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Our House [Archive 3]


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Just surfing. Don't wanna turn on the light to crochet. BD needs his sleep :( I'm sure I'll be napping after he goes to work :yes


It's giving me a chance to check out some parts of the 'Ville I haven't been to in a while. I forget sometimes that there's life beyond CALs :D

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I used to be forever in ebay before I found the ville. Now each morning I wakeup and go straight to the computer and enter the ville to see what my mates have been up to. Some people would think I lead a boring life but I like it.

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I used to be forever in ebay before I found the ville. Now each morning I wakeup and go straight to the computer and enter the ville to see what my mates have been up to. Some people would think I lead a boring life but I like it.



Same here. And the 'Ville is cheaper :lol And I'm of the mindset that boring is not a bad thing. :D

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I still go into ebay to buy crochet books now. I like boring too. I prefer to stay at home and crochet, surf the ville and watch tv shows.


Amen! Boring means there's no drama. I don't like drama :D


Well, think I might be able to slip in a couple more hours sleep now. Talk to you soon :hug

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Hope you stay feeling better, Cara. I'll have to check with John on the spelling. It was too late last night.

Wendy I really like the ombre, but you might be happier with the bigger size.

It's chilly againthis morning but supposed to warm up to around 50 this afternoon and be warmer still tomorrow. Hooray!!!

Morning, Julie and Judy.

I think I'm going to try a little tatting today as a change of pace. This could be a disaster, but we'll see. :lol :lol :lol

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Thanks for the well wishes ladies :manyheart Think mine might start improving today, too. The weather will get warmer most of next week so I can turn the heat off. It's just so very dry in here :( Gonna dig the little tabletop humidifier out today and run it through a clean cycle. If I can find the book. I'm good about filing them though so it should be in that third folder somewhere :lol I should go through that. I have manuals for stuff we don't even have anymore I'm sure. Hopefully the humidifier will help some. Usually it makes me worse but the cats are shooting off sparks from the static electricity :P


Think I'll start on that so I can go back to bed :( Hopefully I'll see y'all this afternoon.

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Hi Ladies. Happy Friday! I've spent most of the a.m. at the Laundromat washing comforters...they won't fit in my washer or dryer. The good news about that is I made 14 squares! :crocheting


Cara, I hope you can get some rest. :hug Tomorrow is supposed to be in the 70s. :yes

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Good Afternoon Everyone :)

I have been plugging away at the quiltghan, it's going a little bit slower now as i am sewing the pieces together...still not my favorite thing to do by far, but man it will be worth it, when i get the first block completed i will post a picture. Cara i hope you feel better soon. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Hi Melissa ~ the joining always takes me longer, too. Can't wait to see pictures! :hook


I don't have any crochet pictures for Photo Friday, but thought you all might enjoy this. It's grandcat Lucky at DD's party and he looks like he has been enjoying the champagne. :lol



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Mary your grandcat looks cute and he does look like he is thinking about something.


Melissa your going great on the squares, I dont like the sewing part either but it will be worth it.


Linda have fun tatting today, I could never master that craft. Probably because Im a lefty and I only had righty's trying to teach me.

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Mary - :lol :lol That's a funny photo! Looks like Tuon :D


Well, put a call in to the doc since no one can take me to her. She hasn't called back and that was early this morning. That's not like her and I'm a bit irritated about it but what can I do? :shrug Anyway, turned off the heat, turned on the humidifier and it seems better now. I just can't have the heat on and that's that. This should be a fun couple of months. We'll have to have it on at night since BD can't stand the cold but during the day it'll be a bit frigid even for me :irk Oh well better than the alternative :rip

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Thanks for the well wishes ladies :manyheart Think mine might start improving today, too. The weather will get warmer most of next week so I can turn the heat off. It's just so very dry in here :( Gonna dig the little tabletop humidifier out today and run it through a clean cycle. If I can find the book. I'm good about filing them though so it should be in that third folder somewhere :lol I should go through that. I have manuals for stuff we don't even have anymore I'm sure. Hopefully the humidifier will help some. Usually it makes me worse but the cats are shooting off sparks from the static electricity :P


Think I'll start on that so I can go back to bed :( Hopefully I'll see y'all this afternoon.


Cara hope your feeling a bit better now, hopefully the humidifer is doing its job and helping you.:hug

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Hi Melissa ~ the joining always takes me longer, too. Can't wait to see pictures! :hook


I don't have any crochet pictures for Photo Friday, but thought you all might enjoy this. It's grandcat Lucky at DD's party and he looks like he has been enjoying the champagne. :lol




Awwww, a black cat named Lucky! I love the black cats as much as I love the orange cats. (My little heart patient Kitsu is a black cat.)

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Mary - :lol :lol That's a funny photo! Looks like Tuon :D


Well, put a call in to the doc since no one can take me to her. She hasn't called back and that was early this morning. That's not like her and I'm a bit irritated about it but what can I do? :shrug Anyway, turned off the heat, turned on the humidifier and it seems better now. I just can't have the heat on and that's that. This should be a fun couple of months. We'll have to have it on at night since BD can't stand the cold but during the day it'll be a bit frigid even for me :irk Oh well better than the alternative :rip


Cara, I can't sleep when the heat's been running, because it gets so dry I can't breathe! The last several nights when it was in the 20s, I was so cozy and warm because I have the flannel sheets and a blanket on the bed, but man, it was cold in my apt! :wbrrThe other morning it was 63 when I got up, and I was so warm and cozy, I didn't want to get up to go turn on the heat.

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Cara, I can't sleep when the heat's been running, because it gets so dry I can't breathe! The last several nights when it was in the 20s, I was so cozy and warm because I have the flannel sheets and a blanket on the bed, but man, it was cold in my apt! :wbrrThe other morning it was 63 when I got up, and I was so warm and cozy, I didn't want to get up to go turn on the heat.


Yeah I'm that way too but DH can't handle it and I'd rather I was sick than him. If he's sick he can't work or he'll go to work sick and make it worse. It's supposed to warm up for the next week so maybe it won't even be an issue.

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