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Our House [Archive 3]


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well I've been a busy little girl... I haven't started on my quiltghan yet as I was right in the middle of a tote so I've been using my leftover yarn and making saltines.. I have 3 solid , 5 bi-color, 1 tri-color and 1 quadruple color.. I'm starting my quilt ghan in a little bit...

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my quilt ghan is called Earth and Sky the earth blocks are shades of brown.. the sky blocks are blues with gold... and cream in both blocks... you'll have to wait til I get closer to see it


I have an obligation to make purses for my Special Angels group... so I'm switching back and forth

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Morning pardners

Sounds like we have a plan in place. i dont mind sending a doodad to the winner either, just say the word when !

I didnt even get one saltine made yesterday, with company here then Cam, then supper, then bedtime early ,so this morning i'll be starting .


It sounds like we all have a plan in place for what we're each working on, so we should have a fun bunch of different items to see when all done .


Debbie-welcome to the gang-- wendy directed you to the site already,so feel free to jump on in.


Wendy-hope Kevin gets some good news regarding his surgery .

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Julie howdy doody. Yes DH's surgery went well on his knee. He will be home for the next 2 weeks taking it easy. He has to walk around a bit but not to overdo it. Did you say that your doing Leslies ghan as well and what colors are you using.


I must say after finishing the Amish Baskets back in November it was nice to have a break from the saltines but now getting back into it with this picture ghan certainly has me enthusiastic about it.

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Glad the news was good.

Yep, I'm doing Leslie's ghan with the plum, orchid, sage and linen . Just got a couple squares made this morning so far .



You probably were ready for a square break, but it sounds like you are revved up and rarin to go again today, so good for you !

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Julie your colors sound great.


I have made a lot of squares today and am now sewing some together. Im not leaving that till the end. I remember last year at one stage I had over 100 squares sitting there waiting to be sewn together, never again.

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Hi Valerie have a nice day.


Ok I have sewn together 30 squares so far. Doing the cross stitch in 10 square across blocks.


Also just looking in my cross stitch book(Many More Minis) there are a few animals ones that are in a circle. Has anyone ever thought to do a round square ghan. I reckon it would look awesome.


Well thats it for today, Im going to bed.


You all have a great saltine day wont you.

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Hello, contestants! LOL!


It's Super Smackdown Tuesday (only because the word Super is in front of the rest of the words... no other reason!).


Wendy - you could easily put that circle in the middle of a background of squares and make the whole thing square.


Some people are posting square counts in the posts. If you want ME to count it in your totals, please either PM me with it or put "K" so I know you're talking to me!!!


Like this:


K: I got 6 solid squares done today.


I haven't included ANY of the squares anyone has written down so far, so if you want me to count them, please do one of the above "methods"....


You guys are all making me want to actually do squares. I would actually just make the solid ones and then make a scrap ghan.

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Morning, Wendy, Julie, and Valerie. I though I was doing good, having 26 points already, but you've got me beat by twice that already, Wendy. You rock, girl.

Okay, here is the picture of the waves pattern I came up with. It only uses two different squares and will give you nice rolling waves.



Now for the birds. I took the pictures with both a light background and a dark one as I wasn't sure which would pop the squares the best. I'm still not sure so will post both.

First for the small bird:




Now for the large bird, which is the small bird for the center and extensions for the wings.




None of the squares are terribly hard to make, although the bird requires a lot of switching back and forth between yarn colors and yields a LOT of tails to hide.

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Wendy- you have me beat already-- you are one of the square champions, though, so my measley totals wont make a dent in yours .


Linda- wow, those birds are looking good ! I like the darker background myself, I think the birds show up better on it, but it's not my project, so will let Wendy figure that out.


Come on Miss Krystal- why not jump in ? It really aint so bad, especially if you leave the long tails and assemble as you go, it kinda eliminates one step .


I won't be doing any of the multi-colored squares myself -- just solid color ones. I'm not THAT big a fan of weaving ends in -- the one color ones are plenty enough for me.

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Linda- wow, those birds are looking good ! I like the darker background myself, I think the birds show up better on it, but it's not my project, so will let Wendy figure that out.

The thing is, Julie, that they will just be part of Wendy's picture and will be surrounded by blue sky. I just wanted them to pop for the picture. :lol :lol :lol

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You sure are good at figuring out those tricky squares like that !


Yes, she is! :yes :yes :yes


Linda, your special squares are awesome. :hook


Thank you, thank you, thank you. :bow :bow:bow Figuring out how to write the instructions down was harder than figuring out how to do them. :lol :lol :lol

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Linda, your pictures are great and I tried to figure out how you did that...and then I gave up. :eek:lol You deserve lots of bonus points. :yes


Thanks, Mary. I've written down the instructions and I think they make sense. If you want them, I'll email them to you. :crocheting

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Good morning ladies :flower


Wendy - Glad to hear DH is on the mend :hug Great progress on the Smackdown :yay


Julie - Oooh which one of Leslie's are you doing?


Krystal - Oh now dear there's several of the patterns that don't use any bi-color squares at all....the Woven Blocks for example....why do you think that one's so popular? :lol


Linda - You are just a whiz with those special squares! :nworthy I agree with you...sometimes writing it down so someone ese will understand what you did is the hardest part :yes:lol


Well, I'm not a part of the Smackdown so my progress for yesterday involved the Becky's Blocks for my BIL. Got all the squares done and them about half sewn together :yay Shocked the dickens outta me :lol I figured I'd be lucky if I just got the four blocks I needed done finished :lol Think it was the super exceptional nap I had yesterday afternoon. With a little luck I'll have that bad boy done by bedtime :tup


Have a great day y'all :manyheart

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Cara- I chose the one of Leslie's done in the purples and greens-- don't know the name of it, but i have it saved --she originally made it in all brights too with black edgings-

I have that pattern for my project...it's the Around the World pattern, version 2 - NO bi-color squares:clap:clap:clap

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