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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Judy -

If I send you bus fare to Pennsylvania turnpike, would you mind hitching a ride on the turnpike across PA with my cousin's husband who's a trucker on into Ohio , then make a turn south when you hit 77 ....


I need someone like you standing there to be a cheerleader for me .


Sam would look pretty scarey in a skirt, besides, I'd never get him to WEAR one ...


* I'd send you money for the whole trip, but we're a little short this pay .

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Judy -

If I send you bus fare to Pennsylvania turnpike, would you mind hitching a ride on the turnpike across PA with my cousin's husband who's a trucker on into Ohio , then make a turn south when you hit 77 ....


I need someone like you standing there to be a cheerleader for me .


Sam would look pretty scarey in a skirt, besides, I'd never get him to WEAR one ...


* I'd send you money for the whole trip, but we're a little short this pay .

Awwwww...girlfriend... I'll be with you in spirit on Monday...never fear.:hug:manyheart I've often said, I wish all my crochet friends lived on my street, then we could all be there for each other - in person!

And you're right: I don't think Sam would look good in a skirt...hairy legs just aren't "in" these days, ya know.

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Hey,there, everyone. I'm back from seeing the doctor. I'm now on antibiotics for 10 days and prednisone for 5 days. She looked at my throat and said it was very red and looked very sore. Anyhow, maybe now I will finally be able to kick this thing.


Julie, hang in there. They will only operate on the correct knee and the therapy is not THAT bad. I know. I've got one of those new and improved knees and it's better than the old one by a lot. And you're young enough to make a really good come back from the surgery. The ones they have to get really tough with are the 80+ patients. Don't panic. We'll be with you in spirit on Monday and the days following, too. :hug

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:hi Judy. Hairy legs aren't in? Oh boy, I had better not be wearing a skirt any time soon. :D

With my legs it's the age spots and spider veins that keep me from wearing skirts - unless I have black stockings on with it!:P


Off to get a handle on Mt. Foldmore.....

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Linda, I'll bet the antibiotics will help a lot. :hug It must be the week for doctor visits...I just got back from an appt. and Cara went yesterday. :think


Julie ~ We'll all be here for you...your chickenitis will not win! :lol Easy for me to say since I'm the biggest chicken when it comes to the dr. or dentist. :blush


My reward for going to the doctor was a wonderful package from the UK when I got home. :D Thank you, Miss Tracy. :manyheart


There are 4 loads of laundry staring at me and I'm going to ignore them til tomorrow - and crochet instead. :hook

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Thanks for the pep-talks gang. I needed that .


Linda- I'm glad you went to the Dr-- sometimes those nagging colds or flu just won't go away on their own and they need a little push. This should do it .

So, since you have had the knee thing done, are the first 3 days as bad as they say ? This girl made it sound like you'd be better off jumping off a roof than going thru the first 3 days . I think she used the word MISERY .


Mary- I liked how you said you got a reward for going to the Dr .

Since I'm too old to get candy or stickers at the Dr's office, I go buy myself a cupcake once the Dr visit is done .

I think this time, I'll need a whole SHEET CAKE .


Oh, and a fork .:D

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Julie, you will be fine. :hug We will all be there with you in spirit. :yes


Linda, hope those meds kick in soon and you feel better soon. :hug


:hi Judy. Hairy legs aren't in? Oh boy, I had better not be wearing a skirt any time soon. :D


I keep the legs hairy for extra insulation in the winter :D I'm not a dress or skirt kinda gal anyway

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:hi Hi, Denise!:hiGlad to have you back with us.


I won't lie to you, Julie, the first 3 - 5 days are the worst by far. It gets steadily better from then on. It didn't help that I slipped several times and put way too much weight on it too early, but then I'm a klutz. After those first few days though, it wasn't nearly as bad. And I really didn't find that the physical therapy was all that bad. You just have to keep at it and push a little farther each time. A gradual progression is the key.

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Julie - You'll do great! You're too dad gummed stubborn to let something like a little pain stop you :box And just think how much quicker and easier you'll be able to move once it's done :yay We're with ya in spirit and your biggest cheerleader :cheer And we look WAY better in a skirt than Sam does :wink


Linda - Good for you getting to the doc to get some meds. Sure hope this does the trick this time :hug


Karen - Hmm, think I'm gonna borrow your leg hair as insulation excuse for a while now. Everyone's already heard the I can get down there to shave them but I'm not real sure if I can get back up again excuse :rofl


Oh I a plum tuckered out! :whew Spent over an hour in Penney's trying to find clothes. Found pants right off. And they are a size 12!!!!!!!!!! :woo:clap:dance:jumpyay I haven't worn a 12 in I don't know how long :D


But obviously, Penney's has forgotten house to make a nice blouse. They all look like they walked out of the 1970s. I hated that style then and it hasn't improved with age :lol That and what they consider a blouse is a pull over your head type deal. I might be wrong (surprising as that might be :devil) but I could've sworn that if it went over your head to put it on it was a t-shirt, a sweater or a top. A blouse involves front buttons to me. This is obviously not in fashion this season.


Oh well, maybe Sears will have something. I just usually hate their clothes except for their formal wear. Maybe I can con sweet talk BD into a trip to Dillard's in a month or so. That'll be an eye opener for him. For those that don't have them, Dillard's is a more upscale department store. Any place that doesn't have a wallet in the place that starts under $85 is upscale in my book :lol


Ok, ok enough of that :blush Gotta reheat the the chicken fried steak and gravy :D

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Evening ladies.


Julie I know you will do great. We will definitely be with you in spirit :hug


Mary I got 8 more solids done last night.


Alright off to finish catching up and then I'm going to go play a game or finish my LTK square.

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Cara, that's great about the size 12!! I was popping my buton on my 12 jeans and needed to pull out a bigger pair that wouldn't cut off the circulation. I'm so short waisted it can be a real pain with jeans and slacks. And I'm still within goal! It must be the post-menopausal middle:lol


'nite all.

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Cara, that's great about the size 12!! I was popping my buton on my 12 jeans and needed to pull out a bigger pair that wouldn't cut off the circulation. I'm so short waisted it can be a real pain with jeans and slacks. And I'm still within goal! It must be the post-menopausal middle:lol


'nite all.


I'm very long waisted. Built like my daddy...all body, no legs and no butt :lol But keep in mind these pants have an elastic waist and aren't denim. I can't stand demin on my skin anymore. It actually hurts :( My sister actually asked the salesgirl where the "old lady" department was :irk Dunno if I was more surprised by my sister or the salesgirl knowing exactly what she was talking about :rofl


Sleep well, my friend :hug

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I'm very long waisted. Built like my daddy...all body, no legs and no butt :lol But keep in mind these pants have an elastic waist and aren't denim. I can't stand demin on my skin anymore. It actually hurts :( My sister actually asked the salesgirl where the "old lady" department was :irk Dunno if I was more surprised by my sister or the salesgirl knowing exactly what she was talking about :rofl


Sleep well, my friend :hug


I am a big girl. But when I was not I had a hard time wearing jeans after I had my kids. Pressure on my csection scar (there are 3 but so close together) tends to want to kill me. :irk So I have to shop in the old ladys section & I am only 28. :lol

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Yeah I had a hysterectomy and jeans can be a little rough on that scar too :yes Hey my clothes may come from the old lady section but I always buy my blouses in bright colors :D

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Morning Glories -


Linda- thanks for the tips on the therapy part. That is actually the part I'm most concerned with. I'll remember your advice.


And Cara- you're right, I am stubborn, so if they make me mad enough, I'll do it just to show them who's boss .


And to the ladies who buy "old lady " clothes ... I'm in the same boat . They are a lot more comfortable .

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Hi all


Had a lovely holiday, still its good to be home


Mary add 21 solids and 1 bi colour for me please


Cara happy birthday for yesterday. I had the Colombian Supremo coffee this afternoon, it was lovely.


Back to saltines for me.

Hi Denise. It's great to have you back! Your trip sounds like it was wonderful. Your squares are added to the list. :hook


Evening ladies.


Julie I know you will do great. We will definitely be with you in spirit :hug


Mary I got 8 more solids done last night.


Alright off to finish catching up and then I'm going to go play a game or finish my LTK square.

8 more are on the list, Donna! :yes

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Good Morning, all. I'm having a cup of tea and trying to wake up. Poor DH has a cold and is sleeping in...I think he's had one other cold in 37 years and never gets sick. :( Guess I'll find out what kind of a patient he is today. ;)


Julie, so sorry you're having to go through the knee surgery. Please check in often and let us give you lots of hugs and support. :manyheart


I have attached three rows of Mr. Penquin and hope to make more squares later today. :hook Then when we start Ms. Angel, I can work on both. :eek

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Old Lady clothes are the way they are because it takes you that long to not give a **** about what people think and you dress the way you want and be comfortable. It's really a secret society that you have to be smart enough to enter, not a humiliation!

I like the way you think, Krystal.


good morning. I'm awake, but I slept better last night. Still awfully congested but I think the meds are starting to work. Not much energy, but we'll see how the day goes. I know. Rest, take plenty of fluids, etc. I think I'll start with some chicken noodle soup, with lots of onion, peas, and garlic added. I'm almost done crocheting the last block of saltines for the PD, then it's on to sewing them together.

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And Cara- you're right, I am stubborn, so if they make me mad enough, I'll do it just to show them who's boss .


You go girl! :h5



And to the ladies who buy "old lady " clothes ... I'm in the same boat . They are a lot more comfortable .


That they are. My sister doesn't want me in "old lady" clothes because then she thinks she will wear them soon. She dresses way too young in my opion. But if that's what she like then great and she can pull it off...usually :wink I told her that my comfort is my number one priority and that means the "old lady" department :yes



Good Morning, all. I'm having a cup of tea and trying to wake up. Poor DH has a cold and is sleeping in...I think he's had one other cold in 37 years and never gets sick. :( Guess I'll find out what kind of a patient he is today. ;)


Oh I hope he's a good boy for you :lol But if he only gets sick every 37 years then maybe he's due a little whining :wink Hope he kicks that bug soon :hug


I have attached three rows of Mr. Penquin and hope to make more squares later today. :hook Then when we start Ms. Angel, I can work on both. :eek


I can't wait either :hyper I've been working on (read: ignoring) this scarf all week because I'm just past read to start the angel :hook


Old Lady clothes are the way they are because it takes you that long to not give a **** about what people think and you dress the way you want and be comfortable. It's really a secret society that you have to be smart enough to enter, not a humiliation!


Amen sista!!! :tup


So now that I have the distraction of droopy drawers out of the way I'm gonna buckle down and finish that scarf and a couple of friendship squares up today :hook

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I like the way you think, Krystal.


good morning. I'm awake, but I slept better last night. Still awfully congested but I think the meds are starting to work. Not much energy, but we'll see how the day goes. I know. Rest, take plenty of fluids, etc. I think I'll start with some chicken noodle soup, with lots of onion, peas, and garlic added. I'm almost done crocheting the last block of saltines for the PD, then it's on to sewing them together.


Morning Linda! :hi Glad you slept better. Bummer on the congestion though :hug

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