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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Good morning. All the cat pictures look great. We have some nice looking furbabies in this group. :yes


Mary I have 14 solids to report.


That's the last of the saltines to make for a while. Now I have to finish putting the scrappy do together.

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Oh, I love all the kitties:manyheart We had one soon after we were married. He was a BIG tabby and a great mouser...played with any field mice that dared come into the apartment.:lol


My GSDs wouldn't take well to having to share me with a kitty, though.

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Good Morning, all. :)


Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been around. It's been a busy few days. Weekends are hard to keep up with. Our neighborhood is alot more friendly so we spend alot more time outside then normal. The girls go out and play while I weed or visit with the neighbors.


Mary I have 45 solids to report for the weekend.

That's wonderful that you have good neighbors! 45 more added plus the 14 from this morning. :hook


:lol This is the first time I have seen mom with a game manual trying to work out a game. :lol

Tracy! We've missed you lately. :yes


I love seeing all the kitty pictures! So many of us have cats and/or dogs...what would we do without them? :manyheart Gracie is taking a nap, so I may go back to bed. :lol

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Oh, I love all the kitties:manyheart We had one soon after we were married. He was a BIG tabby and a great mouser...played with any field mice that dared come into the apartment.:lol


My GSDs wouldn't take well to having to share me with a kitty, though.


No I don't think they would :lol We got Misa because she was a mouser. Our old ragdoll Smokey was afraid of the mice that we got from storing our stuff in a storage locker that was infested with them :irk Didn't want to use baits because I didn't want to kill Smokey. Well, my sister had Misa and she hunted everything! We "stole" her and took her home. Three weeks later no mice :D


I love seeing all the kitty pictures! So many of us have cats and/or dogs...what would we do without them? :manyheart Gracie is taking a nap, so I may go back to bed. :lol


That might be a good idea :lol And if we didn't have all our wonderful furbabies we'd live much poorer lives :manyheart


Well, it's official. I've been up all night :lol Good thing though is I've been crocheting since about 8 last night. I've gotten 57 saltines made :hook Guess I found my mojo somewhere :yay


Now I don't know if I'm going to stay up or not. I'd like to stay up all day and go to bed at a decent hour. My sleep schedule is really messed up :( But maybe if I stay up today I can sleep tonight.

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Hello everyone,


Sorry, it's been a long time. I'm on vacation until Monday. I haven't had anytime off since Thanksgiving. I'm dead tired. I'm going back to bed and I'll get back on later.


I've missed you guys and wanted to check in.


I'll be in and out as soon as I get back up.

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Her name is Jasmine. I think it fits her beautifully.




Oh I've been around, just lurking instead of posting.


Oh Jasmine IS the perfect name for her! Sometimes the name just clicks doesn't it? :yes And we don't mind lurkers :D Especially you because we know you're really there :rofl

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And if we didn't have all our wonderful furbabies we'd live much poorer lives :manyheart


Well, it's official. I've been up all night :lol Good thing though is I've been crocheting since about 8 last night. I've gotten 57 saltines made :hook Guess I found my mojo somewhere :yay


Now I don't know if I'm going to stay up or not. I'd like to stay up all day and go to bed at a decent hour. My sleep schedule is really messed up :( But maybe if I stay up today I can sleep tonight.

Our lives would truly be much poorer without our furbabies. And the unconditional love they give us is irreplaceable.

Hello everyone,


Sorry, it's been a long time. I'm on vacation until Monday. I haven't had anytime off since Thanksgiving. I'm dead tired. I'm going back to bed and I'll get back on later.


I've missed you guys and wanted to check in.


I'll be in and out as soon as I get back up.

Hi, Valerie. :hi We've missed you a whole lot. Thanksgiving until now with no time off. That's cruel and unusual punishment. I hope things calm down soon for you. :hug

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Hi Judianne, Cara & Linda T,


I missed you guys too. Linda, I'm hoping this is the crew that will set me free. It has been a long winter. I'm going back to bed. Perhaps tomorrow I'll be able to stay up all day and get my projects organized so that I can get back in the groove of crocheting.


Talk to you guys later.

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Well, it's official. I've been up all night :lol Good thing though is I've been crocheting since about 8 last night. I've gotten 57 saltines made :hook Guess I found my mojo somewhere :yay


Now I don't know if I'm going to stay up or not. I'd like to stay up all day and go to bed at a decent hour. My sleep schedule is really messed up :( But maybe if I stay up today I can sleep tonight.

Wow, great progress, Cara! I was up most the night, too...it seems Gracie has a little tummy trouble. Of course, I worried all night while she slept. :lol The Vet said it's very common with new puppies - new surroundings, food, etc. He just wants to see her if it's not better in a day or two because he did bloodwork and other tests last week and all looked fine.


Hello everyone,


Sorry, it's been a long time. I'm on vacation until Monday. I haven't had anytime off since Thanksgiving. I'm dead tired. I'm going back to bed and I'll get back on later.


I've missed you guys and wanted to check in.


I'll be in and out as soon as I get back up.

Valerie! It's so good to see you here again. :manyheart

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You all may get really tired of me talking about Gracie :lol. Here are some of her activities on Mother's Day - she's quite the gardening dog. ;) We emptied the bed off the patio and planned to enlarge it, use flagstone and add a fish pond. We're rethinking that plan!





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Mary, how adorable she is!:c9 I love her under the sign in your yard that says "grow":lol

Thank you! I stuck that sign there weeks ago when we took out the old shrubs sort of as a joke...but DD took this pic and we cracked up. :D


All the kitties are cute. :c9


Mary, Gracie is so cute. :manyheart Hmmm, wonder if I could get away with a small furbaby like that? :D

She will easily fit in a WIP bag. :devil How are you, Tracy? :)

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Wow, great progress, Cara! I was up most the night, too...it seems Gracie has a little tummy trouble. Of course, I worried all night while she slept. :lol The Vet said it's very common with new puppies - new surroundings, food, etc. He just wants to see her if it's not better in a day or two because he did bloodwork and other tests last week and all looked fine.


Ahh poor little baby :( Hope she's feeling much better now :hug


You all may get really tired of me talking about Gracie :lol. Here are some of her activities on Mother's Day - she's quite the gardening dog. ;) We emptied the bed off the patio and planned to enlarge it, use flagstone and add a fish pond. We're rethinking that plan!


OMG! Is that too cute! Face first right in the middle of the plants :lol She so sweet all curled up on her blankie sleeping :manyheart


Just about have 4 out of 5 block row on my nine patch. I'm seriously fighting fatigue here though :lol I keep falling asleep half way through a dc :rofl


Just seven more hours then I can go to sleep. Somehow I don't think I'm gonna make it :lol

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You all may get really tired of me talking about Gracie :lol. Here are some of her activities on Mother's Day - she's quite the gardening dog. ;) We emptied the bed off the patio and planned to enlarge it, use flagstone and add a fish pond. We're rethinking that plan!

Oh, she is just so adorable. :c9:manyheart I'm so jealous. :lol

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Thank you! I stuck that sign there weeks ago when we took out the old shrubs sort of as a joke...but DD took this pic and we cracked up. :D



She will easily fit in a WIP bag. :devil How are you, Tracy? :)


That's good to know. :devil Now, to work on the next part of my plan. :lol All okay here, Mary. :yes Just busy faffing around getting nothing done, as usual. :lol How are you?

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Wow! You all have been busy today. :clap Poor little me, I was stuck at work all day. :(


Kidding! I'm very thankful to have a job with everything going on right now. Let's see if I can catch up with you all.....


Valerie - I haven't had any tme off since Thanksgiving either. I know I'm ready for some time off. I don't have anything planned until 8/31, but I'm going to have to take some time before then. I'm ready to kill people at the office. :blush I hope you have a great time off!!! You deserve it, I'm sure.


Cara - I'm exhausted just readig what all you've done! I hope you make it through until night at get back on schedule.


Mary - Gracie is gorgeous! I have to tell you a funny story...when I first read about Gracie I thought she was your baby (even though she's a dog, she's your baby and that's wonderful...I was thinking human baby). Then I realized at some point she's a dog. Well, when you posted the pictures today I thought she looked like a rabbit in the first picture I saw (playing in the flower pot...bad screen at work). So I thought, "Wait, I thought Gracie was a dog!" It wasn't long after that I looked at the other pictures and realized she in fact is a dog. It was a funny few seconds in my mind though! :rofl


Tracy - I'd love to help you come up with a plan to get a furbaby to keep in a little bag. :devil




Well, I'm finally home and able to crochet some. I've been anxious to get a hook and some yarn in my hands today! I have always crocheted everyday scheduled permitting. Now that I'm on the 'Ville, I can't stand not crocheting!!

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I'm aching everywhere after spending four hours working downstairs today. I took Kim down after we had lunch and she had a ball supervising everything. I sorted out 100 paperback books to take to Goodwill the next time we go out. Most of them are ones I've read and won't be rereading and some are ones I picked up and either can't seem to get going in or are ones that I no longer remember why on earth I got them in the first place. :D Did lots of other sorting and packing or pitching done too.


Now it's time to relax and knit and crochet. I've got half an inch of knitting to do on the ribbing for Kim's summer sweater and then it's on to doing the crocheting. It's using size #3 knitting needles and #0 crochet hook and lightweight sport yarn. We'll see how it turns out.


Valerie, I sure hope this crew works out for you. :hug


Mary, Miss Gracie is just adorable. How big will she get when she grows up? Hope her tummy calms down quickly.


Cara, hope you get your sleep schedule back where it belongs soon. :hug


Maybe I'll soak in the tub after Kim goes to sleep. :)

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You all may get really tired of me talking about Gracie :lol. Here are some of her activities on Mother's Day - she's quite the gardening dog. ;) We emptied the bed off the patio and planned to enlarge it, use flagstone and add a fish pond. We're rethinking that plan!

She is absolutley adorable!!!

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