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Our House [Archive 1]


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Thropots your casablanca is amazing.:clap:cheer


I have been crocheting mine together and although I only have 7 rows left to do I still have to crochet the vertical sides together. Which I guess wont take long.


What sort of edging are you going to put on yours.

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I've been gone most the day with one thing and another, so this is my first chance to say "Hi, everybody." I have managed to add about 30 squares to the sum of those crocheted for the train cuddleghan. Plain squares I can almost do on autopilot now, but I have to pay a bit more attention to the bicolor squares or I mess them up. There aren't very many in this, so that's nice.

Thropots, your Casa is STUNNING!!!:yay:cheer:yay

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I think the ladies at the senior apartments may like it . I also have extra hooks to give them ,so they will be well stocked for the rest of this decade . :)



Julie that is a great idea. Im sure they will love it. It will make you feel better that you have done a great deed and that you wont have to look at all that yarn.:hug


A lady at work buys yarn for her mum who lives in a nursing home. She loves her crocheting although she gets mixed up and it doesnt always look like a granny square she just loves to crochet.

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Just had to post here to keep Julie on her toes.


JULIE: I am issuing a challenge here... I will keep this "little guy" as my avatar until you finish ONE MORE WIP! :D Talk about motivation!


That oughta do it! :lol :lol :lol

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Now wait a minute.



I want a VOTE .


We aint just whistling dixie here ladies ......


Krystal put a challenge up for me . I have to look at that little dude ARNOLD til I finish a project ??????


Is that fair ?


Please place your votes below and only ONE VOTE per person .


And remember who carries the Big Stick . :tryme

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ummmm I vote :yes or maybe :no can't decide :think


I made myself pick up the penguin cuddle and am finally about done. Cara how many rows by how many rows is your bus cuddle?

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ummmm I vote :yes or maybe :no can't decide :think


I made myself pick up the penguin cuddle and am finally about done. Cara how many rows by how many rows is your bus cuddle?



19 rows wide by 14 rows high

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I vote the boot too!


That is too funny the guy kicking the other guy in the booty. Today my smilies are behaving and I can see what they do. I hope it stays working.


Thanks Cara, I'm debating on making it 18 by 14 not sure. I'll probably end up doing 19 before I decide. See I'm bad at making up my mind.

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Are you a diplomat in your other job ? Or maybe running for political office ?

I kinda get the feeling you have one foot on each side of the fence . :lol







Keep Arnold



Boot Arnold

THREE :D:lol:D:lol:D


( Hope that ornery Tab doesn't show up before the vote is over or I am SUNK . )


Thanks Heather -- your dollar will go out in tomorrow's mail .

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Are you a diplomat in your other job ? Or maybe running for political office ?

I kinda get the feeling you have one foot on each side of the fence . :lol



:lol I feel like it. Maybe I should be :think I'm just indecisive alot :lol

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