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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Hi, everyone. I think Rosie and I have now started a tradition. We went shopping together last year on the Friday after Thanksgiving and did it again this year. We just got home. I knew which stores I wanted to go to and what I wanted to look at in each store and we did GOOD! First on the list was Michaels (beads, a wooden train whistle :gift, and an art set :gift), then Kohl's (Matchbox cars :gift, jigsaw puzzles :gift, and jewelry :gift), then an early lunch at Captain D's. Then up the road 30 miles to the historic square in Dahlonega :drive (photography books :gift, 1,000 piece Wolf jigsaw puzzle :gift, rattlesnake magnets :gift, a magnetic bracelet, and fudge) for shopping and browsing. On the way back stopped at quilt shop and an odds and ends shop called the Chocolate Moose (no chocolate) :drive and then swung by Hobby Lobby (quilt pins, quilt binder clips, and yarn for some Christmas stockings for Kim's cousin) and then back home. We left at 9:00 and were back at 5:00. And almost everything we got was on sale. Not too shabby. I still have things to finish up, but today really got me to a good place. :manyheart

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Valerie, please take care of yourself and enjoy having the sisters here.


Cara, I always opt for :hook over moving furniture. Glad yesterday went so well.


Judy, give Sparky a big hug for me. Hope he continues to improve.

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Hi, everyone. I think Rosie and I have now started a tradition. We went shopping together last year on the Friday after Thanksgiving and did it again this year. We just got home. I knew which stores I wanted to go to and what I wanted to look at in each store and we did GOOD! First on the list was Michaels (beads, a wooden train whistle :gift, and an art set :gift), then Kohl's (Matchbox cars :gift, jigsaw puzzles :gift, and jewelry :gift), then an early lunch at Captain D's. Then up the road 30 miles to the historic square in Dahlonega :drive (photography books :gift, 1,000 piece Wolf jigsaw puzzle :gift, rattlesnake magnets :gift, a magnetic bracelet, and fudge) for shopping and browsing. On the way back stopped at quilt shop and an odds and ends shop called the Chocolate Moose (no chocolate) :drive and then swung by Hobby Lobby (quilt pins, quilt binder clips, and yarn for some Christmas stockings for Kim's cousin) and then back home. We left at 9:00 and were back at 5:00. And almost everything we got was on sale. Not too shabby. I still have things to finish up, but today really got me to a good place. :manyheart


Now that's what I call a sucessful day :D


Judy - I sure hope the furbabies are doing better :hug Poor little things. I knew onions would mess up cats but I didn't know that about dogs :(

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Judy - I'm glad Sparky is slowly perking back up.


Linda - Thanks. Us 2 crochet girls went out to HL while the 2 cooking girls got the food ready. We're back and full. I'm glad you had a great shopping day. I would like for you to show me how to connect my squares without having a hole if you get any free time this weekend before I go back to work. I would like to start putting together some of these saltines.


Tracy - Wishing you all success in your move.

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Oh boo hiss! :lol This is one seriously pro-A&M family I've got here. BD, his brother, his wife and my sister's DH are all alumni, one of my nephews is a current student and Peyton and the other two nephews are all Aggies in-training :lol Of course, the rivalry is all in fun. They're both wonderful schools. Texas is one lucky state :D

Oh dear! You are surrounded by Aggies. :lol Maybe if I start working on little Peyton now, I can save him from that fate. :D


Tracy, I hope you're not without the Internet too long! Congratulations on getting so much done on the move already. :yes


Linda ~ WTG on a wonderful shopping day! I'm glad you and Rosie had such a successful day. :)


Karen ~ 1963 it is! :blush I edited my lists. :D


Hi Valerie! What fun to have all four sisters together. :hug

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It was a really nice day and Rosie and I have such a good time doing things together. There were lots of people out shopping, but everyone was in a good mood and cooperative. The stores were managing there lines well and everything went smoothly.


Valerie, I should be home most of the rest of the weekend and would love to get together with you. Do you need my address &/or phone number?

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Thanks from Sparkie16_2_103.gif....his *ahem* back end is slightly rebellious now, but not too bad. Of course the only thing he ate all day was a small amount of chicken and rice at dinner time...and that's it till tomorrow. The vet said to call her back in the morning to let her know how he was doing:)

He's definitely perked up over the past couple of hours:manyheart







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Mary - Good to hear from you. I hope everyone is doing well in your family under the circumstances. Yes, it is fun having the younger sisters here. We have 2 more days. Tomorrow, we will celebrate my gn's 5th birthday (25th) which is on my sister's (her grannies') bd...so we'll have a double celebration.


Linda - I'll give you a call. I still have you ph # in my cell phone.


Glad Sparky was able to eat a little Judy.

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Judy - when my Zeus was sick for a week (:eek) the vet told me the same thing, but he couldn't even deal with the chicken, so it was just straight rice for him. I used chicken bouillon in it, so he did eat it. I gave him only a cup at a time, then I'd wait for a couple hours. He was so sick for so long I thought he was a goner, but as you can guess - he got over it and is fine now.

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Val that means your gn and sis are birthday buddies.... we have several sets of b-day buddies in the family... Angel is a birthday buddy with her cousin Tanner who is 1 year older... Haley missed being a b-day buddy by 2 days


I'm feeling a little better than I did earlier .. I'm watching "The Lord of the Rings- Fellowship of the Ring" right now ... part 2 is on tomorrow and 3 is on Sunday night..


well off to watch and crochet

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Awwwe! I hope puppy feels better, but as long as there is not blood involved you shouldnt have to make a vet trip. I ALWAYS get freaked out when I see our kitties chasing buggies(ie spiders) cause they tend to eat them. Oreo eats yarn and plastic sometimes....its not a fun thing!! I guess good news is, I have all my Christmas shopping done now cept a hat Im gonna make for the BIL and the other projects to finish up, but I dont have to go outside the house for anything Christmas related now YIPEEE! Also...we believe that Alexander has "dropped". It has been a very uncomfy day for mommy though with all this pressure. I believe I only have to work Sat/Sun/Wed then Im on leave. Tues is the next appointment so cross your fingers for some thinning and dilation HAHA!

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Dusti - I just noticed...grats on making 2000 :clap:cheer


Judy - Glad Sparkie is feeling better :manyheart


Got a bit of a migraine earlier. Think it was the pepper in the leftover green bean casserole. My sister got a little carried away with it but it was just so good I had about and 1/8th of a cup. Guess that was still too much. Had a little nappy poo and it's all better now :D Think I'm gonna work on my BB for the contest for a bit tonight :hook

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Howdy everyone, Hope you all had a great thanksgiving. :hug


I am now unemployed, my last day was Wednesday, had a nice farewell lunch and work presented me with a 100dollar Spotlight voucher. My favorite craft shop, cant wait to spend that. Now I have plenty of time


Im now on S126 on the Grecian Tiles Tablecloth. Only 64 squares left to make. I know this pattern in my sleep now. :lol


Judy Im glad Sparkie is a bit better now. Poor baby. :hug Give him a scratch for me.


Mary hows the gardening going, or is it all covered in snow. Do you get snow where you are.


Dusti congratulations on hitting 2000. :yay


Linda wow you sure had a great shopping trip and I guess it helps if you know what you want to get at each place. Im glad you had fun.


Cara hope your headache went away. :hug

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Good morning all,


We have to do our monring chores, breakfast and hair. We'll have the birthday party at Chuckie Cheese later today.


Having a ball with sisters being here. Dreading Monday already. However, I do have 7 more vacation days. I think I'll work next week and take the rest of the days the week after.

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Good Morning, ladies. :) It's cold and cloudy and a great day to crochet. :yes


Wendy,Yay for being unemployed. :lol I hope you enjoy every minute of staying home. :manyheart Of course, the best part is that we get to spend more time with you!


Valerie ~ Have a fun birthday celebration!


Erin ~ :xfin Keeping our fingers crossed for you! Alexander sounds like he's about ready to see the world. :c9


Cara, how much more do you have to do on BBs? You know we'll want to see a picture. :D


I am constantly thinking of my sister, but she sounds okay. Her family left yesterday and she said she is ready for a little quiet time, so we won't go down this weekend unless she calls and changes her mind. They have always had wonderful friends and neighbors at the lake, so she isn't alone.

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Mary - Thanks. I'm glad your sister is doing okay. It is rainy and cool here...also a good day for crocheting. Except for the birthday party, I would not leave home until time to go back to work on Monday morning. We are going to have rain on tomorrow also.

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Also...we believe that Alexander has "dropped". It has been a very uncomfy day for mommy though with all this pressure. I believe I only have to work Sat/Sun/Wed then Im on leave. Tues is the next appointment so cross your fingers for some thinning and dilation HAHA!


Don't put too much stock in that as a gauge for when A is ready to come. :no I didn't even bother to have that check done (very uncomfortable when you're that pregnant) with most of mine. I was 2 weeks late with my eldest daughter and they INSISTED. I was only slightly dilated and effaced. :irk Guess what? She was born 5 hours later. :rofl That test is just designed to torture you into thinking that either (A) the baby is coming any minute now (and it takes 5 days) or (B) the baby is never gonna come (and it shows up the next day). Just relax and try to stay comfortable. Enjoy your time off, make a list of things you can do before the baby comes and keep your mind off the nerves.... Take plenty of catnaps, too - when you get to the end it's hard to get good sleep, and you want to be rested before labor.


And watch out for those backaches.... :rofl I was having back pain all morning at my doctor's while I was being checked and ultrasounded, I was so angry they kept making me lie on my back!!!! Turns out, it was LABOR!!! :rofl

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Don't put too much stock in that as a gauge for when A is ready to come. :no I didn't even bother to have that check done (very uncomfortable when you're that pregnant) with most of mine. I was 2 weeks late with my eldest daughter and they INSISTED. I was only slightly dilated and effaced. :irk Guess what? She was born 5 hours later. :rofl That test is just designed to torture you into thinking that either (A) the baby is coming any minute now (and it takes 5 days) or (B) the baby is never gonna come (and it shows up the next day). Just relax and try to stay comfortable. Enjoy your time off, make a list of things you can do before the baby comes and keep your mind off the nerves.... Take plenty of catnaps, too - when you get to the end it's hard to get good sleep, and you want to be rested before labor.


And watch out for those backaches.... :rofl I was having back pain all morning at my doctor's while I was being checked and ultrasounded, I was so angry they kept making me lie on my back!!!! Turns out, it was LABOR!!! :rofl

Amen, sister!!! I had back labor with my first (I swore it was just more back pain until my water broke) and the second only came when she was good and ready to come and then came fast (4 1/2 cm dilated to delivered in 30 minutes). Both of mine were late, too. The first 10 days and the second 3 weeks.


I've got a couple of errands to run this morning and then it's audiobooks and crochet for me, too.


Have a great birthday party with the sisters, Valerie.


Glad to hear that your sister is doing okay, Mary. :hug

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Wendy, did you retire?


It looks like it might rain here today. I'm contemplating taking my dog for a walk before that happens. But, since I just got up a bit ago, I'm still feeling a little lazy :lol

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Judy - when my Zeus was sick for a week (:eek) the vet told me the same thing, but he couldn't even deal with the chicken, so it was just straight rice for him. I used chicken bouillon in it, so he did eat it. I gave him only a cup at a time, then I'd wait for a couple hours. He was so sick for so long I thought he was a goner, but as you can guess - he got over it and is fine now.

Sparkie ate this AM...and no outside visit since:) I'm about to give him another cup of rice and chicken...like you said, over a period of several hours at a time.

He's been getting so much loving lately - more than usual (which is a lot) - that he's gonna miss the extra attention.

I just left a message with the vet, giving her an update.




Been :crocheting the Homespun RR...now that all the smaller gifts are finished.

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Having a ball with sisters being here. Dreading Monday already. However, I do have 7 more vacation days. I think I'll work next week and take the rest of the days the week after.


Sounds like a fabulous plan :D


Cara, how much more do you have to do on BBs? You know we'll want to see a picture. :D


Think I have 4 or 5 blocks left then I start sewing them together :hook same color scheme as the original. No surprises :lol


I am constantly thinking of my sister, but she sounds okay. Her family left yesterday and she said she is ready for a little quiet time, so we won't go down this weekend unless she calls and changes her mind. They have always had wonderful friends and neighbors at the lake, so she isn't alone.


Yes, sometimes all the well meaning folks can make you nuts :blush I hope the quiet time helps but she doesn't start brooding. It's great that she has such a wonderful support system :manyheart


I've got a couple of errands to run this morning and then it's audiobooks and crochet for me, too.


Funny. I have that same plan for today :wink


Sparkie ate this AM...and no outside visit since:) I'm about to give him another cup of rice and chicken...like you said, over a period of several hours at a time.

He's been getting so much loving lately - more than usual (which is a lot) - that he's gonna miss the extra attention.

I just left a message with the vet, giving her an update.


Oh I'm so glad he's feeling a bit better :manyheart Wonder how long he'll play sick just to get the extra scritches? :lol


Was thinking of taking myself to Michaels for the last coupon day but I'm in schlub mode today :lol Thinking it's gonna be a jammies all day kinda day :hook

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