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Our House [Archive 3]


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ok so last night it snowed and snowed and snowed woke up this morning it was melted lol but i did get over 25 squares done today and yesterday on my it takes a village quilt and since it is so cold here today im going to hopefully get the small one done hubby says he will show me how to get the pics off our new camera tonight last night he had to study


ty for the welcome ladies i cant wait to get my new quilt started lol im really hooked thanks to a wonderful lady

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Afternoon Ladies,


Just dropped in to say hello. I'm trying to finish a couple of projects today. I have to return to work tomorrow. At least for the next 5 days it's 7a-5p. I'll have my evenings to relax and :crocheting and :ebay. I don't get enough time doing either.


Have a great afternoon. I'll check back in later.

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Hi, everyone. My hands hurt today. I've managed to hide the tails on 50 squares I had previously crocheted for LotL. I now have 3 blocks' worth of squares ready to sew together. (75)

Cara, what is the program that you use for your patterns? I'm thinking of getting one and I really like the way yours turn out.

Most of our snow has melted, but it is still really cold outside. It's been about 34 or 35 degrees most of the day.

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Afternoon all :flower


Linda - I don't use a program for my patterns exactly. I use Paint Shop Pro but I have a grid that I made up about 12 years ago (wow...has it been that long?) that I just flood fill the little squares on and use the pen tool to make diagonal lines. So basically any graphics program could do it. I can give you a copy of the grid file. PSP is just, IMO, the most user friendly graphics program out there :yes


Mary - Oh some days I wished they'd given me one of those removable casts but they didn't have one at the doctors :no Wasn't too bad today though. I wore thinner socks and that helped a bit.


afswife and crafteemonkies - May I ask y'all first names? We don't wanna stalk you or anything...we just like having first names :D


Tracy - Hooray for finding the yarn you needed! :yay


Well, like I said the foot wasn't too bad today. I lasted about 3 hours so not bad. An hour of that was lunch so I was sitting anyway :D Had meatloaf which is something I adore and DH can't stand so I quit making it at home. That's okay cuz the diner has it every Thursday as the lunch special. Love that diner. Been going there since we were little kids. But it was my birthday lunch so I picked meatloaf. Then she took me to pick out a b-day giftie. I got some wooden letters to spell out b-a-t-h for, well, my bathroom, the skein of yarn I went out for in the first place and The Knitting Answer Book...already have the Crochet one. All in all a pretty good day :D


Hope y'all have had a good day too :manyheart

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Cara, what kinda yarn did you get?


Just a regular old Caron One Pounder in Rose to finish up my niece's Love Letters.



Think I need a lie down now. Catch y'all later :D

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Way to go Linda....cant wait to see more of your LOTL.


I messed up big time today....i was sewing my squares from last night together when i realized i had my red one in the wrong place and in this pattern you cant just fub it....so i pull out the clippers and what do stupid I do....I clip the yarn on the square not the whipstitch :thair Now the square is coming apart i have to fix that some how!!


GRRRRRRR :bang:bang:bang

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Way to go Linda....cant wait to see more of your LOTL.


I messed up big time today....i was sewing my squares from last night together when i realized i had my red one in the wrong place and in this pattern you cant just fub it....so i pull out the clippers and what do stupid I do....I clip the yarn on the square not the whipstitch :thair Now i have to fix that some how!!


GRRRRRRR :bang:bang:bang


You are now officially a full fledged member of the Itty Bitty Square Club :D It's quite frustrating, I know but it happens to us all :hug

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I messed up big time today....i was sewing my squares from last night together when i realized i had my red one in the wrong place and in this pattern you cant just fub it....so i pull out the clippers and what do stupid I do....I clip the yarn on the square not the whipstitch :thair Now the square is coming apart i have to fix that some how!!


GRRRRRRR :bang:bang:bang

Oh, Shaylen. I hate it when I do that. And I have done it.

Krystal, nope. Can't count them, because they were crocheted before the Smackdown started. I'll give you the official count tomorrow. Don't know if I'll get more made by then, but we'll see. But at least this is getting me back to work on LotL.

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I started sewing my first block together and sewed the wrong side of one block to the group and ended up with a pocket.. so I had to take out 2 sides... I remeber reading what happened with the clippers so I DID NOT CUT..I very patiently un-sewed it..

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Im finally here, internet went down and I spent all morning trying to get it sorted out. This is happening quite a lot lately. Very annoying. So its now nearly 3.30pm in the arvo and I havent done any squares yet.


Shelly wow you had a great day didnt you. Im so pleased for you.


Cara hope you had a nice lunch with your sister and that your toe is feeling better.


Amber goodluck with the bus ghan you will enjoy making it.


Tracey Im glad you found your green yarn and you can now get started.


Shay oh thats terrible, :hug I hate that when it happens, I actually had to undo a square I had just sewn as it was the wrong one. I hope you were able to salvage that square.

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afswife and crafteemonkies - May I ask y'all first names? We don't wanna stalk you or anything...we just like having first names :D



My name is Amber! Nice to meet you!

Just so you all know....my monkies are my 3 kiddos...I have a 19 month old, 4 year old and 7 year old.....and my 4 year old is already asking to learn to crochet and to buy her a sewing machine.....lol...I'm so proud. :clap My son (the oldest) is an artist and is getting pretty good at drawing....my youngest is still too young to really know what is going on...but he does love coloring...so I'd say he's crafty as well!


Anyway, thats a little about me......I stay at home with them, but recently started working full time from home...so my crochet time is cut down drastically....darn it.....but I'm still spending my evenings with my hooks.


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Amber-thanks for telling us a little about you --- it sounds like you keep [retty busy. The times goes quickly. Enjoy your kids while they are small, someday they'll be in school all day then you'll get more time for your crochet .


Cara- Happy Birthday early !!!

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I started on the Casa last night, but have only done 5 or 6 saltines (I will give a proper figure later when I have done some more). I have 4 WIP that need to get done, so going to try to do some of each every day.


I kick myself every time I sew my squares in wrong, cos it takes forever to unpick the stitching.


Have a good day everyone and I will peep in later to see what everyone has been up to.

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Hi, Tracy!:hugSounds like we're all back in multiple WIP mode:lol


Wendy, that looks great! Linda did an awesome job figuring that out for you:hug

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