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Our House [Archive 4]


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Hi, everyone.

John has found someone at work who is going to be coming out to the house to see if he can get the internet going again. Not sure just when he's coming, but at least there is hope on the horizon.


I'm still basically working with thread, but I'm almost ready to start putting blocks together for the Painted Desert. I've finished a thread doily in light green, variegated pinks, and red. I'm working on another in light green but I'm going to run out of that color about two rows short of the end. I'm not sure just what I'm going to do then. Add a different green or end it short. I don't remember where I originally got the thread and haven't seen any that color. Oops! :blush I'm also working on a shawl for Kim for Christmas. I got the ribbons for the fringe yesterday. I'm listening to audio books while I crochet.


I took Kim to the doctor on Wednesday as she had developed a rash on her face that was not responding to the normal stuff we use. It turns out she has shingles on the right side of her face. :fever By Friday it was so puffy and broken out that she was miserable. Didn't want to open her mouth at all. We got pain medicine for her finally. She looks so very unhappy. :cry I got her a get well card yesterday of a turtul with a bandage around its shell that got a smile out of her. The first in several days. I got her a night shirt with an owl on it the says Night Owl, which she is, which got the first laugh out of her in days. She looks a bit better today. She's supposed to stay away from kids for a week, because she could give them chickenpox. The antiviral medicine takes that long to kick the virus.


Congratulations to Tracy and Mary. You gals are getting close to reaching that magic 2,000 spot. :yay:cheer:clap:cheer:yay


More next time. I miss you all.

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Hi Linda :hi I'm so glad someone is gonna come look at your internet :yay Hope he comes soon. Tomorrow morning would be good :D Oh poor Kim :hug Shingles is a nasty, uncomfortable thing and hard to get rid of. Hope it clears up real soon! Sending lots of :hug :hug her way and yours :manyheart

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Hello all,

I am sorry I have been away for a bit. I have not had much time for crocheting or much of anything else. Things have been kinda crazy in my life lately. Hopefully it is going to be calming down now and I can get back on task. :):think

Talk later,


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Carla, welcome back....:hook


Linda, I'm so happy to hear that Kim is feeling a little better. I know people who have had shingles and it is so painful :hug:hugto Kim and you.

You need the internet...we miss you!!:manyheart

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Hello beautiful ladies! Lucky me got to go to the football game today. I shoulda just let DBF go by his lonesome :lol He's a Bucs fan, I'm a Vikings fan, and the Bucs played the Packers (boo hiss!) today. I'm one of those people, if it ain't my game, I'm not watching. With the exception of when the Bucs are on for DBF. So here's me at a game I really could care less about. So I brought yarn! You've heard of Stitch n Pitch? Yeah, this was Stitch n Kick today :D I got several rounds of the baby afghan done. I have to have it done so Mom can give it at the baby shower on the 11th. Eep!

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I've put my daughter's name on the afghan so now it's officially finished! :clap


th_Penguin_close_up.jpg <--click


Mary Charlotte is on the right and her younger sister, Lydia, is peeking from the back. I crocheted a long chain and tacked it onto the front of the afghan, this is how my aunt used to name our blankets that she made, so I'm following tradition, though I'm sure a sc through the afghan would've worked just as well.


Your penquin cuddle turned out so cute! I think the way you did the name is just right. :yes

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Linda! I hope you get back here really soon. :manyheart


Hi Carla. So glad to see your post. :) We'll keep our fingers crossed that everything will calm down soon. :hug


Val ~ Yay for getting so much crocheting done today!


Just working away on little squares. :crocheting

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I think I have enough squares made for the next two blocks of my IC. :hook

See you all tomorrow. :manyheart


:yay:clap Must've been a good crochet day all around. I've gotten 34 squares done so far today and it's still a couple of hours til bedtime :hook

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Well, I'm not usually superstitious but if "everything happens in threes" we've had ours. ;) My treadmill died today. :( I'll definitely have it repaired - it's only 3 years old and I use it a lot. A new water heater a few months ago, the new washer and now this. DH and I checked all the wires and parts we could (thanks to the internet), but I'll be calling for service on Monday.


Oh sorry to hear that your treadmill is not working, hope you can get it fixed.


I've put my daughter's name on the afghan so now it's officially finished! :clap


th_Penguin_close_up.jpg <--click


Mary Charlotte is on the right and her younger sister, Lydia, is peeking from the back. I crocheted a long chain and tacked it onto the front of the afghan, this is how my aunt used to name our blankets that she made, so I'm following tradition, though I'm sure a sc through the afghan would've worked just as well.


I love how you added the name on, must remember that for any future ghans that I want to add names to.


Hi, everyone.

John has found someone at work who is going to be coming out to the house to see if he can get the internet going again. Not sure just when he's coming, but at least there is hope on the horizon.


I'm still basically working with thread, but I'm almost ready to start putting blocks together for the Painted Desert. I've finished a thread doily in light green, variegated pinks, and red. I'm working on another in light green but I'm going to run out of that color about two rows short of the end. I'm not sure just what I'm going to do then. Add a different green or end it short. I don't remember where I originally got the thread and haven't seen any that color. Oops! :blush I'm also working on a shawl for Kim for Christmas. I got the ribbons for the fringe yesterday. I'm listening to audio books while I crochet.


I took Kim to the doctor on Wednesday as she had developed a rash on her face that was not responding to the normal stuff we use. It turns out she has shingles on the right side of her face. :fever By Friday it was so puffy and broken out that she was miserable. Didn't want to open her mouth at all. We got pain medicine for her finally. She looks so very unhappy. :cry I got her a get well card yesterday of a turtul with a bandage around its shell that got a smile out of her. The first in several days. I got her a night shirt with an owl on it the says Night Owl, which she is, which got the first laugh out of her in days. She looks a bit better today. She's supposed to stay away from kids for a week, because she could give them chickenpox. The antiviral medicine takes that long to kick the virus.


Congratulations to Tracy and Mary. You gals are getting close to reaching that magic 2,000 spot. :yay:cheer:clap:cheer:yay


More next time. I miss you all.


Linda its great to see you and Im sorry to hear that Kim has shingles. Hope she gets better soon. Thanks so much for the doily, its just gorgeous. :hug


Hello all,

I am sorry I have been away for a bit. I have not had much time for crocheting or much of anything else. Things have been kinda crazy in my life lately. Hopefully it is going to be calming down now and I can get back on task. :):think

Talk later,



Hey its so great to see you. Hope things are ok with you. :hug


I think I have enough squares made for the next two blocks of my IC. :hook

See you all tomorrow. :manyheart


:cheer way to go Mary


:yay:clap Must've been a good crochet day all around. I've gotten 34 squares done so far today and it's still a couple of hours til bedtime :hook


:cheer way to go Cara.


You girls are going great with the saltine making.

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Morning ladies :yawn


Yep, was up at 7:45 this morning. :blink I have electricians coming today (I hope) to give estimates. I'm about fed up with our local electricians. They must be overworked or something. :shrug


Anywho...I got 50 saltines done yesterday :yay I'll be so glad when this IC is done :lol

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Hi Happy House Ladies. :)


Cara, Yay for getting close on the IC! I hope your electricians show up - or at least call. :yes


Karen~35 solids added. Are you making more of those adorable baby ghans?


I'm being very good and getting stuff done around here. :D My plan is to quit by one and crochet this afternoon. :hook

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Good morning Miss Mary :hi Sounds like you have an excellent plan set up for today :yes The first electrician has come and gone. The second one is failing miserably. No call yet and he said he'd call by 9 :irk Oh well, guess he won't get the job :lol

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Hi Cara and Tracy! It is so frustrating when people don't at least call. :angry I'm dealing with that right now with MIL's insurance - I have found mistakes (nothing new) and was promised last week to have corrections by fax. I left a VM Friday and this a.m. Still waiting. :yes Now I'm getting ready to call about my treadmill...hope that's easier. :lol

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The lack of customer services these days is horrible! That is my number one pet peeve :irk


On the flip side of that, the lack of common sense in some customers is horrible too!

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On the flip side of that, the lack of common sense in some customers is horrible too!


Well, I must say I have to agree with that, too :lol I try my best to think things out and be well informed. Just bugs me when folks don't even call. I can understand scheduling problems or emergencies but to not even call is just plain rude. And I also think a lot of people are entirely too rude to sales clerks. My sister is one. I hate going anywhere with her especially restaurants. She treats the wait staff like servants then leaves a lousy tip if at all :angry My other sister and I always hold back and leave a huge tip and apologize for her if we can find the waiter/waitress. Needless to say we don't eat out with her often :lol

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I finished 60 solid squares this weekend. I am using the join as you go method. I like the added texture it is giving me and really reminding me of falling leaves.




Excellent progress, Kidge :yay

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Cara, my mom has gotten snappy at cashiers before and I've "yelled" at her about it, in front of them. I don't know why I'm amazed at people still though. My part time job I do in bound sales for items sold on tv. And people who shop the channel all the time can't be bothered to get the item number or name. Imagine doing an hour of jewelry items and someone calls and says they want the ring that was shown earlier in the show. No other information, yet they expect us to magically know what item they want :rolleyes

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What really gets me :irk is when I tell the grocery baggers that they can stuff the bags full as long as the bread doesn't get squished... So, they keep the bread out, but then set a bag right NEXT to it and it falls over onto it. HB won't eat squished bread, and I have been known to tell the cashier that I want new loaves of bread.... They get REALLY testy with me, but I don't really care - if I'm buying something, I want it in good shape.


I'm patient, but only to a point. If you're not competent in the basic skillset of your job, then perhaps you ought to find another. I was in a McDonald's once where it took me 30 minutes to get a cup of coffee... :angry I kept my mouth shut about that one, but only because I had nowhere to go. Besides, all the other old people wanting coffee were doing enough yelling FOR me! :lol


HB comes home tomorrow night, and... the house is still a mess. I don't have time right now to do it, as the bills being paid is more important. I have to go switch computers now.

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Oh I have been known to snap at cashiers too :yes My sister is just rude from the outset. But if they're idiots, uncooperative or, worse, indifferent I get ticked. I even told the first plumber we had come for an estimate that he needed to work on his professionalism. He showed up very late, brought his girlfriend, kept complaining about how tired he was and then as he was leaving said that he might blow off his last job for the day so he could go nap! That's when I told him he needed work :lol

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