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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Have fun at the sleep-over, Tracy. Tell Kyla "Happy Birthday!" from me as well.


Congratulations on the new grandbabby, Shaylen!


I can't believe my time here with Joy and Ayden is almost over. It has gone by sooooo fast and we've had sooooo much fun together. We went to Sears this afternoon and had 3 generation portraits done. They turned out very well. I am pleased. I got an 8 x 10 of the three of us, and wallets in two different poses. I also got 5 x 7's of Joy and I, and Ayden and I. Ayden is such a ham for the photographer! He fell asleep in the car on the way home.

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Have fun at the sleep-over, Tracy. Tell Kyla "Happy Birthday!" from me as well.


Congratulations on the new grandbabby, Shaylen!


I can't believe my time here with Joy and Ayden is almost over. It has gone by sooooo fast and we've had sooooo much fun together. We went to Sears this afternoon and had 3 generation portraits done. They turned out very well. I am pleased. I got an 8 x 10 of the three of us, and wallets in two different poses. I also got 5 x 7's of Joy and I, and Ayden and I. Ayden is such a ham for the photographer! He fell asleep in the car on the way home.

That's so sweet...he's going to miss you when you leave...TG for telephone calls and computers, though!

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That is very pretty...will have to think on what colors she would like.Have a great time with the family :hug


Im doing good,working on more saltines...my new Grandson was born yesterday and my son is over the moon as am i.....he looks just like my Waide :manyheart


Have a great weekend everyone!!!I have the whole weekend free of kids :yay

Congratulations, Shay! :manyheart


Linda, your week has been a special one! I love reading about Joy and Ayden and your time with them. :)


We're under the gun for more storms this evening...three evenings of these is quite enough. Over 100,000 have been without power for a couple of days and at one point, it was 250,000! We've been very lucky so far.

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Oh my golly, you all have been busy!


Linda T. - I'm so glad you're having fun with Joy and Ayden. My nephews name is Aydan, too! Get better very soon! That is very cool about the three generations picture.


Cara - Hi! :hug Quilting is one weakness I don't have, thankfully, since I have so many others. :lol


Mary - I was actually at 66 saltines, but I've made more so don't worry about correcting the number. I'll update you after this weekend because I hope to get a couple rows of the angel done. We've had some really bad storms here this week, too. I woke up two nights in a row from thunderstorms. The night before last it was so bad that all four of my cats hid under my blanket an shook. It's hard to console four cats at once. :yes


Judy - I think I sew my saltines on wrong more often than I do correct! :blush


Shaylen - Congratulations!! A new grandbaby...how wonderful. :manyheart


Hi to anyone I may have missed! :hi


Well, I'm off work until Monday. I plan on getting in lots of crocheting while I'm home. Other than Mass on Saturday evening (or Sunday morning), I'm not planning on going anywhere! :D

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Linda, your week has been a special one! I love reading about Joy and Ayden and your time with them. :)


We're under the gun for more storms this evening...three evenings of these is quite enough. Over 100,000 have been without power for a couple of days and at one point, it was 250,000! We've been very lucky so far.

It's been wonderful being here with them. And tomorrow evening I fly back home. Where did the time go? We've done a lot, and laughed a lot, and loved a lot.


Oh, my gosh, Mary, that's terrible weather! I hope you didn't send them to Georgia. I guess I'll find out when I get home. Hope everyone gets their power back ASAP. Stay safe. Thanks for the updated scores.

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Happy Saturday, everyone. :)


Nicole ~ :blush Thanks for letting me know and I'll wait for your update with your current total, so I can get it right this time. :yes Have a wonderful weekend with your hook and yarn!:hook


Linda ~ Have a safe trip back to Georgia. :manyheart


The worst storms went around us last night, but we got enough wind and small hail to be a little scary. Gracie has her second Puppy class this afternoon. Hopefully, she'll stay awake for this one. :lol

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Oops, I forgot the pictures! The Penguin is finally put together and just needs the border. :cheer It seems DH's idea of watching Gracie when I was gone yesterday involved her sleeping on his desk.:lol :dog



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Mary - No worries about the saltine count. We'll work it out. The penguin is very cute, but not nearly as cute as Gracie. That is one sweet, little dog! Staying awake for an entire puppy class has to be almost too much for her though. :)

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Hi everyone! :hi I just joined Crochetville a few days ago, in my desire to get some serious crocehting done this summer. :crocheting


After exploring the forums for a bit, I found my way to the CALs. :yay This one sounds the most interesting so far, and I want to get a taste for what these CALs are all about.


There are a LOT of pages in this thread. I've been reading some of the older posts, to get a feel for the atmosphere, and see how people are working on their projects. Is it okay to just jump right in? :worried


I finally went out last night and got yarn :yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn and hooks :hook:hook:hook:hook for three projects (couldn't get all the colors for one), so now I'm ready to start my crochet quilt. :crocheting And I figured: no point in waiting any longer to express my interest in joining this CAL.


So, anything I need to know before I start?


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Welcome to the group, Nina. :welcome Nothing special needed to join us. What are you going to start on? We love pictures. If you have any questions, just toss them out and we'll try to answer them.

Oops, I forgot the pictures! The Penguin is finally put together and just needs the border. :cheer It seems DH's idea of watching Gracie when I was gone yesterday involved her sleeping on his desk.:lol :dog

The penguin is great, Mary. And Gracie is so sweet there among the papers. Good luck with puppy class.


John and Kim are headed to Valdosta today and home on Monday. My flight leaves at 4:45. I think I've got everything in the suitcase and purse. I almost forgot to pack the quilt fabrics. :eek I'm going home with quite a bit more than I came with. :lol :lol Joy gifted me with a bunch of crochet thread in beige, too. Plus I bought some thread while here. :lol

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Welcome to the group, Nina. :welcome Nothing special needed to join us. What are you going to start on? We love pictures. If you have any questions, just toss them out and we'll try to answer them.


Thanks for the welcome! This project is awesome!!! :cheer:cheer:cheer


I'm working on the purple pinwheels with: soft white, light raspberry, claret fleck, and soft navy.


Having gotten the yarn only last night (and gotten back home around 10/11-ish, I'm still on the balling stage. :yarn:yarn:yarn


I'd love to put up photos. So far, at least of the yarn colors. How can I do that? I've seen some posts where the photos are in the text, instead of clickable.


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Hi everyone! :hi I just joined Crochetville a few days ago, in my desire to get some serious crocehting done this summer. :crocheting


After exploring the forums for a bit, I found my way to the CALs. :yay This one sounds the most interesting so far, and I want to get a taste for what these CALs are all about.


There are a LOT of pages in this thread. I've been reading some of the older posts, to get a feel for the atmosphere, and see how people are working on their projects. Is it okay to just jump right in? :worried


I finally went out last night and got yarn :yarn:yarn:yarn:yarn and hooks :hook:hook:hook:hook for three projects (couldn't get all the colors for one), so now I'm ready to start my crochet quilt. :crocheting And I figured: no point in waiting any longer to express my interest in joining this CAL.


So, anything I need to know before I start?



Welcome aboard! I also just joined the 'Ville and this CAL about a month ago. We love getting new people.


You can keep track of the number of "saltines" you make. Those are the little squares used to make the quilt. Mary (Skysmom) keeps a list of our numbers for us. Once you hit 2,000 saltines, you win and get to start over on your count.


I look forward to getting to know you.

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Thanks for the welcome! This project is awesome!!! :cheer:cheer:cheer


I'm working on the purple pinwheels with: soft white, light raspberry, claret fleck, and soft navy.


Having gotten the yarn only last night (and gotten back home around 10/11-ish, I'm still on the balling stage. :yarn:yarn:yarn


I'd love to put up photos. So far, at least of the yarn colors. How can I do that? I've seen some posts where the photos are in the text, instead of clickable.



You can attach pictures directly into the post now. That is a fairly new feature. You can attach them directly by hitting the Manage Attachments button under Additional Options while posting a reply (has to be an actual reply as opposed to a quick reply).


Once you do that you can browse your PC and upload the attachments.

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Nina, use the little paperclip on top of the message box to find the "browsw" feature so you can attach your pics

...and welcome:hook

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:welcome Nina! Your colors will be lovely for the Pinwheels ghan. :hook We love pictures - there is a tutorial under FAQ in the first section of the Crochetville main page. If I can do it, anyone can. :lol


Thanks to all of you for the compliments. :manyheart Of all the quilt ghans I've made, this one has taken forever because of so much going on. It's time to figure out the next one, so I can be making saltines again. :yes

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:welcome Nina! Your colors will be lovely for the Pinwheels ghan. :hook We love pictures - there is a tutorial under FAQ in the first section of the Crochetville main page. If I can do it, anyone can. :lol


Thanks to all of you for the compliments. :manyheart Of all the quilt ghans I've made, this one has taken forever because of so much going on. It's time to figure out the next one, so I can be making saltines again. :yes



How about I send you yarn so you can make some of mine? :rofl Kidding of course! I'm up to my eye balls in yarn and saltines today. :hook

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Oops, I forgot the pictures! The Penguin is finally put together and just needs the border. :cheer It seems DH's idea of watching Gracie when I was gone yesterday involved her sleeping on his desk.:lol :dog
:yay congrats on getting so much done on the penguin. Gracie is just too cute there!
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That sounds like the perfect way to spend the day. :yes:D


Yup! I'm having fun. NCIS is on TV, I have a laptop in my lap and a size G hook in one hand with ILTY in Dark Country Blue in the other! Few things make me happier. :clap:cheer

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Welcome, Nina -- so glad you found us :) It sounds as though you are off to a running start! New yarn, new hooks :yay The Pinwheel Ghan is real pretty, and I am anxious to hear how you like it with your colors.


Mary -- So cute!! What a *big* help Miss Gracie is with your DH's paperwork :lol Hope puppy class goes well, today.


Cara -- have a grand visit with your in-laws. Did you really squeeze any crocheting in while you were visiting? Usually, my lips are flapping so fast 'n' furious at family functions, that I forget to crochet :blush


Nicole -- Yaay for the weekend off. How are your plans for crochet/Nicole time coming along?


Linda -- Have a safe flight back home. Your visit with Joy and Ayden flew by so quickly. I am sorry to read that you ended up so sick, but it sounds as though you found a good doctor, who was able to alleviate much of your discomfort :hug I just love multi-generational family photos! We schedule at least one each summer with my grandmother, mother, me, and the girls, and I treasure each one :heart... I am using your joining method (sl st, ch 1, sl st in corresponding stitch in square #2, ch 1, etc.) on my current project, and it is just perfect. I had to do a bit of searching to find your description, again, but I eventually ran across it. It is a bit late and off-subject, but I wanted to thank you, just the same.


That is right, I am not doing a graph-ghan, but I am doing one of Cara's other fabulous patterns :yay:yay I feel so happy to be back working on a Happy Yellow House design. I am doing a table runner using the Grecian Tiles square. DH and I received an invite to a wedding reception on Thursday (he's not home this week, so I only had the girls as my sounding board, but they convinced me to go shopping for yarn. Aren't they great enablers?!? :devil) Anyway, I mulled ideas around in my head that night, and we headed to the yarn store yesterday morning. I started crocheting and made 8 of the 6-1/2" squares before bedtime. At this rate, I will have the whole runner finished by the time DH returns home on Monday and actually learns of the wedding reception :lol I am using RH Spa Blue, and I will certainly show pics when I get a few more squares attached. It's going well, though.


Hope you are all having a good weekend! Stay safe in your wet weather, Mary and Cara :rain. We, finally, have sunshine, and the thermometer is just easing over the 68-degree mark. Break out the shorts and tank tops! Yes, I am a little giddy, as our winter held on too long, followed by a damp and dreary spring. I am ready for :sun. Take care!

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Mary -- I completely forgot to comment on your Penguin Cuddle. It was in my mind, but then when I was typing, the thought forgot to come out. :oopsLove the job you did!! That pattern still talks to me, and am contemplating it for SIL's Christmas present...We'll see. Do you get to keep the ghan? Nice job :clap

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Yup! I'm having fun. NCIS is on TV, I have a laptop in my lap and a size G hook in one hand with ILTY in Dark Country Blue in the other! Few things make me happier. :clap:cheer

I can never get too much NCIS....esp since the NY Yankees are making me crazy ...I'm switching back and forth.

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Oops, I forgot the pictures! The Penguin is finally put together and just needs the border. :cheer It seems DH's idea of watching Gracie when I was gone yesterday involved her sleeping on his desk.:lol :dog
thats what my blankets going to look:hug
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Evening Ladies!! Just checking in!!

Oops, I forgot the pictures! The Penguin is finally put together and just needs the border. :cheer It seems DH's idea of watching Gracie when I was gone yesterday involved her sleeping on his desk.:lol :dog
I love the dark border Mary and the way you did the corners and of course Gracie is adorable :manyheart


Hi everyone! :hi I just joined Crochetville a few days ago


So, anything I need to know before I start?


hi Nina and welcome to the group :hug....all you need to know is have fun and post lots of photos.


Originally Posted by nicolep

Yup! I'm having fun. NCIS is on TV, I have a laptop in my lap and a size G hook in one hand with ILTY in Dark Country Blue in the other! Few things make me happier.

Haha...this is what i do to only i watch Blue Planet DVDs and Supernatural DVDs

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