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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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oooooohhhh - Cara, I had to pop in here and say that I love it, love, LOVE IT! How wonderful, and I see switching it up in baby yarn for a Christening gift, too ... great design, will look for it on your site soon.

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Good morning, everyone. It's chilly here again this morning. :wbrr I'm not sure if we set a record low last night or not, but they were predicting that we would. Yeck! Could do it again tonight, too.


The deer won Thursday. It was cold enough Friday morning that he decided not to try for any. He's with a bunch of guys for an annual weekend party in the mountains. They eat and drink and tell stories and play poker all weekend. He's the designated driver, and he usually wins at poker since he's the one sober.


I've started on the second color band of the border and the colors in the blocks are now popping like I wanted them to do. With luck I'll have it done later today. It feels good to be completing a bunch of stuff. I had to buy more yarn needles yesterday. I put all mine in a small container to make them easier to find and then misplaced the container and didn't have any. :think Duh! Not my smartest move. :(

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Hi Ladies. :manyheart I know I don't pop in often but ya know.......life kinda tires me out these days. I did get talked into making a scarf which led to a hat. Jaden saw a snake scarf on CPC (he was sitting next to me when I was surfing just for fun) & just had to have it. Well, I couldn't leave him with an unmatched hat so......I made him the set this afternoon, evening & just finished. :cheer


The scarf is a pattern at CPC & the hat is a variation of one found right here on the ville. I had to change it a bit but it still worked.






This is just adorable! And your little man in glasses is the cutest thing I've ever seen. So cute!

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I have printed it off already, it is gorgeous. :yes


Cara I cant wait to make the Angel ghan with you. Looks like you have a few people interested in making it as well. We could all make it with you together. Its a beautiful pattern.

Yes! That would be lots of fun. :yes And a great excuse to buy more yarn. :lol


Mary - another 21 solids for me. I forgot to post befopre I went to bed last night...


I'll be busy trying to finish my purple ATW for my niece so I'll hopefully be reporting more solids today and tomorrow!

21 more are on the list. :hook

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Linda, congratulations on nearly finishing another project. :cheer


Cara, what color are you using for the background of the Angel ghan? :)


I'm so proud of myself...I've been so productive this morning. :D The upstairs is totally clean, the downstairs is dusted. Enough cleaning for one day. :lol The desk needs attention, and then it's crochet time this afternoon.

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Linda, congratulations on nearly finishing another project. :cheer


Cara, what color are you using for the background of the Angel ghan? :)


I'm so proud of myself...I've been so productive this morning. :D The upstairs is totally clean, the downstairs is dusted. Enough cleaning for one day. :lol The desk needs attention, and then it's crochet time this afternoon.

Hubby traveling again? I do my best cleaning and decluttering then...

My desk is in bad need of both right now...esp if I get a new desk soon. SDR promised. My current desk is our DS's old student desk and I can't do any paperwork on it...would be nice not to have to drag things into the kitchen to work on.

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Cara I cant wait to make the Angel ghan with you. Looks like you have a few people interested in making it as well. We could all make it with you together. Its a beautiful pattern.


Thank you :hug Yes, I'm terribly excited about several of us doing it together. It'll keep me motivated :D


Not too sure yet, but I was thinking of doing it in pinks/purples/white for the background, pink or purple for the dress and the rest the same. :hook


Oh that would be very pretty :yes


oooooohhhh - Cara, I had to pop in here and say that I love it, love, LOVE IT! How wonderful, and I see switching it up in baby yarn for a Christening gift, too ... great design, will look for it on your site soon.


Aww thanks Norma :hug


He's the designated driver, and he usually wins at poker since he's the one sober.


:rofl :rofl And stay warm. Y'all must've gotten all the cold we had this week. It's 63 here today so very nice.


Linda, congratulations on nearly finishing another project. :cheer


Cara, what color are you using for the background of the Angel ghan? :)


Probably gonna use Caron One Pounder in Fisherman because I bought a ton of it to make another ghan that I ended up frogging. I have tons of the stuff :rofl


Hubby traveling again? I do my best cleaning and decluttering then...

My desk is in bad need of both right now...esp if I get a new desk soon. SDR promised. My current desk is our DS's old student desk and I can't do any paperwork on it...would be nice not to have to drag things into the kitchen to work on.


I hear ya on being able to clean better when everyone's gone :yes Hope you get a new desk soon :hug


Well, the baby blanket turned into a full size ghan :lol It was just too wide and ended up too long. So, I just added another repeat of the pattern and made it full length. Just have the border to go. Of course, that might take a while because I have to decide what to do about the border :lol

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Howdy doody :hi:flower


Cara your nearly there. :cheer


Tanya welcome to the group, are you sure we cant tempt you into making one of these ghans, they are easy peasy.


Mary its a nice feeling when the place is clean isnt it. what are you working on at the moment.


Linda try and stay warm.


Tracy those colours sound really pretty, are you making it for Kyla.

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Cara, glad you like it.


I'm on the last row of the border. However, it's getting dark so won't be able to take a picture until tomorrow. It's a lot of border, but I like the effect. We'll see what you all think of it. That's the last of the belated Christmas presents. Sigh! :hook

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Cara~I may have missed it but is the angel ghan a quilt ghan or a graph?


I can't wait to see all of your angels.


BTW~I didn't forget your rug yarn, Cara. I will get it out, promise. My hours got cut which isn't really a good thing but times stink right now for everyone. It will give me more time for :hook though.

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