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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Cara, I hope you feel better soon...and I'm so jealous that you're married to another cat person:manyheart Poor momma cat....

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I'm so very glad to hear she's on the mend! That must've been some fall! I hope she gets to get out of the hospital very soon :hug Still sending good vibes her way :manyheart

It was a doozy of a fall all right!


Sounds like something I would do :lol I'm glad it's improving :hug


She was moved to the rehab unit this evening about 5:30. She'll be there until she is mobile enough to come home.


Oh how wonderful!! I'm crossing my fingers, toes and eyes that you get the ASM you're hoping for :cheer After all you've gone through the past year you definitely deserve to have an easier time of it :hug And yes, Crochetville is a fabulous place! I'd have been in the loony bin by now without y'all :manyheart And that's no exaggeration :lol

I agree, Valerie. I really hope she works out just great.


:rofl :rofl My mom used to call me "Grace" all the time. She said I was the only person she ever met who could trip over their own shadow :rofl


I got called "Grace" a lot growing up, too.


Oh how wonderful is that!! :manyheart Is this Joy you're going to visit? She's such a hoot :D


Yes, it's Joy and Ayden that I'll be visiting. We'll drive over to see my mom and brother while I'm there, too.


I woke up to a bed full of kitties though :manyheart I was laying on my side and Tuon was up against my tummy and Misa was in the crook of my legs :manyheart I was surprised by that because Tuon usually won't let Misa on the bed :rolleyes


I fear though that we might be bringing four, yes FOUR, more kitties into the house. We have a domestic cat that showed up about 5 months ago. She has on a collar. I could tell if she was a girl or a neutered male though. I don't let male cats in the house. I can't handle that spraying thing :2nono


Anyway, I thought she belonged to someone in the neighborhood so I didn't bring her in. She's very sweet and loving. We call her Sugar :D Well, we now know that she's female because she had kittens! :eek


She's made a home under our back deck. I hate to leave little kittens outside. I'm afraid they'll get run over. We live on a very busy street and we're on the corner.


BD's falling in love though so they might be coming inside. That's all I need. SIX cats to care for :rofl I love being married to a cat person but it can get a little crowded in here :lol I think I need a group plan at the vet :rofl


Anyway, enough of that. I actually made some progress last night on my nine patch border. :yay I'm down to the last 3 rows. :hook Amazing what one can get done if one stays off the computer :blush

Kitties are so nice to have around. The most I've ever had at one time is two.


We had a bit of a scare today. Kim was up most of the night having trouble breathing. She sounds the worst she's been since I've been with them. John took her in for a doctor's appointment at 1:00 and called about 2:00 to say that they thought she might have had a pulmonary embolism. She went from the doctor's office, to the ER and after lots of tests decided that she has bronchitis and pneumonia. We'll have to watch her closely and give her antibiotics, prednisone, and breathing treatments, but hopefully she'll pull through without having to be hospitalized. Scary!!

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Kitties are so nice to have around. The most I've ever had at one time is two.


We had a bit of a scare today. Kim was up most of the night having trouble breathing. She sounds the worst she's been since I've been with them. John took her in for a doctor's appointment at 1:00 and called about 2:00 to say that they thought she might have had a pulmonary embolism. She went from the doctor's office, to the ER and after lots of tests decided that she has bronchitis and pneumonia. We'll have to watch her closely and give her antibiotics, prednisone, and breathing treatments, but hopefully she'll pull through without having to be hospitalized. Scary!!


OMG! How scary!! My heart is in my throat! :( I'm so glad it wasn't an embolism :whew I hope she mends quickly :hug:manyheart:hug

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Thank you Judy, Tracy, and Cara. Kim is currently sleeping in her chair and her breathing isn't as labored as it was earlier. John has the next three days off, which helps too. There are two of us to watch over her. I think I'll make some homemade chicken noodle soup for us tomorrow.


Hope you're feeling better soon, too, Cara. Sinus infections are no fun at all.

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Thanks for the update, Mary. :hug

I talked to my daughter last night. I'm going up to see her and my grandson in two weeks and will be there a week. She had marked the days I'll be there in blue on the calendar and when he asked her what the blue squares were, she told him I was coming for a visit. His response was, "Grandma Linda's coming! Oh, boy!" And then he started counting the number of days I'd be there. Made me feel so very good. I even bought a new swimsuit in honor of the visit. The first in at least 10 years, I think. It was time. :lol :lol :lol

Oh, that's wonderful news about your visit with family! I'm glad Kim is doing a little better this evening. :manyheart

Ummm... I've forgotten how this works... but here's my story... hehehehe

the 72 you have me down for are done ... put into a ghan and given away. I have started a new one and have a huge amount of 9 saltines done... heheheheheheheeee:D

So... I guess my count needs to change?





Hi Tam. Yes, just let me know when you have squares to add to your total. :yes


I'm glad Gracie is getting to be a "big girl" and can hold her water :lol What is this? Penguin number 3 for you? :hook

Nope, it's the first Penguin for me...it just seems like 3 'cause I've been working on it for so long. :rofl Feel better soon! :hug


Have a good evening, everyone. :)

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Hi Tam. Yes, just let me know when you have squares to add to your total. :yes


thanks so much...............

So far...... I have 13 solid / 1 bi color :yay





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Good morning. Kim had a much better night last night. Her eyes are alert and she is breathing much better today.


I'm enjoying having some time off and relaxing. Doing some crocheting for the charity blitz that's going on this weekend. I think I'll drive down to Atlanta to see Rosie this afternoon.

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Good morning. Kim had a much better night last night. Her eyes are alert and she is breathing much better today.


I'm enjoying having some time off and relaxing. Doing some crocheting for the charity blitz that's going on this weekend. I think I'll drive down to Atlanta to see Rosie this afternoon.


They moved her to Atlanta? That's a bit of a schlep isn't it?


Good morning ladies :flower


Up bright and early today :D I need to headed to the PO. I have a package from Miss Wendy waiting! :D We also need to run a few errands and see what other kind of trouble we can get into :D


But the good news is.....drum roll please.....I finished the nine patch last night :fame


'Bout darned time too. I should've had it done last weekend :lol Next I'm gonna make a baby size daisy ghan :hook

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Rosie is about 27 miles from here and only about 34 minutes away. Not too bad.


I'm finishing up a preemie afghan and have come up with another snowflake this afternoon. John is running some errands, so I'm with Kim at the moment.

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Pictures pictures Cara! :D


Yeah, pictures Cara!


Rosie is about 27 miles from here and only about 34 minutes away. Not too bad.


I'm finishing up a preemie afghan and have come up with another snowflake this afternoon. John is running some errands, so I'm with Kim at the moment.


How is Kim feeling today?


Here is the updated scorecard. Please let me know if any changes need to be made. :hook


Nicole (nicolep) 38



Can you bump me up to 57, please? I finished another 19 solids. Thanks for keeping track for us!




Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I'm really enjoying the laziness of vacation.


I just got back from the emergency vet with Jackson. He tore the middle two claws on his back paw off. Well, he almost tore them off completely. The vet said there is a tiny bit of the claw left on both. They shaved the fur from the tip of his paw and got the bleeding stopped. Now, his paw is wrapped up. He looks pitiful. Of course, I had to take a picture.


He hurt his paw because he was running around the house trying to get a toy off his tail. Somehow it stuck to him so he freaked out. While running he got is claws stuck on something. I feel so bad for him. :(


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Poor kitty...Nicole, I know how seeing all that blood can scare you, - I'm also grateful for my emergency vet!

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Hello Sisters,


Just got in from a cookout at the new home of a fellow sister manager. I woke up this morning with a bad headache. It has improved a great deal but there is still that not so clear in the head feeling and left ear ache.


I'm going to try to do a little crocheting.


See you later.


Sorry about Jackson. Hope he feels better soon. My dad and nephew are named Jackson.


Good job Cara.


I'm glad Rosie and Kim are doing better. Will continue to pray for them.

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I just got back from the emergency vet with Jackson. He tore the middle two claws on his back paw off. Well, he almost tore them off completely. The vet said there is a tiny bit of the claw left on both. They shaved the fur from the tip of his paw and got the bleeding stopped. Now, his paw is wrapped up. He looks pitiful. Of course, I had to take a picture.


He hurt his paw because he was running around the house trying to get a toy off his tail. Somehow it stuck to him so he freaked out. While running he got is claws stuck on something. I feel so bad for him. :(


Oh poor little fellow :( I'm glad they fixed him up :hug Give him skritches from all of us :manyheart


I'll get photos of the nine patch tomorrow. BD and I ran around all day and then went to the movie. Should've kept shopping instead of going to the movie. We saw the new Star Trek film and neither one of us is happy :lol It's just well, it's just wrong is what it is :lol


Catch y'all later :ghug

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I just got back from the emergency vet with Jackson. He tore the middle two claws on his back paw off. Well, he almost tore them off completely. The vet said there is a tiny bit of the claw left on both. They shaved the fur from the tip of his paw and got the bleeding stopped. Now, his paw is wrapped up. He looks pitiful. Of course, I had to take a picture.


He hurt his paw because he was running around the house trying to get a toy off his tail. Somehow it stuck to him so he freaked out. While running he got is claws stuck on something. I feel so bad for him. :(

Poor Jackson! Sending hugs and cuddles his way. :hug


Went to see Rosie this afternoon. She is MUCH improved. Her nose is back almost to her normal nose. Her color is much better and she is moving around vastly better. The incision on her leg is healing beautifully and she is able to use her right hand some now.


I bought patterns for two different tops at WM tonight and material to make two of each pattern. Also bought some DVDs to watch. I'm getting the downstairs all organized. Right? So, why can't I find ANYTHING at ALL!?!?!?! :thair

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Linda, when I declutter I can never find things again!! Rosie sounds like a fast healer - I'd be purple for weeks!

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Linda, when I declutter I can never find things again!!

I am sooooo glad there's somebody else in this fix. It's just awful! :angry


For anyone who enjoyed "The Graduate" I just found a marvelous movie. It's called "Rumor has it..." It's wonderfully funny and has great music. There's a tie in between the two, but that's all I can say without spoiling it. :lol It's got Kevin Costner and Shirley McClain in it and they are great!


I'm not accomplishing much with my long weekend, but I'm having a lot of fun. I bought a couple of Simplicity patterns and material for some new tops last night at WM. I thought it would be nice to have some new things to take with me when I go see Joy in two weeks. :yes Whether I get any of them made by then remains to be seen of course. :blush But the material is gorgeous. :yes

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Linda, a movie with MATURE people in it? It sounds good!!


And even though I haven't begun to really quilt I also often buy fabric "just because...":yes

We sound like sisters under the skin:lol

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Morning Cara, Linda & Judy,


Linda - I'm glad Rosie is healing so quickly. I hope you get to make your tops and that you have a wonderful time with your daughter and grandson.


Hi Judy. Hope you enjoy the movie


Cara - Sorry you didn't like the movie.


Have a great day guys. I'll check back in later.

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:hiHi everyone! I'm back to working on my quilt now that I finished my WIPs for the Sky CAL. :clap I have 28 solids to report and plan on doing more today. I hope everyone is having a great weekend. :ghug

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:hiHi everyone! I'm back to working on my quilt now that I finished my WIPs for the Sky CAL. :clap I have 28 solids to report and plan on doing more today. I hope everyone is having a great weekend. :ghug


Excellent job Cherri!! :clap:woo:cheer


I'm up well before noon again today :yay 10:45 in fact. I've been setting the alarm for that time for the last 3 days now. The alarm is across the room now instead of next to the bed so I have to actually get my rear end outta bed to turn it off. I get up no matter how late I've stayed up the night before. Hopefully by this time next week I'll be back on a more normal sleep schedule :D


I got all 20 of my daisy centers done last night so I'm off to a good start on that one. I just might get caught up one of these days :lol

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:hi Cara. Sounds like a good system to get back to a normal routine. :yes Can't wait to see the baby Daisy ghan. :hook One of these days I might get the pattern and send Krystal a couple, seeing as how I seem to be catching up so easily when I get behind on projects. :lol
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