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Our House [Archive 1]


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Wendy ~ I hope to finish my Bus ghan in the next 2 or 3 days. :yay I still have 2 more blocks on the Ohio Star Variant and lots more on the Woven Blocks to go, so I will be here a long time. ;)


Good Morning, Tabby!


Time for me to get busy. :yes

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Morning. everyone. I've been a real slug-a-bed this morning. Went to bed early and just couldn't wake up. Not a lot on the agenda for this weekend, so guess it doesn't really matter. We got some rain last night, but not sure how much.

Patty, congratulations on getting the Casa done. It is GORGEOUS!! Your work is stunning. :yay:cheer:yay

Mary, your bus ghan is almost done, too. Wow! Can't wait to see pictures.

Cara, have a safe journey and give "big daddy" a hug and a kiss from me. :hug:birthday

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Wow, it is so quiet here today. :eek We've been to DD's and made an attempt to work in the yard, but there was just too much thunder and lightning...our 30th day with rain. :(


I'm going to try to finish the last row on my Bus ghan and then will just have to attach that row and then the border. :D

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Wow, it is so quiet here today. :eek We've been to DD's and made an attempt to work in the yard, but there was just too much thunder and lightning...our 30th day with rain. :(


I'm going to try to finish the last row on my Bus ghan and then will just have to attach that row and then the border. :D



Wow, you are so close to being finished. You go girl. :cheer I can't wait to see pics. :)

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Hi Everyone, I had a great day at mum's, she now has 2 round ripples on the go and has started to crochet 2 scarfs for my nieces. In just one month I have got mum working on multiple projects.:lol


I also remembered to take a photo of Dad's latchhook rug. This is Cara's Caravan Quilt pattern although he has simplified it a bit to make it easier to do. Not bad for a 76 year old.. huh



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Hi Everyone, I had a great day at mum's, she now has 2 round ripples on the go and has started to crochet 2 scarfs for my nieces. In just one month I have got mum working on multiple projects.:lol


I also remembered to take a photo of Dad's latchhook rug. This is Cara's Caravan Quilt pattern although he has simplified it a bit to make it easier to do. Not bad for a 76 year old.. huh




You corrupted your mum already!?:lol :lol Great job!


Tell your dad he's a wonderful craftsman...and hugs from me:hug

That rug is so very beautiful!

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Hi Judy. Yes I have mum totally hooked. :lol She is really enjoying the round ripples and today I started her off on the scarfs she has been asked to make. So she is certainly going to be busy.

Thanks I will tell Dad that you really liked it. Its keeping him busy, he likes to do stuff like that.

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Good morning, everyone. We had more thunder and lightening last night although I don't know how much it rained. From the looks of things we got some. I went to bed.

Wendy, way to go gal. You're hooked and you've hooked both Mom & Dad. That's great!!! Love the look of your Dad's rug. You've got a very talented family.:yay:cheer:yay

Weekends do tend to be a lot quieter around here. I wonder if Julie is gone for the weekend or just furiously doing squares so she can dissolve more of Arnold. Hehehe!!!! :laughroll:rofl :rofl :laughroll

I was really lazy yesterday. Finished a book, played computer games, and in general vegged out.

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Linda thanks. Yes mum and dad like to do crafty things which is great. I suggested to my hubby why doesnt he do something like that and he looked at me real weird like. Sounds like you had a nice lazy day, I like those sort of days.

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Yes, EVERY house is deserving of one of these, and Cara, thank you for this kewl pattern!!


There's a story behind this pillow. Now you must understand that my husband's children have bestowed all kinds of smiley objects upon their father over the years, and I have joined in the fun - down to a smiley sailor antenna ball for his car! He chooses a tie each week from his smiley tie collection to wear to church on Sunday, and one of the girls in his Sunday School class makes sure she comments on them each week. So when I showed my hubby this pattern, he asked if I would make one so he can give it to this young lady next month for her birthday, and how could I refuse? :devil Guess I need to make one for him, too?? :heehee

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Wendy that is so funny that your mom's only been doing this a month and has 4 WIPs. And your dad's rug is turning out great. It looks so pretty.


Linda, we had the thunder and lightning too but no rain at all. It seems weird to have a storm without the storm. lol.


msmusic, the pillow looks great and that will be a sweet gift for that little girl.

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msmusic..how cute! Where did you get the pattern for the pillow? Did you figure it out on your own?

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Wendy~That's great that your mom is enjoying it so much, good for her. :hook I love your Dads rug, it is coming along beautifully. :cheer



MsMusic~Love the smiley, it looks great. What a great gift for a smiling girl. :) I was just looking at that pattern yesterday saying to myself I should really make one of those. :yes



Linda~Good morning. I'm glad to hear you had a lazy day. We all can use those once in awhile. :yes

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Good Morning. :) Everyone sounds happy and busy today!:yes


Wendy, I love hearing about your parents and their projects. Your dad's rug is wonderful -what a great idea for the pattern.


msmusic ~ Your pillow is adorable and you did a beautiful job! :hook


Linda ~ Good for you on having a relaxing day...I'm going to treat myself to one of those today. :D


Hi Tabby, I love your avatar! That needs to be my motto. :think

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Donna thanks. Yes I couldnt believe that mum has turned into one of us. She now says she is never going back to knitting as it takes forever.


Yay Wendy :yay for getting your mom hooked. :hook

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Good morning ladies :flower


Still in San Antonio but we'll be leaving in a bit. Just checking in...I'll catch up on all the posts later :yes


Real quick though, Norma great job on the Smiley!! I never would've thought to make him a pillow :lol That thing started out with my niece and I being silly one day when she was considerably younger. She still has that doll :manyheart


Be back home in a few hours, hopefully. I got the 2nd third of my fourth Big Top block done in the truck on the way up. I'm hoping to finish the last third on the way home. Then only 2 more to go :jumpyay

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Good morning ladies :flowerBe back home in a few hours, hopefully. I got the 2nd third of my fourth Big Top block done in the truck on the way up. I'm hoping to finish the last third on the way home. Then only 2 more to go :jumpyay


Good for you, Cara! I hope you've had a safe trip and DH has had a great birthday. :manyheart

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Home all safe and sound now :manyheart Misa had an active weekend, too it seems :cat She found a ball of yellow yarn I guess I didn't secure and had it all unraveled in the living room, she knocked the horse off the top of the bookcase and dumped some of my FOs on the floor :lol At least she didn't rip up that oversized ziploc this time :lol


Oh well, no lasting harm done :D


Well, I'm beat after all this activity. I think it is time for a nap :sleep


Catch up with y'all later :manyheart

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