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Our House [Archive 2]


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Julie~And lately I feel like our summers aren't even very nice. This year wasn't bad but last year it was even too cold to swim in August. My Dad had to close the pool early. It also seems like we've been getting gipped on our spring weather. It just goes from -5 - 100, okay a little exaggeration but you know what I mean. :D

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Good morning ladies :flower


Sending warmth to all you little snow bunnies out there :wlol


It's chilly in the house right now but the LR is in shadow this time of day. But it's a lovely 54 degrees...gonna get in the upper 70s though. Too hot :P I could do with some cooler temps like last week. That was great. But y'all can keep that nasty snow, ice and a minus sign in front of your lows :yes


Still working on the ghan for BDs coworker today. Of course she's on his naughty list since yesterday and I'm not helping. She found this funny little elf dance thing online and she played it about 50 times yesterday and emailed it to me. It annoyed the heck out of him :lol She and I thought it was funny :D


Have a happy day y'all :manyheart

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Thanks! I put a call into my best friend for her to find the square patterns from the quilt she completed and I started. I will replicate the colors I intended to use for the quilt; cream, fuschia, silvery blue, and mint green (sounds odd but it was actually quite nice on the few squares I did complete).


Ok, so my best friend brought the square patterns over to me.


Is there a crochet pattern that mimics other types of quilt squares beyond the solid and bi-colored square? I'm sure I could figure it out on my own, but why re-invent the wheel if someone has done this already?


For example, take a bi-colored square, but one of the half-triangles is 2 colors?

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Ok, so my best friend brought the square patterns over to me.


Is there a crochet pattern that mimics other types of quilt squares beyond the solid and bi-colored square? I'm sure I could figure it out on my own, but why re-invent the wheel if someone has done this already?


For example, take a bi-colored square, but one of the half-triangles is 2 colors?


Yep, Linda (busy_bee_lmt) is a whiz at just that :yes She can tell you how I'm sure :D


And see y'all? I'm not the only one that quotes themselves :lol

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Morning, everyone. We're boogying around here this morning. The third panel of Mr. Rooster is half sewn and after crocheting 14 squares last night, I have all the squares for the next square ready to go. Our Christmas tree is going up this afternoon, so may spend some time decorating it later. Not sure if I'm sewing or crocheting squares today. Will figure that out later.

Alaina, I've done quite a bit of splitting up squares in a variety of ways and I'll be glad to help you out. Just drop me a line with the specifics and I'll do my best. Mr. Rooster has a lot of odd squares in him.

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Hi Linda!


Here are the additional 4 squares that I would need patterns for. I am willing to pay you for your patterns, so please let me know how we can work this out.


They are located in my Mystery Square Set on flickr ---> http://www.flickr.com/photos/21424424@N02/


Thanks! Alaina


EDITED TO ADD ~ I just realized, if I make each square of the original quilt into 4 squares of the quiltghan, then I don't need a pattern outside of solids and bi-colors. Sometimes if you stare at something long enough, it pops out at you! :-)

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Cara- maybe i should ask YOU that too -- if Linda is talking boogeying with YARN, you must be using some of the old Liquid Thunder too, the way you crank out those squares .


Knowing ME, if I took one sip, I'd be out like a light.


I think mine is somewhere in all those pills and shots they give me :lol :lol Especially that Lexapro. That's my happy pill :D

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I'm a little afraid of the term Happy Pill. That's what the old men at the Dr's office call VIAGRA .


LAST thing on earth I'd wanna have right about now . :eek


:rofl :rofl :rofl

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:lol :lol :lol Too funny, Julie.



Cara~I need happy pills but Doa is being greedy with his xanax. :angry:lol

I'll horn in here:D

Xanax is my friend...:lol

That's the only way I fly without having a panic attack...

BTW: I'm going to have to write down what crochet projects I might want to bring to Vegas next week. It's so hard to decide!:hook

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Doa can't make it to work with out panic attacks. Seriously. It started this summer & he has been on xanax since which he loves. Meany! :angry:lol


I don't know about projects but you can slip me into your bag. PLEASE. :lashes


Wanna know one place I want ot go so badly to? Well, i'll tell ya anyways :lol SANDALS. The sand looks so white & soft. The water looks gorgeous, a beautiful turquoise color. A couple more years when i'll trust someone with Jaden for more then a couple hours I told Doa he owes me a trip there. We never had a honeymoon being so young but we deserve one after all these years. I just hate leaving my kids until they get to an age where I know they can do for themselves mostly & they can tell me if someone does something to them. I know, I know, overprotective. :manyheart

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About all I did in Vegas was crochet. :lol I actually found it kind of boring. My sisters love it but I just didn't get it. But the hotel was fabulous and posh and had great room service. I had my own little vacation in the room while DH worked all day :devil

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In my defense though it would be because i've never had time alone with my Hubby. Last christmas was the first year we went shopping without the kids. Sad but true. We have his days off but mostly there filled with errands & appts. Even if not, it's just not the same as going away & having real quality time together.

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Hi ladies. It's fun to come home and see all the posts! We do very little Christmas shopping anymore (yay for drawing names), but I took care of all but a couple of things online this a.m. and when I was out today. :yay I was right next to Joanns, but was tired and ready to come home.:yes

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Tabby, now I know why you want the ghan squares in tropical colors! And the reason I'm taking the crocheting with me is because {hil will be spending at least part of one day with a friend, and since this guy is divorced...:(...I figured I might get some gifts made and save him some money, too:D


Tab - you are more than entitled to a honeymoon at this stage!


We are really looking forward to a break...no dogs (though we adore them), no phones...and only if we want to we're able to read our email from our cell phones!

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Mary - You must've been flat out exhausted to pass up JoAnns :yes We do buy actual gifts for our two young (4 and 2) nephews. Need to find them something tomorrow. I actually saw some cute stuff in the HEB (local grocery for those not in Texas) ad yesterday :yes


Tabby - Well, in your case I can see not bring the crochet. :yes Only time we ever go anywhere is for BD to work so I'm on my own during the days. And on our yearly trek to San Antonio to see his family at Christmas that's kind of a group thing anyway.

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Update for the afternoon:

* Christmas tree up with lights on.

* Top 1/3 of Mr. Rooster together.


* Now to give Kim her shower and a breathing treatment and then supper.

* Will get back with you later Alaina.

* Tabby, Judy, & Julie - you guys crack me up. :lol :lol :lol

* Boogey juice = hot chocolate with extra chocolate.

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A couple more years when i'll trust someone with Jaden for more then a couple hours I told Doa he owes me a trip there. We never had a honeymoon being so young but we deserve one after all these years. I just hate leaving my kids until they get to an age where I know they can do for themselves mostly & they can tell me if someone does something to them. I know, I know, overprotective. :manyheart


Sounds like my theory. NO ONE watches my kids but grandmas. NO ONE. My logic is the same as yours - they've got to be old enough to snitch on the babysitter.


I have to be honest. If I went on vacation tomorrow, I wouldn't pack any crochet stuff. It wouldn't even cross my mind.


In my defense though it would be because i've never had time alone with my Hubby. Last christmas was the first year we went shopping without the kids. Sad but true. We have his days off but mostly there filled with errands & appts. Even if not, it's just not the same as going away & having real quality time together.


DH and I are going on an "overnight" thing someone gave us a gift certificate for. First time in a LOOOOOOONG time we've been out alone. I just said to him yesterday that I wasn't going to bring my crocheting (I think I lied, though...:devil). But, the room comes with a whirlpool, and yarn and water don't mix well. Might not need it after all.



Got to go get my dinner fixed. It's gonna be late because my meat wasn't completely thawed. I'll just simmer the stew a little longer....

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Update for the afternoon:

* Christmas tree up with lights on.

* Top 1/3 of Mr. Rooster together.


* Now to give Kim her shower and a breathing treatment and then supper.

* Will get back with you later Alaina.

* Tabby, Judy, & Julie - you guys crack me up. :lol :lol :lol

* Boogey juice = hot chocolate with extra chocolate.


Looking good, Linda! :yes

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