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Our House [Archive 3]


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Thanks, Mary. I've written down the instructions and I think they make sense. If you want them, I'll email them to you. :crocheting


Thank you, Linda...but I'm still not ready for more than the solid and bi-color squares yet. :blush:D

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Hi Ladies. Not much crocheting for me this week yet, but there's still time today!


Cara, will you finish today? You know we want to see pictures. :hook


Shay ~ You're doing great! :crocheting


Hi Julie ~ I love the pattern you and Judy are working on...of course, I love all the patterns. :lol

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Thank you, Linda...but I'm still not ready for more than the solid and bi-color squares yet. :blush:D

But Mary, these are just 2 colors. Really they are. :lol :lol :lol

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Morning everybody,


Your all going so well.


Krystal you would have lots of fun making the squares but I hear ya when you say you need to finish things first. I have the BB quilt sitting here next to me crying out for attention.


Shay great start and yes its easier if you sew them together as you go. Cant wait to see your first block.


Linda thanks so much for doing those squares for me. :hugThey look awesome. The birdy squares get done in my first block so cant wait to try them out.


I do have a problem though. My sky is white, then there is a cloud that is outlined and its in white and grey, of course I cant outline it in the squares. Should I make the white in the cloud a different white, off white or a very light grey or something like that. Because otherwise I will have a whole whit sky with a few grey squares here and there, would that look ok. Hope you all understand this.

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I have never done surface crochet before is it hard to do.


I do it two ways....one is to make a chain long enough to do the outline with then just topstitch it on. That might not work well for what you're wanting to do, though.


The other way, is I make a slip knot so I have a loop. Keep the loop behind the piece. Insert your hook from the front through the block and catch that loop. Pull it through the block. You're keeping the free yarn from the skein behind the work the entire time. Then for the next stitch insert the hook with the loop on it in the next stitch and draw up a loop through the block and the loop and repeat. I'm sure I've explained it badly. Perhaps you can glean what I'm saying :blush

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I do it two ways....one is to make a chain long enough to do the outline with then just topstitch it on. That might not work well for what you're wanting to do, though.


The other way, is I make a slip knot so I have a loop. Keep the loop behind the piece. Insert your hook from the front through the block and catch that loop. Pull it through the block. You're keeping the free yarn from the skein behind the work the entire time. Then for the next stitch insert the hook with the loop on it in the next stitch and draw up a loop through the block and the loop and repeat. I'm sure I've explained it badly. Perhaps you can glean what I'm saying :blush


Yes ok sort of, maybe when I have that block done and Im ready to do it then I will see how it goes, its hard to know when you dont have it ready in front of you. thanks for explaining it to me.:hug Ok just read it again and I think it makes sense now. Sometimes you have to read things again and again to get the gist of things.

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Your picture sounds very interesting, Wendy. :yes

I haven't started yet, still working on DD's scarf for school, in between work. I have been trying to decide whether to carry on with the scarf and then the squares, or leave the scarf for tomorrow and work on squares, but it was hurting my brain so I decided to peep in here instead. :hook

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it was hurting my brain so I decided to peep in here instead. :hook


I said that to DH when I was trying to figure out the last graph pattern!:lol:lol

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Tracy its hard to decide what to do at times isnt it. Making the squares will give you a break from the scarf but I guess it depends on whether you want it finished first or not. I like having lots of projects on the go but thats not for everyone.

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I've been working on the filet crochet prayer shawl today, so no saltines made today. At least not so far.

I sent the instructions to you again, Wendy. Hope they get through this time.

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Your picture sounds very interesting, Wendy. :yes

I haven't started yet, still working on DD's scarf for school, in between work. I have been trying to decide whether to carry on with the scarf and then the squares, or leave the scarf for tomorrow and work on squares, but it was hurting my brain so I decided to peep in here instead. :hook


Hi Tracy ~ what are you going to make with the squares? :)

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K:-34 solid done last night :hug


Hows everyone doing on theres....i pop in my CSI,Supernatural or Numb3rs DVDs and go at it...of course i get wrapped up in them every once in a while :D.Im hoping to have my first whole 10 block row done by photo Friday :cheer.

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morning everyone I've beenup for 1 1/2 hours already. I had to take #2 daughter to work so I can use her car. I have a Dr. appt at 9:30 just a regular check-up with cardiologist... she put me on some new meds last month so we have to check on them. then I'm going to my sister's.. maybe I'll get to see my new greatnephew... of course I haven't been over there since Christmas...


Well I have almost enough saltines to finish my first block... need to make about 10 more and I should have those done in no time... My quilt has 12 blocks and each block is going to be about 20" square I think.. I have another one I'm thinking of doing after I finish this one.. just in case I need to do another quiltghan to beat Wendy...

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morning everyone I've beenup for 1 1/2 hours already. I had to take #2 daughter to work so I can use her car. I have a Dr. appt at 9:30 just a regular check-up with cardiologist... she put me on some new meds last month so we have to check on them. then I'm going to my sister's.. maybe I'll get to see my new greatnephew... of course I haven't been over there since Christmas...


Well I have almost enough saltines to finish my first block... need to make about 10 more and I should have those done in no time... My quilt has 12 blocks and each block is going to be about 20" square I think.. I have another one I'm thinking of doing after I finish this one.. just in case I need to do another quiltghan to beat Wendy...


Hi Shelly thats a great idea I reckon. You will need another quiltghan to do that.:D


All the best at the doctors and have a nice time at your sisters.

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