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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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I just got back from the emergency vet with Jackson. He tore the middle two claws on his back paw off. Well, he almost tore them off completely. The vet said there is a tiny bit of the claw left on both. They shaved the fur from the tip of his paw and got the bleeding stopped. Now, his paw is wrapped up. He looks pitiful. Of course, I had to take a picture.


He hurt his paw because he was running around the house trying to get a toy off his tail. Somehow it stuck to him so he freaked out. While running he got is claws stuck on something. I feel so bad for him. :(

While that is so very sad I bet to some degree watching him trying to get the toy off his tail was hilarious. Mine does it a lot. :lol


:hiHi everyone! I'm back to working on my quilt now that I finished my WIPs for the Sky CAL. :clap I have 28 solids to report and plan on doing more today. I hope everyone is having a great weekend. :ghug
I think you are a bit mistified by the month of May in the sky cal Cherri. :laughroll Done with WIPs! :laughroll
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I'm up well before noon again today :yay 10:45 in fact. I've been setting the alarm for that time for the last 3 days now. The alarm is across the room now instead of next to the bed so I have to actually get my rear end outta bed to turn it off. I get up no matter how late I've stayed up the night before. Hopefully by this time next week I'll be back on a more normal sleep schedule :D

That's a good system to regulate your sleep...:yes

Back in the dinosaur days when working I also used to do that with my alarm clock because once I turned it off in my sleep!!:eek

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Crud! I just lost a post responding to everyone....grr...I'll do it again.


I woke up this morning with a bad headache. It has improved a great deal but there is still that not so clear in the head feeling and left ear ache.


Sorry about Jackson. Hope he feels better soon. My dad and nephew are named Jackson.


Is your headache from yesterday gone? That's interesting about you dad and nephew. It tends to happen because I pick "real" names for my cats.


I'll get photos of the nine patch tomorrow. BD and I ran around all day and then went to the movie. Should've kept shopping instead of going to the movie. We saw the new Star Trek film and neither one of us is happy :lol It's just well, it's just wrong is what it is :lol


Catch y'all later :ghug


Thanks for the well wishes for my Jackie. I've been meaning to ask since I joined this thread....what does BD stand for? I cannot figure it out at all! :blush


Poor Jackson! Sending hugs and cuddles his way. :hug


Went to see Rosie this afternoon. She is MUCH improved. Her nose is back almost to her normal nose. Her color is much better and she is moving around vastly better. The incision on her leg is healing beautifully and she is able to use her right hand some now.


I bought patterns for two different tops at WM tonight and material to make two of each pattern. Also bought some DVDs to watch. I'm getting the downstairs all organized. Right? So, why can't I find ANYTHING at ALL!?!?!?! :thair


Thanks for the hugs and cuddles! I'm so glad to hear that Rosie is better. You might have already said, but do you know how long Rosie will be in nursing care?


Like others have said, I can never find anything when I organize. Somehow, I am able to know exactly where things are among the chaos.


I'm up well before noon again today :yay 10:45 in fact. I've been setting the alarm for that time for the last 3 days now. The alarm is across the room now instead of next to the bed so I have to actually get my rear end outta bed to turn it off. I get up no matter how late I've stayed up the night before. Hopefully by this time next week I'll be back on a more normal sleep schedule :D


It sounds like you're on the way back to a normal schedule. :cheer


While that is so very sad I bet to some degree watching him trying to get the toy off his tail was hilarious. Mine does it a lot. :lol


This was the second time that he got this toy stuck to him. The first time was hilarious! The toy has now been put in the trash!!!




Jack seems to be feeling better now. He just got up from a nap and started playing with his favorite ball. He took the bandage off while I was gone to the Childrens' Museum this morning. He has a little bit of a limp, but nothing like it was earlier. He is on the mend, I think. I hope so because the other cats are getting jealous of all of the attention he's receiving. :rolleyes


I finished my first Tunisian crochet project last night. I made a washcloth. I am going to make a matching potholder while watching the race tonight. I hope everyone is having a great weekend! :hug

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I've been meaning to ask since I joined this thread....what does BD stand for? I cannot figure it out at all! :blush



Like others have said, I can never find anything when I organize. Somehow, I am able to know exactly where things are among the chaos.


I finished my first Tunisian crochet project last night. I made a washcloth. I am going to make a matching potholder while watching the race tonight. I hope everyone is having a great weekend! :hug

Cara's hubby is BD, which stands for Big Daddy....

(my guy is SDR: Studly Do-Right)


I think most of us here have ADD, and finding what we need amidst clutter is a sign:lol:lol


Tunisian...ahhhh....I have those books and hooks too, but haven't done very much with them. Maybe this Summer.....:hook


'nite all.:hug

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Hi everyone,its been awhile :hug


I lost my internet for a few months then i didn't want to start anything new till i got done with my WIPs....I am on the last one now...a hexagon afghan for my DD...its such a relief to get them done and out of the way.Anyway i am now going to do what i have wanted to do since Cara first posted it,the DESERT STAR and it will be the only thing i am working on so i should be around alittle more if thats ok.



I need to know if you used a G hook to make yours or if that was what you sugest???Im going to start getting the yarn for the Desert Star and i want to get all of one color at once and i want to make sure i have enough,when i did the Casa I didnt do that and there was a big color differince in the Buff.....I allways work with a H or I hook and i need to now if you think 65oz of Windsor Blue is still enough??Just a rough guess is good :hook This is alot of yarn to buy so im going to do it one color at a time :P.

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Hiya Shay!! :hi Gosh we haven't seen you in a while :hug Yes, I always a G hook. Except I think onoe of them was an H but that was only because I couldn't find my G hook at the time :rofl And the difference in the amount of yarn would depend on the color. The Windsor blue would be the one with the widest difference. I'd have at least two skeins extra were it me. You can always exchange it for something else :yes

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Thanks Cara for the welcome back :hug and the info..i will just get 2 extra skeins of each color that way i will be sure to have enough and like you say i can always return them.I cant wait to get started on something new since ive only been working on UFOs lately but it is nice to have them all done.I dug a hole and didn't think i would ever get them all done :lol

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Welcome back, Shay:hug


I know what you mean about digging a hole...my ATW is in that hole. Slow going for me on that one!!

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welcome back shaylen........... I'm back myself after being gone for a while.

I started a new quiltghan ... so wanted to come back and play with all the fun ladies here. :hi





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Hi, Tam...

When I saw your link to prayer blankets (I sent one last year) I thought of stash-busting again....but forgot the size you needed...was it 44 inches or something like that?

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Hi, Tam...

When I saw your link to prayer blankets (I sent one last year) I thought of stash-busting again....but forgot the size you needed...was it 44 inches or something like that?

yes................. I remember! Thank you again!!! :hug

and you are correct..... anything over 36" is great... so 44" is perfect.

they go to children from toddler to teens!




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yes................. I remember! Thank you again!!! :hug

and you are correct..... anything over 36" is great... so 44" is perfect.

they go to children from toddler to teens!




okie-dokie....I like making bright colored ripples:hook

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Good Morning, all. :) I'm playing catch up again. :lol


thanks so much...............

So far...... I have 13 solid / 1 bi color :yay





They're added to your total. :yes


They moved her to Atlanta? That's a bit of a schlep isn't it?


Good morning ladies :flower


Up bright and early today :D I need to headed to the PO. I have a package from Miss Wendy waiting! :D We also need to run a few errands and see what other kind of trouble we can get into :D


But the good news is.....drum roll please.....I finished the nine patch last night :fame


'Bout darned time too. I should've had it done last weekend :lol Next I'm gonna make a baby size daisy ghan :hook

Yay for finishing, Cara! :cheer


:hiHi everyone! I'm back to working on my quilt now that I finished my WIPs for the Sky CAL. :clap I have 28 solids to report and plan on doing more today. I hope everyone is having a great weekend. :ghug

Congratulations on finishing your WIPs! 28 more are added. :hook


Nicole ~ I've added 19 more solids. So sorry about Jackson - but he looks like he's enjoying the extra attention. :manyheart

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For anyone who enjoyed "The Graduate" I just found a marvelous movie. It's called "Rumor has it..." It's wonderfully funny and has great music. There's a tie in between the two, but that's all I can say without spoiling it. :lol It's got Kevin Costner and Shirley McClain in it and they are great!


I'm not accomplishing much with my long weekend, but I'm having a lot of fun. I bought a couple of Simplicity patterns and material for some new tops last night at WM. I thought it would be nice to have some new things to take with me when I go see Joy in two weeks. :yes Whether I get any of them made by then remains to be seen of course. :blush But the material is gorgeous. :yes

Oooh, the movie sounds great, Linda! I'm glad you're enjoying the weekend. :hug


Hi everyone,its been awhile :hug


I lost my internet for a few months then i didn't want to start anything new till i got done with my WIPs....I am on the last one now...a hexagon afghan for my DD...its such a relief to get them done and out of the way.Anyway i am now going to do what i have wanted to do since Cara first posted it,the DESERT STAR and it will be the only thing i am working on so i should be around alittle more if thats ok.



I need to know if you used a G hook to make yours or if that was what you sugest???Im going to start getting the yarn for the Desert Star and i want to get all of one color at once and i want to make sure i have enough,when i did the Casa I didnt do that and there was a big color differince in the Buff.....I allways work with a H or I hook and i need to now if you think 65oz of Windsor Blue is still enough??Just a rough guess is good :hook This is alot of yarn to buy so im going to do it one color at a time :P.

Hi Shay! It's great to see you again. :yes


I've missed being here terribly, but the last 2 days haven't been too great. On top of Mother being unable to walk since she fell, Dad got sick on Friday night and had to have lots of x-rays and tests. Thankfully, he's a bit better, but it has meant two trips to their house (1 1/2 hours each way)and lots of errands and cooking for them. My sister and I are taking turns and tomorrow their caregiver starts longer hours. Meanwhile, DH has been Miss Gracie's sole parent and he's exhausted. :lol

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I've missed being here terribly, but the last 2 days haven't been too great. On top of Mother being unable to walk since she fell, Dad got sick on Friday night and had to have lots of x-rays and tests. Thankfully, he's a bit better, but it has meant two trips to their house (1 1/2 hours each way)and lots of errands and cooking for them. My sister and I are taking turns and tomorrow their caregiver starts longer hours. Meanwhile, DH has been Miss Gracie's sole parent and he's exhausted. :lol

Wow...tg there's a caregiver ready to take over! And now DH knows what you've been dealing with while he's away!:lol

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Cara's hubby is BD, which stands for Big Daddy....

(my guy is SDR: Studly Do-Right)


I figured out BD was her husband from context, but couldn't come up with the actual words for BD. BD and SDR is really funny!


Hi everyone,its been awhile :hug


I lost my internet for a few months then i didn't want to start anything new till i got done with my WIPs....I am on the last one now...a hexagon afghan for my DD...its such a relief to get them done and out of the way.Anyway i am now going to do what i have wanted to do since Cara first posted it,the DESERT STAR and it will be the only thing i am working on so i should be around alittle more if thats ok.


:hi Hello! I'm new around here. I look forward to getting to know you.


Nicole ~ I've added 19 more solids. So sorry about Jackson - but he looks like he's enjoying the extra attention. :manyheart


I've missed being here terribly, but the last 2 days haven't been too great. On top of Mother being unable to walk since she fell, Dad got sick on Friday night and had to have lots of x-rays and tests. Thankfully, he's a bit better, but it has meant two trips to their house (1 1/2 hours each way)and lots of errands and cooking for them. My sister and I are taking turns and tomorrow their caregiver starts longer hours. Meanwhile, DH has been Miss Gracie's sole parent and he's exhausted. :lol


He definitely enjoys the extra attention. I keep expecting him to stick his tongue out at the other cats. Thanks for adding the solids for me.


Sorry to hear about your parents. I hope they both make a quick recovery. Puppies are a lot of work. I bet yor DH is tired. :rofl



Well, it's the last day of my vacation. It has been so nice. I'm definitely more refreshed. I might be able to be at work and not want to throw things at people. :lol We'll see how long it lasts. :devil


Have a great Memorial Day everyone!

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Howdy ladies :flower


How's everyone this fine memorial day? :D BDs home and still asleep. I keep drifting off here on the couch too. Guess I didn't get enough sleep last night :lol That's okay, maybe I'll go to bed early tonight.


Bad thing was I was going to go to Michael's this morning because I have a coupon for 20% off my entire purchase until 1. But considering it's 20 to 1 I don't think I'm gonna make it :lol I didn't need to be spending money anway :)


I got one daisy square completed yesterday. I'd like to get at the very least one more made today. But today is laundry day so dunno if I'll actually get to it.

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Howdy ladies :flower


How's everyone this fine memorial day? :D BDs home and still asleep. I keep drifting off here on the couch too. Guess I didn't get enough sleep last night :lol That's okay, maybe I'll go to bed early tonight.


Bad thing was I was going to go to Michael's this morning because I have a coupon for 20% off my entire purchase until 1. But considering it's 20 to 1 I don't think I'm gonna make it :lol I didn't need to be spending money anway :)


I got one daisy square completed yesterday. I'd like to get at the very least one more made today. But today is laundry day so dunno if I'll actually get to it.


I forced myself to get out of bed at 11:00 this morning. I almost want to cry thinking that I have to be up at 7:00 for work tomorrow. :cry Unfortunately, I have to work to pay bills. Try as I might, I can't get anyone else to do it! :D


I was going to go to Michael's today with my 20% off coupon, but couldn't justify it after taking Jackie to the vet.


Just enjoying :crocheting today. It's back to the grind tomorrow.

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Bad thing was I was going to go to Michael's this morning because I have a coupon for 20% off my entire purchase until 1. But considering it's 20 to 1 I don't think I'm gonna make it :lol I didn't need to be spending money anway :)

That's where I went this morning. Unfortunatley, they pickings for RHSS weren't that great...but I managed. I think I ended up with 6 sk.

The 99 cent clearance on cotton tots was also nice. I took all 5 they had left:D

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That's where I went this morning. Unfortunatley, they pickings for RHSS weren't that great...but I managed. I think I ended up with 6 sk.

The 99 cent clearance on cotton tots was also nice. I took all 5 they had left:D


Did you have the 20% off coupon too? That would've made the cotton tots about 80 cents each I think :yes I love those % off regular and sale price coupons :yes

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Did you have the 20% off coupon too? That would've made the cotton tots about 80 cents each I think :yes I love those % off regular and sale price coupons :yes


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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome back :hug



Nice to meet you to!!


So DH s picking up the Windsor blue for me today since I don't feel like going to town,,,im so excited to get to start something new.


Puppy's...I want one but cant decide which kind...i know i want a small one this time that can cuddle on the couch with me.With my not being able to leave the house that much it would be nice now that the kids are grown.

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We had a power surge yesterday and I couldn't get back on the computer because it turned out to be a frayed wire in the main box. All of the apartments in my building had only 1 side of the apartment lit up.


Mary - Hope Mom & Dad get better soon.


Nicole - the headache finally went away. It took a while.


Good night. I'm soooo sleepy. I'm off tomorrow because I ended up going to work today.

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