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Our House [Archive 3]


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I am home I wasn't planning on going anywhere today but got a nice check in the mail from Social Security.. they goofed up my checks so I didn't get my SS for 3 months today I got the whole amount they owed me...I went to the Dollar store and bought $40 worth of yarn most of it is Lion suede .. when we went to Walmart they had the same stuff for $5.97 a skein.... I'm not sure what I'm making with it... anybody need some suede? I bought some shorts for the girls and some shoes for the grandAngel... Haley got several pairs of shoes from my sister.. Haley is going on 11 and she wears a size 7 1/2 womens shoe.. she is over 5 foot tall already...



ABUNDANCE!!!! :yay

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Howdy everyone, I have the day off today, yippee... Im taking the girls bowling.


Kim happy birthday to you, hope you had a great day.


Shelly thats fantastic news. :yay I too wanna see your ATW if possible.


Linda thats amazing news for you as well. :yay I bet your excited to be getting a piano finally, you have been looking for so long. What a great name for your rooster pattern, I like it. Its very nice of you to share your patterns with everyone Linda.


Mary just take it easy today and as Tracy says the blues will look gorgeous.


I thought you might like to see my Zebra Brights Round Ripple, measuring 74 inches, as you can see it takes the whole of my queen size bed. Photo is clickable.




Thanks for the b-day shout and sharing the pic of your rr. My girls are ooohh-ing and awwww-ing!!!

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Wendy, your RR is wonderful - what great colors! :yes


Hi Kim ~ This CAL really is like a home away from home. We're so glad you're here. :)


Very few squares for me tonight...See you all tomorrow! :manyheart

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Holy Cow Mary.... "Please let us keep you company when your DH is away.." that phrase brought tears to my eyes.... Thank you for touching my heart. :2blush


my cup runneth over..


Kim you'll soon learn that this CAL has the best bunch of gals on the 'Ville. I'm honored to call them friends and hopefully you will, too :manyheart Allow me to give my thanks for your family as well. Your sacrifice lets me sleep well at night :manyheart

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Shelly - Grats on the back payments. That's horrible that they didn't send for three months. I'm on SS too and that's my greatest fear. It would really put a cramp in my month :yes Glad they got it straightened out and that you got to have a little fun :hug

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Howdy doody everyone


Thanks for your nice comments on my zebra ripple.


I took it to the bowl today to show my Mums friends, they were oohing and aahing over it as well as the picture quilt. I have one or two that now want to do saltines. Cara they have been to your website and think its amazing.


Shelly Im glad they finally paid you what you were owed.

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Good morning, everyone. It's sunshiny and nice here today. I'm having a mammogram done this afternoon and Kim's having one done Thursday afternoon. :ohdear


I've been working on some paperwork the last couple of weeks and got a chunk finished yesterday and will deliver it while we are out today. I've decided that some of the paperwork I'm behind on I'm going to tackle one thing at a time and just work on it a little every day until I get caught up. I'll feel better for getting it finally done and if it's just a little bit at a time instead of a whole lot at a time it won't seem so daunting. :juggle


I hope you are having a great day. I sewed block #7 onto strip #2 yesterday of the Painted Desert. Then I decided to try and get caught up on all the snowflakes I'm behind on. I finished one last night and started another one before going to bed. I've got 6 - 8 still to go. Other things got me sidetracked on that project, too. It's supposed to be just one a week. Oops! :2blush

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Good morning ladies :flower


Wendy - That's great that the ladies at the bowling alley loved your work. Of course, they have good reason :manyheart


Linda - Good for you getting some of that paperwork outta the way :clap And I think you're on the right track. I've learned better a little at a time than not at all.


K - I'm not the one redoing. All the credit for it goes to BD. He's been busting his hump working on everything. I just do occasional data entry for him :lol He took a night off last night and gamed for a bit. I resisted the urge to whine about him not working on the site. I was ashamed of myself for even thinking it :blush But I'm just so darned excited :yes


Gonna finish this Goddess ghan today no matter what :yes It really should've been done this weekend but I keep getting distracted :blush I'm gonna focus real hard and finish these last 14 rows and the border. Yep. That's what I'm gonna do. But first maybe a little nap :devil

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been very busy doing some remodeling and repairing around here... my brother had his kitchen redone and he gave me some wood for shelves... I'm transforming a hall closet into a linen closet which I did not have.. it will be nice tohave a place to put the sheets and blankets besides a box in the bedroom closet.... Mom gave me a set of metal shelves which I'm putting in the bedroom closet so the girls have a place to put their toys away

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Boy I've let it slip coming in here again!


Wendy I still love that zebra RR :lol It's beautiful!


Krystal I got 1 solid and 4 bi-colors done today :woo so many :lol



I feel like I'm slacking since some ladies in the square along this month did some saltines for a charity and one lady made 300 in 4 days :eek I think she needs to come in here and do a quilt or 2 :lol

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I took it to the bowl today to show my Mums friends, they were oohing and aahing over it as well as the picture quilt. I have one or two that now want to do saltines. Cara they have been to your website and think its amazing.


Cara's plan is working. :D Isn't it amazing what doors the internet has opened for us?

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Hi ladies. Hope you all are having a good day! Starting in about 10 minutes, mine will get better because I'm going to crochet and relax. :hook


Linda, you are amazing! Great progress on your ghan. :yes


Cara, please thank BD for us, too. :manyheart I always enjoy looking through your site.


Hi Miss Heather. :waving

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Hi Mary, good rest of the day for you if you :crocheting.


Shelly, that sounds fun doing that, lots of space saving ideas. :yes


The highlight of my day was this. I posted it in the other place too. :devil She didn't realise I was filming, thought it was just a photo. :rofl


Going to work on her birthday present for a while then onto a blue matinee jacket. :hook

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Tracy - Kyla is just too cute! You know she's gonna kill you when she finds out right? :lol


I've gotten 4 rows done on the Goddess. I didn't even stick to my own plan :blush Forgot I had new drapes to hang today. Man, that wore me out and it was just one window :lol Of course, then I needed a nap :D All refreshed now and ready to knock out those last few rows :hook

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Thank you, Cara. She knows about it now, she heard me playing it after I uploaded it. She told me to switch it off, I told her :no and then told her it was going onto youtube. She begged me not to do that (as if I would :devil) and I told her I have to share with my friends though, so onto photobucket it went. :lol I don't think any of her friends browse there, so she should be safe. :lol

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Tracy that was so naughty of you to do that to Kyla, she is so cute singing away there. I didnt know you could do videos on photobucket.


Heather howdy there, I cant believe that lady did 300 in 4 days, thats amazing. You know that would mean she could make the Casablanca in 16 days. Wow to be able to make saltines that fast.


Linda great progress on your painted desert.


Mary have a nice night crocheting away.


Cara have a great night and hope you can get the goddess finished. Whats on the agenda after that.


Shelly thats a great way to use up some wood, have fun putting it all together. You can never have enough space.


Well I gotta go to work today.

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this[/url]. I posted it in the other place too. :devil She didn't realise I was filming, thought it was just a photo. :rofl


Going to work on her birthday present for a while then onto a blue matinee jacket. :hook

Tracy that is wonderful! Tell Kyla she was great!

Kim and I just got home. I ended up donating a pint of blood this afternoon as the Red Cross was having a blood drive down town today. I saw the sign on my way to drop off paperwork at the doctor's office. Once we get settled, I'll do some more crocheting.

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Tracy, Kyla is adorable...it's great that you two are so close. My DD (33 :eek) is still the highlight of a lot of my days. :manyheart


Cara, how close are you to finishing the Goddess? :crocheting


I haven't counted the squares, but got quite a few made this evening. I really like how the ILTY works for the squares. :yarn

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Cara, how close are you to finishing the Goddess? :crocheting


Just have the border left to do :yay My crocheting has gone a bit slowly today. Hands aren't being cooperative :lol

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Good morning ladies :flower


Had an early night so I'm up early today. What a change :lol I prefer going to bed relatively early but BD usually stays up really late. Well, he went to bed at 8:30 last night :eek I stayed up til midnight but it's usually 2 or 3 before we go to bed. Hopefully that means lots of crochet time today :hook Almost finished with the Goddess. Just a round and a half of the border left :D Then I actually think I'll sew the rest of the day :yes

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Good Morning Sunshines... it is a glorious day...


I have some gardening to supervise (can't get down and do it on my own anymore and I miss it)... I'm thinking of having hubby build me some raised beds that I can sit down and work in...


I told my Mom last week I wouldn't mind my legs not working so well if my arms worked as good as they used to -they give out quicker than I want them to...


I found a pattern on the Lion Brand site for a suede shawl.. I'm going to give it a try as soon as I finish the Seraphina shawl which was almost done until I had to frog 5 rows... the boo boo was too noticable

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