawaii? Not gonna happen. No need for ponchos, sweaters, shrugs, etc here. I'm trying to crochet clothes for my baby due in October, but most of the patterns you come across for babies are for things like sweaters. And I'm not one of those insane people who bundles up my infants. So it's interesting, to say the least, to come up with things I can make that won't roast the poor kid.

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I think the heat does affect how much your crochet. Luckily we have air conditioning, but it seems when it's hot there's so much that has to be done. I crochet alot more in the cooler months (maybe cause I don't go outside as often to do work:eek )

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Yes it does - also - ( have found the weather affects the yarn (especially cotton) I was working on placements for xmas presents and one turned out smaller then the other. Tension was the same and same lot on the yarn. Same hook size as well. Weird.

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Much like Yarncat, I'm in a/c all day be it on the bus, at work, or back home at night I'm all about climate control, lol. So no, my crochet isn't effected since I spend as little time as possible outside when it's hot.


Cuz... summer and 100 degree weather is the devil, lol. *sigh* I'll move to the boonies of canada one of these days!

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I agree that the weather does affect my crocheting. I was working on a twin size 'ghan and had to stop because it was just to hot to have draped over me. :hot

I've been working on a smaller baby 'ghan and a thread project. It is also even too hot for me to work on my quilts in my sewing room.

We do have A/C, but we live in military housing and the units are not big enough for the size of the house. :huh So on really hot days it is about 80 inside. My sewing room is usually about 10 degrees hotter. So we have fans everywhere.

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I'm sorta air-conditioned and sorta not :P At home we have one window unit. It keeps the bedroom livable, but we try not to run it unless it's over 90° because it's old and inefficient. And at work, the AC works okay out on the sales floor but not so much in the office/stock room and the break room--it can get pretty hot back here.


This summer I've been mostly working with thread and some ww cotton on cooler days. I can't even look at wool or acrylic right now :eek


Since I didn't start using thread until last fall, I used pretty much just give up on crocheting during the hottest part of the summer apart from a few things made out of cotton.

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Weather affects what I'm working on, not whether I crochet or not. In the summer, I just switch to smaller projects that don't need to be draped all over me. I switched back to crocheting this year from quilting. There was no way I was going to handquilt a full sized quilt in this heat. Suddenly crocheting hats and halters for my daughter seemed like a wonderful idea!

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That was an excellent question and I had to stop and read everyone's response before I added my own. Isn't it funny how some people really start crocheting or knitting in the winter? But after reading a few replies, I came to realize that there are people like me who do crochet all year 'round if they can help it. I do crochet in the heat but for a limited amount of time. Especially now, being pregnant, I have to be careful with the heat. I have a ceiling fan going 24/7 but it feels like its swirling around the heat. Luckily, I have the blinds closed in the living room and that keeps the heat out some. My living room faces west so it gets hotter in the late evening. By that time, I have two oscillating fans going full blast to cool off the living room.

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And at work, the AC works okay out on the sales floor but not so much in the office/stock room and the break room--it can get pretty hot back here.


Ugh where I work its the opposite, the sales floor is hot hot hot hot hot and more hot and the lounge is cold....goosebumply cold (is that a word) So i do a lot more crocheting at work than I do at home LOL we have 3 window units here at the house, so it stays comfortable, so far (knocking on the "wood" of my desk) but i just haven't been in the MOOD to do much crocheting!! :eek Good thing 6" squares are quick :lol

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>> "there comes a time in every persons life, when they must make a decision.......more yarn or more groceries.....and darn if peanut butter and jelly isn't tasting better every week" <<

MC, I love your quote -- especially at yarn sale times, it is so true. :lol

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Even though we have a/c, I can only work on big things like blankets for a few months of the year. We run the a/c and fans at work even during the Christmas sales, and by the end of January it's already too hot to work on blankets. I was making a ghan for my brother for his birthday and had to put it on hold halfway through sometime in January because I was just melting. So I only have a few months out of the year that I can work on them, otherwise I have to work on smaller things.

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Thanks everyone! It's very interesting reading all of your post. It's good to know I'm not the only one affected by the weather!:blush



BTW, I actually did crochet a few squares yesterday!:lol

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