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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 2]


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Good morning! Slept till 7!!!! (I'm usually at or near work by that time). Wow- where did the day go?:lol Merry Christmas Eve!!!!:ctree:stocking


Stacy- Yes, please do tell us all how to make mixed veggies. Good luck with the run to Target today and hoping the UPS guy gets there in time. Not sure if you told us about the aunt on thanksgiving...or....could be you did and I forgot:think.


Colleen- your bookmarks are adorable. I'm sure DD will be excited to have a special one of each of her books!! Thanks for the link- they look easy and fun!


Vicki- My 3 DD's had an American Girl Doll- my mom had bought one for each of them. My oldest had Samantha (and she had glasses, just like DD)- My Mom loved those dolls so she bought one for each of her granddaughters. I love the idea of a homeless one- give her a good home- you can do it. Enjoy your relatively quiet day today!


Beth- Have fun with the kitties at Petco- don't do too much- and take it easy with your back. DH is definitely a keeper and you definitely deserve him- :yes don't ever forget that!!! can he come to my house and re-arrange furniture?:lol Can't wait to see the decorated cupcakes that "sleigh" you. Your DD is very talented in the cake decorating dept!!!


LeaAnne- I'm having my coffee now- sorry I missed you--I need to run to the bank and then pick up something for dessert to bring to the Christmas Eve gathering. I know one thing- it won't be a :fruitcake! Need to do laundry and general clean up today and be at the party around 4:30.


To all of those with young children- enjoy the time with them at this magical time of the year- it goes by so fast!!!


Shannon, Scooby, Mary, Sarah, Judy, Frogger, Victoria...thinking of you and wishing you a merry Christmas Eve!:manyheart

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Joanne- I hope you enjoy your day off and get to relax some!


Stacy- pay no mind to people that treat you like you can't make mixed vegetables, i'm a brat and would probably intentionally make them differently than I was told to, but lol that's just me :)


Vicki- Enjoy your quie day!


I have the kids doing some sweeping right now, and told them if we get it all done right today we have nothing waiting to be done tomorrow. They're being really helpful. I'm working on a small grocery list to be sure we don't end up needing something tomorrow when all the stores are closed.


Once everything is done I'm going to sit down with my hooks and yarn and have some fun of my own!

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Merry Christmas Eve Everyone!


Today is going swimmingly. DD and I made a quick trip to the store. We picked up some batteries just in case anything Santa brings needs them. DD tidied her toys, I've got 2 loads of laundry on the go, the floors swept and mopped. Now I've just got to carry on the with the laundry, dust and start puttsing around in the kitchen. The fridge needs a tidy, there is a cookie tray to be made up and bread to be cut up for the stuffing. DD is happily playing with the new toys she got last night.


Beth - Beautiful cupcakes! Does your DD want to do DD's birthday cake?


Chaya - good luck with the shopping and chores


Joanne - I was actually up before you today :eek Enjoy your day off. What did you pick up for dessert?


Have a fantastic day everyone!

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Errands done, laundry washed, dried and folded, dishes from the dishwasher put away, and now it is time to relax b/4 the party tonight!


I went to our favorite bakery this morning and waited on line for 20 min- I got a crumb topped apple pie and a platter of honeyballs.


Beth- those cupcakes are awesome- thanks for sharing the picture with us


Colleen- glad to hear your day is going along swimmingly.:lol that you were up b/4 me today!!!! What was the last Advent calendar treat?


I feel a cold coming on- ugh.....I am taking zinc lozenzes and telling myself I won't get sick!!! So the rest of the day will be spent in my favorite chair with the hook and yarn.


Mary- Wishing you a very Merry Christmas too




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My apologies Joanne, but DD was so busy playing with new toys that she just got around to the Lego advent calendar at lunch. The other one hasn't been done yet. Lego Santa with a sack and a chimney :D.


DD's bed changed, fridge tidied. Dusting is up next but that couch is calling my name!

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Merry Christmas, Besties!

I'm actually getting some house work done today! :faint My inventions are with my dh at his mom's house for the Christmas Eve party. I'm staying home because of my back, but I'm still getting a little laundry done. Gotta earn SOME crochet time! I've certainly been taking enough of it lately. I need to tidy my kitchen, too, but I'm under strict orders to take it easy, and only do what I feel I can accomplish without injuring myself again.


I hope you all have delightful Christmas mornings! What a fun time of year. I'm looking forward to it. I need to wrap two more presents, and assemble one (after the kids' bedtime) that will just be sitting under the tree tomorrow.


See you later!:hug:manyheart:yay:hug:manyheart:yay

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Merry Christmas everyone as I don't think I'll be getting back on today...


finishing up cleaning here then we go to fiance's grandparents where his whole family gathers and opens presents... right now running around like a chicken w/ it's head cut off trying to get things done... and trying NOT to get too upset over fiance deciding to throw ALL the clothes I had folded and the one load that wasn't folded on the floor in the bedroom... he was supposed to just work on cleaning the kitchen and bathroom yesterday but he decided to do the living room instead of the bathroom and his way of cleaning the living room is to throw all the clutter (toys and laundry that was folded or waiting to be folded) either in Keith's room (toys) or in our room (laundry)... so I've just wrapped 10 more presents for his dad, dad's girlfriend, brother and his brother's girlfriend, straightened up all the toys in Keith's room and now re-folding all the laundry...

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My family came back from the in-law's party with presents for me, including 6 skeins of laceweight baby alpaca/merino yarn (dark blue.) Now I need a purpose for this lovely, lovely yarn! Have any of you worked with laceweight yarn before? I'd love some guidance.


I got about half the laundry done. I folded the load that made it all the way through. The rest is either in the washer or dryer. The kitchen is still a big mess. I wrapped the last presents. I started frogging a scrapghan that was an unfortunate combination of colors. I still will do it as a scrapghan, probably a never-ending granny, but I will order the colors differently. I tried to do a RR going from brightest to darkest, and those bright colors in the center were eye popping. I'm going to try it in random order, so some darks will be by the brights, and tone it down a little.


Merry Christmas Besties! Your friendship is the best gift I've gotten all year!!!:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart:manyheart

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Beth - what a lovely gift. I've never worked with lace weight yarn before, but I can't wait to see what you come up with. So, is that like finger weight? I hope your back feels better for Christmas and that you have a wonderful time with your family :hug


Sarah - I hope fiance's Grandmother's was fun. Argh about the laundry on the floor. I'm feeling a little overworked underappreciated too. All part of being a mom at Christmas, I think. Here's a :hug for you.


The bread is cubed for the stuffing. The downstairs bathroom has been cleaned. I dusted and did 3 loads of laundry today. I am sooooo tired. Just some gifty stuff to do now that DD is sound asleep. I might even get time to finish MIL's scarf tonight (we don't see her until early next week, so I've got lots of time to finish it and SIL's).


DD is so excited. She spent almost 30 minutes in the front window with all the lights in the house turned off trying to catch a glimpse of Santa's sleigh this evening:manyheart No luck, but I'm sure he'll make it our way sometime tonight. She's gone to bed and :xfin that she sleeps to a reasonable hour. Joanne, I think it is safe to say I will be up before you 2 days in a row :rofl


I wish you all a magical Christmas and a very special day with your family. As Beth said, your friendship has been a wonderful gift this year. :manyheart

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Back home from a wonderful evening of family and friends at my DD's MIL's house- my son-in-law has such a great family and I am sooo happy for her that she has this great second family! My SIL got out of work at 10- so I saw him for a few minutes. After some of the family left, DDs BIL went to her house to get Belle and he brought her over. She is just too cute- and getting bigger by the minute. She is about 25 lbs now. For you newer friends, Belle is an English bulldog puppy.


I had picked up middle DD and her BF at the train b/4 going to the party. They are staying over with DD and SIL tonight and DH and I are going to DD;s house in the morning for breakfast and gift exchanging! SIL has to work tomorrow 2-10 so DD is going to his cousin's house in the afternoon, other DD and her BF are going to his grandmother's and then we are having DH's daughter and 2 GK's in the afternoon.


Hope Santa is good to each and everyone of you and your families.


Beth- wow that yarn sounds wonderful- I have never worked with it, so can't give you any advice on what ot make with it.


I agree with Beth and Colleen- you all have been a wonderful blessing in my life. Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!!!

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Hi, everyone - a quick flyby.

Pups have been having a blast in the snow we had..now that it melted a bit, Sparkie, our 110 GSD, finally found a couple of his sticks that got buried under all of it!


Have a wonderful Christmas, however you spend the day, and be safe on the roads.:hug

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Merry Christmas, dear Besties!


Judy, I love to hear about your pups and their sticks. It makes me smile.


Here's my Christmas wish for all my Besties: May you have the most blessed day! :manyheart I send my love to you all through the modem -- hope it doesn't get lost in cyber space! Enjoy your families, even the aunties that don't think you can make mixed vegetables without step-by-step instructions!:devil

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Good morning and MERRY CHRSTMAS to all my besties! I hope this morning finds wonderful presents under the trees and happy children, both big and small, with you. I agree with Colleen, Joanne, and Mary. You are all the best gift I could have ever asked for!

I hope you all have a wonderful day with friends and family! Have a great day!

Beth - Enjoy ALL that wonderful yarn! Yes, Santa must have thought you were a very good girl to get all that!

Joanne - Enjoy the time with the girls and the in laws. Take new pictures of Belle!

TTFN all!


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Merry Christmas :santa


I hope you all are having a wonderful day with your families and friends. We are having a great time here and the fun has just begun!


Beth - that is the beautiful sight I've ever seen under a tree. Enjoy!


Enjoy your day, everyone! :manyheart

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Merry Merry Christmas everyone!

Wow, Santa must have thought you were a very good girl Beth!!! Enjoy that beautiful yarn!


Hope you are all enjoying time with your families! WE had a wonderful breakfast with my 2 DD's and SIL and BF! And just as we were getting ready to eat, SIL got a call from his best friend- he had just proposed to his GF of 8 years!!! (Finally, finally, finally!!- she is such a great gal) So, DD and SIL went over with a bottle of champagne to congratulate them and then came back to the house. My artist DD gave me a Bell Jar filled with coffee beans and also 3 different balls of yarn. I'll have to take pics later. DD and SIL and my oldest DD got DH and I tix to the Devils Islanders game on April 10th-good seats, center ice! Can't wait. Belle was all decked out in her Christmas finery and unfortunately my camera was at home! I'll ask DD to email me some so I can upload them.


We are now waiting for the second part of the day to commence- DH's daughter and GK's and also his other grandson who is 14 and lives in Florida is up for the week-that was his Christmas present. Dh's DD couldn't get off work, but he wanted to come up to be with his cousin for winter break. DH is excited to see him!


I got a pair of Uggs from DH- the ones that are crocheted- I love them!!! He also got me a "NOOK"- it's the new e-reader from Barnes And Noble! I'm charging it now and I have a gift certificate from B&N so I can't wait to download a book!!!


Well, let me go check on the lasagne- have a wonderful day Besties!!!

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Merry Christmas everyone, hope you all are having a good day.


we had a blast last night at fiance's grandparents, he didn't have to dress up as Santa, instead one o his aunt's bf did it. Keith had fun playing w/ his cousins and got lots of new toys, fiance and I got a set of hard anodized cookware and another pot set that's 2 pots that stack in each other and have steamer too, and I got some money and told to order the pattern I've been :drool:droolover and some yarn to make it w/

this one http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/cosmo-the-dragon we didn't get out of there late cause me and one of fiance's aunts make sure the everything is cleaned and put up before we leave so that his grandparents don't have to do it as neither are really up to it by the end of the night and we don't want them spending the next day cleaning


then this morning we unwrapped presents here, Keith is having fun right now playing w/ his new toys, of course his favorite is the Elmo kitchen/restaurant we got him, and the "my friends tigger and pooh super sleuth treehouse"... this afternoon fiance's dad and brother will be coming over w/ their gf's and his brother's daughter for dinner and unwrap our presents to them


then tomorrow we go to fiance's mom to do Christmas there and unwrap more presents...


then Sunday we have a birthday party for one of Keith's cousins...

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Beth- enjoy your yarn.

Joanne- yeah I'm good at forgetting the camera (until i got this digital camera that I have now that fits in my purse)


Colleen, Vicki, Mary, Judy, Stacy, LeeAnne, Chaya, Shannon, Scooby, Frogger, Victoria, Tena...


Hope you all are having a Merry Christmas (sorry if I missed anyone)

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Merry Christmas, Besties! :ctree


It was so nice to come here and read all about your Christmases... ours was wonderful and quiet. Santa brought all the DK's everything they asked for (as far as I can tell:U). Mom, MIL & BIL just left, and we are getting ready for a family game of Pictionary Man.


My best gift this year was the greatest of friends... You all! :hug:hug I will try to be back tomorrow afternoon. The RCN guy is coming to look at our modem. First, we spent all of yesterday with no internet, and today our modem is working, but it is not what we named it:think :shrug... IDK, I just hope they fix it right.


Love you all, and I hope that you have a great night:hug:manyheart:hug:santa

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Second part of the day is now over and it is quiet time. We had a good visit with DH's daughter and the GK's. His DD gave me a basket full of all crocheting related items- 4 skeins of yarn, a yarn swift, the Chicks with Sticks book, the Crochet-A-Day calendar and and a book of afghans. She loved the scarf and hat I gave her and so did DGD. When they were leaving she said have fun "yarning"!


I'll be seeing the 2 DD's tomorrow afternoon. DH is going to take his two grandsons to see Avatar next Tuesday (he is on vacation all week, while I'll be working crazy hours). He is also going to go visit his cousin in Jim thorpe, PA one day next week.


Hope the RCN guy fixes the modem issue LeaAnne- so frustrating! Enjoy your game of pictionary man!


Well, I think I'll take DH's GD suggestion and start "yarning"!

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:santa:ctreeMerry Christmas, Besties!!:rud:2snowman


I am so sorry I haven't been around to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! I have been crazy the past few days. But I have been thinking of you all and hope you all had a wonderful, amazing day!


Please wish all of your families a Merry Christmas for me!


I love you all and feel so blessed to have you in my life! :manyheart

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