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Our House [Archive 1]


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Hi, Melanie. Glad to hear from you again. That's great that mom is going to help you out.

Krystal, that's cute.

Come on, Julie, you can whittle Arnold down to nothing in no time. :cheer :cheer

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Hi all. I think I'm home for the day now and plan on working on my Bus ghan. :)


Linda ~ How is the train coming along? I can't wait to see pictures!


Heather ~ :yay Good for you on being so close on Mr. Penguin.

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Thanks. Short deadlines improve speed. If I was making this for myself, it would probably take me a year. But when it needs to be done for a wedding present, there is a greater push to meet the deadline. I spent a lot more of my free time crocheting than I normally do, just so I could finish it before the wedding (the wedding is 07.07.07 & we fly out for it on the 4th).

From lessons learned here and other places...maybe you'd better get a space saver bag and bring it as a carry on??

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Well, in looking for Tab's genius, I realized that MY math was a little off - it should be 18 parts! And you're nearly done with 2 of them, so that's only .... let me see.....


11 percent. But I'll let you have that extra percent for now. Can you tell in the avatar? The bottom left hand has green - the original avatar was all blue background....

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It was easier if I didn't think of the total number of squares. I usually worked in smaller sections in stead of rows, and would do 4 - 16 squares (sometimes more but not often) and then sew them together.


This picture sorta shows how I was working on it.



That's what I should've done because it was the row thing that killed me. I wasn't seeing progress fast enough. I like to see what i'm making come together & the rows just didn't cut it. :no Maybe i'll give it a go again someday.

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Well, in looking for Tab's genius, I realized that MY math was a little off - it should be 18 parts! And you're nearly done with 2 of them, so that's only .... let me see.....


11 percent. But I'll let you have that extra percent for now. Can you tell in the avatar? The bottom left hand has green - the original avatar was all blue background....



Hey, can't ya let me have anything. :lol We're suppose to be a tag team. Geesh, some people. :lol :lol


I love being called a genius when someone else did all the work. :D

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Hi, Mary. And the rest of you, too. I've been studying and studying the train pattern today trying to figure out how to give it an eye and a mouth. :think I think I've almost got it worked out. :idea I'm experimenting with some squares now. :hook If it works, you'll probably be able to see it on Friday. :devil I've got the first 5x5 block about half joined and the face comes in the next block.:yes

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I'm done! I even finally got an update on my blog I'm sooo behind.

of course the cat had to check it out too.




I'll put a better photo on the Sky CAL on Friday. It's storming and dark here today so I couldn't get a good photo anyway.

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Hi, Mary. And the rest of you, too. I've been studying and studying the train pattern today trying to figure out how to give it an eye and a mouth. :think I think I've almost got it worked out. :idea I'm experimenting with some squares now. :hook If it works, you'll probably be able to see it on Friday. :devil I've got the first 5x5 block about half joined and the face comes in the next block.:yes


Looking forward to seeing the train with a face! :)

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Heather - Woo hoo!!! :woo Mr Penguin looks fabulous!! Another excellent job :hug


Linda - It'll be neat if the face works out :yes Give it a little "person"-ality :lol I'm just so excited to see that one in the flesh.....errr....yarn :think


Tabby - Nope, I didn't do the Casa in rows either.....too overwhelming that way :no Don't feel bad, y'all, it took me over a year to do that one, too because I kept getting frustrated with it. But it was for Big Daddy and he kept me motivated. Thank goodness that thing has held together for over 7 years now. Don't think I'd have the strength to do it again :lol


Krystal - I swear child, you're on a good idea roll today!!! First the Sky CAL lightning round idea and now The Disintegrating Arnold! Love the way your mind works :hug


Mel - Well, there you are old buddy!! Glad to have you back :hug And hooray for Mom for pitching in :jumpyay


Gonna go get busy on my Big Top before I have to start dinner :yes

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Well, the smile is all figured out and I think the eye is too. I'll know for sure when I get the next 3 squares done. So far, I've only had to throw out one square that just did not make the grade. Not too bad.:D

It is really dark here with lots of thunder and on again, off again wind. I think it's trying to work itself up into a storm, but so far hasn't accomplished it. Just a few sprinkles so far. Time will tell. We could really use a lot more rain of the type that soaks in. We got a little of that last week, but need a lot more.:yes

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Linda - Excellent only having one square that didn't work. Trust me. That's quite an accomplishment :yay Good grief, we've had enough rain I could ring out my walls! And they're saying it's gonna be like this again this week :rain I should see if I can figure out how to send it up your way :lol Of course, I'll be wanting it back in August when there's no rain at all :lol

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Morning everyone.


Krystal thats clever what you are doing with the gary coleman. We will know how close Julie is too finishing.


Julie you go girl. You can do it.


Heather I love your penguin ghan. Its beautiful. Who did you make it for? Someone's birthday?


Im working on the Amish this week. I have finished the 5th block and want to try and get the 6th done and some on the 7th.


gotta go to work.


Have a great night.

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Cara, we're having storms again, too. I wish we could send this to Linda in Georgia for a while. :)


Not much crochet time today, but I did finish squares for Row 12 (out of 14). :cheer DH is on his way home from the airport, so I must start dinner. Have a great evening, everyone. :yes

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Hiedy Ho everyone! I've just been lurking here...I know most of you don't know me, but I want to tell you all how entertaining you all here! I follow this thread and the VanGogh's thread every day...just to see the progress and read the entertaining chats! As soon as I get my daughter married off 7-7-7, I will be able to get back to my crocheting! A quilt ghan or seventeen is on my list as is a VanGogh RR. Love the penguin, flamingo, and now the train! Can't wait to see the train complete! I love watching Gary Coleman dissipate too! Julie you really got your work cut out for you don't ya!

Thanks for brightening my day girls...I'll be joining you soon!

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Thanks everybody, It's for me :lol I collect penguins though probably my DD will use it to cuddle on the couch. I want to keep it on the couch for her to use when we all cuddle on the couch.

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Theresa - Welcome to our little group! We're glad to have ya :hug


Heather - Isn't a thing wrong with keeping something for yourself. I'm keeping the gnomes :lol

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Welcome Theresa:)

Long time, no see ! It's good to have you back among us again. I know some of the ones who have been around awhile remember you .


By the way, Happy birthday a little late !


and congrats on the wedding coming up in a few days. How exciting !

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Thanks for the welcome back Cara!

Julie....thank you too! Yeah my BD was great...did absolutely nothing! Just the way I wanted it.....got a little down time that was sorely needed! This wedding is the last thing this summer and as happy and thrilled as I am for my DD...I will be so glad when it is finally over! I will be in here lots more and working on some projects too!

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