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Our House [Archive 1]


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Good morning, everyone. I got all the laundry done yesterday. Just have a few of the things that were in the dryer when I went to bed to put away. I've started planning what to take with me. I have two projects that are for sure coming with me. A round ripple for my nephew's high school graduation and a tablecloth that I am repairing for Kim's aunt. I still have to find some matching thread for the tablecloth and get my sunglasses fixed before we go, so Kim & I will be out and about for a while this afternoon.:)

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Hi everyone,


HI Mary, yes the lady at work loved the crocheted cake. Everyone thought it was for real and couldnt believe that I had made it.


there is nothing better than going through stuff and finding treasures that you didnt know you still had.


Linda when do you leave for your trip. Have a great time.

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Good morning ladies :flower


Tabby - Hope you have nothing but good news at the parent teacher meeting :hug


Mary - Actually I like your choice of light blue better. Country blue is just what I had lying around :lol


Linda - Good luck finding your thread :yes Hope you and Kim have a wonderful day out :manyheart


Wendy - I'm so glad the lady liked the cake :hug You did an excellent job on it :clap:cheer I got tickled from your post in the Sky thread about folks trying to eat the strawberries :lol


Well, I'm in for a day of doctor appointments. Fun. NOT! I hate going to the doctor. I can't even take a project with me because these two don't keep me waiting long enough. I usually don't even take a book with me :P I am glad they're quick waits though. Now if we could just get the actual visit shorter without them poking, prodding, lecturing and poking needles in me I'd be doing good :lol


Have a happy day everyone :manyheart

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Good luck at the Dr. :)


I don't bring anything with me to do either. I actually get so scared I can't even crochet .

My KNEES knock together .


My new Dr is such a gem. I just love her . Last visit, there were 2 people in front of me, but she took me in first because she said she knows how scared I get and didn't want to make me wait any longer .


She also always talks to me about Cam, which she knows makes me happy and calm down a little . :manyheart

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Cara~Good Luck at the Dr.'s. :manyheart I know it's no fun but we'll be here for ya after your done. :hug



Julie~I never bring my crochet stuff either to the Dr.'s. To busy chewing my nails down to the cuticles. :yes I'm a scaredy cat too. :)



My parent meeting was just at Jaden's pre-school. It's just us parents & we talk about funding & where the money is going to go. FUN, huh?? :no But, the good news is that I had an excuse to go with Jaden. :manyheart

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I don't particularly mind doctor visits, it's the dentist that turns me to mush and a basket of nerves. I had a BAAAD experience with the dentist as a kid :eek and still have to force myself to go to the dentist. And the dentist is always the last thing I'll schedule. I avoid them altogether if possible.:yes

I had great success at WalMart. Found the exact color and weight threed to match the tablecloth. It was heavier than anything I had here at home. I also found the sewing thread that matches it, so now I'm set to go on that project. I also got a pair of scissors to carry in my purse so I don't have to use my fingernail clippers to cut yarn or thread when I'm crocheting away from home. Also got the lens popped back in my sunglassess so I'll have them at the beach. Then on the way home a popped in at the pharmacy and picked up prescriptions and a pill caddy, so I don't have to take all the bottles with us. I'm just about set to go. :D

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Linda - Sounds like you've got everything all organized :yes Hope you have a great trip :hug


Well, I shoulda put off the doctor :P I've always been a "sickly sort" and I absolutely hate it because I have a Type A personality to go with it :rolleyes Pain management doc was fine. I've actually made a lot of progress in the last year :yes Now I only have to go every 3 months or when I have a problem :yay


Primary care doc visit wasn't so nice :no Sinus infection, ear infection, bladder infection and they think my gall bladder has stopped working :( I'm so sick of being sick :sigh Oh well, better than the alternative, eh? :D

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Well, I guess you got some good news and some bad. Hope they can get your infections all patched up then you'll feel better .

What are they gonna do with your gall bladder, leave it or take it out ? It's not really a necessary item to have, but if it is making you ill, they may choose to yank it out of there .

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Well, I guess you got some good news and some bad. Hope they can get your infections all patched up then you'll feel better .

What are they gonna do with your gall bladder, leave it or take it out ? It's not really a necessary item to have, but if it is making you ill, they may choose to yank it out of there .


Dunno yet :shrug They're gonna do an ultrasound on Tuesday and then tell me. Both my sisters had theirs removed so I guess I'll make the Hat Trick :lol

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Hi Ladies. Cara, it doesn't sound like you had much fun today. :hug Sorry you're sick, but I know you'll be better soon. :yes


The highlight of my day was crocheting about 20 more squares! It is such a great stress reliever for me...thank goodness for little squares. :lol DH was really impressed with the Bus Ghan so far. :)

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Linda~It sounds like you are a well organized person. :yes I hope you have a safe & fun trip. :manyheart I must've missed it somewhere *DOH* but where ya off to and when ya leaving??? :think



Cara~I'm so sorry to hear about your bad news. :( I hope you feel better soon. :hug I had my gallbladder out yrs. about 5-7 yrs. ago and it really wasn't bad, much better then the stones. :yes I hope that put ya at ease because i'm a BIG bundle of nerves so if I can do it anyone can. :yes I really hope your ultrasound gives ya some great news & you won't have to go through all of that. :hug In the mean time just take lots of valium. :D


Feel better soon. :manyheart:hug:manyheart

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Cara, at least we live in an age of antibiotics and laparascopic surgery!! I have dear friend with MS who went through having her gallbladder out yers ago - it seems it's no big deal anymore - unless you're the one having the surgery done!!

I'll be thinking of you and sending you positive thoughts.

Feel better soon...and don't forget the yogurt if you're on antibiotics...;)

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Thanks for the well wishes y'all :manyheart


Tabby - Valium! I have that! :lol


Judy - Yep, I figure it won't be any worse than that hysterectomy from a while back :lol And can't have yogurt....:sigh I'm also allergic to milk....crimeny I'm pathetic :(

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Thanks for the well wishes y'all :manyheart


Tabby - Valium! I have that! :lol


Judy - Yep, I figure it won't be any worse than that hysterectomy from a while back :lol And can't have yogurt....:sigh I'm also allergic to milk....crimeny I'm pathetic :(

Then acidopholous tablets will be fine - I think even with milk allergies it's be fine, but check with your doctor. I just like to go the natural route.:D

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It's funny. I can be organized when I need to be, but usually it's organized disorganization. I know which pile something will be in and about how far down in the pile. When I organize everything, I can't find anything. Like now, I can't find either of the copies of the pattern for my RR, because I neatened everything up for John. He's a super neatnick or as he puts it, "very anal." My disorganization drives him nuts.:haha:haha:haha

Cara, no wonder you haven't been feeling well lately, with all those infections in your system. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you on the gallbladder. :manyheart I had mine out many, many years ago, and it's a whole lot simpler procedure now. Recuperation is much faster.

Tabby, we are leaving between 11:00 and noon tomorrow. We will have a week in Panama City Beach at John & Kim's timeshare. We'll spend tomorrow night with a friend and part of the following weekend with Kim's family in Valdosta, Georgia. We'll be home some time Sunday evening, the 17th. This is my first time to go with them, but they go every summer. Sounds like it will be a nice change of pace.:yes

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Oh Cara I'm sorry to hear your sick. I hope all goes well with your Gall Bladder.


I've not got much to show on my penguin cuddle but tomorrow I'll put up what I've gotten done on it so far.

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Well, I thought I posted here earlier, but I guess it got eaten by some cybermonster :think .


Cara - there is actually a way to remove gallstones (over time) with a strict diet. I guess it depends on how much you're looking to avoid surgery!


You're not pathetic! I can't have: wheat, corn, rice, caffeine, dairy, soy, and possibly eggs. I just found this out not too long ago, so it's quite an adjustment I'm trying to make. My body wants STARCH sometimes, and the only way I can get it is potatoes. A little disappointing, but I'll figure it out eventually!

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Hi everyone,


I'm now about 3/4 done with my Casablanca Quilt. I just posted my latest progress report and photo over on the livejournal crochetcrochet group: Entering the homestretch?


I hope I can get more squares made this weekend. I have a pottery show up by Duluth, MN (Old World Renaissance Faire). The only time I will have to work on the quilt this weekend is while my husband is driving. He is a saint for all the help he provides when I'm selling my pottery.

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Awwww, shucks y'all make me feel all warm and cozy :manyheart That alone makes me feel better :yes


Krystal - Yep, doc started to say something about my diet and I gave her a look and she stopped cold. This is the South. I grew up with a very Southern mama who was a very good cook. Gravy is a food group in our family :lol I don't think if they resitricted my diet I'd have the strength to go on :lol But you're absolutely right :yes I should be better :P


Patty - Your Casa is looking fantastic! Very neat stitching too :yes Great job :hug


I should go to sleep. I tried but I'm too wound up so think I'll spend a little time with my friend, Mrs Hook :hook


Sleep well everyone :manyheart

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Patty, if you were to sell your casa you could ask BIG bucks for it! It's a beautiful wedding gift - and heirloom!:clap

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Cara- wow, we have some pretty doggone good health-advice people here in our group. And no, you are not pathetic. You have some illnesses. We all have things like that from time to time, so don't ever feel that you are alone in this. As long as you hang out HERE ,you'll get loads of support. This group of ladies gets an A PLUS in my book !


Well..... most of them do. Tab might get a B since she tends to get riled up every now and then and we have to reprimand her,but she's a Good Doobie for the most part . :D

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Patty -that is absolutely gorgeous ! Nice job !!!!


Did you say who it was for ? Is it for you or are you giving it as a gift ?


DUH.... now I re-read Judy's post and see it is a wedding gift. Sorry, folks, I'm a little slow on the uptake in the mornings.



This old brain will kick in by 10 AM or so .

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