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Our House [Archive 5]

Super Granny

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:hi Everyone,

I finished 10 more squares on my Grannyburst last night. So today is going to begin my adventure into saltine world.

I should be able to get some done while DD is doing her school work.


Ooooh welcome to the Wonderful World of Saltines :hug


Hello all... I have to go get a coumadin check today then tomorrow (Tues) after 8 AM I can have NO Caffeine, NO Chocolate, I can't even have any caffeine free stuff... the only things I can drink are water, juice and milk.... after midnight I can have nothing to eat.... then Wed at 7:45AM I have to be at the Dr office for a Nuclear Stress Test which will take about 5 hours.... it s a lot of fun ... NOT ... Have to remember to take my saltines...


Oh dear. :( Definitely rough. You're having such a difficult time right now :hug Hope for lots of good results for you :manyheart




Angel Quilt Makers

To finish by the end of February, you should have 180 squares done by the end of today.


*you may continue to go about your business. Thank you*


:lol :lol


Tracy, yep I'm with you and we need to let K know that there is strength in numbers. :D You go first. :lol


:rofl :rofl :rofl


Short nap. Didn't go lie down until about quarter to 2. I was going to read but Misa rolled into a ball against my tummy. As some of you know, there's just no staying awake with a sweet soft kitty curled against you :manyheart Then got up about an hour ago when BD came home. I'm hoping I can get to sleep at a decent time tonight. I've got laundry and housekeeping to catch up on tomorrow that didn't get done today :eek


Thankfully, I made supper for tonight when I made for last night so it'll be a nice easy evening filled with more saltines than I got done last night I hope :lol

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I'm determined to join all of the squares in my ziplocs for the Angel and Penguin before I make any more. We'll see how long this lasts, but so far, so good. (Tracy - I hope you're sleeping and not still hiding behind the couch. :devil)


See you all tomorrow. :manyheart

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I'm feeling pretty good actually... it's amazing what losing 65 pounds of fluid in 3 weeks can do for you.... they are still working on adjusting meds .. so hopefully soon they will have them adjusted... I still don't seem to have the ambition to do much crocheting ....


I wish to thank Ms. T. Stroebel from the UK for the beautiful yellow yarn I recieved today in the mail.. Thank You !!!! Thank You !!!! Thank You !!!!

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I'm feeling pretty good actually... it's amazing what losing 65 pounds of fluid in 3 weeks can do for you.... they are still working on adjusting meds .. so hopefully soon they will have them adjusted... I still don't seem to have the ambition to do much crocheting ....


I wish to thank Ms. T. Stroebel from the UK for the beautiful yellow yarn I recieved today in the mail.. Thank You !!!! Thank You !!!! Thank You !!!!


I'd imagine losing 65 pounds of fluid would make one feel better right off :yes I'm so glad you're feeling halfway decent :hug

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Hello all... I have to go get a coumadin check today then tomorrow (Tues) after 8 AM I can have NO Caffeine, NO Chocolate, I can't even have any caffeine free stuff... the only things I can drink are water, juice and milk.... after midnight I can have nothing to eat.... then Wed at 7:45AM I have to be at the Dr office for a Nuclear Stress Test which will take about 5 hours.... it s a lot of fun ... NOT ... Have to remember to take my saltines...

Shelly keeping my fingers crossed that all the results are good.

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Quick change in the weather, and all goes awry :P Snow changed to freezing rain, then to rain, then back to freezing rain over the course of 8 hours. Girls' school was canceled (as was practically everything else in a 7 county area), and when DH called at 11 a.m. asking if I wanted to try to head down to Minneapolis in the daylight (one day earlier than planned), I panicked and then told him, "Sure." I had the suitcase zipped and loaded into the car, the girls were finished eating lunch, and the coffee was just finishing its last perk as he pulled into the driveway. We jumped in the car and drove *slowly* towards Minneapolis. Usually, it is a 6-hour trip, but since the first half was slowed by ice-covered roadways, we did not pull in until about 9:30. That's alright, though, because I can practically see the airport from our hotel, and it does not even matter what Mother Nature throws at us tomorrow, because I can get myself to the airport and be on my way to Hawaii by Wednesday morning. DH is sleeping here for the night, and then he has to make the treacherous drive home in the morning, so that he can get back to work. I am jokingly told, "Someone in the family ought to work, so that you can go to Hawaii annually." I always respond with, "Better you than me." :lol So, we made it safe-and-sound. The girls think they are on an exciting adventure, because they got to eat dinner in a restaurant and sleep in a hotel. Wait until I tell them there is a pool here, and we can play in it all day tomorrow, or at least until their fingers get all wrinkly. Are they ever going to be excited :yay

So, I guess this means I am off for a couple of weeks. Best of luck to you Cara and Shelly, as you await test results. I am hoping for all good news for you :hug To everyone working on the Angel-ghan, I cannot wait to see your progress and variations upon my return. And everyone else -- stay safe, take care, and I will catch you in the middle of March, again.



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Quick change in the weather, and all goes awry :P Snow changed to freezing rain, then to rain, then back to freezing rain over the course of 8 hours. Girls' school was canceled (as was practically everything else in a 7 county area), and when DH called at 11 a.m. asking if I wanted to try to head down to Minneapolis in the daylight (one day earlier than planned), I panicked and then told him, "Sure." I had the suitcase zipped and loaded into the car, the girls were finished eating lunch, and the coffee was just finishing its last perk as he pulled into the driveway. We jumped in the car and drove *slowly* towards Minneapolis. Usually, it is a 6-hour trip, but since the first half was slowed by ice-covered roadways, we did not pull in until about 9:30. That's alright, though, because I can practically see the airport from our hotel, and it does not even matter what Mother Nature throws at us tomorrow, because I can get myself to the airport and be on my way to Hawaii by Wednesday morning. DH is sleeping here for the night, and then he has to make the treacherous drive home in the morning, so that he can get back to work. I am jokingly told, "Someone in the family ought to work, so that you can go to Hawaii annually." I always respond with, "Better you than me." :lol So, we made it safe-and-sound. The girls think they are on an exciting adventure, because they got to eat dinner in a restaurant and sleep in a hotel. Wait until I tell them there is a pool here, and we can play in it all day tomorrow, or at least until their fingers get all wrinkly. Are they ever going to be excited :yay

So, I guess this means I am off for a couple of weeks. Best of luck to you Cara and Shelly, as you await test results. I am hoping for all good news for you :hug To everyone working on the Angel-ghan, I cannot wait to see your progress and variations upon my return. And everyone else -- stay safe, take care, and I will catch you in the middle of March, again.


Aloha! :manyheart

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Sorry 'bout the double post! I am not sure why that happened, but I guess it is just to show you that I am REALLY going to miss you when I am computer-less.

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Aloha, Dusti! Enjoy the day in the pool tomorrow and have fun in Hawaii. wishing your hubby a safe trip home, too.


Shelly, here's hoping the docs will soon get everything sorted out for you.

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I'm feeling pretty good actually... it's amazing what losing 65 pounds of fluid in 3 weeks can do for you.... they are still working on adjusting meds .. so hopefully soon they will have them adjusted... I still don't seem to have the ambition to do much crocheting ....


I wish to thank Ms. T. Stroebel from the UK for the beautiful yellow yarn I recieved today in the mail.. Thank You !!!! Thank You !!!! Thank You !!!!

Wow! I hope this is just the beginning of good days ahead for you:hug:manyheart

And yellow yarn....that's so cheery for this time of year:yay

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Thank you Mary. :hug Feeling better now, doesn't hurt to cough anymore. :lol Been drinking a lot of the tea you sent with honey. Seems to soothe it a lot. :yes


Im glad your feeling a lot better. :hug


Yes, thank goodness. Now I just have to wait for my doctor to get off his duff and then call me telling me everything's fine. At least it'd better be. I don't want my driving privileges revoked again nor any of the other nasty things that could be going on. :tryme


Hope all goes well with the tests :hug


Kim had a good doctor check-up. Then we went to Golden Corral for lunch. I also paid my car insurance, renewed my car tags, and renewed Kim's handicap sticker. Now for some relax time. :hook


Hope all went well with Kim at the doctors.:hug


:hi Everyone,

I finished 10 more squares on my Grannyburst last night. So today is going to begin my adventure into saltine world.

I should be able to get some done while DD is doing her school work.


:woo you can join us in the saltine world. Its a cracker of a project to do. :rofl


Hello all... I have to go get a coumadin check today then tomorrow (Tues) after 8 AM I can have NO Caffeine, NO Chocolate, I can't even have any caffeine free stuff... the only things I can drink are water, juice and milk.... after midnight I can have nothing to eat.... then Wed at 7:45AM I have to be at the Dr office for a Nuclear Stress Test which will take about 5 hours.... it s a lot of fun ... NOT ... Have to remember to take my saltines...


Hi Shelly hope all goes well with the tests and the day goes quickly for you. :hug




Angel Quilt Makers

To finish by the end of February, you should have 180 squares done by the end of today.


*you may continue to go about your business. Thank you*


You just cant help yourself can you. :rofl I can just see you standing there with your bat in hand.




Mary, are you still with me? :devil I don't have 180. :no I need to look for that couch.


Heck no! :eek Have you seen how big that :tryme got before? :scared I will find a couch for us to hide behind. :yes:lol


Can I join you behind the couch. :lol


I'm determined to join all of the squares in my ziplocs for the Angel and Penguin before I make any more. We'll see how long this lasts, but so far, so good. (Tracy - I hope you're sleeping and not still hiding behind the couch. :devil)


See you all tomorrow. :manyheart


Mary howdy :hi how is your penguin going, is he nearly finished.


Quick change in the weather, and all goes awry :P Snow changed to freezing rain, then to rain, then back to freezing rain over the course of 8 hours. Girls' school was canceled (as was practically everything else in a 7 county area), and when DH called at 11 a.m. asking if I wanted to try to head down to Minneapolis in the daylight (one day earlier than planned), I panicked and then told him, "Sure." I had the suitcase zipped and loaded into the car, the girls were finished eating lunch, and the coffee was just finishing its last perk as he pulled into the driveway. We jumped in the car and drove *slowly* towards Minneapolis. Usually, it is a 6-hour trip, but since the first half was slowed by ice-covered roadways, we did not pull in until about 9:30. That's alright, though, because I can practically see the airport from our hotel, and it does not even matter what Mother Nature throws at us tomorrow, because I can get myself to the airport and be on my way to Hawaii by Wednesday morning. DH is sleeping here for the night, and then he has to make the treacherous drive home in the morning, so that he can get back to work. I am jokingly told, "Someone in the family ought to work, so that you can go to Hawaii annually." I always respond with, "Better you than me." :lol So, we made it safe-and-sound. The girls think they are on an exciting adventure, because they got to eat dinner in a restaurant and sleep in a hotel. Wait until I tell them there is a pool here, and we can play in it all day tomorrow, or at least until their fingers get all wrinkly. Are they ever going to be excited :yay

So, I guess this means I am off for a couple of weeks. Best of luck to you Cara and Shelly, as you await test results. I am hoping for all good news for you :hug To everyone working on the Angel-ghan, I cannot wait to see your progress and variations upon my return. And everyone else -- stay safe, take care, and I will catch you in the middle of March, again.


Aloha! :manyheart


Dusti have a great time :hug

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Happy Tuesday, everyone. DH left for the airport at 6, so I've been up for a long time already. :)


Cara, I hope you have some good test results soon. :manyheart


Dusti, sorry I missed you last night. Have a wonderful trip! :hug


Val, I've added 10 solids to the list. :hook


Hi Wendy. Nope, I don't have much to show on the Penguin or the Angel yet. Hopefully, there will be more crochet time this week. :yes


Tracy ~ Oh good! Denise makes it three against one.:lol


They are predicting severe storms this evening. :( We need the rain, but sure don't need any severe stuff.


Have a great morning/evening! :yarn

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Hi, Mary!

I hope you don't get bad weather...you need your internet connection!;)


Off to get something done around here...have a good day!

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Good Morning Ladies,


I want to wish you all a happy new year.. havent been around in a while, better late than never?

Been busy tho.. got all my christmas stuff done.. and have gotten the rebelghan done.. I did the just ducky quilt too.. going to give him to my nephew "Punk". I will take pics this afternoon, so I get can it out on the mail.


I see that all of you are busy yourselves. What is the angel that you all are working on? Can the ATW be different shades of the same color?


Mary, Can I join again this year? if so I will count squares on duck and let you know.

I love doing these little squares. if only I could draw.


Take Care of Yourselves,


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Morning everyone. When did the end of the month deadline on the Angel happen? :think I thought everyone was just going to make it at their own pace, but starting at the same time. Krystal, was the deadline your idea? :badidea Shame on you scaring everyone behind couches with your bat swinging! :scared


I don't have any idea what I'm going to working on today. Being out most of the day yesterday has thrown my week out of kilter. And we are all going to a Caylor reunion this weekend. We leave about noon on Friday and won't be back until mid to late afternoon on Monday. I've got an idea of something to make for at least some of them for Valentine's Day, but I have to check out my supplies first to see if it will work. I used to make silk flowers, but I haven't been able to find the supplies in a long time so my stock of bases is running very low. We'll see. More later.

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I see that all of you are busy yourselves. What is the angel that you all are working on? Can the ATW be different shades of the same color?


Mary, Can I join again this year? if so I will count squares on duck and let you know.

I love doing these little squares. if only I could draw.


Take Care of Yourselves,


Hi, Cathy. :hi Of course you can do the ATW in different shades of the same color. Any color combination seems to work well with them. And, of course, you can rejoin us making little squares. You just took a leave of absence. That's all. We're glad to have you back with us.

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Hi, Cathy. :hi Of course you can do the ATW in different shades of the same color. Any color combination seems to work well with them. And, of course, you can rejoin us making little squares. You just took a leave of absence. That's all. We're glad to have you back with us.


I have a bunch of caron simply soft brites. I might try it with that.


But I have a bunch of reds, oranges, yellows.. hmm.. wont have to buy any yarn,:wink yep that is what i am going to do..





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Morning everyone. When did the end of the month deadline on the Angel happen? :think I thought everyone was just going to make it at their own pace, but starting at the same time. Krystal, was the deadline your idea? :badidea Shame on you scaring everyone behind couches with your bat swinging! :scared


No, actually the deadline wasn't MY idea... someone else mentioned they'd like to get it done by the end of the month. Of course you're welcome to do it at your own pace. I'm not the big monster Tracy keeps trying to make me out to be. :lol If you wanted it done by end of Feb, that's the schedule. If you're just merrily working along at your pace, then just ignore me. :rofl

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I have a bunch of caron simply soft brites. I might try it with that.


But I have a bunch of reds, oranges, yellows.. hmm.. wont have to buy any yarn,:wink yep that is what i am going to do..






I've seen the ATW done in brights somewhere here. If you add in some black every few rows, it looks really awesome, too!

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