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Our House [Archive 3]


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Heather - Have you talked to the doctor about samples or one of the drug company's assistance programs? High cholesterol is nothing to mess with just like depression. Hope you both get the treatment you need :manyheart


I'm taking a pill it's just not the one my Dr. wants me to take but he had to deal with it. I know mine is real high he said he was surprised I hadn't had a stroke or heartattack since I had last had it checked. He knows of course I'm self pay and gave me 2 weeks worth of samples to kick it down some then put me on what I'm on now.



Hi Leslie. I am the Queen of Cheating when it comes to quilt ghans...so far they're lapghan or cuddle size. So mine is finished except for the border. :hook Thank you so much for sharing the pattern. :manyheart


And here I thought I was the only cheater doing just lapghan and cuddle ghan sizes :lol



Got you!


Heather - Get yourself some RED YEAST RICE. It comes as a pill/capsule. It is a nature cholesterol lowering drug. In fact, the first medicine that was cholesterol-lowering was actually just RYR, but now they've made synthetic. My mother has used it and it dropped hers like 45 points, I think.


This is not one of those "fixes everything" herbs - it really and truly is a marvel.


Thanks Krystal! I haven't seen that one mentioned on any of the cholesterol sites I've looked at. I want to stay away from the prescipition meds if I can. I will look for that. Is it found anywhere or just in vitamin type shops? I also take fish pills for it but I don't think they are doing much.

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Good morning. It's sunny and nice here today. John gets in sometime this afternoon. Not very wide awake yet. Have a good day.

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I've been trying different border colors for the flower quilt...think I'll just draw straws since I can't decide. :lol Meanwhile, it's back to the baby gingham - NO bicolor squares. :D

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I didn't even realise Sky had moved til I got to the last few posts. :)

Wendy, we went by train (I don't drive, no licence ;)), but it was a quck trip, I think it took us just over 2 hours today, an hour on the train and then about 40 minutes on the underground and stepdad picked us up from the station so we didn't have to get the bus from there.

Mary, can't wait to see your finished ghan.

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Hi Tracy! Glad you had a good trip. Are you going to any yarn shops while you're there? :hook



Been already :devil Well, to one anyway. Went to charity shops and one shop that sells yarn. But did not buy any (yet). I did buy 2 skeins on the way to the station this morning, though. :lol Just in case I wanted to start a dress on the train. I am hoping that SIL is having a girl now. ;)

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I'm still here! Just not as many questions now as before as I think "i'm getting it!" :)


I picked rose pink and coffee (or chocolate cant remember) in Super Saver and i'm working on a 9 patch. I really like how it is turning out which is a lot different then the first project which was filled with trepidation.


There is not too much done but I'll try and submit a photo next week. It will be a baby blanket in hopes of a girl baby from my best friend sometime soon :)


Thank you all for your friendship and suggestions. The whipstitching lesson was an enlightener.



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Hi Daphne - you sound like me...it took me longer than you "to get it." :lol We're looking forward to pictures. :yes


Tracy, silly me! I should have guessed you would have already been yarn shopping. ;) Enjoy your visit with your Mom. :hug


See you all tomorrow. :manyheart

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The Sky Cal is back thank goodness. Thanks Krystal.:hug


Cara thanks so much for the Crochet Magazines, I love them I didnt realise that when you sent the March issue that you were going to send 4 more as well from last year. Thanks once again.:hug:hug


Tracy Im glad your enjoying your time with your Mum.


I have done no crocheting today, I just cant believe it. What a waste of a saturday. Its dinner time now and Im not sure what I really did today.:think

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Oh dear. I missed Friday altogether :blush BD had the day off and we just goofed off all day. Before I knew it it was 1 a.m. and past my bedtime :lol Up with the nightly back pain now. That never did get addressed :rolleyes Anyway.........


Mary - Yes, the Sky CAL got moved. That's all I'm gonna say about :grump


Daphne - Hooray! :yay You were a very quick study. :h5


Wendy - Oh I decided you could use a bit of spoiling :manyheart


Okay, gonna go catch up then hopefully go back to bed :lol

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I'm still here! Just not as many questions now as before as I think "i'm getting it!" :)


I picked rose pink and coffee (or chocolate cant remember) in Super Saver and i'm working on a 9 patch. I really like how it is turning out which is a lot different then the first project which was filled with trepidation.


There is not too much done but I'll try and submit a photo next week. It will be a baby blanket in hopes of a girl baby from my best friend sometime soon :)


Thank you all for your friendship and suggestions. The whipstitching lesson was an enlightener.



Those colors go great together - I recently used them.

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Hi ladies. I was so excited that it wasn't raining and no wind this a.m. that I hit the yard about 8:30. :garden:rose All of the beds are now cleaned up and it's time to quit for today.


Wendy - A day without crocheting just doesn't feel right. :hook


Cara, it sounds like you're feeling a little better...I hope so. :hug


Going to get cleaned up and spend some time with my hook and little squares. :yarn

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Oy, I went back to bed and I'm just getting up :blush But at least I got some sleep :lol I'm hoping to actually do some crocheting today. Haven't done much at all in the last few days. :P

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Howdy doody. No crochet for me again today. I was busy sorting my Mum out. She didnt know what to make and then we thought we had something and she found it to hard to read the pattern and in the end she is doing another ripple.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Mary - Having one of the best weekends of my life :D BD and I are spending lots of time together this weekend. :manyheart


Wendy - Mum's turning into the Queen of Ripples you know that, right? :lol


Think I'm gonna sneak in a bit of crocheting before BD gets up :hook

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Good Morning, ladies. :)


Wendy ~ that is so neat that you enjoy time with your Mom...but two days in a row with no crocheting must be a record for you! :lol


Cara, it sounds like a wonderful weekend. :yes


I'm going to try and finish the gingham this week and put the border on the flower quilt. Then it's decision time again. :think


Have a great day/evening everyone.

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