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Our House [Archive 4]


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Thought you ladies might like this. I think I really want to make a penguin. :hook

Go for it! It's just one more little WIP. :devil


Here is my IC so far.


Picture is clickable.




Wonderful, Wendy! The colors are so bright and cheerful. :hook


That is pretty! Only 7 1/2 more rows of the ribbon, then I can decide how many rows of white at either end, do the border and be done! Which means I might be able to start my IC! I sooo can't wait! Is Kelly your kid? In which case, yeah. No wine for her :lol

Val, great progress on your ribbon ghan. :cheer Have you decided on colors for the IC? I'm going to make one and, as usual, can't decide on colors. :lol

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Val, great progress on your ribbon ghan. :cheer Have you decided on colors for the IC? I'm going to make one and, as usual, can't decide on colors. :lol


I was gonna do the darkish purple, purple ombre and cream using Vanna's Choice. But I changed my mind. As much as I'd love to do a purple 'ghan for me, since that's my favorite color, I've also been wanting to do one in browns. So I think I'm gonna hunt down some browns I like and do a darker, lighter brown and cream. Which will actually fit with the fabric I just bought for my headboard.

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Well, hiya Julie! :hug Only other one I know doing that quilt is Jeannie (loopy1) in the Sky CAL. She even made the hair shorter on some blocks to make little boys which I thought was very clever :yes

I'm slowly making that one too. I am doing a small one and only have one block left to make. Gotta figure out what colors I'm going to use.


Here is my IC so far.


Picture is clickable.



Very pretty. I really like how bright the colors are.


I was gonna do the darkish purple, purple ombre and cream using Vanna's Choice. But I changed my mind. As much as I'd love to do a purple 'ghan for me, since that's my favorite color, I've also been wanting to do one in browns. So I think I'm gonna hunt down some browns I like and do a darker, lighter brown and cream. Which will actually fit with the fabric I just bought for my headboard.

Oh that will look very nice.:yes


Today I'm working on my BIC some more. Haven't gotten too much done yet though will have to work on it during our movies.

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I sewed some more saltines together today, then had to take them apart.

I sewed them together backwards :eek


Note to self: when working on 1st saltine ghan (or any project that requires sewing) don't do it while under the influence of pain medicine :lol

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Cara, great! I'll let you know tomorrow if I'm able to get the Ivory. Wish they were open today. :lol


Thank you! Thank you :hug Yep only thing I don't like about HL is they're closed on Sunday. I can only get out on weekends now so that makes it rough sometimes :lol


Thank you, Mary, I will. :hug


Thought you ladies might like this. I think I really want to make a penguin. :hook


Oh how cute! I really should visit more areas of the 'Ville so I know what's going on :P


Howdy Tracy :hi Kelly is fine, still have to remind her to drink etc. She doesnt drink enough in my opinion then gets headaches and wonders why.


Kids :rolleyes And add husbands to that too :lol


Here is my IC so far.


Picture is clickable.




I love it! :clap


Wendy, that's coming out great!


Cara, thanks...the squares aren't too exciting, so I think I'll have to make a nice border on the ghan. I'm using white to whipstitch them together, but I'll use it for the border, too, which should make it look "country", esp since the white whipstitching shows. I didn't want to introduce a third shade of blue to finish the blanket or to join them, which is why I came up with using white squares, etc.

I just read over the above paragraph...:think

You'll get the gist of it - hopefully, without having to read it three times:lol:lol


Yep, I am fluent in gibberish since that's what I speak most of the time :rofl


I was gonna do the darkish purple, purple ombre and cream using Vanna's Choice. But I changed my mind. As much as I'd love to do a purple 'ghan for me, since that's my favorite color, I've also been wanting to do one in browns. So I think I'm gonna hunt down some browns I like and do a darker, lighter brown and cream. Which will actually fit with the fabric I just bought for my headboard.


Oooh that'll be very nice :yes


I sewed some more saltines together today, then had to take them apart.

I sewed them together backwards :eek


Note to self: when working on 1st saltine ghan (or any project that requires sewing) don't do it while under the influence of pain medicine :lol


Oh I dunno. I do some of my best designing under the influence of pain meds :lol :lol

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Oh Oh Oh!!! I think I just found the colors I wanna use for my IC!! Now, I actually need to see them in person to make sure they actually match my screen :lol


I was browsing Knitting Warehouse to see different colors/yarns and looked at the Red Heart Soft. IF it's true to my screen, I want the Chocolate, toast and honey for my IC!!! And I think it might be pretty close. I've bought the teal before and it's pretty close the color they show!

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Mary - just counted and I've made 187 saltines in addition to the original 25.


Yay Tammy! I've added 187 to the list! Oops - are they solids or bi-color?


Oh Oh Oh!!! I think I just found the colors I wanna use for my IC!! Now, I actually need to see them in person to make sure they actually match my screen :lol


I was browsing Knitting Warehouse to see different colors/yarns and looked at the Red Heart Soft. IF it's true to my screen, I want the Chocolate, toast and honey for my IC!!! And I think it might be pretty close. I've bought the teal before and it's pretty close the color they show!

Those colors sound perfect! I really like that website, too. :)

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Oh Oh Oh!!! I think I just found the colors I wanna use for my IC!! Now, I actually need to see them in person to make sure they actually match my screen :lol


I was browsing Knitting Warehouse to see different colors/yarns and looked at the Red Heart Soft. IF it's true to my screen, I want the Chocolate, toast and honey for my IC!!! And I think it might be pretty close. I've bought the teal before and it's pretty close the color they show!


Just looked at that website, your colors are going to look gorgeous.

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What a great weekend we had! I did not get out to any of the yarn sales, but I think my stash is sufficient (Can that be :think) to make more progress on my IC. How fun to see so many were inspired to start one since the Games wrapped-up! :clap And, I would make a lot more progress if I did not take-off on a different tangent so often :blush. With the girls home, we have been outside, playing, just a ton. They love running through the sprinkler, taking walks around the property (with 20 acres, we have a lot of area to cover by foot), and playing in the playhouse. I was out there with them, a lot, and DH was working on our new cabinets in the driveway (yes, we have a workshop, but it is a-ways from the house, and I noticed that the girls were able to pull him away from the tools and stain can very often over the days, so he liked being where the action was :yes), so we all filled our Vitamin D quota for a couple of days. I crocheted the most darling pumpkin hat for our new nephew. My youngest decided that she wanted one, too, but she wanted it to be pink and lavender. Hmmm, I took the basic pattern and am in the process of finishing it off with a tangle of curlies on top, instead of a stem and leaves :lol. From there, my oldest decided that she needed a new hat to match her fall jacket, so I finished that, too. Needless to say, the saltines are just not being churned out too quickly. That's alright. It is kind of fun to finish a project so quickly and see the girls so easily pleased :D.


I have 18 solids to add, please.


We are all home for one more day, before the craziness of a new school year descends. I am looking forward to it, in a way, but the logistics of getting us all out of the house by 7:30 am is mind-boggling. We'll make it -- we have to! :lol


I am off to assemble another block of the IC before everyone else wakes up. Have a good day!

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Dusti its nice to be able to spend time with the kids and play outside with them. Hope your kids enjoy going back to school, seems strange starting a school year close to the end of the year. Cant wait to see your progress on the IC.


Tammy you will love making bicolors they are easy peasy. :D

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Tammy, thank you! 187 solid squares it is.


Hi Wendy. :manyheart


Dusti ~ I love reading your posts about your family activities. Have you thought about becoming an author? 18 solid squares added. :crocheting


I'm leaving soon to try to beat the holiday shoppers. I still need a few things for our trip...and yarn shopping, of course. :hook

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We watched I am Legend and Over Her Dead Body. They were both pretty good. I am Legend was a little scarier than I had expected but that was partly due to hubby trying to scare me too :lol


I worked on my BIC last night and got 20 saltines finished. The whole top part of the BIC is done now. I'm trying to decide if I want to work on it more or go repair a different one.

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Good morning everyone! I'm sad to announce I need more yarn for the pink ribbon. I don't have enough white to finish. I have enough pink to do the squares, but I'm thinking I want to use the pink for a border and I don't have enough to do the squares and a border :( What a shame, having to go buy more yarn :lol

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Oh dear, Priszm, what torture to have to get more yarn. :devil


Dusti, sounds like you are all having fun. :yes


:yay for school starting for tomorrow! Kyla now has her blazer (compliments of her Nana), her tie, pants and shirt. She is all ready for her first day.


Denise is going to be making a TIC, she got her third colour today and I am sure she will be telling everyone about that. :hook

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What a great weekend we had! I did not get out to any of the yarn sales, but I think my stash is sufficient (Can that be :think) to make more progress on my IC. How fun to see so many were inspired to start one since the Games wrapped-up! :clap And, I would make a lot more progress if I did not take-off on a different tangent so often :blush. With the girls home, we have been outside, playing, just a ton. They love running through the sprinkler, taking walks around the property (with 20 acres, we have a lot of area to cover by foot), and playing in the playhouse. I was out there with them, a lot, and DH was working on our new cabinets in the driveway (yes, we have a workshop, but it is a-ways from the house, and I noticed that the girls were able to pull him away from the tools and stain can very often over the days, so he liked being where the action was :yes), so we all filled our Vitamin D quota for a couple of days. I crocheted the most darling pumpkin hat for our new nephew. My youngest decided that she wanted one, too, but she wanted it to be pink and lavender. Hmmm, I took the basic pattern and am in the process of finishing it off with a tangle of curlies on top, instead of a stem and leaves :lol. From there, my oldest decided that she needed a new hat to match her fall jacket, so I finished that, too. Needless to say, the saltines are just not being churned out too quickly. That's alright. It is kind of fun to finish a project so quickly and see the girls so easily pleased :D.


I have 18 solids to add, please.


We are all home for one more day, before the craziness of a new school year descends. I am looking forward to it, in a way, but the logistics of getting us all out of the house by 7:30 am is mind-boggling. We'll make it -- we have to! :lol


I am off to assemble another block of the IC before everyone else wakes up. Have a good day!


Oh what a wonderful story! Sounds like y'all had lots of family bonding this weekend. I'm so glad for you :manyheart


We watched I am Legend and Over Her Dead Body. They were both pretty good. I am Legend was a little scarier than I had expected but that was partly due to hubby trying to scare me too :lol


I worked on my BIC last night and got 20 saltines finished. The whole top part of the BIC is done now. I'm trying to decide if I want to work on it more or go repair a different one.


I haven't seen Over Her Dead Body but we did see I Am Legend. Silly me didn't realize it was a vampire movie :lol But it was really good :yes


Good morning everyone! I'm sad to announce I need more yarn for the pink ribbon. I don't have enough white to finish. I have enough pink to do the squares, but I'm thinking I want to use the pink for a border and I don't have enough to do the squares and a border :( What a shame, having to go buy more yarn :lol


Oh you poor thing! Having to buy more yarn :devil


Oh dear, Priszm, what torture to have to get more yarn. :devil


Dusti, sounds like you are all having fun. :yes


:yay for school starting for tomorrow! Kyla now has her blazer (compliments of her Nana), her tie, pants and shirt. She is all ready for her first day.


Denise is going to be making a TIC, she got her third colour today and I am sure she will be telling everyone about that. :hook


:yay for school! Is Kyla excited about a new school? And :yay for Denise joining us in the Chain Gang :dance


Ever had an animal you just wanna throttle sometimes? :irk I know. That's not nice and I shouldn't say that but Tuon's working my last nerve today. Starting at 8 a.m. she started batting the bedroom blinds. She knows that is a surefire way to wake me up. She wants fed. Food time isn't until 2 p.m. Period. But from 8 a.m. until 12:30 bat, bat, bat :angry I moved her. Rearranged the stupid blind. Closed the door (she yowled outside the door so BD opened it). Finally got up and she's mystified as to why she hasn't been fed yet :rolleyes


And now I've got that sinus mess that BD had :irk


Okay enough whining :D Since I didn't get a stitch crocheted yesterday I think that is how I shall spend my day. Too much to do and not enough time to get everything I want done finished. :hook

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Hi ladies. Yep, yarn shopping was fun. There sure were a lot of crazy ladies at HL and JoAnns. :lol


Tracy, I'm glad you were able to get Kyla's uniform all ready for tomorrow.


Denise~Looking forward to hearing about your TIC colors. :yarn


Cara, our cats really know how to get our attention, don't they? Zoe likes to put her toy mouse on my pillow during the night...then she sits right beside me until I open my eyes. :cat

I worked on my BIC last night and got 20 saltines finished. The whole top part of the BIC is done now. I'm trying to decide if I want to work on it more or go repair a different one.


20 squares added. :)

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Hi ladies. Yep, yarn shopping was fun. There sure were a lot of crazy ladies at HL and JoAnns. :lol


Cara, our cats really know how to get our attention, don't they? Zoe likes to put her toy mouse on my pillow during the night...then she sits right beside me until I open my eyes. :cat


So it wasn't just our HL that was a madhouse on this 3 day weekend. I swear it was like WalMart on a payday when I went Saturday :lol They were packed! I'll give them credit though. They kept lots of cashiers out so folks didn't have to wait too long.


And I think I'll stick with the blind batting. I used to have a cat that sat and stared at you while sleeping. Kinda gave me the creeps even though he was a very sweet cat :lol


:hi Mary and Cara.


:yes Kyla is excited about school. She has her uniform all hung up and her bag packed, all ready to go. :lol She wants to be up at 6am! She just needs to make her lunch and put it in the fridge for tomorrow.


Yeah I'd say she's excited :lol Hope she can get some sleep :hug

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