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Our House [Archive 3]


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Cara, the DS is lovely.

Tabby, glad you back and feel better soon.

Going shopping today and post those things back. (I did take pics at 2am) I was up til 2am sewing on the last button. I enjoy doing the work, but sometimes working with the thin yarn is annoying. Now I can get back to finishing my SP things. :yay

Have a good day and I will be back later. (no, I am not threatening anyone, I promise. :devil)

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Tabby, it is so nice to have you back with us. You've been sorely missed. :hug

Cara, to a certain extent the preemie afghans are planned, but for the most part they are put together with whatever yarns I have on hand. Kim's mom picks up yarn for me to use at Goodwill. And I use leftovers from other projects and whatever I've picked up on sale for that purpose. For the most part I use soft colors, but every now and then I use bold colors. About the only request the unit makes is that they aren't all pink or all blue and that the yarn isn't fuzzy. I figured that these last two that are pink, blue and white should be okay, since they are equal parts pink and blue, so they could be used for either. It makes me feel good to think of them being used to brighten up an NICU where life is so fragile and sometimes hangs by a thread. The parents are always so scared and worried there. If something I can whip up in a day can lighten their load a little, it seems miserly not to do some each month. I just started doing them with the squares, but I like them at least as well, if not better, than the pattern I had been using. :crocheting

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Good Morning, ladies. :) I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. We're having early Spring weather in the 70s, so I'm going to be in the yard today.


Hi Valerie - We've missed you. I know retail hours are really long, but am so glad you're getting some needed time off. :hug


Tracy, I hope you've had fun shopping and congratulations on finishing your project! :yarn


I have the first 1 1/2 rows of the Baby Gingham put together...it's so cute and no bicolor squares so it goes together faster. :crocheting

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Good morning ladies :flower


Val - Good to see you hon :hug


Leslie - Yep the cats always laid on the filter. It was warm and vibrated :lol :lol Had one cat once that drank the water outta the tank :yuck


Linda - You're such a good soul :manyheart


Tracy - Enjoy your shopping trip :hug


Well, I'm getting a late start. Already noon thirty. I love Saturday. I can just sleep as much and when I want :D

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Morning everyone,


How are you all doing. Im still doing saltines and have about 60 left to make to finish this project.


K - 31 solids and 2 bicolors. thanks.


Cara its nice to sleep in isnt it, I rarely sleep in later than 7.30am but usually on a sunday arvo around 3pm its normally time for a nap.


Mary hope your enjoying the nice weather and having fun in the garden.


Linda are you going to make more preemie blankets using the squares. The one you made sure looked beautiful.

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****squeal*** I get to go to Home Depot in a little while and buy a new washer and dryer :dance:jumpyay:clap:cheer


I've never had a brand new set. This is soooo cool!! :D

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hello all, a freind of mine sent this into another of my sites I thought you all could appreciate it. At least I have a name for my addiction...


K- I have done 125 solids and 58 bi-colored between last week and this...





Here are the 10 warning signs that you are suffering from Crochet Dementia:


1.Recent memory loss that affects day to day functions You cant

remember what ever happen to the other sleeve of that jacket you were

making.. in fact you start to wonder whether you really completed the

sleeve at all as you think it was the late 90s that you started this

project, or was it the 80s????. You think you might have finished the

sleeve as you can vaguely remember the shaping. Now what size hook

was it? mmm a 3.5 or a 4.5? You think it was a red hook, but then

again it could have been an old grey one.


2. Difficulty performing familiar tasks. Simple tasks such as joining

squares together become difficult. You also find you have numerous

critters in bits, but you find sewing the pieces together a

challenge. After all you enjoy crocheting. If you wanted to sew you

would have taken up dressmaking as a hobby.


3. Problems with language. People with crochet dementia have

difficulty expressing themselves. You know how to do a stitch but

have no idea what it is called or how to explain how to do it. It

sure looks pretty though!


4. Disorientation to time and place. You crochet till all hours of

the night or day. You forget where you are and will crochet anywhere.

When you take your crochet to the football, the bloke next to you

says "are you serious, don't you have any idea where you are?"


5. Poor or decreased judgement. You thought the lime green poncho

would look fabulous on your daughter so you make her one for a gift.

She thinks it is daggy and likens it to Shrek. It looked great in the

pattern book and the yarn was so bright and funky….you actually

bought 30 balls of the stuff..


6. Problems with abstract thinking. You read the pattern over and

over but can't for the life of you visualise how the pattern should

look. You frog and frog and still don't "get it"


7. Misplacing things. A person with crochet dementia may repeatedly

put things in inappropriate places. You find the missing afghan

squares in the refrigerator. You can't remember where you left your

crochet hook. You search for hours. You find it that evening when you

get changed for bed. Worse, your partner finds it for you. It is

between your boobs.


8. Changes in mood or behaviour. Your crochet moods swing from

frustration in trying to figure something out, to elation when you

finally finish that first long row. Other people do not understand

your feelings. You are in seventh heaven just looking at those cute

little booties , bonnet and shawl you have made for a friend. You

feel sad when hub says " but it is summer".


9. Changes in personality. People's personalities can change a little

with age. Crochet becomes an obsession as does attending yarn sales

and buying yarn. You never know when it will come in handy, and if

there is ever a yarn prohibition, or the Apocalypse you will be

prepared. You start hiding yarn in all sorts of places. You are in

denial that you already have 10 balls of that yarn in lilac dream,

after all this colour is different - it is lavender mist. You don't

understand why people don't understand you anymore. It is perfectly

normal to have a hobby.


10. Loss of initiative. It is normal to tire of housework, business

activities or social obligations. The person with crochet dementia

loses interest in daily activities. The sink may be full of dishes,

the house is a mess, but all you can focus on is in doing "just one

more row"… "one more square" . You find having to prepare a meal or

go to work an inconvenience. All you want to do is crochet. You wish

you didn't have a bladder, cos then you wouldn't have to get up to

relieve yourself. The phone rings, but you don't answer it. You have

far more important things to do…..ch1, 2dc, skip one, cluster in next



Ok fellow crocheters, how many of these symptoms do you have, and are

there any others I have missed?

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Hello ladies.


I'm still at my sisters so I haven't had a whole lot of time to get on but I wanted to stop in & say howdy. Thank you all for being so sweet. :manyheart I should be getting home soon & Doa did get the internet fixed. YIPPEE! :cheer Talk to ya'll soon, hopefully. Until then. :ghug

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Hi, Tracy and Wendy!:hug


Cara, enjoy the new washer and dryer...I love my new dryer...makes doing laundry less of a chore...almost:P

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I was just clicking through pages of this thread and showing my darling all the beautiful items y'all have crocheted~we're sooo impressed! Everything is sooo lovely~I LOVE THE HAPPY YELLOW HOUSE!!!! ~smile~


Anyway, I see that others have done an intro, so I thought I might do one too. I am a homeschooling mom with four children (10, 7, 5, 1), and drama runs high around here~LOL! Right now my 5yos has a metal ball stuck in his ear. We've been to the hospital twice and now hafta go back next week so he can be sedated. BOY do I lead an *EXCITING* life! LOL! I love to crochet (since September), play my mountain dulcimer, read, and blog. OH~and check out this place, of course!


I'm really enjoying thread best of all~I love to chat and hear what's goin' on with everybody! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

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It was a loooong day in the yard and I loved every minute of it...but will probably be crawling out of bed in the a.m. :lol


Cara~That is so exciting about the new washer and dryer. Both of mine are still working...barely. :yes


Tabby~Yay for the internet being fixed. :yay I hope you had fun with your sister.


Hi Sandi, join in anytime! We have lots of fun and really do crochet, too. ;)

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Anyway, I see that others have done an intro, so I thought I might do one too. I am a homeschooling mom with four children (10, 7, 5, 1), and drama runs high around here~LOL! Right now my 5yos has a metal ball stuck in his ear. We've been to the hospital twice and now hafta go back next week so he can be sedated. BOY do I lead an *EXCITING* life! LOL! I love to crochet (since September), play my mountain dulcimer, read, and blog. OH~and check out this place, of course!


I'm really enjoying thread best of all~I love to chat and hear what's goin' on with everybody! (((((HUGS))))) sandi



Titus - how about a REALLY strong magnet to get that thing out??? It is metal, right?

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Shelly, thanks for the checklist. I'm sure I have more than a few of those symptoms. Can't remember which ones at the moment. :think Maybe all of them?:rofl:rofl


Cara, congrats on the new washer and dryer.:yay:clap:yay


Sandi, welcome to the group. :welcome Glad to have you join in any time.


I've run errands and goofed off for most of the day. Trouble's feeling neglected and rejected and giving me big doggie sighs. I'm going to bed early tonight.

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Shelly.... :rofl I finally got to read it...


I definitely have seven and ten...


Except seven isn't between my boobs, it's stuck in my bun/ponytail. I can't TELL you how many times I look ALL OVER for my hook and ask "Has anyone seen my bright blue hook?" My kids just look and say "You mean the one in your hair?" :lol If I'm trying a gauge swatch, my hair looks like one of those asian women with the sticks that hold their hair together... there's usually 3 or 4 of them - my kids always know when I'm starting somethng new because there's more than one hook in my hair!!! :rofl

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Shelly - :rofl :rofl :rofl before I switched to the flat clover hooks I used to stick my hook behind my ear like a pencil. You don't wanna know how many I had to retrive outta the toilet :rofl


Well, not only did I get the new washer and dryer (not delivered until Wednesday though :irk), I got new undercabinet lights and a light for the backyard! :jumpyay We park in the backyard and it can get a bit spooky back there with no light. But we're all set now :D Only thing I needed to make this truly a mother lode day would've been a vaccuum and yarn :devil BD says I owe him big :lol :lol

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Howdy doody. Had a great day at Mum and Dads place. Got 2 rows done on my zebra round ripple, it takes ages to go round now as its so big.


Cara thats fantastic, :yay you sure got spoilt today.


Judy and Tracy howdy.


Mary Im glad you had a great day in the yard.


Krystal thanks for doing the Smackdown Ladder for us. I can just picture you with a heap of hooks in your hair. You must get the kids to take a photo of you.:lol


Linda are you enjoying your weekend by yourself.


Sandi welcome to the group, I hope they can get the metal ball out of your sons ear. Have you decided what you want to work on.


I need to get stuck into the saltines to finish this project.

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Morning everyone.

I got woken up at 7:30 with breakfast in bed, which I didn't eat for another hour as I fell asleep again (in my defence, I didn't get to sleep til 2:30 cos I was looking for a pattern for my SP). I got mini sausage rolls, orange juice and a yoghurt. DD thought that would be a good breakfast for mother's day. :D

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