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Our House [Archive 3]


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Hi Wendy and Cara. Okay, I need to know which one of the Happy House ladies gave me their cold. :devil It has to be one of you, because I'm around you more than other people. :lol Hopefully, it's just allergies...time will tell. I have accomplished almost nothing today. Think I'll take some pictures and make it Photo Thursday. :think


Mary you really cant go wrong because its Friday here so its technically photo friday on this side of the world. So lets see some pics.:lol As for your cold, well I did have it, but its gone now so if I have given it to you Im so sorry. Hope it is just allergies.:hug

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Morning Wendy :hug Hooray for Friday! :yay It's goin greal good here. Short day out though. Just the post office and lunch because sister was exhausted after 4 hours traveling between here and Dallas round trip to pick up an SUV they bought. It was starting to rain anyway and I don't do rain :lol Too much chance of falling and breaking something :D I'd rather stay inside anyway and work on my ghan :hook


Yes its best to stay out of the rain. You dont want to hurt yourself and then you cant crochet. At least you still got out and had a nice lunch.

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NOT ME! I am (almost) all better. :devil I took my tablets and drank my medicine. Blame Denise, she is still sick and I am sure I caught it from her and she didn't take her tablets in time. She visits people and leaves them gifts of germs. :yes:devil:yes (ssshhh, don't tell her I told you).


Oh, what kind of tablets do you ladies have that gets rid of a cold if you take them? I want some, too... You'd think with all of modern medicine they'd have better meds for the common stuff... I think it's a conspiracy to get us to buy MORE of the meds that aren't as effective. :yes I'm not usually a conspiracy kinda person, but I just think there's so much money in the OTC stuff for regular illnesses that they really don't WANT to find something that works better...


DH is gone now. Went to help DS10 pick out his birthday present (a "real" shotgun.. he can start to hunt at 12 in NYS and can take his safety course once he's 11). Well, it's actually not really a present... We're "allowing" him to use his saved money to buy his own.


Well, I have some ends to work in for comfortghan squares I have to mail tomorrow. I might just pick up my hook while I watch the national news at 6:30. Probably going to be all this McCain nonsense. I mean - can't they wait til a person is *IN* the whitehouse before dragging them into scandals? :lol :lol

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It's Photo Friday in Australia! :hook


Here is what I've put together so far. There are 4 more blocks in various stages of completion. (Both are clickable)




This is one fourth of a Flower Quilt block.


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P.S. I've learned a lot with the dragonfly! Each solid square is bordered with one row of the opposite color. The green border on the blue squares sure blends into the variegated. It's a little better in person, but next time I would use a little bolder color. :yes

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It's Photo Friday in Australia! :hook


Here is what I've put together so far. There are 4 more blocks in various stages of completion. (Both are clickable)




This is one fourth of a Flower Quilt block.


Mary, those are just gorgeous! Great job!!

I'm working on block six now. It's half way together. I think I'll have the whole strip together tonight, then it's just attaching it and adding the border. I am READY to have this thing DONE! My next project will NOT be this big. This thing is getting really unwieldy. I don't know how you do it, Wendy. Yours are even bigger. My hat's off to you.

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I asked DH what colors he wanted the Argylesque and he said whatever you already have!!!:laughrollSeeing as I have a bazillion skeins of yarn, I guess I can scrape something up! I'm thinking teal, aran, rose and not sure of the other color, have to see what I have!

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Tracy yes thats the only thing with making things for your sp, you cant show it till later on. But I will show my picture quilt tonight.


Tammy, Im sure you will come up with some great colors. Its going to look great, and you know you will become addicted to the saltines. I had better tell you now that there is no cure for the addiction.:D

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John, finally made it home. His flight was delayed and it took forever to get his luggage, but he's finally home. And I get tomorrow off. Whee!!! A long weekend after a long week. The last strip of 6 blocks is ready to be attached to the rest of the LotL. Double Whee!!!!! I'm off to bed now.

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You all are so encouraging!!!

MARY............WOW!!!!!!! those are turning out really neat!


Okay........ so I have a few more questions. I hope you dont mind.

1) Saltine Smackdown? um....?

2) I'm back at asking about designing.... and what is considered... my own.

For instance..... if any of us are creating our own "designed" quilt afghan. Since Cara is the one that is really the original designer of the creations... what does that mean to our design of a quilt afghan? Okay... just re-read that... I think I hurt my brain. I may not have made much sense.

I certainly dont want to take away from the fact that Cara is the creator of the quilts... but of course want to take credit for my design of one. I mean if not for Cara... I wouldnt have had the thought. Okay... I am sure I sprained something that time. *whew*

3) Now... having asked that............... where does the design of an old quilt design stand? I have a really old quilt pattern. I took that pattern and redid it in Cara's saltine squares for an afghan. So now I have a design from a quilt pattern... and the creation from Cara. Do I get a pat on the back in there anywhere for this afghan?

I hope you all read this with the understanding that I am in no way trying to steel someones work. I am desperately trying to find out where I fit in with designing my own work. I really want to be able to put my name on something. I guess thats kinda become important to me. I know the Lord tells us to be content with what we have. And I really should be content with the fact that He blessed me with a talent to create these things ... even from someone elses pattern. But lately ... I dont know. I want to be able to hold up a creation and say... "I" did this. Maybe get a pattern in a book... on on a web site. I know... shame on me for being this way.

Anyway..................... thank you for letting me spill some of my feelings in the midst of a few questions.

Have a WoNdErFuL evening.


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Evening ladies :D


Linda - Hooray for long weekends! :yay


Mary - Ooh everything's looking great! Love the blues in the flower :yes Great job! :clap Hope you aren't getting a cold.


Krystal - Everyday I take claritin and when the congestion in my head starts I take tylenol sinus and cold. If it's chest congestion it's muscinex, vaporizer and lots of fluid. Vicks vaporub in both cases :D


Tam - Let me just say this about making your own pattern. I don't feel for one minute that anyone is "stealing" from me by using the saltine pattern to make up a quilt or whatever. Quite the opposite, I am thrilled beyond all belief when someone uses them to make something of their own design. In a small way I kinda feel like I'm empowering folks to try their creativity which is incredibly important to me. Hopefully, that didn't sound immodest. Might not have come out quite right but I think you know what I mean. Anywho, as far as turning a previous quilt pattern into a ghan pattern that's kind of a gray area. I wouldn't try to publish a replica of a completed quilt even if it's a traditional pattern. The way it's arranged belongs to someone else. It's all very complicated. :think That being said, that doesn't stop you from making it for yourself. Also, pull out some graph paper and crayons and see what you can come up with just playing with lines. That's all it really is :D Okay that was a way too long winded reply :lol


And finally............


Just in time for photos tomorrow the Ribbons & Bows is done!! :jumpyay:dance:woo Came out pretty good I think :yes

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I don't have much to report as far as progress. I've made a few solid white granny squares but I haven't put any more blocks together.

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I have had a very productive day.:yay Most of it was for my sp project but I do have the dolphin nearly finished and I must say it really does look like a dolphin, not bad from just tracing the picture onto graph paper and going by the lines of the picture as to where to do the colors on each square. I will hopefully get a picture up tomorrow.


K 31 Solids 29 Bicolors and 2 Tricolors.


Night all

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Good morning ladies :flower


Wendy - Excellent job on the dolphin! Can't wait to see it :yay


Okay gonna check the other boards and get a wee bit more caffeine in me and then I'll get a photo :hook

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