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Our House [Archive 3]


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Okay, so I've been gone for awhile...well, not really gone...but I haven't been posting. It's just really hard to keep up now that I am working. I'm doing the School Bus Cuddle for my mom. Here's my progress so far...


Sky Blue - 53 - Done

Black - 26

Brick Red - 38

Green - 31

Grey - 29 - 9 finished

Yellow - 39

Brown - 10 - Done

Blue/Grey - 6 - Done

White - 12 - Done

Bi-color - 22 - Done

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Howdy everyone


Mary congrats on hitting 2000 posts.:yay


Cara your blog looks great and I love that basket of yarn.:clap


I have been slack with the saltine making Im afraid, but i have found this pattern that I want to make.

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Tracy its a saltine pattern in the perfect patches book. there are a few in there that I like so not sure which one at the moment. I was going to do one for my DD11 but its my grandmas birthday in may and thought I could do one for her as I havent made her a saltine blanket yet. The pattern calls for 3 row squares so that might go quicker as I would only have about 6 weeks to make it. Still deciding.

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Here is the latchhook rug my Dad made for the table in their sun room. Yep rugs dont have to be on the floor they are great as a tablecloth.


This took Dad ages because he used Moda Vera Grace yarn which meant he had to cut all the pieces himself.


Cara not sure if you can see this but this is one of your patterns, Dad had to change the squares around a bit so it was easier for him to do. Dont ask me which one it is because I have forgotten and of course cant remember now how much Dad changed it.


Not bad for a 76 year old man is it.



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Good morning, ladies. The pollen count is climbing and Kim's congested again. Darn! With luck we'll keep it from getting too bad. The butterfly is in honor of the first butterfly of the season, which I saw yesterday.

Wendy, tell you dad that his rug is STUNNING!!! He does great work!:clap :clap :clap

Mary, yes, I'm working on the Painted Desert. I now have 2 blocks together and joined. I've got about 2/3 of the squares for the next block crocheted. I have hopes of getting it done and attached in time for Photo Friday. I am loving this pattern. I even got my PaintShopPro program tamed and have a version of the pattern done on it. Wheeeee!! :yay

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Linda thanks. Wow your going well with the Painted desert blocks, cant wait to see more of your progress. Is the paintshoppro easy to use. Hope Kim feels better, its no fun when your congested.


Have a great day everyone.



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Thanks, Wendy and Tracy. The congestion is something we have to fight with a good bit of the time. Since her strokes, she has a great deal of difficulty coughing up mucus, so it's something we have to guard against and treat as soon as it appears. Spring and fall hayfever seasons are almost guaranteed to trigger the congestion. However, it's not too bad yet and her breathing treatments have it pretty much under control at present. We haven't had to take her in for steroids or antibiotics yet and hopefully won't have to. The winter before last was horrible. But she's done much better since then.

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Good Morning. I haven't been able to get on the 'Ville all morning until now...just kept getting an error message. :think


Bean! It's so good to see you here. :manyheart


Hi Tracy. :)


Wendy, your dad's rug is beautiful. Is this the first one he's made?


Linda~Hugs to you and Kim...I hope she's okay. :hug


I know I'm missing some posts, but I've got to leave soon to run errands, hair cut, etc. and will catch up later. :yes

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Linda, you're a wonderful caregiver to Kim:hugPeople like you are a gift and so hard to find!


Wendy, kuddos to your dad - what a beautiful latch hook rug/tablecloth!:clap

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Good morning ladies :flower


Wendy - Oh wow!! Your dad's rug is amazing :clap I'm embarassed to say though, I can't remember which one he was doing either. Seems like it was the Windwalker but I can't remember :blush Either way it's great. :D


Linda - Way to go on the Painted Desert. :cheer Gotta get off my duff and get some done, too. Sure hope Kim clears up soon :hug


Bean - Well, long time no see :hug Glad to hear you've made such great progress :cheer


Good morning Mary and Judy :hug


Okay, really gonna get some serious saltine making going on here today. Yep. That's what I'm gonna do. Unless, of course, I decide to take a nap :D

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Cara...good morning!

I vote for the nap!


Off to get some stuff done around here....



Yep, the nap's getting more and more votes as the morning wears on :lol :lol

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Morning Cara. I was wondering how many squares across is a normal sized one of your ghans. I was thinking 3 of my blocks which are 8 squares but the more I look the more i'm thinking 2. :think


24 is the norm for me. And 32 high but that's flexible. :yes

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Good morning, everyone. It's grey, overcast, and very, very windy here today. It's one of those days when every one of my joints hurt. I had to take a pain pill already. Yuck! At least it's working. Only 7 more squares to crochet for block #3.

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I'm just stopping in to say Hi and to thank the FGM in Bristol CT for the package that arrived this AM .. it made one grand Angel very very happy and one gramma cry.. I'm still dealing with my depression and other stuff.. I tried increasing the depression meds and it helps a little but I'm afraid they are going to be changing it or increasing it even more... well it is a nice day and I'm going to see if going outside helps any... Dr said I needed to get out in the sunshine 'cause some of the depression could be the "winter blues"

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Just popping in to say Hello to everybody. I still faithfully read the posts several times a day. I'm working on my 9 patch which will be a baby blanket and hopefully my best friend will someday have a baby girl :clap


Anyway, I hope everyone gets to feeling better. It's spring time here in Alabama which means rain and thunderstorms. At least it is getting warmer and green things are popping up in my Gardens.

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Hi Shelly, glad the meds helping a little bit. :hug I have heard about that over here as well, it is called SAD


"SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is a type of winter depression that affects an estimated half a million people every Winter between September and April, in particular during December, January and February.


It is caused by a biochemical imbalance in the hypothalamus due to the shortening of daylight hours and the lack of sunlight in winter.


For many people SAD is a seriously disabling illness, preventing them from functioning normally without continuous medical treatment.


For others, it is a mild but debilitating condition causing discomfort but not severe suffering. We call this subsyndromal SAD or 'winter blues.'" If you want to read more, go here :manyheart:hug:manyheart

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Howdy gals :yawn


Well, the votes were all counted and a nap won :heehee I feel much more rested now.


Linda - Sounds like we're having the same weather :yuck But at least it's kinda warm here so no more than usual on the achy joint front. Glad your pill worked. I know very well that sometimes they just don't :hug


Tracy - Good info there.


Shelly - Oh Sweetie :hug I sure hope whatever has got you down straightens itself out. If ya need to talk, we're here :manyheart


Okay, time to get busy :hook

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