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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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I just printed off the around the world that karen did and has on your site it is phenomenal (sp?) I love it and i have pretty much of the colors left over from RR i did for xmas this year and last I havnt crochet other than those and finished that in November so I am itching to finally getting back into the crocheting mood.

Cara where is the angel one i wanted to see a pic maybe im just dense and need to look again i got all excited over this pattern lol.

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WOW!! I love th blocks and the Purple ATW. It give me motivation to finish my "required" Projects so I can work on the IC I started months ago. These blankets are soo beautiful.

Do any of you have this problem that I do? Recently, I have made 2 really cool blankets for gift to others but when I finish them, "I" think they are soooo cool that I hate to give them away. I do give them to the person they were meant for but I do wish I could keep them.

Also, is there a thread to show us how to post pictures???

Great JOB ladies,


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I just printed off the around the world that karen did and has on your site it is phenomenal (sp?) I love it and i have pretty much of the colors left over from RR i did for xmas this year and last I havnt crochet other than those and finished that in November so I am itching to finally getting back into the crocheting mood.

Cara where is the angel one i wanted to see a pic maybe im just dense and need to look again i got all excited over this pattern lol.


Isn't Karen's ATW just stunning? There are so many talented ladies around here :manyheart And here's the chart for the angel. I haven't put it up on the site yet. A bunch of us are gonna start it on the 1st. :hook


WOW!! I love th blocks and the Purple ATW. It give me motivation to finish my "required" Projects so I can work on the IC I started months ago. These blankets are soo beautiful.

Do any of you have this problem that I do? Recently, I have made 2 really cool blankets for gift to others but when I finish them, "I" think they are soooo cool that I hate to give them away. I do give them to the person they were meant for but I do wish I could keep them.

Also, is there a thread to show us how to post pictures???

Great JOB ladies,



Yep, have that problem all the time :lol Once the ladies even convinced to keep one. I loved the Roundabout quilt so much when it was done. Was gonna give it to my sister but I made her something else and kept the Roundabout :rofl Here's a post right here about how to do photos. Hope it helps :D

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Karen that is gorgeous i love the way the colors go together.

Linda I just looked at Cara's site again at your tumbling blocks it is gorgeous. do you know off hand how many of each color that you did? If not i can count i think lol

Andrea, I do know. I made up a spreadsheet of how many of each color went into each block in order to estimate how much of each color I'd need.:)

Here goes:

116 - aran

12 - aran & light blue

5 - aran & real teal

12 - aran & cornmeal

6 - aran & gold

12 - aran & light orchid

6 - aran & dark orchid

18 - aran & gray

18 - light blue & gray

12 - light blue & real teal

6 - light blue & gold

18 - light orchid & gray

12 - light orchid & dark orchid

6 - light orchid & gold

31 - cornmeal & gray

6 - cornmeal & dark orchid

16 - cornmeal & gold

8 - cornmeal & real teal

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Thanks for all the compliments on my ATW :manyheart I was really pleased with how it turned out! I started it on December 25th and it was complete yesterday. I had some marathon days in there as well to get it done in time to mail. It is all boxed up and ready to go today.


Next is to start doing something with all the left over saltines I have. I made up some extra saltines with each leftover skein of yarn I had and now I need to start putting them together. I think I will probably lay them out and make a few baby nine patches with them.

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Morning ladies


Thanks for the good wishes on my knee. Yesterday turned into a lot longer event than the last time I did the surgery thing . They tell me it all depends on the Dr - different ones order different pre-screening for surgery. I ended up wasting an entire afternoon in that place, then I was in too bad a mood to do anything when I got home .


Anyhow, that day is done, so let's see if today will go better .


Cara- yes, you do have so many talented ladies in this group, but you are also a big part of getting their talent to grow ,because you started all this with your webpage and all your original patterns. So I think you ALL have something to be proud of .


Mary- thanks for the answer regarding yarn amounts. I studied that web page trying to come up with an idea of how much yarn it'd take, depending on each one- the single, double or triple . If my figuring is right, the triple would take less of the light color( like the background shade ). I was trying to count up how many squares it'd take to do the one pictured, and WOW, it's like ...a thousand or some such amount . BUT, then I thought that'd make an afghan big enough to cover my car .


Anyhow, I printed out some graph paper and will try graphing out the amounts of each color I'd need today .


Morning, Selanda ! ( a day late, but it's morning again, so hope you have a good day today !)


Tab- I'm sorry to hear your hours got cut. It's rough out there for jobs right now, isn't it ? I know our state has a really high jobless rate . Lots of people moving south to other states with jobs .

I'll try to catch you around in here as you can make it .Anytime will be good. I think we BOTH fell off the yarnville wagon ,so maybe we can both climb back on, a little at a time .

It's good hearing from you again .


Morning, Miss Wendy ! Have you guys been getting the Dancing show over there where they have dance teams from all over the world competing ? I think your group team is still in the top 3 .


Karen- WOW, that ATW is so pretty ! There is one lucky girl getting that one. I take it her favorite color must be purples . Very nice work !


Cara - I'm heading over now to take a gander at your updated page .

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Cara- wow, lookin good ! Linda's afghan looks so pretty right there front and center .


Also, I had to chuckle over your wax paper comment on the dragging hook. Not that it's not a good idea, I bet it works like a charm. It just reminded me of when we were kids and slides were made of METAL ( now they are all plastic around here anyhow ) .

We'd take wax paper up there and wax that slide, then we'd ride that thing, and go so fast our pants almost caught fire .

We also used wax paper on our old-fashioned sled rails (or whatever they are called ), the metal things on the bottom.. we had the wooden sleds, metal things under them...

we were all the time in our mom's wax paper using it for things like that .

And oh yea, in the fall, we'd gather colored leaves and our moms would iron them between 2 pieces of wax paper . I still have one of them from kindegarden .


ANDREA -- Hey -ho, it's old home week here. A lot of us oldies but goodies are jumping back in .

( Forgive me if you've been back in, I just jumped back in, so am not up to date on everyone else ) .

Good to see you anyhow !

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Donna - I remember hearing Feb 1st.

That's what I remember, too.


Morning, all. I'm awake and at least semi-functional. I think my cold is back. I can't seem to really shake it. I think the cold weather has a lot to do with it. I think I'll make me some tea. More later.:morcoffee

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Thanks everyone. I have half the colors. I think I only have two to go get. But seeing as they are the ones with big amounts I'll have to buy half next payday and half the payday after that. I will be ready to make some sort of start on the first though.

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Cara- yes, you do have so many talented ladies in this group, but you are also a big part of getting their talent to grow ,because you started all this with your webpage and all your original patterns. So I think you ALL have something to be proud of .


Awwww thank you :manyheart I'll tell you a little something thought, if it hadn't been for all YOUR support in the very beginning and starting this CAL I really don't think it'd be where it is today. I can never thank you enough for that my friend :manyheart


Cara- wow, lookin good ! Linda's afghan looks so pretty right there front and center .


Also, I had to chuckle over your wax paper comment on the dragging hook. Not that it's not a good idea, I bet it works like a charm. It just reminded me of when we were kids and slides were made of METAL ( now they are all plastic around here anyhow ) .

We'd take wax paper up there and wax that slide, then we'd ride that thing, and go so fast our pants almost caught fire .

We also used wax paper on our old-fashioned sled rails (or whatever they are called ), the metal things on the bottom.. we had the wooden sleds, metal things under them...

we were all the time in our mom's wax paper using it for things like that .

And oh yea, in the fall, we'd gather colored leaves and our moms would iron them between 2 pieces of wax paper . I still have one of them from kindegarden .


I never thought of it being good for things like that but I guess it would be :lol Actually that idea came from our very own Donna! When I tried it and it worked so well that's when I started collecting tips. See? It all comes back to y'all :D


Can you believe I forgot to post my squares from this weekend. 47 solids to report.


When are we starting the angel ghan? I need to check my stash and figure out what I need to buy.


Feb 1 :hook


That's what I remember, too.


Morning, all. I'm awake and at least semi-functional. I think my cold is back. I can't seem to really shake it. I think the cold weather has a lot to do with it. I think I'll make me some tea. More later.:morcoffee


Oh dear you poor thing :hug Hope this bug leaves soon and for good :hug


Thanks everyone. I have half the colors. I think I only have two to go get. But seeing as they are the ones with big amounts I'll have to buy half next payday and half the payday after that. I will be ready to make some sort of start on the first though.


:lol I don't think I have enough yarn either. Found out yesterday that my sis is sending me a Walmart card for my b-day. Perfect timing on that too because I'm broke too :rofl


Gotta run this morning. Watching the inauguration. Man! What a crowd! :eek Didn't vote for the guy but this is impressive.


Oh and I have to calm down the cats. They're not used to the TV being on and they're freaking out over it :lol

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Oh, Cara --

I didnt do that much. I think I just gave it a little jump-start and it took off from there. You guys are the ones with the talents to invent the patterns and make such a nice website .


I just YAK .


One thing I seem to have no trouble doing.


My mom yells at me for talking to complete strangers. She said I'm gonna be found dead in a ditch for talking to the wrong person someday. She acts like I'm still a little kid and shouldnt talk to strangers .


Then there's my DAD, who says I've never met a stranger .

Give me 5 minutes in a room with someone and I can tell you just about whatever you wanted to know about the person .


I think I just like to TALK, but I coulld also be called NOSEY .

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Can you believe I forgot to post my squares from this weekend. 47 solids to report.


When are we starting the angel ghan? I need to check my stash and figure out what I need to buy.

47 more added, Donna. :hook Oh yay...we're going to have fun with the Angel pattern!


That's what I remember, too.


Morning, all. I'm awake and at least semi-functional. I think my cold is back. I can't seem to really shake it. I think the cold weather has a lot to do with it. I think I'll make me some tea. More later.:morcoffee

Linda, so sorry the cold came back. Feel better soon. :hug

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Hello Ladies!

Simply beautiful work Karen!

I have not made anymore saltines but will try to get some in tonight. My aunt and uncle will be celebrating they 50th anniversary this coming April. Do you that is enough time to make them one as a gift?

I am going to try and keep up you guys but yall can really talk.

Have a wonderful day!

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That's us, Selanda, the Yackity-Yack Club.


Mary, add 24 solids, 6 bi-colors, and 8 4-colors for me please. That's the next to the last block of saltines for the Painted Desert. :hook

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Hi everyone. :)


Hi Selanda ~ Us? Talk a lot? :lol April is doable...I guess it just depends on how much time you'll have and which pattern you decide to do. :think We'll sure be here to cheer you along!


Linda ~ That's super progress on your Painted Desert. :cheer I've added your squares. :yes


I left about 9 and just got home. Silly me forgot to mail the car registration renewal in time, so I took care of that in person and then several other things. DD and I had lunch, too!

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