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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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You're going to pick reading over crochet?! *gasp!* :lol Your fingers definitely deserve a break after finishing that gorgeous scarf. :yes Sounds like you had a fun day. Your pool must be indoors...it's funny to see swimming and making a snowman in the same sentence. :heehee


C4J- hope you had a good time with home ec.


Tena, I'm glad to hear everything is returning to normal for you. :hug


Ok girls...question. How much would you charge to make a flannelghan? My dad has had 3 inquiries about it already, with 2 of them being very interested, if they can be made by Easter. :eek I checked on the pattern page and RoseRed's copyright just says 'not to be sold on the internet.' So I think I'm ok there. I know how much the yarn is, of course, but I have no idea how to estimate the labor/time costs. :shrug

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Hi everyone!!!! I'm on vacation!!!!:clap:cheer:clap:woo:jumpyay Do you think I'm just a little excited???


Got home around 6- and laundry is on. We just had grilled cheese and soup for dinner! I'm not leaving till around 10 tomorrow so I'll pack in the AM. I think I'm going to make another cowl tonight- very quick and easy- I'll make a black one so DD has that to go with the hat if she doesn't want to wear the Bruins scarf.


Stacy- sorry to hear about the car. Glad you got home safely- I'd be afraid to drive it again! About the flannelghan pricing, I'll bet Mary may have a good idea since she sells at craft shows! I'm thinking around 75?


Colleen- Yay for a fun day of swimming and snowman making- I'm with Stacy- it's funny to do those 2 things in one day!:lol Enjoy your book- what are you reading?


Tena- good to hear from you- glad things are settling down a bit- at least as much as they can!


Beth- Hope you passed inspection today! Did you get much done on the ghan? How bout the cleaning;)


Vicki- WTG on bowling the other night- I forgot to tell you congrats! And nice that you got some :crocheting in while DD was at Tae Kwon Do!


C4J- good job on the home ec. And post a pic of your snake when you are done


Scooby- Love the rug you made- if you can't find a place for it, you have my address :lol!! Hope you are holding up and drama is lessening. Here is a:hug since I know you are missing TN- it's tough to move- especially a distance away. Stacy moved from Michigan to Cali- also Sarah- has moved around to ...oh and Vicki- left NY for Tx- that's a distance....Me, I'm a Jersey girl through and through so I can only imagine what it's like.


LeaAnne, Mary and Shannon--hope today was a good one,


Frogger Judi and Victoria- miss seeing you guys- hope all is well


Off to crochet a little...:manyheart

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Stacy - 2 flannel ghans by Easter? WOW! I think you can do it! How much would the yarn for each one cost you? Glad you made it home safely!

Joanne - YAY for the long weekend in Boston! Enjoy the time with your daughter! Have fun and be safe!

Colleen - swimming and snowmen. I can't quite picture the two of them together, but I am glad you had a great day with both of them!

Tena - Glad things have slowed down a bit for you.

Things here are calming down a bit. Unemployment has been approved and should be arriving soon. Hubby had a phone interview today and the comment on the phone was that she needed to talk to the VP and then let hubby know what the next step is. That has to be a good sign, I would think. I hope so.

I am going to work on my paper a little and then crochet a little. Have a good night all and I will talk to you all on the flip side!


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Hi everyone!!!!! Had a :bang:thair:rant:tryme day with the cable/internet company. We have been without our wireless internet since Friday. I called Sunday, spoke with the tech support guy and he got it back up and running only for it to go back down on Monday morning. So I called back yesterday and went round and round because every time I call they sometimes will/sometimes won't talk to me because sometimes I am authorized and other times I am not, just depends on who I talk to :lol. So DF was here yesterday and he spoke with them (since the bill is in his name) and said I have told you for the 15th time YES SHE IS AUTHORIZED TO HANDLE THIS ACCOUNT. So the lady worked with me, couldn't get it fixed so she supposedly set up an appt for a guy to come to the house and fix it between 8 and 10 this morning. By 2 pm this afternoon no one had showed up or called so I called them back only to find out that once again I am not authorized and no appt was set for this morning :yell. I told the lady, look you have no problem taking our money, one day I am authorized one day I am not, I just gave you the last 4 digits of the SS #s, I gave you all the network names and passwords of our wirless connection, I gave you the security code that was issued to us that shows up on our bill, I gave you our home telephone #, I gave you the account # what more proof do you need. So she finally worked with me and it still is not working.So I asked her while I had her on the phone why does it seem that no one at that company can seem to do their job or they lie about what they have or have not done? She hem hawed around and couldn't give me an answer. She told me I needed to go to our local office and get some of these problems cleared up. UMMMMM :think what local office. We don't have one :irk. I think the nearest office to us is 40-50 miles away. So I guess tomorrow I will be :boxwith them again. Whew, sorry for ranting but I just had to get that out. Just disgusts me that we are paying for something that we have not been able to use in a week but yet they are not willing to compensate us for lost time of our services, and yet no one can seem to help get it fixed. I hate dealing with stuff like this sometimes.

:hugHey Vicki!!!!! I am doing ok, hanging in there. I am feeling some better. I just think I get a little depressed,homesick etc etc but it will all get better. Just a lot happened in a very short period of time. I am trying to enjoy the warmer temps as I am sure we are just being set up for more :2snow:lol. You know, when I am not hanging around here, I miss all of you too and think of you often. Just know that when I am not here I am thinking about ya and still sending out lots of :hug and :manyheart. Glad to see that things are calming down around your house and the unemployment for DH is approved and arriving soon. That is great news. Still keeping my :xfin crossed for him and sending out prayers and well wishes for your family.

:( So sorry to hear about your yarn Sarah. I don't know how the heat/cold weather and long storage times affects yarn, as I am sure it does in same way. I just had to throw away a few small balls of yarn that I bought at thrift stores because it was breaking off like that when I was trying to wind it up on my yarn winder. Hope you find some more that you like and can use.

:(Sorry to hear about your car Stacy, but glad you were able to go where you needed to and make it back safely. Wow, I am not sure how to price the flannelghans as I have not made one but I know just from chatting with you all there is a lot of time/work involved in making one. I do know that I wouldn't let them go to cheaply as they are very pretty and well worth the money. GL getting it all figured out and hope that you can take it on and make you a little extra cash :wink. I am with Joanne, ask Mary :D.

:yayC4J!!!! WTG on getting that A in your Home Ec class. Nice job.

:D It's ok Colleen. Sometimes I :book instead of :crocheting, especially as in your case, the book is very good. Sounds like you had a good day today with swimming and snowman building.

:wooDoing the happy :dancefor you Joanne now that you are officially on vacation. TY for the extra hug!!! I do miss TN and some days are worse than others but everything will be ok in time. I have moved around quite a bit myself but this is the first time I have moved away without one of my parents or other family members close by (30 mins or less). But I think Josh and I are adjusting really well but it still takes time. I hope that you enjoy your time with DD and get to relax a little.

:2hugBeth. Hope you got your cleaning done today. I did a little but probably not enough :lol. Did the car pass inspection? I remember having to do that and always fearing that my car would fail. Hope you got some :crocheting done on the morrocan tiles ghan.

:yesIt's good to see you Tena!!!!! Glad to hear that things are slowing down for you a little. Hope to see you around again soon.

:manyheart to the rest of my Besties!!! Hope you all are having a great evening and had a good day too!!! Think I am going to go surf around the ville a bit and then off to :crocheting and listen to an :book. I will probably check back in later!!!! Lots of :hugand :manyheart to you all!!!!!


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:hugWhat a day!!! The car passed inspection. The visit to the garage was almost like a trip to a theater -- lots of entertainment. I was the only customer there. The manager made a pot of coffee just for me, then stood there and talked about his grandchildren the entire time I was waiting (except when he had to answer the phone or help another customer.) When the car was done, the mechanic sat beside me and told me all about the things I should get done (you know how that is -- bring it in for a brake job, and they want to change the coolant...) But it passed inspection first try!!! Not bad for a 11-year-old car! I was home in an hour. I got all my housework done for today. My oldest took me out to lunch when I picked him up from work. I met my IRL crochet buddies, but had to leave early because my leg started hurting. It hasn't hurt in a while. When I got home, one of my cats was yowling, like it was fighting. I went to check on her. She managed to wrap her head around some wires, and was literally hanging herself. I managed to free her. We sat together, snuggling for a while, when I felt something on my neck. It was one of those long-legged scarey, ugly cave crickets. They are freaky!!! My daughter saved me from it. Then I felt something by my leg -- another of those .... Ewwwwwwww. I have chills up and down my spine from it....


The blanket I was wrapped in is already in the washer.


Scooby, good luck with the battle with the cable company.

It's very annoying that you have to pay for service that you aren't receiving.


Vicki, I'm glad the unemployment has been approved. I still have :xfin for a good job for your dh. Soon!


Joanne, :cheer:cheer:cheerVacation!!! Enjoy your trip.


Stacy, AWESOME news about the flannelghans! That sounds like a lot of work, but I'll bet you can handle it!!! I'm very sorry to hear about your car. May it rust into pieces, with my Old Red!


C4J, congrats on your A! I am homeschooling my 3 kids. My twins (10th grade) both got A's on their math tests today -- Advanced Algebra.


Colleen, swimming and snowman building on the same day -- what a change in outfits for those two activities! It sounds like a fun day.


Tena, glad things are slowing down a bit for you. It is a good problem to have! I think that's an awesome program Disney has. It's helping a lot of people do a lot of good!!!


Everyone else, have a good night. I'm kind of exhausted! :hug to everyone.

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:hug:hug:hug Scooby! I can understand how it sucks being away from family/friends. When I moved out here, I had one cousin (whom I lived with until I moved in with dh) and she moved back to MI almost right after I moved out! It is still lonely sometimes, even though I've been out here for almost 10 years. :blush Good luck with the cable/internet people. Is it Time Warner? They give us the runaround also, especially with giving me info because Jorge's name is on the account. :rolleyes I hope you can get it all straightened out!


Beth, :clap for the car passing inspection! Do you guys have to smog check your cars also? Or was it just a general safety inspection? How sweet of your ds to take you out to lunch. How are the twins doing with driving practice? I'm glad you got home in time to rescue your cat! Those bugs sound freaky. I am shivering over here! :yuck


Joanne, enjoy your vacation! Your hooks are smokin' with those cowls and hats!


Vicki, how wonderful that the unemployment was approved! :clap:xfin that your dh hears something about the phone interview!


C4J- congrats on your A! That is awesome! :h5


Thanks for the advice on the 'ghans. My dad called back (I guess he wanted an answer pretty badly! LoL) I told him $65 for the smaller one (twin size) and $80 for the larger one (full size.) He told me that I should only make them if I am sure that it will be worth the time/cost. :sigh It would be nice to have the extra $$ but my SIL's ghan is making me a bit tired of the pattern. :eek


Okie dokie, I'm off for the night, to see if I can get that last strip done and finish my last hat. Roomie's friend actually brought me a bag of yarn to make her more :lol but this 'ghan has to be finished first.

Good night! :sleep

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I guess I'm the only one here. I promise I'm not trying to avoid you all!


Vicki- Good luck to DH and his job interview. And yay for unemployment, but I have a feeling you won't need it long.


Scooby- I'm sorry you have to deal with "those people". It can be so frustrating. Good luck getting it worked out.


Joanne- Woohoo for vacation!! Please be careful and have a great time. Tell DD hello and Merry Christmas for me!


Colleen- Reading a book sounds good. I'd love to myself, but I'm so nervous about these darn pillowcases! I'm thinking about only doing seasons. Your swimming, snowman day sounds wonderful!!


Stacy- So sorry about your car. I'm glad you got home safe! WTG on the flannelghan requests!! I think I could get re-motivated with it for that much $$!


LeaAnne- How are your chickens? Hope things are awesome up your way!


Mary- Did you finish the flannelghan, or did your hook explode before you could finish? Hope you're staying warm up there!


Beth- I'm so glad your cat's okay. How scary! And double yuck on the crickets! Yay for DD for saving you! Is your leg feeling better now?


Sarah, Tena, C4J, Judy, and anyone I missed--Hello and I'm thinking about you!!


I had a long day. Speech therapy, had to get fitted for my bridesmaid's dress, and Target. But it took longer than I anticipated 'cause my sister and her boyfriend wanted to tag along. That's okay, I'll take any time I get to spend with her, especially since she's going away to college in the fall. Not too far though, I hope.


I hope you all had a wonderful day, have sweet dreams, and a wonderful tomorrow. DH's job got moved to Saturday, so I may be here for chat!! Yay me!!

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Yeah, I keep missing everybody. I miss my computer. I guess it won't get fixed until I bring it in though. Is it freezing there?

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:hug Even though you keep missing us all, just know that you are still in our thoughts and you are greatly missed. We are still sending you lots of :hugand :manyheart. I know how it is when you don't have your puter. I remember when mine was done for a month or more back over the summer. I hope you get it fixed soon.


Actually we are going thru a heat wave this week. We still have snow on the ground but our temps have been teens/20s at night but high 40's and a couple days up to 50 :eek

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Thank you so much. You guys are so great.

Wow, you and I are having the same weather, except for the snow on the ground.


God bless you for all the charity work you're doing! I wish my siggy looked like that.

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You are so welcome. You know that is what we are here for, to support and help one another.

TY. I really enjoy the charity work that I do. I don't really have anyone to give my crocheted stuff to that would appreciate it, and there isn't really anything crocheted that I really want, so I just pass it along to those in need.

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Did you notice I set my goals low, to one of each item a month :lol. I put it all in my siggy to see if I meet or exceed my goals. If I see it in writing then it gives me a sense of motivation to get it done :D

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Sorry Scooby, but I have to go. The computer's acting up.

Hopefully I'll see you at chat tomorrow. :hug



Good nite Shannon. I am going to try to be here and hope to see you too. Take care and hope you have a great night :hug:manyheart

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:lol I had a good laugh at you all laughing about swimming and snowman making in the same sentence. Yes, the pool is indoors. Outdoor pools are rare here (except private ones in people's backyards). I think our city only has 1 outdoor pool and it would only be open during summer vacation, 2 mos of the year. I bring a hair dryer and dry DD's hair for the most part and then we go to the library in the same community center for 1/2 hour until it is dry before going outside. We have been waiting all winter for a good snowman day and finally got it, so even though it delayed dinner we had to make it!


I totally forgot until dinner time that I had scrabble tonight. We didn't play again :rofl Just chatted about our kids and ate food. It was nice.


C4J - WTG on your home ec test :h5 Enjoy making your free-spirit doll. We all enjoy a little extra unearned crochet time now and then :wink


Stacy - That is awesome that you've been requested to make 'ghans for profit. That's a tough one, though, given how much yarn it uses. See what Mary and LeaAnne think. I think LeaAnne is thinking of making them for her hockey rink sales.


Shannon - A pillow per season sounds great. You can always add pillows after they're married if you get inspired. Or give them the chair and a couple pillows. Still a lovely gift. Your snowflake one is beautiful!


Scooby - :hug on homesickness and silly cable companies :ohdear


Joanne - :clap for vacation! Enjoy your trip to Boston. Say hi to DD for us (even if she is a Bruins fan :lol)


Beth - :yay for the car passing inspection. This is the older car that your DS is inheriting? Is that right? I hope your leg is feeling better. Yuck about those bugs you mentioned. That is one thing I love about a cold climate...we don't have bugs for at least 6 mos of the year.


Vicki - :yay for DH's unemployment kicking in. That will help and I'm sure he'll be working again soon.

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Just popping on to say Hi really quick. Keith kept me on my toes today, to the point that when fiance got home I took off so I could go cool off and get some quiet time... went to the bookstore and read a book w/o interruptions (except fiance calling asking when I'd be home)... Please tell me the testing the limits ends soon? Off to go find something to eat as I was so out of sorts I didn't even eat dinner before leaving...


:hug to everyone.

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Good morning!


Sarah, :hug It's just a phase, and it won't last forever. Gotta love that boy, though. He brings a lot of joy to your life, between the testing part.


Colleen, Swimming and Snowman building don't seem to go hand-in-hand. But what a neat, fun day!!! About the car, sadly, the one my ds was going to inherit was Old Red, who has been sent to the retirement home for cars. David doesn't like cars. He likes vans, pickup trucks, SUV's. He is 6'5" tall, and likes to sit high -- it feels more natural to him


Everybody else, :hug:hug:hug:hug I need :morcoffee to function enough to talk to you all. Have a good day!!!

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Good morning and Happy Friday!! I slept until 6:40 this morning!!!! I finished the cowl for DD and then I decided to make a navy scarf with the rest of the wool ease thick and quick I had. I'm doing simple HDC's. They go so quick- it's almost done- I'm making it skinny since the yarn is so thick.


Shannon -sorry we keep missing you- but know that we are always thinking about you. I think doing the seasons with the pillows is a good idea- I just love your snowflake pillow! Crocheting is not supposed to be stressful ---:lol


Scooby- So, did you plan on what you are doing with the beautiful rug you made? Good luck dealing with the Cable company- it can be soooo frustrating. Right now, my cable co isn't carrying Food Network and HGTV- and those are my fav channels! I wish they could work it out and not put the consumer in the mix. I pay alot of $ for cable, and now I don't have 2 of my fav channels- thank goodness I still have sports!


Colleen- Sounds like you had a fun evening (not) playing scrabble!! Good for you- adult time! That is so neat that the swimming pool and library are all in one building- a community center- that is so neat.


Sarah- yes, the "testing" age will pass- and you will look back and wonder where all those years went. Glad you got some alone time at the bookstore! I love bookstores! I am going to be meeting my DD later today when she gets out of work and Ill be waiting in a bookstore for her- I've got a book by Jodi Piccoult downloaded onto my Nook and plan to relax with a cup of coffee and read until she gets there- to me that is heaven!


Beth- I can see where your DS would like a truck, SUV, etc- at that height I would too- although my godson, who is 6 ft 3, drives a Mustang! Hope you have a great day. How's the leg feeling today?


Mary- Hope all is well- you haven't posted since you whipped through a flannelghan in one day- Are your hands back to normal?


Vicki- Glad to hear DH's unemployment came through! And I'm sure something will work out soon for him! WTG on working on the baby sweater! Any news yet on the baby front?


DH met with a whole bunch of execs yesterday- in a conference room- he said it went well. He then met all of the OR staff- so I think it is looking good. They said he would be hearing shortly from HR - When I know something more, I'll be sure and let you all know


Stacy- Did you decide about the flannelghans? I liked how they come out- but I think why I am procrastinating with finishing the one for DH is the putting it together part. That is definitely on the "to do" list for next Saturday- clean and do flannelghan!!!


Well, everyone, have a fabulous day. I may be here for chat since I bring my laptop with me to DDs house. We are going out to dinner and then we'll be in relaxing- If I can be, I will be!


Have a fabulous day everyone!:manyheart

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:morcoffee morning all!

Last night we watched North and South, and I worked on my Free Spirit Doll. I'm surprized at how quickly she went! All I have to do is finish the head and sew it and the arms on, and make her wig and I'm done! WOOHOOO! :D



C4J, congrats on your A! I am homeschooling my 3 kids. My twins (10th grade) both got A's on their math tests today -- Advanced Algebra.

Thanks! That's cool! :) Mom homeschooled all six og us from the start. lol :D Now she has four left.:) I'm glad you were able to save your cats! And EWWWWW about those crickets! :P They are soo gross! :)


Hi irishrose! :flower


Wow! Stacy, that's alot of$$! I hope you are able to do them! :D:h5


C4J- congrats on your A! That is awesome!


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