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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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Happy Monday, everyone! :)


Nicole ~ I've added you to the scorecard with 15 solids. Just let me know if your squares are solids or bi-colors. :hook Congratulations on getting two rows done...and add me to the list of sewing a few on backwards. :lol Were you able to get the cats to mow for you? :devil



They are all solids. Add on another 23 for me (that's what I got done yesterday).


No those darn cats didn't mow the grass, but I didn't either! Heh heh... :lol

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:hiHi everyone!!

Nicole & Craftteamum - welcome to the CAL! :hug

Well I have been very bad and haven't worked on my quilt AT ALL!!! It's finishing month on the Sky CAL and it's not on my list. :lol Actually, it was originally but I had such a huge list (17 items) I had to cut it down. So, I probably won't be working on it for a bit. :no Although, I may cheat and do some. :lol:hook

I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. See y'all later. :ghug

Oh, and Mary, ever since I saw the pics of your adorable little doggy, Gracie, I want one. I really really really want one! :lol It's the cutest little thing I've ever seen. :yes

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Nicole, I've added another 23 solids. :) Are you using the colors in Cara's pattern? I may be making another Angel if I ever get the Penguin finished. :blush


Yes and no to the colors. I'm using green in lieu of the tan color. I have enough of that color in my stash, which seriously needs to decline. Plus, I wanted to make her a "Christmas" angel since it's a Christmas gift for my mom. I'll probably keep most of the other colors the same. I want to make the duck next! :hook I'm never going to get anything else done. :lol


I can't wait to see the penguin! I just love this thread!!!


Cherri - Thanks for the welcome!!

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I make bracelets, necklaces, and earrings with glass beads, Swarovski crystals, or gemstones. I have only worked on it for a few months but love it. I am helping my brother's fiance make her bridesmaids jewelry as our gifts. It's so much fun to be creative and I can make jewelry to match outfits. We are waiting to hear if our offer has been accepted on a house and if we get the house I get my own craft room. I'll have separate work areas for my jewelry, my knitting and crocheting, and my scrapbook and cardmaking. I can't wait!!! I am trying to get enough made to do a show by the end of the summer.


I hope you all had a nice Mother's Day! My hubby had to work last night, then got overtime today and is working tonight as well so I will finally get to see him tomorrow. He did tell me that I can do the lanscaping in front of the house....creating two garden beds with retaining walls and a bunch of flowers. It will look so nice!!


I took my kids to see my parents and we spent the day with them. They had a lot of fun although my 1 yo fell and cut his mouth pretty bad while we were planting flowers. My mother loved the Gingham afghan and knew immediately that it was for the camper because of all the browns.


Off to crochet now!


Good luck on the house Kristy!! :cheer That would be wonderful to get your own room :c9 I'm so glad your mom loved the ghan :manyheart


Kristy, good luck on the house. It would be wonderful to have a craft room. Sounds like you do lovely work in lots of areas.


John will be off to L.A. tomorrow for client visits. He'll get back on Friday and his folks are coming here on Friday, too. They'll be here for a 4 day weekend and his dad's attending a reunion in the area, too.


My reorganizing of the downstairs is coming along. All the big stuff is done, moved, whatever, and now it's on to the small stuff. Like sorting out all the clothes that are too big now that I've lost quite a bit of weight. And all the books that I've read and don't want to save for rereading or have tried to read and can't get into. :lol


Sounds like another busy week for you! You are a perpetual motion machine! :D


Wow! Great site and patterns! I want to do the Stacked Cubes, and I'm sending the pattern for Joyful Noise to my grandmother who loves angels. I think we'll both be busy with one more project soon.


Welcome to the group! :hug I'm so glad you enjoy the patterns :manyheart


craftteamum....welcome to the group ....Cara's(Misa) site is very addicting .... everyone who comes here is very helpful ... and it's a wonderful bunch of girls.... if you don't mind what is your name? we tend to get friendly and use first names alot....


Cara .... now you're getting Denise into WOW ... aren't the saltine ghans enough? ... have you been watching Wendy? you could be turning into an enabler


Yep, I've been hanging out with Wendy too much lately I think :lol The 'Ville really is just a big ol' enabling site :rofl :rofl I love it :D


I got my first to rows of the angel afghan done yesterday. I sewed them together. I had just finished off the yarn and realized that I sewed one of the squares on the wrong side. I had to cut it off and flip the squares around and sew it back on. I was a little frustrated, but not a biggie. Lesson learned though! I'll definitely be more careful the next time.


I see you've joined the club:lol:lol


Just what I was going to say!! :rofl Nicole, sewing them on backward happens to everyone :yes I cannot count how many times I've done it :lol


Sorry to those I may have missed - Gracie is keeping me really busy. She already has a couple of nicknames...one is D 'n D which stands for Devil in Disguise. :lol


:rofl :rofl Hopefully dogs are like cats and they settle down dramatically when they're a year old. Of course that will make for a very interesting year :rofl


They are all solids. Add on another 23 for me (that's what I got done yesterday).


No those darn cats didn't mow the grass, but I didn't either! Heh heh... :lol


If you figure out how to get the cats to mow lemme know :rofl DH and I have issues with his lack of Yard Pride :lol


:hiHi everyone!!

Nicole & Craftteamum - welcome to the CAL! :hug


Well I have been very bad and haven't worked on my quilt AT ALL!!! It's finishing month on the Sky CAL and it's not on my list. :lol Actually, it was originally but I had such a huge list (17 items) I had to cut it down. So, I probably won't be working on it for a bit. :no Although, I may cheat and do some. :lol:hook


I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. See y'all later. :ghug


Oh, and Mary, ever since I saw the pics of your adorable little doggy, Gracie, I want one. I really really really want one! :lol It's the cutest little thing I've ever seen. :yes


Uh oh now it's dog enabling :rofl Gracie is just the cutest little thing I've seen! The photos even gave me a bit of desire for a doggie :devil But I really don't think Misa and Tuon would go for that :cat:rofl And 17 UFOs?!? :eek I'd be so overwhelmed I wouldn't be able to function :lol I'd admire your ambition! :manyheart


So good morning ladies :flower


Okay so it's 3 in the afternoon. This is still my morning :rofl Actually I got up at noon-thirty to BD rushing into the bedroom in a bit of a panic thinking I was in distress :blush


I forgot to put the phone back in the hallway and he'd been calling with no answer. Then he came in and the alarm was still set and Tuon was crying so loud he could hear her on the porch.


We'd closed our bedroom door because she gets rowdy in the middle of the night and wants us up :rolleyes:cat Well, he'd reclosed the door when he went to work so she'd leave me alone. I've asked him not to do that though so that she WILL wake me at a decent hour :lol She hates the door closed so she cries.


But I was just spiffy fine. Just out like a light :D


Feeling kind of energized today. Of course, my sisters have been emailing me every 10 minutes so I might not be getting much done :lol They always seem to do this on my high energy days :lol


Have a great Monday everyone :manyheart:ghug

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Yes and no to the colors. I'm using green in lieu of the tan color. I have enough of that color in my stash, which seriously needs to decline. Plus, I wanted to make her a "Christmas" angel since it's a Christmas gift for my mom. I'll probably keep most of the other colors the same. I want to make the duck next! :hook I'm never going to get anything else done. :lol


Ooooh that sounds very nice indeed! I can't wait to see it! :clap I love photos of what other folks do with the patterns. I just have them as a starting point. What anyone does from there is so exciting!

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Uh oh now it's dog enabling :rofl Gracie is just the cutest little thing I've seen! The photos even gave me a bit of desire for a doggie :devil But I really don't think Misa and Tuon would go for that :cat:rofl And 17 UFOs?!? :eek I'd be so overwhelmed I wouldn't be able to function :lol I'd admire your ambition! :manyheart

:roflDog enabling! :rofl I don't think my kitties would like it either. My Kaz must weigh 20 pounds and he'd probably think I brought lunch. :lol:cat And you know, I didn't have 17 UFOs until I joined the Sky! That Wendy did it to me. (Sssshh, don't tell her I said that.) :rofl:yes

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Good Morning, Cara. :wink Have a wonderful day. :manyheart

:hiHi everyone!!

Nicole & Craftteamum - welcome to the CAL! :hug


Well I have been very bad and haven't worked on my quilt AT ALL!!! It's finishing month on the Sky CAL and it's not on my list. :lol Actually, it was originally but I had such a huge list (17 items) I had to cut it down. So, I probably won't be working on it for a bit. :no Although, I may cheat and do some. :lol:hook


I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day. See y'all later. :ghug


Oh, and Mary, ever since I saw the pics of your adorable little doggy, Gracie, I want one. I really really really want one! :lol It's the cutest little thing I've ever seen. :yes

Gee, Cherri - With 17 items on your list, what's one more? :devil Wendy is definitely the "Queen of Enabling!" :lol


Yes and no to the colors. I'm using green in lieu of the tan color. I have enough of that color in my stash, which seriously needs to decline. Plus, I wanted to make her a "Christmas" angel since it's a Christmas gift for my mom. I'll probably keep most of the other colors the same. I want to make the duck next! :hook I'm never going to get anything else done. :lol


I can't wait to see the penguin! I just love this thread!!!


Cherri - Thanks for the welcome!!

Your colors will be wonderful. :yes I've made at least 7 or 8 of Cara's patterns and obviously love them...they are soo addicting. Just Duckie is one of my favorites. :hook

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:roflDog enabling! :rofl I don't think my kitties would like it either. My Kaz must weigh 20 pounds and he'd probably think I brought lunch. :lol:cat


:rofl :rofl :rofl That's one big cat! I thought my dearly departed Smokey was big at 17 pounds! :eek He was ragdoll mix though so that was his correct weight :faint Loved that cat though because he potty trained himself to use the regular toilet :yes


And you know, I didn't have 17 UFOs until I joined the Sky! That Wendy did it to me. (Sssshh, don't tell her I said that.) :rofl:yes


:rofl :rofl :rofl

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Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been around. It's been a busy few days. Weekends are hard to keep up with. Our neighborhood is alot more friendly so we spend alot more time outside then normal. The girls go out and play while I weed or visit with the neighbors.


Mary I have 45 solids to report for the weekend.

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Hi everyone. Sorry I haven't been around. It's been a busy few days. Weekends are hard to keep up with. Our neighborhood is alot more friendly so we spend alot more time outside then normal. The girls go out and play while I weed or visit with the neighbors.


Mary I have 45 solids to report for the weekend.


Nothing wrong with that! Just stop in when you can :D I'm so very happy that y'all got this new house in such a great neighborhood. Friendly neighborhoods seem to be becoming a thing of the past of late :yes

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Sorry to those I may have missed - Gracie is keeping me really busy. She already has a couple of nicknames...one is D 'n D which stands for Devil in Disguise. :lol

Devil in Disguise!?! Surely not sweet little Daisy!!! :rofl :rofl :rofl

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Man oh man! You're cats are small compared to two of mine.


Cooper weighs 26 pounds. Oliver weighs 29 pounds. Cooper is overweight....badly overweight. Oliver is just huge! He on the thin side, but he's stout. He's also very tall. He's by far the biggest cat I've ever seen outside of the zoo. :lol I've attached pictures of both of them. Cooper is the one in the yarn box. He's so rotten. Oliver is in the crib. This picture was taken while he was still a kitten and weighed 13 pounds. I also have Jackson and Pipsy. I'll share pictures of them some other time.



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Man oh man! You're cats are small compared to two of mine.


Cooper weighs 26 pounds. Oliver weighs 29 pounds. Cooper is overweight....badly overweight. Oliver is just huge! He on the thin side, but he's stout. He's also very tall. He's by far the biggest cat I've ever seen outside of the zoo. :lol I've attached pictures of both of them. Cooper is the one in the yarn box. He's so rotten. Oliver is in the crib. This picture was taken while he was still a kitten and weighed 13 pounds. I also have Jackson and Pipsy. I'll share pictures of them some other time.



Oh they're adorable!! Looks like Oliver (I have a porch cat named Oliver :D) might have some Maine Coon cat in him. Those cats are huge! Smokey at 17 pounds always looked really skinny. The vet used to say that 21 pounds was closer to normal but the 17 was fine because he was very active. He was really tall too! I have two inside cats now. Misa is just at 7 pounds (very lean) and Tuon is smaller in stature and weighs 9.5 pounds. She's quite overweight still though. She weighed 12 pounds before we put her on a diet. She's been diabetic since she was very young (which is unusual) so we have to watch her feed very closely :yes


Okay, that really didn't have much of anything to do with anything did it? :lol


I'm in a rambling sort of mood today :lol

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Sorry to take over the thread with "cat talk"! I love my kitties. They are my babies!!!

The vet also thinks Oliver has Maine Coon in him though he's not sure. He's a feral cat from what we believe to be a long line of feral cats. Wild cats tend to be bigger than domestic cats. Oliver sure does act wild, too. He's sweet, but nuts.

Pipsy (my only girl) is small at 6 1/2 pounds. She's the cat I got after Xavier (my son) died. She hasn’t replaced him obviously, but she’s tried hard. She has a very small, feminine frame. Jackson is almost eight pounds. He's just a normal size kitty! Jackson and Cooper are liter mates, but they don't look anything alike.

Sorry! I love talking about my cats. I'm the crazy cat lady.

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craftteamum....welcome to the group ....Cara's(Misa) site is very addicting .... everyone who comes here is very helpful ... and it's a wonderful bunch of girls.... if you don't mind what is your name? we tend to get friendly and use first names alot....


Cara .... now you're getting Denise into WOW ... aren't the saltine ghans enough? ... have you been watching Wendy? you could be turning into an enabler


:lol This is the first time I have seen mom with a game manual trying to work out a game. :lol

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Sorry to take over the thread with "cat talk"! I love my kitties. They are my babies!!!


The vet also thinks Oliver has Maine Coon in him though he's not sure. He's a feral cat from what we believe to be a long line of feral cats. Wild cats tend to be bigger than domestic cats. Oliver sure does act wild, too. He's sweet, but nuts.


Pipsy (my only girl) is small at 6 1/2 pounds. She's the cat I got after Xavier (my son) died. She hasn’t replaced him obviously, but she’s tried hard. She has a very small, feminine frame. Jackson is almost eight pounds. He's just a normal size kitty! Jackson and Cooper are liter mates, but they don't look anything alike.


Sorry! I love talking about my cats. I'm the crazy cat lady.


Oh I can get carried away talking about my kitties too :lol I'm so sorry about the loss of your son :hug :hug


:lol This is the first time I have seen mom with a game manual trying to work out a game. :lol


:lol Yes, it's a little complicated at first but after a very short time it begins to all come together and make sense. My advice? Make good use of the minimap and this website. It helps a lot with quests :wink

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We all love our furbabies, Nicole. The pictures are great! Sorry about your son. :hug My kitty is a big kitty, too. At 15 he's very laid back and fairly sedate. Except when I give him catnip and then he goes nuts. :lol :lol :lol

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Thanks Linda and Cara. It will be five years this summer. I'm pretty used to it now and it doesn't get to me as much.


I'm glad you all love talking about your kitties also. At least I'm not out in left field with the kitty talk.


I'm taking the evening off from saltine making...I'm crochet the mystery CAL that was going on last week (maybe the week before). I love that bag! I joined the site too late to participate.


Actually, it was someone on one of my yahoo groups that sent an e-mail talking about the CAL starting that got me to this site.

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Since we're talking cats... I suppose I should post a picture of Linda T's newest grandkitty. She's a Siamese and Grey Tabby mix. Only 4 months in the picture, but now 7 months old. Quite the lover and very playful.


Oh she's beautiful!! :manyheart Really a very pretty cat. What's her name?

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Since we're talking cats... I suppose I should post a picture of Linda T's newest grandkitty. She's a Siamese and Grey Tabby mix. Only 4 months in the picture, but now 7 months old. Quite the lover and very playful.


That is one gorgeous cat! Thanks for sharing the picture. She's beautiful.

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:roflDog enabling! :rofl I don't think my kitties would like it either. My Kaz must weigh 20 pounds and he'd probably think I brought lunch. :lol:cat And you know, I didn't have 17 UFOs until I joined the Sky! That Wendy did it to me. (Sssshh, don't tell her I said that.) :rofl:yes

:laughroll I thought she retired? Or did she only tell the Sky thread that?


Nicole & Purrbox your kitties are adorable!!

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Speaking of kitties...


Here is my baby that stuck with me through whatever my ex did. HE's been with my grandma watching over us since 2006. His name was Sam. He was 10 when he passed. In the picture he was 8. :manyheart


This little guy named Max came into our lives WAY too soon. But it helped us get over Sam. He disappeared when he knew his 'job' was done. :manyheart



This is Cali our scottish fold. Picture is not that good, but this is her normal position.:manyheart



And this is Marmalade in my old pattern box. She is a box kitty through & through.:manyheart


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