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Our House [Archive 3]


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I was able to get the canvas storage containers at Walmart and was trying to figure out how to label or identify them since they'll be on shelves. :think I went to the paint dept. and got several primary color paint chips which fit in the little plastic windows perfectly! Yay...I'm not usually that creative. :lol


Here is my first Dragonfly square. I'll try to have some quilt ghan pictures by Friday.




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OK so now I think I have the hang of this after several hundred attempts. Wow those little squares are small,but now at least they don't look like they are road kill.

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Melissa have fun getting your yarn and let us know which pattern you decide in the end.


Mary that looks fantastic, colors are great. Must do that pattern one day.


Tabby Im still staring at my yarn trying to figure out what colors to use for the Spinning Wheels. I have my colors for the Beckys Blocks though. Marone, Bright yellow and a autumy varigated yarn which sort of has yellow orangey red. hmm hard to explain.

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Thank you, Ladies. :manyheart The pattern is in a LA Leaflet called Dragonflies, Butterflies, and More by Sandy Rideout.


Wendy, your colors sound gorgeous for Becky's Blocks. :yes


Nici ~ Before long, you'll pick up speed making the squares. It took me a while, and now I love making them. :hook

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Mary - Wow! I love that dragonfly pattern. Might have to try that some day :yes Great job!


Nici - Road kill :rofl :rofl Yep, like Mary said, you get to where you can do them in your sleep....literally! :lol


Wendy - Ooooh I'm quite interested to see how your BB will come out with those colors :yes I'm considering doing another in greens just for the heck of it :yes


I didn't get anything done all day :grump Slept most of the day :blush Think I'm still not completely well yet :lol Do feel better now but I tell you what, I could go back to bed right now :sleep

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Gonna try this again. I finished crocheting my 3SURR last night. I still have to weave in all the tails but it's done. 33 rows and umpteen skeins and partial skeins of yarn later it's the biggest of my RRs yet and probably to only 3 strand I'll make. But it's big and it's warm. It is hanging down on both sides and the end of John and Kim's queen sized bed. I'm pleased with it. :bow:bow:bow


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I didn't get anything done all day :grump Slept most of the day :blush Think I'm still not completely well yet :lol Do feel better now but I tell you what, I could go back to bed right now :sleep


Oh Cara, I have two other friends who have the "crud" (is that how you spell that?) and can't shake it...I hope it goes away soon. :hug

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Gonna try this again. I finished crocheting my 3SURR last night. I still have to weave in all the tails but it's done. 33 rows and umpteen skeins and partial skeins of yarn later it's the biggest of my RRs yet and probably to only 3 strand I'll make. But it's big and it's warm. It is hanging down on both sides and the end of John and Kim's queen sized bed. I'm pleased with it. :bow:bow:bow



I wish we were closer - I'd come and steal it and use it right now! It's beautiful. :manyheart

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I wish we were closer - I'd come and steal it and use it right now! It's beautiful. :manyheart


:rofl :rofl :rofl

Now, now, now, Mary. No stealing allowed.

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Linda that is just amazing. :clap:clapMakes me what to get my scraps out now and make one.


Cara is the becky blocks pattern easy to do.


Yep, very easy :yes Just the same thing over and over in a block (x16) when stitch 'em together and slap a border on it. Took me about 3 days to do it but that was the only thing I worked on because it was a Christmas gift and I needed to get it done.

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G'night Mary :hug Give ol' Maggie a hug for us too....no phone getting blood drawn :hug


Wendy - I think you'll like it. It's really just the sedge stitch which is one of my favorites. Lots of shadow play in it :yes

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Mary- love the first square for your dragonfly pattern-- you do such NEAT work. Perfect stitches ! And I really like the colors - what is the blue you are using ?


Linda the newest RR is so pretty ! Love the browns and blues shaded into it .


Nici- I've been in the ville for a long time now. first time I've heard anyone's project described as road kill, but that's about where some of mine ended up-- as road kill.( The ones started and never finished )

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Good morning ladies :flower


Wendy - Yep, the BB is pretty easy but that stitch takes a bit of yarn. Each block used almost one whole ball (3.5 oz) of the Vanna's Choice. :yes


I think I might, just might, be finally kicking this cold or whatever it is :yay Hardly coughing at all this morning and it's nothing compared to what it was. Maybe I'll actually get something done today. Haven't gotten hardly a thing done for two days now. I'm hoping by Saturday I'm right as rain again :D

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