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Selling Free Patterns on Ebay :(

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There seems to be more and more selling of the yarn company's free patterns on ebay. One ebayer's entire inventory is a combination of Red Heart, Bernat, Lion Brand and Loops and Threads free online patters. She uses the same picture they have on their websites.


I have been previously duped by an ebayer who was selling patterns that were not hers to sell, so I guess the subject is personalized for me. But still it appears to be illegal, against ebay rules, and just plain dishonest!


I asked one such ebayer why she was doing it. First she sent me a link to another ebayer who was doing the same thing. I replied that did not make it right, the newspapers were full of crime, would she feel justified in committing those crimes because others did too? Then she said she had permission from all of the yarn companies (Bernat, Red Heart, Lion Brand and Caron) to sell their patterns on ebay. Does anyone believe that tale?


What do you think of this practice? How low can they go? I have always felt that crafters were a very honest bunch who helped each other and went out of their way to be upfront, especially with other crafters. When I did craft shows, I was always proud of the way we all reached out and helped each other. Just look at this site, so many sharing their hard work, lending a hand to newer crocheters, always someone ready to help. So, this trend of selling free patterns really goes against my grain and makes me MAD!


Be careful of ebay purchases! There are many free patterns being sold, copies of patterns being sold, books being sold as rare while omitting the title which would let a person find they were anything but rare, and other unscrupulous acts. Research all ebay pattern sales before you hit the buy button! At least if we pass the word every once in a while, maybe some will be stopped from making a purchase that could be had for free with just a click of a link.

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Have you contacted ebay and reported this? If you know where the patterns are from you could include the links in your email. I'm sure ebay would pull the auctions.


You could even contact the companies themselves and see if they care enough to put a stop to it.


My husband likes ebay - me, I'm never on it.

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There are a lot! But I will start with just one seller. I don't want to police the whole site, but maybe if they feel there are consequences, they will stop. But if people quit buying from them, that would stop the practice too. I had to learn the hard way. Just too naive, thinking those selling crochet patterns were above reproach or something! It is really a case of buyer beware.

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I really hope they get their accounts banned and sued by the companies. The designers of those patterns worked hard to create them and gave the publishing rights to the companies that distributed them so it should be up to the company to sell or give them away.


The worst part is that they are mostly free patterns you can get off the pamphlet pads at craft shops. That's what really irks me.


Hugs and Cookies

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I got stiff once there on Ebay bought a pattern to find it had been cut out of a large hard bound book they where selling the patterns that way. Also I have seen a lot of the free patterns being sold for a profit too it is not right.

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A lot of people sell things just because it sells, not because they are crafters. They really don't know what the patterns mean to us or to the person who put the time and creativity into the pattern. If it makes a dollar or 2, that's all they care about.

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A lot of people sell things just because it sells, not because they are crafters. They really don't know what the patterns mean to us or to the person who put the time and creativity into the pattern. If it makes a dollar or 2, that's all they care about.


I agree with you on this.


Also, I work for an auction hall, they give you an hour preview before the sale to look over the items they are gong to sell. If you buy an item, then find something wrong with it....you can't return it...it's yours. Ebay is the same...know what you are buying. Do the research. Don't pay lots of money for something that you aren't sure of. While I totaly agree that it is wrong for someone to sell something that is given out for free...the buyer still must take some responsibility. A seller will say anything about an item just to sell it....know what you are buying.

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I got stung at ebay once too. I saw a beautiful afghan pattern that had grapes on it. I thought I was buying a booklet or a pamphlet, like the ones that Leisure Arts sells. Instead, I got a home printer copy of the pattern and it was a bad copy to boot. My own printer would have made a better copy.

I learned from this experience and now I am more careful when I buy from ebay.

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That's just really disheartening. I suppose the sellers just think of it the same as if they were selling a used book. But I would think the yarn companies could do something about it, but perhaps there are so many doing it that they don't want to spend their time and money fighting them all.

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How sad that it is "always" the buyer who must determine the honesty and integrity of a seller. I witness this everywhere and it is disturbing. No matter how you phrase it, explain it or even try to excuse it.....lying is lying, cheating is cheating and theft is theft. It is very disquieting when so many individuals feel no guilt whatsoever at making a "buck" by stealing from others. I have no idea how to stop this but I admire you for giving it a go. Good luck and I hope something positive is the result of your inquiries.

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My guess would be that the "sellers" aren't crafters - they are just people trying to make a quick buck or two. Have you reported the sellers to Ebay? I'm sure there is a way to do it - I don't look on Ebay for patters often, so I don't know who you are referring to, but if there is a way to report them that's what I would do!


Oh, and no - I'm not buying into the "I have permission from the Yarn Companies" line either! That's just a lie to (hopefully) get you to shut up & leave them alone, I'm sure...


Thanks for the reminder - I'm sure there are tons of people out there that aren't familiar enough with the internet yet to be able to find out if a certain pattern is available elsewhere for free, and you're right, the occasional reminder can't hurt!!

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I used to try and sell some of my doilies on ebay. They didn't sell. I had some stiff competition from real salespeople, not crafters. Then my daughter's came along and called my doilies family heirlooms, and well, they never were offered for sale again.


Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that crafters know the real value of their work, and so do those who love them. You will never find a deal on ebay that could even come close. Our items are specialty gifts, not meant to be displayed in the average flea market scenario. My humble opinion, don't waste your time on ebay, craigslist or other mass want ads to look for or sell crochet and craft items. The good stuff just won't be there.


Teresa - Check out my blog~

Lots of Crochet Stitche by, M. J. Joachim

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just my 2 cents worth too as they say is this i think in face i know many women here that make their own patterns would much rather (and they do) give their patterns away than to profit from them so for others to get them then sell them is such a disgrace itself to the maker especially when it comes from the heart as so many of these do



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Good news -- there is one less seller of Free Yarn Company Patterns on Ebay! She has now taken down all of the free crochet patterns and changed to selling different items. Looks like Ebay does follow up and make sellers adhere to the rules!

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Yeah, this upsets me. There's a seller on Etsy who's selling a little stuffy...and saying the pattern is hers. Except I JUST made this same EXACT stuffy a couple months ago for my cousin and it's from a book. I'm away from home right now so I'm waiting until I get back on Monday to check the book and make sure it's NOT really hers before I say anything. But...from how it was made I just really don't think it is. I have a few things on Etsy that I made from books. I did NOT say that the pattern is mine, but I think I need to go back and put the book they're from. I JUST started crocheting a few months ago so I'm learning as I go!

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