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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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I have very devious kitties here .... there were 7 very noisy kitties running around chasing each other at 2AM which woke me up ..... got up, went potty and decided to play a couple games on the 'puter to help me go back to sleep .... about 1/2 later went to get in my chair to sleep and there was a pile of 7 kitties curled up in my seat.... needless to say they moved and I went back to sleep... [they ended up crawling on my legs and chair and went back to sleep anyways]


The little sneaks! :lol


Hi Judy! I've added 20 more.:hook Gracie? Juvenile delinquent? Not my baby! :lol Actually, I think she understands everything I say to her...she takes messages and may get back to me later. :lol


I thought only my FIL said that :rofl Except he says it as Dogs come when they're called. Cats take a message and get back to you :lol Glad it's not only cats that do this :lol


We had a male GSD/wolf(?) years ago. When I would call to him to come in from the yard he would look back at me, pause as if considering what I said, then turn and continue to walk away from me! Frustrating!


Ah ha! Another case to cite against the defamation of cats :rofl


Hi to Valerie and Shelli, too!


DH will be home tomorrow after 11 days, except for one night in between trips. When he gets caught up in his office, I'll need to spend some time at my parents. It looks like we're in for a long road with Mom...Dad has thought for some time that they should be in an Assisted Living apt., but Mom refuses. :( The only other option is full time live in care.


I hope everyone is getting more crocheting in than I am. :lol Penguin still needs a row attached and the border. :yes


Oh I wish I could say that I have :blush I sure hope your mom sees the light soon :hug If dad is ready then that's half the battle :hug


Thanks, Mary - I showed the boy's mom today and she loved it - got teary-eyed and pulled out her camera!


Awww! How wonderful! :manyheart


I've spent the majority of the day not feeling well at all :no I started feeling sick to my stomach then I was just overwhelmed by fatigue. I went ahead and went back to bed even though I didn't want to.


I'm just waking up now. The nausea is gone but I'm just so very tired. And hot and cold in turns. Hope I'm not getting sick. I have no patience for suck :no


Anway, off to try to wake up more

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Hope I'm not getting sick. I have no patience for suck :no


Anway, off to try to wake up more

I know what you meant, but the typo is funny!:lol

I hope you feel better soon. Drink some fluids...:hug

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I’m at work. Shh...don’t tell my boss I’m on here! :devil I had to share the good news. I talked to my office manager this morning to tell her I am burnt out and need some time off. She told me to take off the rest of the week! The office is closed on Tuesday. I will be out for six whole days! :cheer

Good for you Nicole. Take care of you and enjoy yourself. I will be off Saturday, Sunday & Monday.

Hi to Valerie and Shelli, too!


DH will be home tomorrow after 11 days, except for one night in between trips. When he gets caught up in his office, I'll need to spend some time at my parents. It looks like we're in for a long road with Mom...Dad has thought for some time that they should be in an Assisted Living apt., but Mom refuses. :( The only other option is full time live in care.


I hope everyone is getting more crocheting in than I am. :lol Penguin still needs a row attached and the border. :yes

Hi Mary. I hope you get to crochet till your heart's content soon.


Hello to you too Cara. Hope you're having a great day. Came home earlier than I was suppose to. Had to pay a ticket and didn't return to work. Going to ride up there and check things out then return to crochet a little while before bed.

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I’m at work. Shh...don’t tell my boss I’m on here! :devil I had to share the good news. I talked to my office manager this morning to tell her I am burnt out and need some time off. She told me to take off the rest of the week! The office is closed on Tuesday. I will be out for six whole days! :cheer

Hooray!!! :yay

I have very devious kitties here .... there were 7 very noisy kitties running around chasing each other at 2AM which woke me up ..... got up, went potty and decided to play a couple games on the 'puter to help me go back to sleep .... about 1/2 later went to get in my chair to sleep and there was a pile of 7 kitties curled up in my seat.... needless to say they moved and I went back to sleep... [they ended up crawling on my legs and chair and went back to sleep anyways]

That's too funny!!! :rofl

Oh no! :rofl I got the typo award today :lol

You sure do!!! :check


John came from work stuffed up, plugged up, and with a scratchy throat. Uh-oh! Hope it's not the flu.

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Hi all,


Back from CVS. The crew had gotten truck put up so I picked up a few papers and came back home.


My new shift supervisor is doing great. That and the fact that I've overstaffed and the slackers will get hacked.:lol


Gotta close the store tomorrow so I can go in later than usual.


Hope everyone is having a good night.

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I thought only my FIL said that :rofl Except he says it as Dogs come when they're called. Cats take a message and get back to you :lol Glad it's not only cats that do this :lol


I've spent the majority of the day not feeling well at all :no I started feeling sick to my stomach then I was just overwhelmed by fatigue. I went ahead and went back to bed even though I didn't want to.


I'm just waking up now. The nausea is gone but I'm just so very tired. And hot and cold in turns. Hope I'm not getting sick. I have no patience for suck :no


Anway, off to try to wake up more

I have the whole saying on a cross stitch sampler! I need to google it...but that's where my reference to Gracie came from. :yes I hope you're okay and not getting a nasty bug. :hug


Oh no! :rofl I got the typo award today :lol

I love typos when they make us laugh. :lol

Good for you Nicole. Take care of you and enjoy yourself. I will be off Saturday, Sunday & Monday.


Hi Mary. I hope you get to crochet till your heart's content soon.


Hello to you too Cara. Hope you're having a great day. Came home earlier than I was suppose to. Had to pay a ticket and didn't return to work. Going to ride up there and check things out then return to crochet a little while before bed.

It's sooo good to have you back with us! :manyheart


Hooray!!! :yay


That's too funny!!! :rofl


You sure do!!! :check


John came from work stuffed up, plugged up, and with a scratchy throat. Uh-oh! Hope it's not the flu.

Hi Linda. I hope John is okay - and hope that you and Kim don't catch anything. :yes


I am so ready for DH to come home tomorrow. There won't be any break as MIL has a Dr. appt. Thursday and Friday and my parents situation is not good...but at least we'll be able to talk in person and play with Gracie.


Have a good evening!

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Goood Morning all,


Got up to take my niece to work. She works about 4 miles from home. She manages her own CVS. She just bought a brand new car but it's been a long time since she drove so we'll do some practicing this weekend. Meantime, I get to drive a new car without the payment.

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I have very devious kitties here .... there were 7 very noisy kitties running around chasing each other at 2AM which woke me up ..... got up, went potty and decided to play a couple games on the 'puter to help me go back to sleep .... about 1/2 later went to get in my chair to sleep and there was a pile of 7 kitties curled up in my seat.... needless to say they moved and I went back to sleep... [they ended up crawling on my legs and chair and went back to sleep anyways]


:lol I so understand! Well, I don't have seven, but four is enough when they start acting crazy. Of course, cats are noctirnal which means they do the bad stuff while I'm trying to sleep!


John had his masseuse come to the house yesterday to give his dad a massage and then she gave Kim and I partial massages. She found a really, really tight set of muscles in my lower back and worked them over but good. Today I can barely move, they're so sore. Oops! :blush


I hope your sore muscles are gone today!


Gracie? Juvenile delinquent? Not my baby! :lol Actually, I think she understands everything I say to her...she takes messages and may get back to me later. :lol


I am convinced that's true of pets. They know exactly what's going on and what to do....they just refuse to do it on their human's schedule. Let's face it, my cats own me, I don't own them!


It looks like we're in for a long road with Mom...Dad has thought for some time that they should be in an Assisted Living apt., but Mom refuses. :( The only other option is full time live in care.


I'll keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. I hope a solution is found soon. :hug


Ah ha! Another case to cite against the defamation of cats :rofl


You're cracking me up!!! :laughroll Are you feeling better today?


Good for you Nicole. Take care of you and enjoy yourself. I will be off Saturday, Sunday & Monday.


Thanks! My BF was trying to tell me all of these things she wanted to do while I'm off (she's a stay-at-home mom). I finally said, "I plan on doing very little." She said, "That's okay. Come over here. I won't be doing much either." I replied, "I should rephrase. I'm going to be doing very little while at home alone." :devil I won't be able to rest if I left everyone control my vacation!


I hope you have a fantastic three days off.


Goood Morning all,


Got up to take my niece to work. She works about 4 miles from home. She manages her own CVS. She just bought a brand new car but it's been a long time since she drove so we'll do some practicing this weekend. Meantime, I get to drive a new car without the payment.


That is fun! How's John feeling?




Well, it's my first day of vacation and I was awake earlier than I am when I have to go to work. :lol One of the things I wanted to do was sleep in late everyday. Ah well, I guess if I'm not tired, it doesn't really matter.


Now, it's off to my LYS and Michael's. The LYS has a much better hook collection. I've started Tunisian Crochet and want a variety of afghan hooks. I'm also going to Lowe's so I can get the rest of the white rock for the pathway I made in the back of the house. I am also looking into storage options for what I tenderly refer to as "crochet crap".


Have a wonderful day everyone! I'm sure I'll be in and out. :clap

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Nicole, ever hear the saying "Dogs have owners while cats have staff"?:lol

Have fun at the LYS!


I get to drive a new car without the payment.

Oh, that's always fun!!

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Goood Morning all,


Got up to take my niece to work. She works about 4 miles from home. She manages her own CVS. She just bought a brand new car but it's been a long time since she drove so we'll do some practicing this weekend. Meantime, I get to drive a new car without the payment.

Oooooo!! What fun!!!

I am convinced that's true of pets. They know exactly what's going on and what to do....they just refuse to do it on their human's schedule. Let's face it, my cats own me, I don't own them!


Now, it's off to my LYS and Michael's. The LYS has a much better hook collection. I've started Tunisian Crochet and want a variety of afghan hooks. I'm also going to Lowe's so I can get the rest of the white rock for the pathway I made in the back of the house. I am also looking into storage options for what I tenderly refer to as "crochet crap".

Yup, it's definitely true that our pets understand us, but don't always agree on the timing of doing things.


Have fun shopping.


"Crochet Crap"!?!?! NO, NO, NO! Crochet Supplies and Necessities!

Nicole, ever hear the saying "Dogs have owners while cats have staff"?:lol

I agree!


Just got a call from John. He's coming home sick from work. He's going to camp out in the guest bedroom so that hopefully he doesn't give whatever it is to Kim. (Of course, he's been coughing and sneezing on her for the past two days already.) He sees the doctor this afternoon.


My back's still sore. Oh well. It should get better before too long.

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"Crochet Crap"!?!?! NO, NO, NO! Crochet Supplies and Necessities!


:lol I can't help it! I refer to a lot of things that way. No disrespect to those items meant. Yes, they are quite necessary, but.... :devil


Judy -


I have heard that saying and it's so true.


Have you all seen the e-mail about the excerpt from the dog and cat's diary? It's hilarious. I found it online if you would like to read it.



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Howdy ladies :flower


Still feeling pretty rough today. I slept most of the day away last night and went back to bed around 8. I sure hope this goes away soon. I don't like sick :no If it's not better by tomorrow then I'll go see the doctor.


Need to get something to eat. I know I need to eat but just the thought of food is unappealing. I'll have a couple of eggs. That'll give the protein I need and if I salt it that'll keep my sodium up. :yes

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Howdy ladies :flower


Still feeling pretty rough today. I slept most of the day away last night and went back to bed around 8. I sure hope this goes away soon. I don't like sick :no If it's not better by tomorrow then I'll go see the doctor.


Need to get something to eat. I know I need to eat but just the thought of food is unappealing. I'll have a couple of eggs. That'll give the protein I need and if I salt it that'll keep my sodium up. :yes

That's a good idea, Cara...keep up your fluids, too:hug

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:lol I can't help it! I refer to a lot of things that way. No disrespect to those items meant. Yes, they are quite necessary, but.... :devil


Have you all seen the e-mail about the excerpt from the dog and cat's diary? It's hilarious. I found it online if you would like to read it.



I've never seen it before. It's fabulous!! :lol :lol :lol

Howdy ladies :flower


Still feeling pretty rough today. I slept most of the day away last night and went back to bed around 8. I sure hope this goes away soon. I don't like sick :no If it's not better by tomorrow then I'll go see the doctor.


Need to get something to eat. I know I need to eat but just the thought of food is unappealing. I'll have a couple of eggs. That'll give the protein I need and if I salt it that'll keep my sodium up. :yes

Cara, please take care of yourself. There are some nasty bugs around in addition to the H1N1 flu. :hug


Rosie is a little better today. She has some of her normal color back in her face, in addition to the yellow, green, and purple. She's still in a lot of pain, but less than before surgery. She is NOT a very good patient. She spends too much of her time caring for others to have any patience with being sick herself. She is progressing slowly with her physical therapy and has been up in the chair and on the commode already today. The doctor was in to evaluate her face last night and thinks that they may be able to avoid surgery on it, although there is one place he's going to be watching carefully. Her John is tired and more than a little worried about her.

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Rosie is a little better today. She has some of her normal color back in her face, in addition to the yellow, green, and purple.


I shouldn't laugh. No I shouldn't but the way you worded that is hilarious :rofl Poor Rosie :lol I'm sure John is quite worried about her. Glad to hear she's doing a bit better now. At least less pain.


I couldn't face eggs so I started with a little toast. I want soup but we are out. Think I'm gonna have to send BD to the store :yes

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Hi everyone..........

it has been forever since I posted on this thread.

I hope you dont mind if I pop in again and play. I finished my first quiltghan and gave it to a friend .... I am now just starting my second...that I think will just be a fun blanket for the boys. My 10yr old came home with this graphed out picture from doing math problems... and I thought it was so cute. Cute enough in fact to be a small quiltghan....... so........... I have one solid square done as of right this minute... hehehehehe

This is the graph picture I'm working from.......





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That's an adorable design!:cheer

yeah.. not bad for a math assignment ... huh... hehhheheeee


Oh Tam I love the design!! :clap

I cant wait to really get some work done on it... its going to be neat to see this done in a ghan.





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Hi everyone..........

it has been forever since I posted on this thread.

I hope you dont mind if I pop in again and play. I finished my first quiltghan and gave it to a friend .... I am now just starting my second...that I think will just be a fun blanket for the boys. My 10yr old came home with this graphed out picture from doing math problems... and I thought it was so cute. Cute enough in fact to be a small quiltghan....... so........... I have one solid square done as of right this minute... hehehehehe

This is the graph picture I'm working from.......






That is precious! It will probably be even more special since you're son "designed" the ghan.

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