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Our House [Archive 4]


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I have 30 pink solids done so far!! And that's in between working on the gift for my secret pal :D


I wanted to share the website I found for graphs. http://incompetech.com/graphpaper/lite/ The lite option allows you to determine length and width. So I knew I wanted mine to be 24 across by 30 high, that would give me the size before the border I wanted. It helped me soo much to figure out how to set up the double pink ribbons. Also, I was messing around with it yesterday. It opens into a PDF, but if you copy it to your clipboard and paste into Paint, you can color your squares!

That's my fav place for graph paper...thanks for letting me know how to "play" with it!

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Hello ladies!

Tracey you do some super cute work!

I am still working on some other crochet projects I need to get done. I did make 13 saltines out of the scraps from one of the projects I finished last. I guess I will save them for a scrap ghan or something.

Everyone have a wonderful day!

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Thank you, ladies.


Krystal, Balamory is a childrens' tv programme here. I found a link on the BBC website with activities based on the programme, you can see the bus in the background. There is also this brief description of the series. My brother (26 years old) likes watching it too. He used to ask Kyla if she wanted to watch it so that he could watch. :lol

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Tracy~Beautiful work! Your blog is really nice and I love to read your "Titles"...Finishitis is a great one. :hook


Yay Carla! Your squares are added. :)


Hi Val. The graph site is wonderful - thanks for sharing. I've been a bit unorganized lately :blush...did you want me to add your name to the contest? Just let me know with your total so far. :crocheting


Nah. I have so much other stuff right now that I really can't dedicate 100% of the time to this until mid-August. Thanks though! Plus, I tend to be really bad about tracking too.

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Tracy - The bus cuddle looks fabulous as does everything else :clap You do the cutest baby/toddler stuff :yes


Just realized I haven't been in here all day :blush I'm having lots of trouble sleeping the last couple of weeks. I had a doctor's appointment today though and he upped one of my meds and he said that should probably help me sleep. Of course, I have to wait until the refill's ready but that's okay :lol

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Hi, all. Saw the doctor this morning. John told his dad to let me sleep 'til 10:00. Thank goodness I woke up at 9:20 and came upstairs at 9:30 to find out what was going on. I feel like I've been running all day just to try to get caught up. My doctor appointment was at 11:00 and if Kim was coming with me we had to leave at 10:30. His dad took care of her, but it was still tight. The doc is trying me on Neurotin a pain pill for the pain of Shingles. I don't know that I've ever had that, but I guess it's worth a try. Unfortunately I can't take painpills while on it, because if I do neither one will work, it's one or the other but not both. She wants me to try it for at least a week. If it doesn't work then we stop it and go with the painpills. I just filled a week's worth of the prescription. At over a dollar a pill I don't want to flush almost $200 worth of pills down the john if they don't work. I have an appointment to see a neurologist the middle of August on the side pain. She recommended a neurologist instead of a orthopedist. Yuck! Hurry up and wait.

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Linda I hope the tablets work for you.


Sunny cant wait to see your cat ghan, congrats on finishing it.


Cara hope you can get some sleep.


Gotta go do the banking and post a parcel then its lunctime and maybe more saltines.

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Sunny, looking forward to seeing your pet ghan! How are you? :)


Linda, so sorry you're going through all of this...it must seem like an eternity waiting and wondering what's causing the pain. :hug


Hi Selanda. :waving


Cara, I hope you're able to get more sleep soon. How is Miss Tuon?

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What a day! First the wonderful news....Tuon's sugar was 146!! :jumpyay:dance:woo He wanted her between 100-200 so she's right on the mark. I was so excited I just couldn't stand it. He even had to stop and examine her because he was shocked that her abdominal swelling (what made him think FIP) is almost gone :D


Right after we got back from the vet BIL called saying he was passing through town so he stopped and we all went for Chinese...yum :drool He's in the process of leaving right now. He and BD are on the porch talking. Too hot out there for me so I came to talk to y'all :D

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What a day! First the wonderful news....Tuon's sugar was 146!! :jumpyay:dance:woo He wanted her between 100-200 so she's right on the mark. I was so excited I just couldn't stand it. He even had to stop and examine her because he was shocked that her abdominal swelling (what made him think FIP) is almost gone :D


Right after we got back from the vet BIL called saying he was passing through town so he stopped and we all went for Chinese...yum :drool He's in the process of leaving right now. He and BD are on the porch talking. Too hot out there for me so I came to talk to y'all :D


Cara Im so excited and happy that her sugar level has come right down. Obviously the 2nd injection per day did the trick. :yay:hug.

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Hi Wendy! Hope you're having a good day off. :hook


Yes I am having a great day off work. Fridays is great because I get to do whatever I like at home all by myself well until 3pm anyway when I have to get the girls.


I went to the shops and they had 500gram skeins of yarn for $5. I got one purple, green and marone. Also got some white so I can now start the wedding ring ghan.

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Mornin' all,


Linda, sure hope the new pills work for you.


Cara, glad Tuon's sugar is good.


Mary, 24 more solids for me. That only leaves me about 60 to go for the ATW.:clap we are going to be gone this weekend....tomorrow is hubby's b-day and we are going to Mama's for the weekend. Will have a good visit with her Saturday and then Sunday, the rest of the family will be there too so it should be fun. Of course I'm taking crocheting with me and will probably have time on Saturday to make some saltines while talking to Mama. Will report on progress either Sunday night or Monday morning.

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What a day! First the wonderful news....Tuon's sugar was 146!! :jumpyay:dance:woo He wanted her between 100-200 so she's right on the mark. I was so excited I just couldn't stand it. He even had to stop and examine her because he was shocked that her abdominal swelling (what made him think FIP) is almost gone :D


Right after we got back from the vet BIL called saying he was passing through town so he stopped and we all went for Chinese...yum :drool He's in the process of leaving right now. He and BD are on the porch talking. Too hot out there for me so I came to talk to y'all :D

:woo:yay:wooCara, that is wonderful news! I am sooooo happy for you. The chinese food sounds great, too.


Linda M, great progress!


I don't know if it was the new pills or exhaustion, but I slept like a rock last night. I don't think I even moved. John & Kim and his folks will be out of town from about noon today until Sunday so I get a bit of a rest. I'm going to give blood this morning and run some errands and of course fit in some crochet time, too. Have a great day everyone.

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Happy Friday, all. :)


Cara, that is wonderful news! Miss Tuon is obviously a strong kitty and you are a trooper for giving all the injections. :manyheart


Hi Wendy, great buy on the yarn. :yarn The double wedding ring pattern is lovely and please share your progress. :yes


Linda M ~ Enjoy your weekend! I've added 24 more. :hook


Linda, I hope you're okay. :hug I'm glad you'll have a couple days to yourself. :)


Tracy ~ are you still in your finishitis mode? :D I still love that word.

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Mary, I think the finishitus is finished. :lol The only thing I have left to finish is a knitted cardigan that I was getting bored doing the finishing touches to. I started another crochet cardigan instead. :hook


I have decided on Sunday I will work on "me" projects. I will work on the shawler, Casa and ATW. Not sure what order yet. Almost forgot the cat filet, need to get that finished up as my aunt's husband is now in hospital with pneumonia and they have to delay his radiotherapy.

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Okay guys I guess I have lurked long enough. I have just started the Casablanca in the suggested colors and will really be taking my time with this since it will be for an x-mas present for the BF.


So far I have about 45 squares(opps sorry, saltines) done and 25 or so of them joined.


Wish me luck!


Oh and I told my #1 son that you call them saltines and he said no they're not, they are granny crackers! :lol

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Updated as of this a.m. including Wendy's 29 solid squares...:hook


Linda (busy-bee-lmt) 1687

Wendy (Aussie) 1622

Shelly (Super Granny) 1518

Mary (Skysmom) 1114

Sunny (sunnyvale) 825

Tracy (tracystroebel) 815

Shay (Shaylen) 575

Heather (hseger) 345

Linda M. (mizmo) 343

Carla (Carla’s Crochet) 307

Valerie (luvtocrochet757) 305

Karen (econ-nerd) 180

Brenda (BrendaR) 168

Sharon (CandEsMom) 108

TKC 72

Judy (judianne) 55

Tammy (TammyG) 25

Laurie (LaurieE) 3


Cara (Misa) *Adding another job to her resume - Superb private nurse for Miss Tuon.* ;):cat

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Okay guys I guess I have lurked long enough. I have just started the Casablanca in the suggested colors and will really be taking my time with this since it will be for an x-mas present for the BF.


So far I have about 45 squares(opps sorry, saltines) done and 25 or so of them joined.


Wish me luck!


Oh and I told my #1 son that you call them saltines and he said no they're not, they are granny crackers! :lol


Welcome! The Casa is wonderful and we're so glad you're here. :manyheart

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Good morning ladies :flower


Linda - I think last night was just a good night for sleep. I slept like a rock, too :D Of course they adjusted my meds too :lol


Laura Lee - Welcome to the group! :hug Granny crackers. I like that too :lol


Wendy - Sounds like you're all set to start the wedding ring. I'm very interested to hear the progress on that one :yes


M - Have fun with the family and :bday to DH!


Tracy - Wouldn't it be nice if finishitus lasted longer? :lol


Mary - Speaking of being a trooper...how Zoe doing?


Think I'm gonna be having finishitus this weekend :yes Have almost all the blocks for the new quilt done. Just gotta finish sewing them together then the border. Should be done by Sunday :hook

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